HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-6-3, Page 1*:a
Saturday, June 13th
at l P. M.
Lot 21, Concession 12, Grey Township
Addresses bY: -
beginning at 2:30 P. M.
Two Softball Games are being arranged.
Children's Races..
Deanery Of Huron
,annual%ting Conference of Miss Bella Walker, who spent the
winter in Atwood has• returned
To Meet Here
the Deanery Clhapter of Huron, the
Womua "e Auxiliary and, Layhlen's
Association of the Anglican Church
will be held a •St. John's Church
Brusedls, on Friday, Supe 5.
The Conference opens with a
,celebration of the %Holy Communion
at 10 o'clock. The Rural Dean, Rev.
E. C. Gallagher, will be the Cele.
inane assisted by the secretary,
Rev. G. W. Moore, Rev, .John,
Graham and Rev. Dr. Hurford. The
W. A. meetsiutmedtately after the
service and up to three o'clock in
the a:fter•noon to discuss . Deanery
Reports at all Branidbes, of W. A,
woek, to elect a new executive. and
to hear an address from Miss May
Watts of China. Mrs, J. Graham,
president will reside.
The Chapter will meet for the
,.ache two seseions witli the lunch
Period intervening at 12,30, under
the chainvnanetip• of the Rural Dean
sand the Laymen's Association,
under the presidency of Mr. S. G.
Meir, Selaforth. The 'Chapter and
Laymen will also hear addresses
from Venerable Arcisdeaoon Do-
* Mrs, 1J. MoKe1VeY,*we regret to
report, is to very poor health at
the present time.
* * *
Archie Henderson, wireless op.
crater Air Gunner leaves this week
for Delbert, Nova Scotia,
p *
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Williams of
Pontiac, 1V1iclt„ were week end
visitors with Mns, Watson,
te * *
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sperling and
daughters, Eleanor and Dorthea,
Detroit, were week end visitors with
her mother, MT*. 'Leitch.
e a *
Jias. Preset, R.C.N., London, will
return to duty this' Thursday after
sipemdinng a week at his home here.
* * *
Pte, W. 'Coleman, Loudon and
L. Cpl. Kenneth Coleman, Kitchener,
were home over the week end visit -
their parents, Alec and Mrs. Cole-
* *
herty, D D„ Ardlndealcon of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, Mr. and
and Rev, Canon Townshend, Di- Mite T. G. Hempihill and Mrs. J. J.
ocelasan• 'Commissioner, following the
noon hour interval.
At three o'clocet. there will be a
joint session when the delegates i + * * •
will be priv'ledged to hear addresses Mr, W. L. McKelvey and Mrs, My.
from Rev. Canon A. L. Dixon, Kelvey of Montreal and Mrs. L. Eck-
M.A.D:D., General Secretary of the anter of Toronto, visitedthis week
M. S. C. S. and. Rev. H. L. Jennings, with Mme. E. McKelvey and Mtss M,
BA, L. Th., swistelonary to Fort McKelvey.
Norman, in the diocese of Mac- * * *
kenzie River. Duncan McKinnon, local mail
courier, received a beautiful ohe.st of
silverware containing an • eight -
piece service of Rogere silverware
as a subscription bonus. from the
Globe and Mail. Congratulations
Mr. McKinnon.
Allen and -children, Wroxeter, were
Sunday visitors with 'Mr, .and Mrs.
H, B. Allen.
Victoria Hall, Jamestown
Tuesday eventing, June 16th
will be served from 6 to 8
After which a Play entitled-
wil be presented by the South Group
of Gorrle Red Cross.
Admission -Adults 35c
Children 200
The Man on the Cross Reveals
the God of the Everiesting
Melville Church
10' a.m.--Sunday "School.
and Bible Class,
11 a.m.-Service of Worship
7 pm -Service of Worship.
Rev. W. A. MacWililam
in charge.
United Church
11 -"But :what can a
Chritian do?"
12 -Church School and
Bible Class,
e.30 -"Ad Unpayable. Debt."
St, John's Church•
11 a.m-MoiningPrayer
Rev. Jenning , 'Preietiers
End Curls $1.25 and $1.75
and $2.25
Including Shampoo
Permanent $2,00, $2.50
and $5.00 including finger wave
and shampoo
Telephone 55x for an Appointment
Loca News Ite.fl
* .:j * * * * * * *
Thanks to our many sub.
scribers who have renewed *
their subscriptions. Their *
promptness is appreciated. *
Those whoselabel shows *
that they are in arrears *
icor two years and over are *
requested to make a payment *
on account before June 15th *
to avoid any collection *
charges. *
* * * ,k * *
Library Hours
For Summer Months
711t.e Public Library will be epee
Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturdal
afternoons. and Wednesday and
Saturday evenings during the
Months tof June, July and August.
Burgess Long Established
Portrait Studio, Mitchell.
Our Studio is open every week
day a;jso on Wednesday •afternaon,
We also take photos at night. If
you want sittings at night phone
228 for appointment
Wedding Photography a Specialty
Canada Will Observe
King's Birthday, June 8
OTTAWA, May 28 -Monday, June
8, has been set aside thtis year for
observance of. the King's birthday in
Canada. The date is 'declared a
pub1itc Oioliday. His - Majesty's
birthday actually is Dec..
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blackwell
%announce the engagement of their
second • daug'hiter Olive Margaret
Isabelle to Charles Elwood Struthers
eldest son -et Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
,Struthers - at the twelth cencessdon of
Dlma township, marriage to take
place early in, June.
Seafcrth Ont.
LAYING-Kay Kyser and the Band
Also John Barrymore
Swell Songs and a Swell Band 1n
the Fun Test of the screen.
Next Mon., Tues. and Wed.-
Tyronne Power Gene Tierney
Geo. Sanders
Son Of Fury
A Stirring Drama.
„, p -u,14
Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs, -Ben Whittard wish
.t0 annloanrce the engagement of
their youngest daughter, Mildred
Mae, to Carl Wellington Self of
Fergus, s00 of Mr. and Mrs. William.
Self of Har•rieton, The marriage
to take place shorty,
Teacher Engaged
For Public School
Miss. E, Best, Brusesele, has been
engaged as a member oe the
Brussels Public School staff to fill
vacancy created by the resignation -
of Mists Helen Baeker who has
taught room I for the past. nine
Rev. Hugh Wilson Called
To Brussels Charge
A congregational meeting at the
United church was held on Thurs-
day evening for the purpose of call -
lag ,a minister owing to .the resigna-
tion of Rev. C. L. Lewis, He has en-
listed. A unanimous *all was
extended to Rev. Hugh Wilson of
Engagement Announcement
Mrs, Margaret 'Mansion of Walton
announces the engagement of her
only daughter, Agnes Daisy (Beth)
to William H. Waltsh, New Dundee,
son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Walsh. of
Li•n,tlaw, ,Sask.
The marriage to take place the
latter part of June.
Accepts Call As Chaplain
Rev, C. L. *Leweswho has been
minister of Brussels United Chuhoh
1tor the past two years has received
an appointment to the Chaplaincy
.Service. Ile is to r;rttort on June
15th to Lieutenant Colonel Kidd of
Kingston, Mr. Lewis. came to
Brussels after a pastorate of 7 years
at Kiekton and two years at Pelee
Island, - -
Send In The Full Addresses
Of Boys Overseas
Thanks to Brussels Fire Brigade
We wish to take this openietuuitY
of thanking the Brussels Fire Bri-
gade for their donation of $60. to --be
used in helping to send cigarettes to
the boys' overseas from Brussels,
JVTorris and Grey.
The Brussels Fish & Game Club.
Cigarettes Sent,
The Brtrsseis Fish and Game Club
are sponsoring the "Cigarette Fund",
and, the donation; gleaned from the
glass jars in the stores are being
used, to vend esnokes to the boys
overseas from Brussels, Morris and
Grey. The $60.00 donation from
The Brussels Fire Brigade, proceeds
of a danlce held recently foe the
same mimosa, will be •added to the
Mr. H. B. Allen, secretary of the
club, is in charge of tate sending, and
requests. that •those who have not
handed in the addresses, kindly: do
.so as soon. as poslsi'bie• It Is the'
desire of both these organisations
that no one be left out, and in order
to do Itis they must %have all the
Thr following is the list of those
to whom cigarettes have been sent.
Spr. S. Wilson
Gen. Roy E, Pierce -
Pte. No•i,ntan Toun,g
Cpl. J. Cannpbell
.Pte, T. A, Bendall
Ger, Don A. Black
Gnr, A. Cuawford
Tor. G. T. Nichol
Pte. P. W. McFarlane
Pte, M, H. McDowell
Sgt. 0, R. Jamvrin
TJAC K. M. Murray
Tpi'. L. E. McCauley
Pte, E. C. 'Lowrie
Sgt. H, L, Hnether
Pte, S. Lamle
C. A, Myeats.. Capt. R.C.A.M.C.
L5,tee,'Cpl. P. Walter McFarlane
Spm. N. A. Fargnbansoa
P.O. Speir, John
AC Sipeir, • Kenneth
letter. • Dave Matinee .
Pte. H. Bowler
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat,-
Jimmy Durante Jane Wyman
and The Navy Blue Sextet
•:You're In The Army Now
A New Team -That Will keep you
on your toes For laughs and thrills
Maltese Falcon
When single. features as thele are
ahosn last show starts not later
fhat 9.16. . 1 ' ' i
The Best Races In Years
"1st iSeatortt next Wednesday
attennoon 2, p,m-.. The Boosters
Club give the best dams Horse Races
,in years. All the dhanmpions in 12
events. . The admission has been
reduced to 50* and tax with no
change for Autos or Grand Stand.
Overseas Tobacco Fund will take up
oo1'ledtion for Treats for •soldiers.
25e ,send 1.00 cigarettes, Don't
Nlisse either event. Mitchell Races.
June 24th; Exeter, July Stet..
Another Salvage Collection
The people of Brussels and com-
munity are reminded that there will
'be another collection of salvage
Saturday of this, week. Be sure
to have pours gathered up and out
reedly for the collector,* when they
pall. Fartmens, are asked to bring
their salvage to the Arena which
will be open from, 9 •am. to 11.30
aerie and from 0 b.m. until 10 p.m.
Mr. Blackstone. • Owen Sound.
Piano and Octan •Tuner and re-
pair work. will be an this vicin'rt"
1st week to Juine. Anybody
wantins env work done. phone
Bruseeh Post or Myth 119:
After a four-year period here as
rector of the Anglican churcbes in
Olarkilburg, Heathcote, and 8th Line,
Rev, 'Oldham leaves end of June for
Brussels, parish. -
Anglican Rector
Transferred To
Brussels Post
ReV, M. Oldham Returns
To Parish Where His
Ministry Started
Appointment of Rev. NL F. Old -
hare, rector shute April 1st, 1938, of
St. George's COtuz'oh, Clarksburg:
Holy Trinity, Sth •Line; and Si.
Augustine's of Heathcote, to the
Brussels Parish, comprising St,
John% in Brussels, St. George's of
Wialton; St. David, Henfryn and St.
Albans ins Atwood, has been an-
nounced by Rt, Rev. C. A. Seager of
London, Lord. Bishop of Huron.
The change of ministerial duties
for Rev, Oldham •comes' Jttly 1 st
next, tboiai his farewell services in
the ioeal.ehnrges will be that beard
June 28th, the same day which Rev.
J. S. Duncan conducts farewell sere
ivies in' Grace and Victoria United
Munches. Rev. Oldham's successor
Oras not yet been named.
In going to Bruesels Parish, Rel'.
Oldham, who came to Clarksburg
from Christ Church, Tara, returns
to the fold in whioh 15 years ago, he
commenced This ministry, le. that es-
pecially of Hen,fryn and Astwood
churches, which; have since been
•comlbined into the larger circuit The
With Truck
The traneport truck of Cilas. HL
Davidson Is on the bottom of the
Maitland river at Ethel where it watt
Plunged when the bridge collapsed
as Mr. Davidson was crossing It with
a -load of feed on Friday about six
o'clock In the evening,
Otte driver and Otis notuipanion, J.
Rutledge Jr„ suffered - only minor
injuries, How the two men escaped
practically unscathed is the cause at
much comment. It was fortunate
- that the wetter was not high when
the accident oecurred or I, le
poseable that both might have
The truck was travelling south
out of the village of Ethel and the
occupants; were unaware -of what
was halVening until the bridge
completely collapsed and plunged
the truck to the bottom of the river
where it landed on. its, *1de.
The bridge is a total wreck. Ex-
tent of damage to the trwok is not
fully known• as the frequent heavy
rates sim•ce have evade it impos-
sible to raise it from the river bed.
Hundreds of people viewed the
scene of tee accident that evening
and anany more over the week end.
departing 'Clarksburg church rector
Was the unanimous, choice of the
four Boards. of Managers in the
above Har+on. County parish, the ap-
pointment carrying with it a larger
salary commitment. He succeeds
Rev. F. ' W. Davis, formerly of
A native of Ceatsmorth commun-
sty, and receiving his early educa-
tion there, Rev, Oldham attended
Riverdale Collegiate and Wycliffe
Lists of required salvage were given College in Toronto. During his four
out a month, ago Everyone is asked Yeats oe ministry, he has. ever
to do their share for the salvaging been faithful to his ehurceis- doc-
trines and ritual, energetic in pro-
moting the various activities of the
of these articles is Absolutely Vital
to our war effort. See %that YOU
do TOUR part.
Brussels Pupils
Present Recital
A recital was given in Melville
Aresbyheidan Church by the pupils
df Miss Mary Davison's, clads, The
neoitall •opened, with prayer and scrip•
thee reading by Rev. S. Karr,
The progruan included piano solos
by Gracie Kele, Betty Cousins,
Donelda Willis, duets by Jean
Matihesion and Doreen Long and
Bnwce and Donald IOdgai; solos be
Oliarlesi Lewers, Duncan. Jamieson,
.Mavis; Oliver, Esther Raymond; a
duet by Joyce and Mavis .Oliver;
solos by Lawrie Cousins, Marjory
Sanderson; Edwin herr, Joyce
Oliver; duet by Jean and Mary
Wiltoriy solos by Doreen. Long, Jeau
MarNieeon find Dorothy Lelnniexl
duets by Morjory rSaindenson end
Betty Miiuet, Jelin Kerr and Ian
Matteson, and solos by Lillian Gib-
son, ,lean Wilton and .Tune Work
Presentation, of a Pitt and eerti-
ficate wee mia•de by Mrs. ' Alex
etes ibeih to Edwin. Kern. Tit was
pinned pie by .Mrs. Wesley herr,
presitienit of the Miea3ton, Band. '
Musical Recital
On Friday evening the Town Hall.
was crowded 0(5 the doors for the
annual musical recital presented by
the pupils of a mmnlbor of the nu' -al -
soheals of this district. Miss. Velma.
Wheeler, musical ,supervisor and the
respective teachers. are to be con-
gnatuiarted on the success of this
The chorus work from each schoal
elbowed the result of 'training and
careful practice as, in each case the
wholeschool sang, not selected
voices. The numbers in two part
harmony were more difficut but the'
children, seemed to enjoy doing
Special nowhere as solos, duets.
,action •sang0 and folk dances gave
variety to the program.. The rhythm.
bands in special costames, were
outstanding numbers.
A massed divain• -of sixty-five
voices give the opening and closing
numbers. The Salute to the
United' Nations made an impress1Ve. ., .•
climax, Witir the choir as a back-
ground five pupils suitably costumed
and can-rying the respective flag,
for each, of Tire united nations,
arranged themselves across the
front of the Platform. As each.
took his or hew position the choir
sang a nuaneer to represent that
country. The last one to take her
position carried a large Union Jaeli
and the choir and audience sang the-
three stanzas. of God Save The King,
A email admission was charge(
and about $43 was taken in f'J.
Red Cross work, but the printer!
reason for the recital is to instil in
everyone a love and appreciation
of vocal mucic.
Schoois taking part: No. 1 Grey
teacher, ,hiss. Wright; No. 3, Grey,
teacher, Miss Caldwell; No. 1,
Morris, teacher, Miss McDonald,
No. 4, Morris, teacher, Miss Fear;
No. 6, Morris teacher, Miss Mac-
Tavish, No. 9, Morris, teacher, Miss
Best; No. 3, Mortis & lit Wawano*h,
teacher, Masse Coulter; No. 10. 13.
three church parish Stere, and con -W evanesh, teacher, Miss McGowan;
ducting cervices of a. high spiritual I No, 2, Tur•nberry, teacher Miss
nature. 1 Thacker; leo, 4, Turnberry & Morris,
Rev, Oldham also interested him- teacher, Miss Procter.
self in varlets civic euterprses that Program:
commanded Itis approval. He also 1 •Massed Choir, voices from aB
waseChatelain in tie lame L.O.L. and 1 scihools; Remarks, Mr, R. Bowman;
a frequent lecturer before various Chorus, No, 4, Morris; Dance, Ne. 4
societies. Citizens ori the dietelet will I Turneerry & Morris; Song, No. S,
wish Rev. Oldham every good for- s Grey; Cohorts, No. 3, E. Wawanosli
tune in inis•new Where of labor, I & Mori}is; Solo, Shirley Radford;
alt Review -Herald, Thornbuey , Choses, No. 1, Morris; Rhythm
,. 1 Band No. 9, Morris; Song (Jr, girls)
DIED i No. 1, Grey; Chorus (2 -pant) No. 101
lefeAlpinine-•Mrs. Robemt Mcselphiue , 71, Wienvanoslt; Dante, No, 4, Morris;
(Miss. Mamie' Ross) Toronto or, I Chorus, No, 2, Turnlberry; Solo,
Wedtueistlay morning, Tune 3rd • Alice McKenzie; Chortle, No, 6,
Funeral will be held from Melville Morris; Duet, Battle' and Donald
Preslbyterean Church, Brussels, on! McOuhcbeon.; Address, Mr. 3, 13-
Friday, Tune 5015, at 1.:00 p, m. i Kinkead; 'Chorus, No. 4, Turmberry
&oesalt, Intteranent 15 Bnuseels' Cem- 1 & Morris; Song, No. 3, Grey;
IChorea by No. 1 , Gray
' Ribbon Dance (English) 370, S.
MOR(R,ISION In London, on Satur•
Morris; CArorudt No, 10, E, Wawa
dray, May 30th, 11342, Jenet Mnrohi• nosh; Song (8 ghee) No, 1, Morris;' .son, beh(rved wife of the late John Thorn; .No,: 9, Morrie; Wald
Quadrille, No, 9, Morris; Cbortis,
Morrison, itt her 88411 year.
Pni vete Janerit] was held from her 1 No, 3, Grey; Rhythm Band, No. 1,
late residence in Wroxeter, oft. Grey; Solo, Mildred Charter;.
Tuesday. ,Tune 2o0, 1942. Service i ,011oeus, OVt, 4, Mbrris; Maestro
et 2,30 pm, Interment was made thou, "Salute to the 'lepers
in Wroxeter Cemetery, Natiosst"