HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-6-17, Page 1l5c
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Wednesday June 17th, 1942
Honor Pastor Prior To
Joining Armed Forces
.A. congregational Fathering was
held in the. United sinureir, on. 'pipits•
day evening, in honor of Rev. C. L•
and Mts. Lewis and 'son's.
The'choir preseinted Mns. Lewis
with a 'Pyrex double boiler, the
presentation. being made by Miss
Margaret 'Downing, and 'the address.
read by C. Buiehlim. The congre-
gation presented Rev. Lewis with a
wrist watch, !Norman Hoover read
the address. and R,'Cousins 'Mads the
pnesendoition. Mr. and Mee. Lewis
anade 'suitable replies, thanking the
congregation and choir for their
splendid gifts.
A 'short pi^ognasn included duet,
Miss Jean Speiram and Idella Bry-
ans; ,and solo, Mns. G. E. Nurse.
Lunch was served.
.Rev. Lewis, wlibo has been minis-
ter in Brussels United Cluunoh for
the past two years, bras received
an appointed to• the chaplain service,
and will report to Lieutenant-Colonel
Kidd, on Monday. Mva. Lewis and
little sons will reside in Toronto.
Will the lady wdio found a clover-
leaf Brooch in the Attcalde fitting
room last Wednesday evening kindly
leave with Miss MaNab, as it was
a prized keepsake.
With economy eat Graham Wafers
with 'Peanut Butter. Buy it at
Grewar's Groceteria. P-nu't butter
Lk 1b. and large Economy pkg of
Wafers Ile. Buy your Groceries at
Grew.ars they're fresh and we have
a complete assortment.
A Good Play
"Mother in the Shadow"
to be presented in
Brussels Town Hall
Tuesday, June 30th
8:15 sharp
Proceeds for Brussels Red Cross
Cast: -
,Sandra Carr, in search of happi-
ness • • Mrs. D. ,Hemingway
Muddle, the colored maid
Mrs• K. Shurrie
Sara Carr, Sandra's Aunt
• Mrs. E Wilson
Richard Bard, Sandra's beloved
Howard Ellacott
John A. Brownlow, Sandra's un-
welcome suitor J. S. Armstrong
Eddy & Buster, Richard's friends
• • • • Frank Mitchell and
Charlie Fischer
Emmy Arden, Sandra's Motiser
.. Mrs. H• Speir
Jeanette Dooley, from Co11e+:as
dress shop Veronica Bt'ske
(Sasdra's Friends)
Betty Mrs. C. Hemingway
Lou Miss Dorothy Wright
•• • • Miss Laura Ellacott
Kay • . . Miss Laura Speir
Nona .'-'• Mrs. E. EIlacott
Followed by a Dance to
McNair's Orchestra
Refreshment Booth
Admission — Adults 25c
Children under 12, 15c
"I was glad when they said
unto me, let us go up into the
House of the Lord."
Melville Church
10 a.m.—Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a.m Sdorabnent of the
Lord's Supper
7 pm.—"Like Christ or in
United Church
11—Mr. Clarence MoCleneghan
will preach.
, 12—Church School and
Bible Class
7,8'4,, Mr. ' MoCleneghan
s'; s, will preach
St, John's Church
11 a.m. Morning Prayer
Rev. Jenningsl, preaoher
Mrs, G• Ballantyne sud sou Jena,
,Stt•atiord, were week end guests
with Mrs, Jas. Ballantyne.
Waiter lrramcls. (Frank) 'Scott Das
enlisted in Ulne r0.p.A,F., and expects
to commence uaUs duties. about July 1.
Mr Russel Fox, who has 'been em-
ployed wlai. Uire C.N.R. for the past
few ,yearns, hes joined active service
with the R.C.A:,M;C, at Kitdh'ener,
Mus. J. A. Ballantyne, London,
le visiting in. Brussels for two weeks
while her husband ds at military
training camp.
Mrs. Allan Lamont, Mae. L. Rollos
and Allan Ro11es attended the gratin
ation of the formers, gra.ndaughter,
Miss Dorothy Bell, at Stratford
General Hospital, Wednesday of
,past week.
Mises Dorothy Bell, Teeswater,
wilco was a •rneswber of the 1942
Guadu.ation Class of the Stratford
General Hospital, was the winner
of the award far proficiency in bed-
side nursing donated by Miss Munn.
Miss 13e11 is a grandautghter at Mrs.
A. Lamont, Brussels.
(Intended For Last Week)
Mr. and Mils. A. Procter, Blue -
vale, were visitors' with Mrs. G.
'Gallaher on Tuesday.
Mr. T. W. Armstrong and Itis
nephew Glen. Armstrong of Toronto
were visitor's over the week end
with the former's 'brother J. S.
Mrs,. D. Denman and Mies Doris
McAllister attended the graduation
ceremonies' at London last week.
Dr, and Mn*. W. L. MoCutdheon of
Berwick, pa., and Mos. W. R.
Stretton of Buffalo, N,Y., have been
vstting relatives and friends in the
Mr's. Thole, Claris and Frank Al -
cook are leaving to spend the
month in .Berwick, visiting in Buffalo
and Hornell, N.Y.
Week end guests at "Riverside,'
home of Mus. Robt. Thomson, were,
Mr, George D. MnLaudlnlin,, Van-
couver, whlo is vice president and
manager of lVlattdball Welles Co., for
B.C.; Mns, H. Zapfe and L.A.C.
Murray Zapfe.
The Many friends of Mrs. Andrew
Bnlg ht will be pleased to .know that
,she is 'able to One up now atter her
recent serums illness.
Sister Passes Away
Word has been received there by
Mr, 'Chas. Pollard of Morrie town-
ship; of tine death of his sister, Mrs.
Lena McGee, widow . of the late
Samuel McGee. She was a daugh-
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George
Pollard., who lived .ani a farm on the
Huron. Read, just west of Mitchel,
later they lived in Brussels. Afte"
her :marriage she lived in Port
Townsend, Washington and when
her health failed a year ago .she
moved. to Seattle.
She is survived by "three sons
.and Goonge of Seattle and
Jambes of Bremerton Wash., two
brothers, George Pollard, Weston
mut 'Chas. Pollard of Morris town -
Ship and six gran'ddhilrren,
Draw for Emblem Quilt on display
in the Arcade chore will he made at
the Ilibrmy on the a,fterneron 00
Wednesday, Jahns 24th. Proceeds
for Red Cross. War Worker's of 14th
Con. Grey.
Seaforth Ont.
Lucille Ball Jape's Craig
Valley of the Sun
A Mighty •Cavalcade of thundering
action sweeps somas the screen
in this thrilling saga of America's
frontier days.
Next Mon., Tues. and Wed.—
Bette !Davis Ann Sheridan
Monty Wooley
The Man Who came to Dinner
Nothing can be funnier than this
Comedy •Drama. The smash hit
of years.
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat—.
Ginger Rogers George MontgomerY
Roxie Hart
A chunk of time out of the "era of
wonderful nonsense."
Full of fun and noise.
King's Row
Local News_Items
We wish to thank our man;
friends and' relatives Who by their
kindness and slynvpaihy were such a
help to sus in our recent bereave -
mesa. It will long be remembered
The Oliver Family.
Engagement Announcement
Mr, Sylvester Fox wishes to
announce the engagement of Avis
youngest daughter Mary Nobel ` to
Jaok A, :only son of ,Mts. Milton
Lowe, The marriage to take place
in, June.
Engagement Announcement
The engagement is announced of
Dorothy Helen, elder daughter of
Mrs. Baeker and the late Alfred C,
Backer, of Brussels, to Douglas
+0harles Wiarwick, of Owen Sound,
youngest son of 'Mrs, Warwick and
the late Dr, J. O. Warwick of
Bit*eeasls. The marriage win take
lilace in Bnuesels United :Church in
I take this opliontun.bty to extend
my sincere thanks bo ,all those who
made it possaile for me to receive
the lovely wrist watch while I was
Thome on spy furlough. The gilt was
much appreciated.
Pte. Stuart Henry,
New Westminster, B.C.
After two: days of rain the Feder-
ation of Agriculture was very for-
tunate in having is beautiful day for
their picnic last Saturday which
some live hundred stook the oppor-
tunity of enjoying
The Federation would like to take
this opportunity of thanking Mir. and
Miss James Knight for the privilege
of gathering :at their home which
moved an ideal place ,for the
The addresses were begun about
3 pan. with Wm, Turnbu111 as chair-
mah. Mr, Wan, 'Spear ;,yoke- an
half of the Morris, Unit and Mr.
Harry !Sturdy intawduced Mies Agnes
MoPlnatlwho, gave an instructive
talk in her inimitable style.
The most iampoittaat ,foot was that
the Federal government has recog
nized tine Federation :of Agriculture
as !the spolke!san'aar; for farm probilents
'thus if falinars wish to voice their
difficulties they must speak through
Me Federation.
In closing Mists, McPhail stressed
four necessiities, in farm'paoslperity:
os'ganization, adult education, co-
operation and legislation,
Mr. .Euston Caitiff, M.P., spoke
briefly and a plentiful lunch was
served with iced chocolate milk as a
refreshing' beverage,
Bine pleasant 'afternoon with
uacea and boy's' and girls' softball
ganuess which were rather lacking i't
practice but not in enjoyment for all,
Mesons. Harold, Peek and Hansen
McKinley also Miss Weber of,Varna
spent Sunday 'with. Mr, and Mrs,
W. J. Znurtrlbull. Mims Aleen Bel,
worth spent The Week ens'. with miss
Dorothy Turnbull.
Miss Iplizabeth Brewer of Grey
attended the wedding of her sister
Mns: QHiuglh, Penner of Owen Sound.
Telford and Mrs, Keifer and
eon Lloyd spent a, Few days last
week with their son. Wilfrid and
family in Font Erie. Mrs. Arnold
Brawn .accompanied them,
Buy your Groceries et. Grewar's
Groceteria, They're fresh, ,C'omp'ete,
aslsortnnenvt, See our biscuit display
Gast and ear try We sell $ale' lees.
•Gr'aWar'tsi Geo coterie
Phone 5, Brussels
Come to the Belgr'ave Red Cross
entertainment at the home of John
McGill, 4,th line Morrie, 2rt. miles
East of Belgrave en Wednesday
evening, Jlune .24, The program Will
be given be' the Clinton .Air Force
boys, There will be Eingp. on the
gnonudis and dancing to Ai+tliu''S
orchestra after elle program. Booth
and refreelatients, The lucky ticket
on a yearling heifer, valued at $50,00
will be drawn, daring. She evelibit.
Don't ,miss this good. Diane and •op•
i)ontuinity to help along the War
effort.. Adults M. Children free.
Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Inns. Arthur J. Bull•
Morris Twp., announce Uhe engage-
ment of their eldest slaughter
Juneve 'Elizabeth to William T.
Flood of Wintltsor only eon of Mrs.
Fiorenee Flood of Grey Twp. The
marriage to take place the latter
Part of Juno.
Won High Marks
Miss Aileen Dilworth, a pupil of
Miss Alix Hall, A,TJC.•M., of Listowel,
obtained tie highest marks in the
Grade IV Senior piano mid -winter
easam.inatons, at the Western Ontare
'Ooneervuutoay of Music and was in-
vited to play at the 'Convocation
held at Convocation Hall, 'London,
,bash Saturday.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. ens1 • Mrs, David Finlay, Wing -
ham, announce the engagement of
their eldest daughter Edith Isabel,
to W. Lee A, Wardlaw, Listowel
only son of Dr. and Mrs, D. Ward.
law, Ethel. The marriage to take
place quietly the latter pant of June.
The. draw for the beautiful quilt
which hers been on display in the
window of the D. A. Rano store for
the pest weeks, will be !held in that
store at 10:20 on .Saturday evening
.of this week. The quilt was donated
by the quilting circle of the 81111 line
of Grey and the proceeds. are to go
to the Red Cross.
United Church
The, associate anemlbeiis of the
Horne Helpens' of the United Church
held' their annual meeting in the
United .01vuach on Friday afternoon
with the president, Mrs'. R. S. Ham-
ilton, presiding, Prayer was given
by Mrs. S. Davison. Mrs. Pollock of
Fordnvidh, who. was a delegate, gave
a repout of the conference branch
mooting held at St. Marys. At the
close of Over 'address, A'Ins, Hey of
Fordiwvcii, president of the Huron
Presbyterial., spoke. a few words.
At 'tie, conclusion :of.tlte meeting, ten
wasp served. During the meeting a
solo was given by Mis. C. L. Lewis.
accompanied by .Miss Mary David-
Brussels., June 2nd, 1942
The regular monthly meeting of
the Brussels Municipal Council was
held in 'the Public Library on the
above date, A11 members being
present. The minutes of rite last
meeting being read it was move.'
by H. Champion, seconded by W.
Willis that Lire minutes be adopted.
The fall'o'wing bills were presented
G. McDowell, May salary ...., 00.00
Geo. Carnogell, May aeinrY ,..• 10.25
R. S. Warwick, May salary 80,00
Brussels Hydro, street lights 108.00
Hall lights .... 1.72
A. Woosl, uniform 85.00
Ivan McArter, labor 5.00
Potage :...... 8.00
Relief for the month of May 82.05
Moved by W. Cameron, seconded
by H. 0hlampi+n that the accounts be
'Paid. —Carried.
Moved by W. Willis, seconded by
F. Santis that lid action be taken on
the resolnton raulanitted by the
School Board te. have a etufew in
•order to. have the children off the
'streets 1»' 9.00 >?,M. The . Council
felt it to be the duty of ilhe parents
to peep,their own. children off the
The Council adjourned to sit as a
Court of Revision on the 10422
Assestslntent Roll.
Court of Revision
Fallowing the regular meeting the
.Council sat as Conint of Revision for
the 1942 ASsesennent Roll.
Moved by W. Willi%, seconded by
F. Semis. fir's't Reeve Bowman, be
*airman tor the. Court,—+Cnnrled.
Movedd by W, Cameron' seconded
by Ii, Champion that +tne e'ss'eestnent
on Mrs, Gee. Edwards prolperty lac
reduced, to $300, —Carried,
Moved by W, Willis seconded by
F. Samir that the roll es revised bo
the arise+salient roll for 1942.
Among the graduates in the Arts
Course of Western Univettsiity, Lon-
don, 'Mr, W, .t t. Black, it fattier
,studel'd of Brussels Cotnitintratl01S
0110011 hos seemed 2nd class honors
We congratulate yen Bill.
* * * ;i, :t: 1' * * * Frank T. Oliver) aid To Rest
yw E D .D 1 N GOu Sunday, June 7, there Passed
. away in Detroit atter a serious
* * s: ac d: * operation IPrank Tytler Oliver in his
2>iUh year. He wasp Mile seOUnl son
of Airs. Oiiv'er and lire late John
Oliver of 'Brueesis, In 1028 lie was
nulled in marriage to E11en. Ernstedt
of Marquette, Mich, Fourteen
years ago he entered the employ oP
Murray Corporation, Detroit, as cost
accountant, nine years later he was
transferred to time study work.
Recently the was promoted as Ex-
xecutive Staff Standard Division
Time Study Co-ordinator.
He was a .former member of Mel -
Mlle Presbyterian Church, loved by
all nano knew him and a great sport
enthusiast. He is survived by his
wife, Ellen, Detroit, his mother Mrs.
John Oliver, Brussels, Otis sister Mrs
Charles, McGayin, Walton and two
brothers J4ronress of Lan'sin'g, Miok and
John of Toronto.
Masonic services, were held at
Kaes and Matthews, funeral home,
Detroit on Monday evening, from
where the body was taken to the
home of Isis sister Mns'. !Charles
I l McCavin.
The funeral was 'held Wednesdey
afternoon from Mellville Presbyter -
tan' Church, Brussels, with Rev.
Hugh. Jack conducting the Service.
Interment was in Bru'sseis cemetery
under the auspices of the Masonic
Flowers were numerous, and beau-
tiful showing the high esteem in
which tie deceased was held.
The pallbearer's were Justin '!c-
>Cdarty, Tames Cave, Dan Pierron, De-
troit and Sgt. Norman Thompson,
Jack .Caaneeon• and R. J. McLauebiin:
of Brussels.
Friends and relatives farm a dis-
tance were from. Detroit, Washing-
ton, Chicago, Marquette, Toronto,
Ingersloll and Stratford.
The manse, Crantbro'ok, was
seewe of a quiet but pretty wedding
on Wednesday, June 10th, when
Olive Matrgax+et IIsalbelle Hotelmell
became the bride of 'Charies E1 -
wood Struthers, eldest son of Mr,
anti Mrs, Wan. Struthers of Elma
Townsihip, Rev. J. E. Taylor per-
foumed tthe ceremony. The, bride
looked charming in a street length
dress of turquoise blue 'Sheer and
white accessories and corsage of
pink roses. The bride's only attend-
ant, Mies Doris Hackwell, sister of
Uhe !boude wore beige steer dress
and °engage of pink roses, Mr,
13111 Struthers, brother of Uhe groom
attended the groom. After the cere-
mony a wedding breakfast was
served at the home of the bride's
parents, tenth concession of Grey,
1Vhe colour scheme for the dining
room !being pink and white. Later
in the afternoon the bridal party
lett for a short motor trip to To•
non.to and other Pastern points. The
bride .travelling in white embroider-
ed net over taffeta. Tweed coat and
while accessories. After their re-
turn they will reside on. the groom's
farm, •t•weftth: concession Elma
I would l'i'ke to tatce this oppor-
tunity of thanking ell those who
helped in any way and for kindness
shown in sa many days, during and
since the fire which destroyed our
home. The troughteulnese and
kind deeds of all will not sown be
Mrs. Harold Thomas.
"My HUSBAND and the children say that
now there's so much money coming
in, I should have all the things I've
always wanted."
"But I say no thank. you! My Freddie
gave up his job willingly and lives in a
tent. The least each of us, at home can
do is to go without this and that and
buy War Savings Stamps every week so
the boys over 'there will have everything
they need for victory."
Buy War Savings Stang. s front banks,
post offices, telephone oces, department
stores, drnggisls, grocers, tobacconists,
book stores and other retail stores.
National War Finance Committee