HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-27, Page 5Car of Wheat
ON Hand
$1.40 per cwt.
On Hand
Soudan Grass ' 'e
D. M.
Phone 46
rus,aaussery 05T
17iJanlem,P,f'ad,4rtt,are ,X1;D.a1 e , t•
! Trooper Lorne Macauley;
Dear Mother and Dad,-
ant a few lines' as 1 an �
Jwyen't mob
time, We are going t oa an-
other edheme Witten wl prabablY
last four days, As we 'can : net
weite very easily while j oat, and
four daayis may mean quite;; a bit in a
nisi' getting over, 1 decided tq t10
rlgOw as the atwrting tilde to 0430
11 await it is only '0400 14s. now, of
contuse sewer is in between which
takes a little time.
Rec. two lettens from you a
couple of days ago March Gbh with
Miss Hislopes letter and March Let
with uncle Henrys, letter. Today
I lied a letter from: Bill and I got
your parcel today, It Jure was
nice bo get 1t and- thanks a lot
and everything in it came through
fine. 'Gash loom it sure was great
I was •ti'ck'ed all over, ',;Say you
know w01at I can do with 'Grapenet
Flakes, boy, were they ever a treat
Last night some pais called around,
One tad, some Canadian Butter, . an-
other coi'fee and I used ma oream
other coffee and one a loaf of bread
and I used my cream ckeGse. We
toasted tete bread and ,surd! ,hada
'sociable even4n'g. I also' received
letter from you home folk with
tea bags, cigarettes and blades also
cigarettes from Aunt Maggie and
,uncle Ed. you floanik them; for me
and I will, drop them a note later, It
is nice to get Ube banclbercfhdees and
.cox and one thing sure Yott,' do not
forget me. ).
'Same /here. I Was supposied' to •go
to cl.uridh this nnlornling bun did not
go, It was to be a 6 mile parade,, we
had an air raid alarm at breakfast
time and 'tad to (stand to). We
also had an, air raid alarm a while
ago which lasted over an•hour, Dur-
ing that time we had to stand by
our veh4eles. Planes were over-
head 1stno boanibs: were dropped.
I 'saw best/ween 300 and 400 British
,planes.ovetthead encs day enroute to
France. It was quite •a eight. S
hee a'little bronze medal which I
found,. It bee •St. Joseph om one
aide 'Creel on the other is: a verse in
French which reads! Faites briller
sur hove vdtre face. Et nova e'ehons
In Bunnit reads:
Clause our face to shine upon tie
%Win'11 be Saved.
l'bi:Seedp' G:'
and Rape Seectt
t Lavisir
,truss esu
P n
Formerly of Brussels
UWEN SOUND. Two l4]tens,rt I'assiriedAds
Sound 'brothers, 'sons. of the 1¢ate!•ane i,. '
G. McKay and Mitis. MoKain alneeitB: ;vFiPg ,SALE--/
active service in rtes pereeannl,, 11:eaarge Pecan Dunk Eggs ,65s per
Lieut, '3oidon S. Meaney, of "Ere setting, 11 eggs.
Omen's' Own .Rifles, Newmarket, plh.one 42-r,2:6 Baxter, Stevenson
and A02 Jclhe McKay, who le taking
t9e Radio Tedkffichiend Course in
the Royal Canadian' Air F of ce at''thd
0.. A. 0„ Guelph, Gtii'd'on; -the elder
joined the staff 'of , the Canadian'
B nk of 'Commerce in Owen 'Snead
ann was later 'trans/tarred' to Brun;
eel* and St. CabharInes; He was in
To'ron'to at the time of his, enlist•
merit last fail. Jahn McKay, who
joined the R.C.A.F. last December
15, as a graduate of the 1934 ,class of
Ube University . of Toronto, but
an 6006cand' of Wood, 14-Inc/hes, or
t,a5iay)isiount of it.
cr uv7Aleac Bryans, Beigrave • Onte
niti6ee;13n-i0' F! #Ir l
All kinds of plants, Tomatoes,
Cabbage, Flower's, Pepper and' "'etc.
These plants are hardy • and have
not been forced. _ -
atilia 5644 ' fT'
70 ‘i,, •MrS :Ciira.A9!Workman
even in Iiia student days was Riema
Bed with the newsttaper profession. FOR SA ,F"
I{a was on the editorial. anal of , III"
Owien Sound Sun -Times for seygral
ii 14r Manure Spreader in good oon-
r :ilitlQAi»'R'brse`'trailer wiUll, a ' 12 -inch
jroliday seasons and iihen went to box, the -sides and ends can lia' 'te-
Conn'wall in 1836 as a reporter on v':
moved from horse trailer to °l4;gta1
Tho 'Standard Freeholder. He ad- to box. P. Anent
vanned rapidly and in 1940 he he- ---
oame editor. ,, veF,OReSALE
1 Buick oar, 1 Chesterfield,. Suite,
1 Heater (wood or coa.l);'t In Falling
1eafj•Pieb1e,-:i.'Dl4eser. `';i•::
Apply ---Frances Dress Shoppe.
)1,.}4ri"iN s Frarnigey's home.
East Huron :.. :,
7 Produce
a gs, Poultry & Feeds
1Phock db,
Erussets , I
Commercial'' Feeds'
Mill Feeds •
Bone Meal,
Oyster- Shell '•
Cod 'Liver Oil
to make ` the hens
lay 'A' Grad;, eggs
We are li4 tits"
market for ail kinds
"Flock Culling ,
A Spaciaity"
Bring Us YourEggs:
Our Motto='''
Honest Grade,
on ,every egg
For eata9ilished Watkins Route.
Stec r. Customepe carets lie: Vilest
aibln hake,"°'t}tavey qutflt4' or
,means of getting one. ' No capital
or experience P tuts required. Write The
1' R. WatkinJe :Cnanial,7neDe;tet-,e(Q,B-4
77 N111asson Street, Montreal Que.
E"= W.
v ,-
Registeled Ifonk Boar; bred by
Hooker Bras, Quebec. En,Cl "'sun st
r 'Iw oye+aa• dhampions. 'T46'111.00
coact. Fgrenooneand :;evenings otWY.
No ,nelyva:kept..:•
phone 43-•r-114 Bruvsels' :.
Huronle •Piggery, .'.
Adjoining .Walton, Fant.
Tenders willbe received up to
$aturdas June 6th, 194Z, for lunch -
irk fo'allowmen and helpers to be
delivered to the field @lait' of
the International matii1 (approxi•
meteiye a00). Lomat to comaselt of
two Ineadwiohes, tham .or beef
kiluclst,of,cake or cookies and P'i 'tea
ooffeeepr unilk. For further part!-
euleaseepply to R. Williams, R.R, 9,
Beaten, p, Rowe, R. R. Eeter;
wri3.,I 9theringto 1, R.R.PIR S001.
1;tjET YOun 1-1MANENT
' THERMiQ LICA en tel,
End.Curt;•$125 and $1.711
and $2.26'_415 -
Including Shampoo
Permanent $2.00, =2.50,
and $5.019 including finger wave
and shampoo
:teplione55x tor an Appointment
'`0'0611 Proctor's -Restaurant
Mrs. Housekeeper: -
This tried "and approved Short i*''
ening is just what you need to
be .better satisfied with all your
Start Using Easifir .
1 Lb. for • 19c
A. D. McDonald - Meat Market,,
Phone 69x Brussels, Ont.
I Went To ChurchrIn an Marys,,
1 went to church in., n leers., -yes
w -,r+
f•=ft wav ^on Mother s Day,
And as I wia,e very early' ,,I. lied) a
chante'io see them enter and
„No, Uhey.did not enand• 'bot lir
beladsh ::; , ai
Bat ,went ori Uhei1 `kheee, i at lovely
Lards dm
•T+hey•,knelt as the organ wan; soPtiy
An,d tater ars the choir•,'ht gown 'of
:. .white ,
Slowly treaded their way to the
, , front
They all ,allose and joined 'in t)Ine
That was sung on Methern: Day
There wale no time for whispering
As all joined do the service of prayer
And the beautiful baptism at the
close of the ,psalin4e
Made one drink on'Ireaven and. ah1
its, i almiv. -
Yee, I went to •ohunoh in St. Marys
on Methar''e Day.
P. S.
I agree witil S. Oarrindo-nt'o
talking id 'dhuncib,
The Jamestown War Workers held
'their regular anonhhly teo on May
14611. The 11o,stesses for Uhe tea
were Mrs. Dennis, Miss M. Turn-
bull and Mtn, Frain. Fiolliowing the
tea, a bale' was packed of work com-
pleted, this past inoiubh. The con-
tains included, -
9 quilt's
12 pr. ssocIGs
1 scare
' 1 pr. wristlets
1 po Palmas
4'pi', ladies bloomers
3 chine/ern nightgowns
5 .ahi,pdreise' slips
8 pr. chdldrons' blopniers
3 pr' dltlldrens' .stockings
1 caiilen, dress,
1 chilyd',s coat
, 1 baby's kimono
4 baby' Jackets
9 bathyal' bonnets
2 lendttedi :baby dresses
1. pr. knitted mate'
2 pr, knitted soakerei
1 man's coat
3 pr ,ladles' shoes (used)
wetoe,t Ay, MaY ,2'lto, 1942
e. ie.
rraaYe a.ae0 10 101010 the cbinuge In
library house, nom Saturday to
VVedneed'ay eveuiwgs et 3 o'clock,
conlnlelaoing on June 3rd,
:VL•r. and Mrs, Geq, J3dwar'ds of
Wr oxater called on a few of their
arraign/here on, Pluened•ay evening.
'`ire couoert 'he)tl lust 'i"ueentiy
night, by. Alar , Aruoid Eia16, emaele
instructor, was a decided success.
The ehurtrh was filled to capacity
and the dhdldren (lid their Part extra
Pte. Stuart Henry was home on
flrlollgh tram New Wesbmister,
B.C., FIe visited Mra, Henry and
baby in Winglram, also his parents
here; Arthur and litre. Henry.
Mr, and Man. Plum,steel of Clinton
spent over tare holiday, at the atone
of ;Rev. H, Snell, also Constable
Helmer Snell of Seafor•th was a
visitor there on Sunday.
•Contmenion was observed• in the
Ethell Presbyterian Ohurch on
Sunday, with four new anennbers
added to the roll, 'Misses Doris
Cuuningttamtt Ruth Dunbar, Doris
Hack -well and Mr. Kenneth Thomp-
son, Rev. J. E. Taylor conducted
the "church of the -air" on .Monday
morning, the 2411h, at'Wingham with
members; of ,the Cranlhrook choir
Mr, anti Mrs, Mervyn Grainger
and little daughter of James,! 'n
visited friend's in. the village on
Mr. Carl Woodcock of Toronto
visited tie aunt Mrs.. Harold' Love
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Speiran and
sons of Brantford were holiday visi-
tors. with W. C. and Ms. Stevenson,
10th 'Con,
Misses Jean and Ruth Franklin of
Toronto spent the week end' wick
friends here and at Atwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiliiamle, Mr.
Stuart Ferguson, Mlesee Mary and
Llllua s Ferguson. and Mr. and ' Mare,
Franey .of.'Maan'iiton "visited .with
Geo. and. Mile. Dunbar over'the hol!-
Mr, Caitlin, Kreuter
Lender, -netted over the week end at
419. - *51-c.• 51-c., �a-
Meows. Waster Barrie 'aid
d Jail'..
Wallah of Ayr, visited lash week et
the holme.'of Arlin'and.Mna. Kreuter.
Mns, A. Ziegler'. and Billie and
Mns. Leitch .of JOmueeels;' visited
friends inl Petnolia over the holiday,,.
At 7. N. afeCorinirelic Toronto
visited .at Elwyn, alhomrpgonds,
Mr. and' Mns, F. Davis' of Mount
P1eaealrt and err, and '14Ire. 12
Bar{1on,;of W0'odisihoak were `!1paden
greats at Geo: and Mns, Aclaan
Mr. and.,Mn1anFraitk • Bryans end
Barba)ia et Hamalton, a11lso161i, and
OS., Fran* Mutter' and family :,p1
Os1awa,. M•r. and' -Mrs Jahn' ,Snell;
and ,Larry, Jamestown: Cpl. Verne'
Shell of.'Guelpat. and Cpl, Ceoih
Bateman, who is on furlolig ht tearer
Gust& were all visitors atbhe home
-of Joseph, and Mrs, 'Ames` on' Uhe
blohday. ,
1Vi1s. Melvyn Jlaokiin and famdly
of 1161111 conn., Grey, spent Sunday
With 'Clifford and Mrs, Relent],
Miss Jane iVlcLenn'am of Ripley
,spent over !the week end. with 'her
enters Mem 'Stanley .Dunbar and
Mrs. Jas Wright.
Miss Eddtlh Patterson spent ate
weeks end at her hoarse near Ripley.
Recent visitors. at 'W111 McLeod',
Ethel, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
aNtelh!olson, Miss, S6rirley, 14Ir, Joe
iniaaliiolson and Mise, Clank, Mr. and
Mns. P. MaGroulth,er, all of Toronto;.
Mr. and Airs, atm Henri/sieven' of
London; Mr. and Mrs, Donald Duke,
and Mises Helen of Moorefield; Mr.
and Mrs. /Sam Patterson, Mr, and
Mrs, Jahn Story and famlly,
Miss Miary McArtea' bass returned
to Tononto after Mending two
weelgs with her brother, John Mo-
Arter, 511. line.
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Stewart, Miss
Edna McArter psent the week end
at'the home of John and Mrs, Mc-
Arter, their aunt and uncle.
See lihe canary To our window: -
Vegetable Plante, Flower Plants' and
P'ot'ted Flowons, They are good,
•healt6Ly planta, Order your NOW --at
•Phone 6
Mr,, a.nd Mns, Edgar Hollinger and
Charles' of Hamilton spent the
holiday at the drains of Mr, and liars,
Ohaa. Pollhrd.
Mrs, Chas, Pollard' is spending a
few days this woeit at the home of
filer dangbter, Mao 'diger Hollinger
oar Hamilton.
'Alen Brewer of tike 4tfit line,'
Morris, duels purchased tate farm of
the late Wilhelm 'Wdikhngon on the
seine Hire acUoining his ewn
No better time - - No better place
To buy a good pr yateJy owned
with, rood Tires.
to choose from.
1. Choice Black Mare 1250
1 Bay Horse 6 yrs. old 1350 lbs.
1 Bay Mare rising 2 yri: General Purpose
1 Bay Mare rising 1 yr. General Purpose
This is your opportunity to get your present car completely
overhauled. We have the trained.Mechanics to do your
work. Have Your work done while parts and accessories
are abailable. Buy a Battery now. We have them in stock.
Get your permits for tires. We can sell any eligible person
a used tire. Nomatter what :kind of car that you drive.
what you want or need we wilt look aper it for you. " Dont
forget to get your tires checked for air, your car greased or
ashed. WE CAN LOOK -AF OER•1T> W 'f 1J
L. and W.,
Jackson MotOrs .Ltd
Phone 1':61••" Listowel, Ont.
Mrs,. Mabel Hunter Kingston,
Mich., formerly Mabel. , ..Radway,
T,uanbenry town.dhip, fir•a'nd ;,Mrs.
James, iallid'ay, Wipgdiam,
Oampaell, Mrs. William
:Wrnghaan, Mrs Saran Campbell, son
arid daughter, Saskatoon; •Saskatolue-
„wan, ,witlh .Mao. Margaret Rolph
and daughitersl; Mr. and Mrs,. C. G.
Yeo and Marie, 0.aaig1ay, with
,friends,. .Mr. ,1 and , Men Arthur
Chs31epon>b, ana eon, Allan iTor-
onto, t,witihn Mr r, and Inns Eldred
Ntelb o1 a/In and; Mint ` Edgar Mc-
,,Midhael,; Torgato, _ with Mr. • and
*tet.,. Wigliaml ; .McMichael; LAC
Arnold Lillaw, St. Thames, at his
home, ¢; D.iSmi*, Brantford, at
/his benne; S. Ralph, Detroit, etthe
hoone of Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Mann,
Mrs. Ralph and daughter returning
bome with himafter spending a few
weeks. here; Mr, and Mee. Jack
llsbrstor, Onaway, M'icrh„ and Mrs. 10.
B. Jenkins, Damaale road, with
Mies Olive Scott and Mrs.. R. F.
Gamins; Mr. ana ntrm. Thoana,s
Field,' Teeswater, wihh. Miss Duff;
Atleai Barnard;' Waterloo, "with Mr.
and Min:—Edward Barnard; Isabelle
Meenanon' and .bro3her, Spence,
Waterloo witch tiheir parent, Mr. and
`lams. R. 31.' McKinnon; Lorne Mc-
Cracken, Seaio•rtb, with Mr, and
Mrs, Alex-
McCracken; Mr. and
Mas. A. D Strait n and EMan'or with
)3r and^ Mill, i1.'" P':' Berry,' Bruce-
11041M'lsa, Florence .Fo,wler , with
1rlenda at Seaforth; Mr. and,.:Mem,
G, A. Love with Mr, and Mrs. A
D Scott at Beefortb,
'Personals- Mi', and Mita Georie
Dpnaldsonl ,Mise Sanderson and Mr.
7:Ina rison; Toronto,. at the ,.Sanderson
home;'2VlitheThully Duff, lir, N„. To-
ronto, Mats M. L. Aitken, Holten,
and Mise Donotlhy Aitken, St, Marys,
wi'Uiv Milsei ,Mary Duff; . Mr, . and Mrs.
Jack Tslblster, Qnaavay, . Mich., wdtat
their,couslne, Mac and. Olive Scott;
Mr. anid Must Robert Tuhnbull an'd
d'anghter PatrIcie, Byron, , with Mr.
and Mrs Edward jolt/ninon; A. D.
dents, Royal Canadian .Air Force,
Brantford, at his home.
Rape Seed 28c per lb.
Hybrid Corn $5.75 per bushel
We have 'Millette, Sorghum Seed and other
varieties of Seed Corn.
Full line of Manger and Turnip Seed.
We would like to handle your wool.„
Full Lane of Feeds
For Better Results feed
Rose Brand Chick Starter
or O.A.C. Chick Starter
We have
Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate,
Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices.
Livingston Stock Feeds.
Highest Cash Prices
paid for Eggs & poultry.
We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction.
A. Jo Pearson
Ethel Ont.
Phone 22r7