HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-6-17, Page 4Spode Dinnerware'j . fy Now you' can lovely English Spode a new way-- 5 BY THE eLACJ , SETTII :G This plan 114 ni appealing advantages for the Bride -to -;;be starting p-•cbt14:CC, her dinnt`rware service ... for the hostess who wishes "t'o and to" or start a new service. • L.4‘1," A place setting comprises one of each of Dinner Plate, Dessert Plate, read & Butter Plate, Tea Cup and Saucer. PLACE SETTING PRICED AS LOW AS $3.75. ' We have just received a large shipment of Spode' and cordially invite you to look over the many beautiful patterns. C. Zilliax and Son Hardware, Chinaware, LISTOWEL, ONTARIO The Store With The Stock. Obituary Mrs. Robert McvAihine A foamier well known resident of Brussels, passed away suddenly at Toronto, on the 3rd instant, in the Denson of Mrs, Rolbert McAlPihe. formerly Miss Mary Elizabeth Ross, familiarly known as "Mamie." She was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Ma's. William Ross who resisted here for many years. Mrs. McAlpine was bort' in the township of Morris and cause -who the family to reside in ,Brussels in the early eighties. She attended the public school here and -the high schools •at Listowel and Clinton. Possessed of a very exCelllenit con- tralto voice Mrs. McAlpine rendered valuable service in' the clhoir• of THE BRUSSEM-S POST Melville church and many musical 0(1, .,, entertainments n the. village. She I Servide was oondare10(1 at the also rendered conspicuous service chapel of Turner 'and :Porter, Tc• in ,young peoples loitgnirlatlows and ionto, on Thursday evening by the 8nh,4ay 011001 of her ch.ureh, She I Rev, P. W. L. Brailey, of the Glebe }Isis regarded a. 8speeialist in kinder- United Church also at B elville le garten work. Clrlytloh, and the cemetery, In 1904 She married 'Robert Mc- by Rev. T. E. Taylor o1 Knox Alpine, who survives her, and resld- Oauut+dh, Ci anlbrook. ecl for a time in Stra.t(h•roy, then fo: 'Mils, McAlpine is survived by her many years in St. Marys where Mr. hu.sbanrd and three brothers, Rode - McAlpine. was engaged as a travel- rids and Robea'it W. Ross, Toronto ling 'salesman for Maxwell's Ltrnited. I and Alex of Ottawa; also three • Some ten years ago 1341, and Mrs. nieces aucl one nephew Mrs Ira. N. McAlpine removed to Toronto where Pierce, Mrs, G. J, Wilson, Mrs, 17. they have sinoe resided, A, Scott, Toronto and Austin C. The subject of this notice had Ross of Buffaloand a number of very considerable ability in the grand, nieces and nephews. .matter of organization, presiding at Many -beautiful floral wreaths meetings and platlonm sneaking, and were sent bespeaking the high until failing health prevented her, esteem 171 which tare deceased was was very active in the work of the held. r. >K1Winfi. W.MJS. of the United Church, She Palribearers' were Wm• Gillespie, served with outsitancling success 80 West. Kerr, R. W. Ross, Austin C president o'l the Perth. Presbyterial Ross, T. A. Ross and C. Busctrlp'r. of that great society, also as Pres!. dent of the auxiliary of High Park United Church, Toronto. Mrs. McAlpine thad the faci,ity of making and keeping friends. She had a happy disposition and corn. municipal ;happiness to otherrs. Sae the evening of Jane 2, to clo honour had been !n indifferent health for a to one of their members, Miss, Helen considerable period, but was much Baeker, who is leaving at the end of as usual up to 0110 time of her the month. A pleasant evening was :death, which came without the spent in playing bridge +aanfd a slightest warning. Her passing was setting of spring flowers. After the great shook to her hirmiediate bridge game, Miss Downing pi relatives and an endless number of senited to Miss Baeker, on behalf of friends by whom she was great'y the staff, a lovely silver rose bowl, beloved and will be long remember Miss Baeker very fittingly thanked Presentation For Miss Baeker • The staff of the Brussels. Public and Continuation Schools, met at the home of Miss Margaret Downing on as { APPLICATION CARDS • COUPON . �RATIONING O.F' SUGAR will be mailed next week to every Household in Canada Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 10 week period, commencing July lst, may be issued immedi- ately. At the end of that period a coupon ration book, good for six months, will be issued. UOW TO REGIS'LEII Residents in Urban Areas not served by Letter Carrier, and Residents in Rural Areas . Application cards will be distributed ,to all house- holders through the post offices on or before Tues- day, June 23rd.. Additional cards wilt oleo be de- livered for every person resident in the' household, who bears a different last name from the head of the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured from local post offices. These application cards should be filled out imme- diately and chopped in the nearest mail box or post office. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be deliveredwitheach card. As soon as your name is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards, good for a ten -week period, will be mailed to you— one ration card for each person in your home. These will be for sugar only. Coupon Rationing for Sugar Becomes Effective July lst Beginning July 1st, no one will be peiinitted to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon. , Prompt co-operation on the part of the public in filling out and returning their application' cards is necessary to . ensure return of the rati0ri coupon card in time to purchase sugar on or after the above date. Remember—the amount of sugar allowed each indi- vidual under the new coupon rationing plan will be exactly the same as allowed at present—i• pound per person per week. The provision for additional sugar for preserving, etc., will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied toall retailers. No person may have on hand more than two weeks' supply of sugar, unless resident in a remote district. DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR APPLICATION CARD TO .ANY iJNAUTIIORIZED PERSON WEDNESDAY, ,r[1N.0 17111, 1942 Used Cars With Good Tires 1940 Mercury Coach Heavy Duty Tires, Radio, -Heater 1939 Ford Coach Like New 1938 Ford Coach New Car Condition 1939 Dodge Coupe. This car is a real buy. 1936 Ford Sedan 1936 Ford Coach 1935 Dodge Sedan, 1930 Chev- Coach.' 1929 Chev. Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe 1928 Buick Sedan 1929 Essex Sedan 1934 Chev. Roadster T'R'UCKS AND TRACTORS 1 Light Delivery Truck 4 Heavy Trucks 1 Used Tractor - 1 New Tractor left. On Rubber Wal'king Plows, Gang Plows, Riding Plows, Fertilizer Drill, Turnip Sower HORSES Choice Clyde Mare 4 yrs. old Registered Choice Clyde Mare 5 yrs. old Black Gelding 6 yrs old Grey Gelding 5 yrs. old Dark Grey Gelding 3 yrs old Dark Grey Mare 3 yrs old Bay Mare 3 yrs old Bay Mare 2 yrs old Bay Mare 1 yr. old Choice General Purpose Mare 6 yrs old General Purpose Horse 6 yrs old Cheap Work Horse Cheap Work Mare L W • Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel Ont. those present, expressing regret at WANTED— severing her close connections with A gild for Restaurant. Brussels friends. apply to Mrs. Coleman The hostess served a delicious • lunch to conclude the eVening. United Church W. A. The May meeting of the W. A. of the United; March met at the home of Mus, Adman McTaggart with 40 ladies present. Mrs. Huggans, the President, presided. Mrs. Stewart read the Scripture lesson, important Reams of business were discussed and it was decided to send boxes to the 'boys serving overseas The committee in charge of like social part, as folllows, Mrs. Lewis, Mra. McTaggart,•, Mrs•. Richardson, Put on a splendid ,,urogram, Mrs. , Nurse a solo, accompanied by guitar; Mrs. Stanley Wheeler a Inn -norms read- ing; Mrs. Richardson, hints on First Aid and Mrs.. Lewis demon- strated first aid on a drowning vic- tim. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs, McTaggart and the 00171- rni'ttee in charge. Mrs, J. E. Smith closed the meeting with prayer. Light refreshments were served and a social time spent.. The June meet- ing will be held on the Church lawn ,the (Executive of the W. A.. to plan a picnic and they hope that sill the ladies of the Congregation will try and be present. Melville Church W. M. S. The annual Home Helpers' meet- ing of Melville Church W.M.S. was held on Friday afternoon, June 5th, at 3 o'clock, In the absence of the President, Mrs. John Speir occupied the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of Psalm 74, "0 God, Our Help in Ages. Past" Mrs. John Bowman read a passage of Scrip- ture and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff led in prayer. The minutes of the last I-Iorne Helpers' meeting were. read by the !Secretary, Mrs, Jas. Arm. - .strong and Mrs, R. Thoarrlson gave the Treasurer's report, after which Hymn 339 was. sung, As the speaker, Mos Andrews of Clinton was unable ' Ito be present, Mrs. Harold Speir read', some very interesting letters 1 Craur the graduate's of the Bible College 111 1926.. Some of these were written from Nigeria, soma train.South America, A pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Mary Helen L''ckmiel• after which the 1 offering was. taken and Hymn 652 sung. The meeting closed with the I National Anthem and the •ladies were labterwarclis, served with a dainty lunch in the basement of the church, Rape Seed 28c per lb. Hybrid Corn $575 per bushel We have Millette, Sorghum Seed and other varieties of Seed Corn. Full line of Mangel and Turnip Seed. ATTENTION FARMERS We' would like to handle your wool. .r> Full Line of Feeds For Better Results feed Rose Brand Chicly Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter We have. 'Bran, - Shorts, Oil. Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, Ott reasonable krices. Livingston Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices , paid for Eggs & poultry. We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction. A. J, Pearson Ethel Ont. Phone 22°7 PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS LEAVE BLANK LA'(3Y NAME ONLY 2• APPLICANT'S FIRST NAMES) 3. NUMBER STREET (OR RURAL ROUTE) 4. CITY ORPOST OFFICE PROVINCE JAND COUNTY' FIRST NAMES OF OTHER PERSONS AT SAME ADDRESS HAVING SAME 5. LAST NAME AS AT TOP. AGE II under SB. LEAVE OHS BUNK 6, a. • e. 9. 10. TT. , THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD —DECLARATION— ub~'l IN SUPPORT OF RATION BOOK APPLICATION. ,),;,•,',' 1, THE UNDERSIGNED, SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT 1 („ ( (ANO TH0 100000(50 MEMBE(IS OF 0HE BAMS '1,C,Y'�1' FAMILY) LIVE AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS, BEINO ACCURATELY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND THAT NO OTHER APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE ON BEHALF OP CANADA ANYONE MENTIONED HEREIN. R&1 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR SPONSOR The provision for additional sugar for preserving, etc., will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied toall retailers. No person may have on hand more than two weeks' supply of sugar, unless resident in a remote district. DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR APPLICATION CARD TO .ANY iJNAUTIIORIZED PERSON WEDNESDAY, ,r[1N.0 17111, 1942 Used Cars With Good Tires 1940 Mercury Coach Heavy Duty Tires, Radio, -Heater 1939 Ford Coach Like New 1938 Ford Coach New Car Condition 1939 Dodge Coupe. This car is a real buy. 1936 Ford Sedan 1936 Ford Coach 1935 Dodge Sedan, 1930 Chev- Coach.' 1929 Chev. Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe 1928 Buick Sedan 1929 Essex Sedan 1934 Chev. Roadster T'R'UCKS AND TRACTORS 1 Light Delivery Truck 4 Heavy Trucks 1 Used Tractor - 1 New Tractor left. On Rubber Wal'king Plows, Gang Plows, Riding Plows, Fertilizer Drill, Turnip Sower HORSES Choice Clyde Mare 4 yrs. old Registered Choice Clyde Mare 5 yrs. old Black Gelding 6 yrs old Grey Gelding 5 yrs. old Dark Grey Gelding 3 yrs old Dark Grey Mare 3 yrs old Bay Mare 3 yrs old Bay Mare 2 yrs old Bay Mare 1 yr. old Choice General Purpose Mare 6 yrs old General Purpose Horse 6 yrs old Cheap Work Horse Cheap Work Mare L W • Jackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel Ont. those present, expressing regret at WANTED— severing her close connections with A gild for Restaurant. Brussels friends. apply to Mrs. Coleman The hostess served a delicious • lunch to conclude the eVening. United Church W. A. The May meeting of the W. A. of the United; March met at the home of Mus, Adman McTaggart with 40 ladies present. Mrs. Huggans, the President, presided. Mrs. Stewart read the Scripture lesson, important Reams of business were discussed and it was decided to send boxes to the 'boys serving overseas The committee in charge of like social part, as folllows, Mrs. Lewis, Mra. McTaggart,•, Mrs•. Richardson, Put on a splendid ,,urogram, Mrs. , Nurse a solo, accompanied by guitar; Mrs. Stanley Wheeler a Inn -norms read- ing; Mrs. Richardson, hints on First Aid and Mrs.. Lewis demon- strated first aid on a drowning vic- tim. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs, McTaggart and the 00171- rni'ttee in charge. Mrs, J. E. Smith closed the meeting with prayer. Light refreshments were served and a social time spent.. The June meet- ing will be held on the Church lawn ,the (Executive of the W. A.. to plan a picnic and they hope that sill the ladies of the Congregation will try and be present. Melville Church W. M. S. The annual Home Helpers' meet- ing of Melville Church W.M.S. was held on Friday afternoon, June 5th, at 3 o'clock, In the absence of the President, Mrs. John Speir occupied the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of Psalm 74, "0 God, Our Help in Ages. Past" Mrs. John Bowman read a passage of Scrip- ture and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff led in prayer. The minutes of the last I-Iorne Helpers' meeting were. read by the !Secretary, Mrs, Jas. Arm. - .strong and Mrs, R. Thoarrlson gave the Treasurer's report, after which Hymn 339 was. sung, As the speaker, Mos Andrews of Clinton was unable ' Ito be present, Mrs. Harold Speir read', some very interesting letters 1 Craur the graduate's of the Bible College 111 1926.. Some of these were written from Nigeria, soma train.South America, A pleasing solo was rendered by Miss Mary Helen L''ckmiel• after which the 1 offering was. taken and Hymn 652 sung. The meeting closed with the I National Anthem and the •ladies were labterwarclis, served with a dainty lunch in the basement of the church, Rape Seed 28c per lb. Hybrid Corn $575 per bushel We have Millette, Sorghum Seed and other varieties of Seed Corn. Full line of Mangel and Turnip Seed. ATTENTION FARMERS We' would like to handle your wool. .r> Full Line of Feeds For Better Results feed Rose Brand Chicly Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter We have. 'Bran, - Shorts, Oil. Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, Ott reasonable krices. Livingston Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices , paid for Eggs & poultry. We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction. A. J, Pearson Ethel Ont. Phone 22°7