HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-27, Page 6'fit/ersaotyoiaq
�b 4w4 '#9eliMmts
News From
The International
In this year of gasoline ue4 tire
shortages old dobbin occupies a
lrlace of supreane importance. Nut
reduce ...the days when father did ht"
0041'110g with a fancy horse and rig
arae ,bice hese been sa essential to
the welfare of our counitry. This. is
particularly o when you. consider
that in all probability another Year
will brine even scantier supplies of
gasoline, which is, .so esential to the
opeitation of mechanized farm
J. W. Gamble of Gerrie is one of
the impoetamt figures in connection
vRh the International Plowing
MStoat whielh isscheduled for (M-
other 13, 14, 15 and 16th in Hallett
Township in Huron County, .He Is
the director of the horse Shaw and
during the past three months has
been actively engaged in laying the
Pouudhtion for one of the most
successful Honse Shows in the
History of bhe International. "J. W."
rs a really and truly practical farm.-
er with bhe interests of farming at
meant. Born and reared in the
country he has made a success, of
farming and it is a mark of tribute
to trim that bis fellow farmers nave
returned him, on the Howidk Town -
hip council and in, the Huron
Couay for iso many years. Mr.
Gamlble knows and appreciates good
horses. He based Iris farming on the
proper use of horses and it paid him
dividends,. It is little wonder then
Kiat the is so keenly interested in
seeing tlleat the Horse Show at the
1940 International Plowing Matdt
will be a successful one.
Hvrmseri are going to get a break
that they deserve, after being placed
in the background for the past tiAld-
leer of years by reason of the
tendency toward power farming,
fart. q
n$F1'Ilil�� Ikillt
t '
�l �t`iiiil �3'+9gt�"
• 4
"I've read
killers when
it's up to me
to train our
got to pay
buy War
them what
ups are fighting
they've got
the money—$5.00
start out on
Boy War Savings
druggists, grocers
, -�.�
, tom.
' II 5� tri ^I!A yr '�
r, i
d9• I., .
` t II
, r
how Hitler starts training his
they're toddlers. So I reckon
and every other Canadian mother
children to realize that they've
for their freedom!"
why I see to it that all my children
Savings Stamps every week. I tell
freedom means—what -the grown-
for -=that it's for them! So
to give up something too—and
back for every $4.00 saved
come in mighty handy—when they
their own!"
Stamps from banks, post offices, La{ff�%t9
and other retail stores. �
National War Finance Committee.
Tho' Your Rubbers
Uppers Law -Forbids
To Burn Them
Ottawa, May 18—Scope
regulation making -It an
destroy tires has been
include all scrap rubber,
onneed today by the
munitions and supply.
. The order now provides
Person shall (burn, cut,
"any tire 'nr tube of a
truck, motencycle, bicycle,
or other vehicles, any
hose, scrap from repairing
making repair materials,
scrap front preparing
retread scrap, fan: (belts,
hose," or other used
rubber products or rubber
An authorized tire
make the bast possible
and tubes which can
for further use on bhe
resell those which
Be On condition, must repair and
You ' those which can be made
for operation, but is allowed
of the to another authorized dealer
pair and resale a tire Which
offence to not want to repair himself,
broadened to ATI tires or tubes which,
it was an- be sold, or repairedl for sale,
department of
be disposed of as salvage.
to sell
for re-
le does
of the
wiR be'
hour of
'hands of
that no
or destroy Court Of Revision
passenger ear, - For The Village of Brussels
• airplane,
ribber ,boots, _The Court , of Revision
or frons Assessment Roll of the Village
buffing , Brussels far the year 1942
for retreading, held in bhe Public Library,
radiator on Tuesday, June 2111, at the
or disear 8:00 P, re.
sicrap. All appeals must in the
dealer must the Clerk during the first
use of tires days before the Court of
be made fit All parties assessed will
road. must themselves accordingly,
are in good R. S. WARWiLOK, Clerk,
-- .. ...: _..---'-,i-.,--- .__. __•-------.
Attention r, ool Growers
Send your clip of wool through "Stone's" licensed local collector
' or ship to us direct. We guarantee to pay full Government prices,
—give honest grading—send prompt returns None can do more,
William Stone Sons Limited
Ingersoll, Ontario
Registered Warehouse No. 5
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public
Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
DailY from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00
(except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)
Emergency Pastures
Aid 'Milk Production
r ainters Asked To
Collect Scrap Iron
International Harvester
Dealers Organize Drive
To ensure continued high milk
production daring the lot summer
months, tilre Ontario Department of
Agriculnture recomanend5, emergency
tray and pasture crops as a supple-
ment to ordinary pasture.
Two bushels of oats withone
bushel of peas per acre make a
good emergency hay crap ,and is
ready to cut when :the pea pods are
about hallf developed. It is cured
and handled like any other hay crop.
' One of the most popular. • emer'g-
•en.cy pasture creps_isa mixture of
2M bushels, of oats and. 20 Pounds of
noei'itiied sweet clover need per
acre. This mixture, which is ready
to Pasture six weeks .after seeding,
should 'be pastured sufficiently Heavy
t0'lteep the oats from coming into
head. This. combination lass the
added adrvantage that the sweet
clover clan .he used .the following
year for pasture, hay or sitag5.
Fall pasture shortages can be sup-
plied, by the use of fall rye planted
only at die rate of around 2 bushels
Der acre. Rape or kale may be used
These latter crops are planted abort
the middle of .Pune in rows 28 to 30
inches apart at the rate of 3 to 4
pounds. per acre. They may also be
broadcast at the , rate.. of 5 or 6
neurosis per acre. They are usually
ready for pm -hiring the latter part -of
September or even earlier in a fav-
orable season.
Property Renters Are
Resting ,Vlore Easy
1t used to be law that if a land-
lord' wished' to get rid of one tenant
ori order to occupy ibis property with
another family,. one menthe notice
rues anWdcient.. But now things
have changed. and • if Mr. Landlord
wishes. to , o'ilange tenants he is re-
quired to .give notice in writing and
the notice shall be served at least
three months prior to the date of
vacating, This order ,caans into
effect on April 24th of this year and
A notice to vacate may be given
if idle landlord in good faith has
made .au agreement to sell the
housing accommodation under the
terms of which he has, agreed to
give vacant possession to the buyer
and providing •he has deiiveredi to
the tenant an. undertaking in writing
signed' by the 'buyer that such ac-
eammtodation will be occupied for
a period of at 1•easlt one year' tram
the date on whtdh the tenant is
required to vacate, as a residenne
for the btYer or for his parent or
child or for anyone habitually resid-
ing with hire es a niemlber of his
family or for any person employed.
by him, In the case of a monthly
tenancy the notice Shall be in Writ•
int and the length of the notice
shall be at least 'three menthe
terminating at the crit of any Par-
ticular lease molthdi-
All organized effort to collect all
ttru ,wrap metal poiesible from Can-
adian f,uuna to help, meet the critical
war production need for scrap was
aunoufcedrecently by Mr, 11. C.
Ray in charge of advertising aril
safe's promotion. for the international
Harvester Company of ;Canada
Limited. The scrap collection cam-
paign will be oondueted by Inter-
national Harvester dealers in their
localities andis pant of a Dominion.
wide drive for scrap from farms by
Harvester dealers in 3000 com-
'Ihe plan calls for bhe establish-
meat by the dealers of scrap col-
d farmers
depots to which
may bring all the steep metal
they can find on their farms and
from these points the scrap will
be sent as quickly ae (possible to
factories turning out guns, tangos,
and ether war supplies The scrap
will be sold through regular sal-
vage channels with remittance to
each fainter for the, full amount
his scrap brings. There will be
no charge, no commnissions, or no
profit in it for the Harvester dealer
Who performs his service as a
patriottc duty.
"Knorwing as we do that no people
anywhere respond more readily than
fathers( to a cause of tints kind," said
Mr. Ray, "we believe the faxmers in
our territory are going to Pitch in
and get this ,scrap into town and on
its way to the factories."
Observe Army Week
June 29 to July 5
Defense Minister Ralston ,has an-
nounced that the Canadian •soldier
be honored throw rout Canada
May 27111, 1942
Clear telephone lines for
Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking system now
carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't bit needless delays
hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend.
$PEAR distinctly,
O directly into
OANSWER promptly when the
bell rings.
CClear your line for
OUSE OFF-PEAK hours for your
Long Distance Calls.
These ;binge may look trifilog, but
on 6,50'0,000 dolly telephone
calls, they are very important.
the mouthpiece.
during Army Week, from June 29 to
July 5th,
A national program. boas been out- 7,
lined and it will be augmented by lo- ,
cal events in every military district. -
Chuncihes, civil grows, industries, fl- f
nencial houses, retail stores and or-
ganization's are being asked to join
the citizens of Canada in paying tri-
bute to the Canadian Army chiming
the period.
The general program will include
features at interest to aid. There will
be parades, demonstrations, and
visits to army tannins. •Public and
private .buildings will fly flags all
week, and service enrbiemi5• will be
displayed in hones, churches and
hirslinjsls houses. Theatres will
,present alimy fu1mis, and' will displiay
atony equlpomeni in- their lobbies.
Final details of the Army Week
pragra'in will be announced to the
nation in a national broadcast entit-
led "Honor the Canadian Army" on
the night of •Sunday. Tune 28. The
ofacial program will get tinder way
on Monday, June 29. wdidch has been
dedicated '4S'oldier's Day." There
will be dances. parties, and special
entertainment for the 'nen an ser-
vice. in Canada. and arrangements
are Tieing made to ,have the men
overseas rememihered with, ,parcels
and gifts.
The next day. Tuesday, June 30,
has been designated ".Civilian. Day"
and details of a program to encour-
age fraternization (between the
Army and civilians are being work-
ed out. For instance, all civilians
will he asked to prelpare meals en a
food ration syetshn, wlhiclh may yet
be a necessity in Canada. Restaur-
ants, will be asked, to serve meals
identical to those of the 'Canadian
There will be ,garrison parades
aplenty on Wednesdiay, Jnly 1, in
~which bhe Active and Reserve Army
.the Canadian, Women's Arany •Corps,
and m1iitlbere or the Canadian
Legion and auxiliary forces and ser-
vices, will take Part. 'Military
demonstrations and displays will be
staged wherever facilities permit,
The 11 Military Districts. of. Ma-
eda will he featured on 'rlhan'sday.
Tuiv 2nd, when programa will Ise
Presented under district 'arrange-
ments.. They wiil arrange Special
army features,
Canada's new reserve army will
be especially in evidence in "Re -
nerve Ashy Day," Friday, July 3rd,
when. eli members of the Canadian
Resetwe, Army will be instructed to
wear their military uniform
throughout the day. Special event.
will dentonsltrate the part the re-
serve must play in iihe present war.
The, United Nations, will be feted
on. Saturday, July 4th and tate part
being played in the building of the
Canadian Army by Canndinn,s, of for-
eign extraction will be emtpdiiasized
Detachments from the United, Wang
Perna will be invited to visit Canada
and there will be . cosn.petitive sports
events. with. U.S. teams. Parades of
Allied nationals, particularly civil-
ians, will be ]field.
Winding up this busy week,
church services. ,at both active and
reserve army manes and barracks
will he bed Sunday, July 5111, and
all 1Uie churches, will be asdced to
devote their prayers to men of the
armed forces. ad a successful tenm-
ination• of the pa'eseait war. Train-
ing centres and camps both active
and reserve. will be open to ilia
During the week it is likely many
Canadian eoldietts will visit the
United. States, and, American soldiers
will be guests of Canada.
A Club has been formed of 'boys
belonging to Brussels at the Fair
grounds. They have carried Plywood
and Scantling from Mr, MaDonald'a
Lumber Yard also a number of
C lairs from some other place. We •
ask that this, material be returned
and there be no further trespassing.
By Order of Fair Board,
Simple props, such as the tshnis racquet and visor worn by this attrac
tive model, will help to make your informal portraits successful.
INFORMAL portraits sometimes
1 fail because of two reasons: first,
the subject may be one of those
people who just can't appear at
ease before a camera; second, the
subject has nothing to do and thus
appears artificially posed. There's
not too much we can do about the
first situation, but it's easy to
remedy that second condition. Just
introduce a few "props,"
What are props? Well, in its pho-
tographic sense the term covers
practioally any existing or fancied
object. But generally speaking,
props for informal portraits include
only ordinary items found in almost
any home. For instance, in this
week's illustration the tennis equip-
ment could well came under the
heading of props. Perhaps the sub-
ject 15 Et tennis player—it doesn't
make much difference—because she
lochs as if she had been playing.
And the. props in the picture are
almost totally responsible for that
effect. Take thein away, and you'd
have nothing but an ordinary pic-
ture of a rather attractive girl.
Clothes, although most of us don't
think of them that way, come under
the heading of props, just as do
books and chairs. Different clothe3
will create different moods in in-
formal portraiture. For instance,
consider how changed our tenni!;
player might appear in an evening
gown. Take advantage of that fact
the next time you picture people.
-Show them in several different
types of clothes.
You'll find it pays to assemble a
grab bag of different types of props
for use in informal portraiture. In-
clude Sports' equipment, books;
drapes, different types of hats, etc.
It will help to make your informal
portraiture more interesting to your
eubject, as well as to you,
878 John van Guilder