The Brussels Post, 1942-6-17, Page 6AVOID WASTAGE when you make tea! You will ge best results both in quality and quantity if you carefully follow these simple directions: Z Scald out the teapot to warm it. 2. Use alevel cup of teateaspoonful for o be served. each 3 Use the exact amount of FRESH water you require and see that it is BOILING FURIOUSLY before you pour it into the pot. • 4. Steep FIVE MINUTES By ANNE ALLAN rjidro HHoot* Economist ",—.."••••• HOUSEHOLD LAXNESS HELPS 1 uniforms, parachutes, etc. 3. Be sparing on cosmetics—They THE AXIS ore like many other "luxury' items—pleasant to have, hat THE BRUSSELS POST #4,Ls,,,i.. x fresh. air � iigtlnting than, at1 Wids oeuasiartc� �`'1i Get 'Plenty of eercise , fres and rest. only will it prove to the soldi� r 11. Doak throw away anything that 1 ,filar they have not been forgotten. can be used --Save everything by the citizens generally but it will from toothpaste tubes to rubber assist in enitg1 tenitug ,the public. totes, needles and little, nails and screws, boxes and Paper bags, etc. Canada needs your salvage. 12. Don't be a hoarder; Discourage itou'ding in 0ilteats--Lt creates panic buying, awakes rationing necessary, Don't buy more than is neeeeseary for current needs. 13. Do your job, do it well and co, operate willing with others. 1. Measure your Victory Quota by "Wlhah can. I do?"—Enroll Civilian Defense work. Buy War 'Sayings Stumps and Bonds to the limit Refuse to passe on rumors and dedeatist propamada. Hello Homemakers! As. head of supplies for the family, it was up to the homemaker to suPIIY proper take care of the foods forenemgY, household equipmeut and spend the household dollar wildly. This ac- contplislted, there will 'be savings and Me good habits of thrift we ac- quire will carry over after the war Period Evely government order from the Wartime Prices, and Trade Board brings the h•'memaker a new challenge --a challenge being met 'cheerfully by all 'homemakers, Far evety restriction is the result of a war emergency and is made as a means of helping towards, Victory' for the United Nations. Here as some of the points to rememtter:- 1. Don't waste hot water—It takes fuel to heat every drop of water• you waste. 2. 'Peke it easy on wash clothe and towels—Wash in the water and not on ,the 'towels. Cotton toy - 'tiles are difficult to replace as xnaedtines, are needed to make don't waste them. 4. Tell the mien [how to make razor blades last ;longer—They may be stropped in an empty water glass. 5. Use electricity only wihen you need It—Don't leave a light burn- ing urgit<g uselessly. More electric power is needed for war industries. 6. Don't turn on the radio unless you want to, listen to it. 7. C'i'eange' to obi clothes at home - 1 Wear Macke or au old dress atI r.,n. Nuke vrntr eood clothes .neat into a cylinder as long as the mended and clean. sausage and tie with a string. Place NUTitl-THRIFT MENU Tomato Juice Frent& Toast with Syrup -Broiled Liver Ooffee or Milk Carole Flank Beef Steak Lrstealloped Potatoes Buttered Dandelion' Greens Whole Wheat Bread and Butter Cottage Pudding with Maple Sauce Cheese Rarebit Spring Salad Bowl Coffee Roll Stewed Prunes and Apricots Cocoa more tutim:ately about the role of Canada's Arniy and the manner 1n which the troops are cared for and :rained, It. should serve to arouse WEDNESDAY, JUNE 104h1, 10'112 ggs For Britain To Be Shipped Dried Catiaddau eggs for Brltain are to be Shipped from now 011 in dried lrotwder foam instead of In the shell, the •Speelall Nroduots Board has elated. The change will make n0 difference 111 the ooatrast prices for a export eggese in 10112, nor in. the e• to Patriotic fervour to a high da a and wand for all the top duality eggs OPPto give the people ni nsnade a real that Dant be .made available for true appreieinity to demonstrate their Britain.. The 'bonus of 3 Dents per are making of the mew who dozen on Grade A eggs to producers are battle the greatest soodflcf me will ha continued, lExporteris% will the battle to preserve world free- continue to offer eggs to the Special dom. 1 Produce Board, ltut lhtt eggs will be shipped for drying as dirO ted by Feminine Charm the, board , I x Iles' in the V(Georgetown The hoe rd etnphoolzes that this (Goorgetown Herald)arm11change in the method of Shipment A. wof her, voice charm soft in. her does not reflect any &Qlunge in the voice. if her voice 'has a sore liquid demand .for Canadian) eggs for gdality, and logely, sweet tones, Wren Britain. it martens not whether .she ie •blonde or brunette, thin or plump, snub- The decision to accept Canadian leased or Grecian. She has feminine shell hos been made to meet the appeal, ,the quality in. woman most shellrequest of the MadeBritis Ministry et prized by meat—and more prtze:l eggs in direct form instead of in Mie ,• POST OFFICES SELL THEM % part yo.7.4 eitalige • FROM BANKS • POST OFFICES DEPARTMENT STORES • DRUGGISTS GROCERS • TOBACCONISTS. BOOK STORES and other RETAIL STORES ss Coffee Roll 1 cup scalded milk 1 sake yeast dissolved in IA cup lukewarm. water 2 cups flour % 31.0 sugar 3'e tsp. wilt 4 tbs. land odnnam,on Gool the milk and add the yeast and one-half the flour. Beat well and let rise until light, Add the .slightly beaten egg, sugar, salt and melted tat which have been, thoroughly mixed! together. Add the remain- ing emabring flour. Let rise until double in bulk. Pour in• eshaltow greased pans. When light, sprinkle with cinna- mon. Bake in an electric oven at 400 degrees for 20 mlint. Serve het. than ever today When so many women are perforce wearing slacks for munitions work, going into uni- form, or hustling about their volun- teer war work in tailored suits. Feminine allure does indeed make a greater contribution to the '„enet- a1 moral than most of us are aw'•'e. So mhen your man conies Home get into your most charming house- eoat, and wear a flower in your hair, or done your most beeomdng frock and your gayest bit of a hat; but let me tell you a secret. If you really want to make the most of Your feminine appeal, turn on the charm. in your voice; for a levoly voice caw be your greetelst attrac- tion. But there are so many voices that are noit attractive. You hear them. everywhere. Some are *harsh. and rasping; some are• flat and untinter- esting•; 'sore are whining and petu- lant; others are spoiled by poor diction, or 6aulty enuciation, or ft ether •of sauards; 5,.111 Creole Style Flank Beef Steak 1 large dank steak 1 lb. patio: sausage 2 cups canned tomatoes 2 bay leaves 1 onion., chopped salt and pepper Score flank steak. Shape sausage longer by keeping them ! Rink steak. Roll steak around 1 Taee care a1 your shoes --Put padding or shoe trees in them Have them' re -soled and heeled'a, ^.av'll last longer—and shoe factories are busy working for our dahting men. 9. Go light on butter, cream, swear, tea, a:c.—Many waste butter, use :00 much sugar, drink tea in stead of mills. ar use cream waren milk would do. 10. Watch your personal health— SOUTH AFRICANS OF THE ROYAL NAVY VOLUNTEER RESERVE WITH THE FLEET Icor some years South Africa, has 111cleded a Division of the Royal Naval 'Volunteer Reserve among the 1)efe ne e Forces of the 1111100.Tin 1111 the. Greet War, officers n,ry served with the 'Grand Fleet, belonging to 111e South Afri,•'t the steak on 0. shallow baking pen, pour the tomatoes over it, add the bay leaves and chapped 0E1011. Cook in an electric oven, 350 degrees, foe 1' bouts. Honouring Canada's Army De.,awed tribute will be paid to he fighting men of Canada's Arq y durng Anmty Week, June 201111 to July 0111. This week has •u085. sec aside in response to widespread Public den:iand for thepurpoee of honouring the men in khaki who offered to sacrifice their lives if tweed be in the struggle to detest the agg'reseons and to preserve demo- cratic freedom. It is true that the Arany bas. been ;solueew)hat oveatsilvadowed to the present time by the sterling per - forename of Oanada's Air Force and Navy, which have seen action on many fronts, while the Arany has 1ea1Laille'd inactive so far as antual oomrbat. is concerned. But it 8110)1ld not he forgotten that in the end it i will require an. invasion of the Etlrapean continent to. ensure *he defeat . of _ I•Fitlerlsen, Then the Army will be called upon to Play Its pant, Meanwhile Canadletn troops both in England and in Who Dominion are training tirelessly to at them - solves for the supreme struggle Which lies ahead. In. training centres, se1Aole and camps 220010 one enc. of Canada to -the other thei are 1 undergoing stre1luone p'htystcal halt- ing and. instruction in modern weapons of war' so that they w111 not be found, wanting when the zero hour comes, The lads of Canada's, army have c5, crilloed al lthe comforts of. civilian life anti the association. with their loved ones in order to serve their country, During Army Week civilians genelialdy will have the olnportueity of aluowtng their ,op pa'eeation of toile sacrifice. They will, have a 'chance; to visit training camps, to witness parades of the troops, as Well rcei to enter- tain the soldiers he' their homes • and et denee11 and concerts, They are esliced ,Coe, to writs letters and send nere.ale to the boys, overseas during this week, 'This is a colleens' dhow and ever? ".+j,smr itv in . (10)1111115 will want to 1n9Ve 'part 'in h0nceirtn'5 tite t'oltntrect it Royal Naval Reserve. In pease time members of Uhe eS.A.,R,N,V,R. :.erve 111lde1' the ordelta of the Com maucler•in-Olrief at Semonstawn and carry ' out thele 'annual training from the navel baso in seagoing SWIM. "Antinunidoming ship," 16" shells are seen being Strunk down •• rel TT M.S. Nelson. These .e elan a toil each :slurring tog .others are hard and metallic. Yet with a little care most voice faults can be ovee ome, and I can assure you that nothing pays quite 'uch rich rewandls as' voice grooming. Everyone to just naturally attract- ed by a beautiful voice, one Mat expresses warmth, sympathy, affec- tions and gayety. It bestows' femi- nine appesal on the most homely woman, end adds greatly to the chaivn of the, most beautiful woman, Food. Stores Must Have Receptacles To Collect Used Tube Metals Ottawa, June 6—The: Wartime Prices. and Trade Board's, "treasure hunt," for selvage materials in. need collapsible metal tubes was on in earnest yesterday. Supplementing gn•evious regula- tions aimed primearily at the con- sumer, *the board annonmced - that every retail mencdhant selling nto- ducts in ooll)apstble meatal tubes must provide "a suitable receptacle, conveniently and 'conspicuously lo- cated in his - store," to receive used tubes. Toclay's order, signed by Samuel Godfrey, admiuistuator of used goods, names retail drug stores as key points for Iooal calleotions. Operators of other than drug, obtain or departmental stores are repuired to deliver accumulated tubes to the nearest retail drat Telephone Etiquette (Kincardine News) • Some salutary advice is given the troops in 'the, latest issue of "1.71e Blue Bell." 1VIudh of it is applleable to civilians in the use of the tele - 'phone es well, and while the advice was primarily offered for wrens of city exchanges, with a few modifi- cations it will stand Bruce tele• phone subscribers In good stand, too. So Iuthe first place. he sure you have the eight runner. It's q'ai•1ker to consult the directory than to get a wrong number and then consult the directory. Wait at least ten ringing signals before hanging up. Wartime re- strictions on telephones apply Particularly to extensions, so it Is no longer as easy as it was f5" the girl friend to stay near a telephone. Ten rings bake only a minute, and if She's worth callit15, she's worth waiting tor.. If site can't hear You, you're probably too fan away 21•Atu the mouthpiece. Speak half nn Inch from the transmitter and lou won't have to go through that beautiful line twice. Even the best lines • won't stand repitition. Rhe won't hear you if you ediresi: ;her as If she were the 'battalion on parade, either. The lash telephone through which ton were supposed to yell was taken out about 1806. Be brief, especially if elle has a party line. You can, recite the Gettysburg Address in two minutes without flurrying, Why take longer to tell ,her 'sties are lovely as a cool drink over a route march? Re• memuhee the gtlyee behind you. merchant each week, Clhsht , and .delpartnient store operators, the order sets out, must :deliver tubers collected or used in. their stores, to a convenient colleo- tdon• point for pick-up by an au- thorized collector. Retail drug stores will ihoid all accumulated tubes for collection by the author- ized ev1le.014ia. on regular oa11s. One other link completes the drain from consumer to Wartime Salvage, Ltd., goverulment•,adaninls- teretl company recently set up to direoot :salvage operations. These are wine eenle drug companies, named in London and other .cities •as "authorized colllectors+' to gather the used tubes from retail drug .outlets and other collection depots im their trading areas; The drug contpanies will dispose of the tubes to smelters under the direction of Wartime Salvage Ltd., with Wartime Salvage defraying legitimate shipping costs incurred by retail or 'wholesale druggists from' money paid by the smelters. There's ;hardly another thing gleddeete the beast of "Ye ltd." more thlane receiving letters from re'ade'rs• ; Two came tarts week. We'll quote a sentence from one that we believe is unique. "Wh.en my paper crimes. T eon so anxious to find oat wilat heal been going on in Palmerston' that I nr,ver loop at the pink label on the Wrapiter, thus. T have neeteet. all to renew nay aubscrintton." Gupotm -191)60 coiner moiler• the bna4inrs 09 "n011011110e flee llvine in an in- ternatniC frhtve. end thereby pro- dnein>; 0Tn intrh awing 1141nnr:" ADURO Pressure Water System will do the same for you, if that problem be lack of running water and sanitary conveniences in your home. Outside pumps and toilets belong to the past. In every home running water should be available at the turn of a faucet. Likewise, a modern Emco l3athroom is necessary for the health and happiness of your family. A modern Duro Water Supply System will furnish the water and make it possible to install an "Emco Bathroom. The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. per hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only - Por a lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory wide trimmings costs only (Son and iron pipe and fittings extra) Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as Duro Water Supply Systems are styled for dependable life-long service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their worth. They can be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation. Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan. 241 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMth,O London Hamilton Toronto Sudbunr Winnipeg Vancouver d. rD si tit lo do 1011 to be pi to $f Be in of td