HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-27, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday May 27th, 1942
Brussels '.fed Cross
A Recital of School Music
under the direction of 'Miss Velma Wheeler,
Music Supervisor
will be presented in
Brussels �'o i' Hall on
Friday, MAY 29 it 8:45 p. m.
a.r •r•r,^t,•
Schools from Morris, Grey and Turnberry townships will take
part in the procrratii eitj soma, dances and
rhythm band nuiirbers.
Admission for Adults -15s Any public school children Free.
Net proceeds to be' &Unad' to' bels Red Cross.
'Wartime Restriction
On Deliveries
There has been certain claseseifi-
cations. and amendments of Order
Number 120 of The Wartime.Pi'ipees
and Trade Board' respecting' de••
lived^iee and the follewling are of
amain. hive:i$nde tin .boils, customers
and retail merichants af+ this com-
The Order Prohibits:
Deliveries of purchases. under
$1.00 in value, and applies' to all
types of deliveries,. including tri
cycle deliveries and those by
. boy
on foot, i�trwp
Broad interpretation should' be
given to items such as:
1. "House furnishings" -to 111^
chide radios, rugs, Carpets, drapes,
chinaware and other such items
purchased for the house;
2. "Purchaser too illi or frail or
otherwise disabled from making
delivery himself". -Serious efforts
should be made to keep within th6
' spirit of the Order, but retailers
will have to accept the word of the
purchaser on telephone orders.
Amendment to Order No. A•57
'Pim Order wh1dh restricts. motor-
ized. retail deliveries, to one a day
in any one district hies been extend-
ed to include a1iso deliveries by
horse 'drawn vehicles, as well as
motor. vehicles. This has, been
•effected .ba prevent unfair ohnipeti-•'
tion by 'stores which use horse
drawn vehieles to make deliveries.
'While the Orrdei' respecting deliv-
eries will effect a `great saving in
gasoline, tires and, mechanical
equipment, retailers should remem-
ber that even greater economies, can
resent from' 'urging ousbomensi to co-
operate. In this wry the .stiirit as
well 'as' the letter' of the 'new regu-
lati*ns will be brought into fullest
effect. )Result w141i'be highly .setts -
factory to all concerned,'
Customier& of "loeah stores 'are
milked to bear Ti mind that tlheis
'order le made in, ihe ' government
under the 'Wartime Prieos and
,Trade Board.
Mr• Blackstone; Owen Sound,
Piano ,and{ ()igen:Tuner and re-
pair work, will be in this vicinity
lst week in June. Anybodr
wanting any work done phone
Brussels Post or 'Blyth 119.
"Behold, now is the accepted
Melville. Church
10 a.m..-Sunday School.
and Bible Close,
11 a.m.-"The Ascension"
Fifth in aeries on
Apostles Creed.
7 p.m,-"Barabbas or Jesus."
Urnii,ed Church
lir-"Things that make for
12 -•Church rSchool and
Bible Class,
St, Jo' hn` s Church
• 11 a.m. Morning Prayer '
Rev. Jennings, Preacher
s • • - • • • •
Local :News
Engagement Announcement
Mr. Duncan Brewer announces
the engagement of hie second daugh-
aughter, Verna Muriel, to Mr. Huge E,
Penner, only son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Penner of Veeboro; The
marriage to take place early In
Burgess Long Established
Portrait Studio, Mitchell
Our Studio is open every week
day also on Wednesday afternoon,
We also take Photos at night. If
you want sittings at night. phone
228 for appointment.
Wedding Photography a Specialty
t d:iThe real "Super-duper.' kind
kind t p t
Obituary really bear. Vegetable plants .ower
i a ,• • • r • • plants and patted flowers. NOW is
Mrs. George Turner the time to plant theem and HERE is
the place to buy them' ---AT
Deatih claimed the life of Mrs,
Geo. Turner on May 23rd at the
home of her daughter in Windsor.
Deceased was born in Bruce county
in 1808. She was a member .of
the United Kdauroh and was an
active oharoh memibeh until 4 years
ago when her ehalth failed, She leav-
eanes to mourn hen• loess her husband,
three daughters Mrs. Roland Nichol-
son, Winnipeg, Alan., Mrs. Frank
011amberce, Langton, Ont„ Mrs.
Adam 'Neely, Windsor, one son
!Stewart at home and ten ' grand-
children. Funeral services were
condnoted by Rev, .Snell from the
chapel: at Teeiswater where inter -
:Tient' Was made on Moniday near
her birthplace. ewe
k * * * m
5 * * *. * * * - 5 *
Murray - Smart
Woodstock --A quiet wedding took
place, at Dundee United parsonage,
when Rev. D. W. De Mille united in
marriage Annie Elizabeth, youngest
daug3heter. at Mr. and. ,Mrs; Robert
Sen e.i't, Inuen'lcllr, .,and.. ill. Donald
„MacLennan Murray, .youngest eon
0f Mrs.. Murray and -the late Mr, A.
11. Murray . of Walton. They will
,reside ]n Woodstock.
Red Cross 'Drive
Tlie Brussels, committee PeParts,
.the proceed* of the Red Crowd
Drive to dkte amounts to. $1,762od,
and at the time of writing all the
retains! had net been received frons
Bi•ruseels, Morris and Grey,
Red Cross Notes
The Majestic Inlsti.tute will repeat
the play "Mother Im The Shadow",
,ab ably, presented a few weeks ago,
in aid Of :the' Red ',Creels,. For date
and further dctiails,, see the " adver-
•tis'e1iieiit next week in the Post.
Court of 'Revision
Morris Twp.
will dose
Monday, June 8th
George Martin, Clerk
Seaforth Ont.
George' Formby In
Come On George
,.:Brttalces Ace Comedian in • Another
greeter 'Comedy.
Next .Mon., Tues. and Wed.-
•Anl Sheridan Jack Oakie
ape ••the beautiful Navy Blues
Sextet in
Navy, Blues
That wonderful whirekInd of
Gobs; Gals and. Glee.
Nina Tfiurs., Fri. & Sat
Kay Kyser and the Band In
A Musical 'Comedy,
Coming- . •
Son Of Fury
When Double -Features are shown
patrons 'must be In not later 'then
8:45 Pan. to •ere ebmplete shew.
Brussels Bowling Club
Organized For 1942
Honorary Presidents,' D•Ross,
It R. Dowing
R. F. Downinig; President, E. A.
Rann; Sec.-Treas., R. J. B'o'wman;
.Committees -Grounds, D. 'Mc-
Tavish, R. Downing, T. MelDenald;
Jitney, EL Downing, M. Murray, T.
May; MemlberelhiP, H. Champion, T.
Membership meet set at $4.06 for
forager metnbems $3.00 for . new.
Grounds Committee to look after
St. Joseph's 1Hlospita1, London,
'held. its 1942 graduation exercises
at the Beal Technical School,, -Dun-
das St, on Wednesday eventing,
May '20, When 39 young ladies' re-
ceived their diplomas and pins. •
Tire Se01iplarslhip for general •.t pro-
ficleneY, furnishes. a year's
tuition .at Western University foe
•fine*then-stlt9y "` vacq 'Ropn ' by -,„1,4108.
Marianne Cale/nom of 'St. 'Photon's:
This ruing lady is a gran4daueghter
of Mr: S. Wilton.
For Vegetajillre Plante, Flower
•Plartts and Potted Fliowen's, pnoeure
them at ' •GreNar,s ` Ar coinirlete
.variety bf ,healthy plantsr:to choose
from-gm:4n at the.. faMous . Ben -
'miller Nursery, Your iJesnranee Is
tlta.t tense Manta are Off toa 'good
erten and :Will do that is expected
of them, Order yours NOW, while
the stock iia eommilete.' See them
in our window. Priced right,
Co:.d of F1uwi-Wood
It le estimatedthat ^ten' , mdellion
standard, cords of fuel -wood are cit
each• year In. Canada. It is all
important north:et of the average
faxen, woodiot. The Weights and
Meia,firlrr@i' Act (Statutes- of ,C'9na:da.
1095. Gong. 481 defines a standard
cowl- a•n a stick rontainine 1:2.4
cream feert-n pile 8 by 4 by 4 feet. A
"rilt.n.rt" nerd, or "stove" .or "face"
rove contains* Inas ivaod ' thin a
,.ttn'dars cord. 11 Is not a cord. biut
tier NP wood 8 feet wide and • 4
feet hist matte nn of wood -that is
1*s. f;lnan d feet. natally 12 to 16
imehris, long.
M.. - F. i.. T oyer:..
IN., In T li�.cnital
Mns, Elln•Or: Frantees Lewin, wife
of Rev, F. L. ,Lewin, died Monday in
Stratihaoy Aaspital: int?ural . services
were held at 2 p•an. Wednesday
Drain -St. Janes. Anglican Ohuroh,
Pairkehilll. Intermtennti was, made in St.
Joh.n's+ cemetery ,Arva., Mils. Lewin
is well known in,Brussels.' and
district. •13er tnuslb&ned was a
former radar of .St, J;oi11n's church
'Bruen:els and st. George's church
Walton, Mos, Lewin suffered witlh
a, ,serious, heart condition for sevelisi
months. s. She .L* shit•vived by her
husband, Parklhill, anti daughter
Doreen who teaches at Havergtil
College Torbalto and tier sister, Mies
Alice, Mason and a brother 'George
Mason both nt ton 1011.
The annual meeting of the home
helpers of the W;MLS, will be held
in the Preebyten tan church, on Fri-
day afternoon, June 5th at 3
o'clock, Mrs, Andrew of Clinton
will be the guest speaker. All the
ladies welcome.
Engagement Announcement
Me engagement is announced of
Edith Velma, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Reeds, Omemee, to Dr.
William Clarence Stllesp, B.V. Sc.,
'son of"Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles,
Brussels, Ont. The marriage to
take peace Monday, June 1st at
2.30 o'clock in IChriet Chualdh,
Former Cranbrook Boy
Reported Missing
EgIt. Mald'w,yn Williams, R,CA.F„
elder son of Rev. W, A, and Mrs.
Williams of Valetta, who has been
on active ,service overseas, has been
reported missing. Rev, W. A.
Williams was a former minister of
the Presbyterian churches of Oran -
brook and Ethel. 'Their younger
son, Svar is also in the ..R.C.A.pF.
Sgt. Williams, who had gone into the
ministry ie well known throughout
111110 district.
W. G. Armstrong
,Dies In Toronto
Relatives here received word of
the death of William Glen Arm-
strong, who died suddenly on Mon-
day at his hoane, 15 Fairleigh
Crescent, Toronto, Be is survived
by his wife, the former Charlotte
Elisabeth: Willson, and two eons,
Glen and Peter. The body rested at
the chapel of McDougall and Brown.
Toronto. Service was field at the
chapel on Wednesday aft 1 pan. In-
terment followed in the Park Lawn
"Rose Of Env -land" Quilt
' • l ells- $75.90 .. •
The girls of Atwood Public School,
under the direction of Miss Winona.
A. Plain worked a . "Rose. of Eng -
lanai,. Emblem], r 'Tickets were
sold and a dlncak • for :;$75.00 was
&igen-to :,the Elmo. Local Patriotic
Speiety. A •; Junior'. Red 'Crows
Pihogrrarn waes.aheld at the' scthpo1 on
May„ 22nd when Mr, Angus Diekson,r
3.P., for North'Perth-addressed the
nociegty .and vi*itoret The ' pupils
gaye a rplaylette "Bine BOO‘,” sev-
eral readings ,and: •-c1roreeses, Mr.
Dickson made the draw and Mrs. +0.'
Thohnepson• of Atwood' was the lucky
winner ,of the Emblem Quilt,
;'rubes were +presented to Doris
Whaling ,who sold the most tickets
to Gfladye Coghlin for selling the
winning ticket; to Bernice Coghlin,,
tore treasurer and Pllnyljets • Horn,
poster' advertising,
The pupils are to be congratulated
on sudlaa splendid achievement,
A pleasant time was held Friday
evening in S.S, No, 3 by'tete people
of the comamrntlty. Proceed& were
for the Red• Cross. Dancing was
also enjoyed; and lunch served.'
Mr, Hugh, McCartney of Tugaske,
'Saar., who has. apeart the last 5
months+ visiting at the old home 3rd
Con., left Tuesday 'afternoon of
this week. The paslsdng away of his
brother ranee while he was here
prevented him from returning to
the West in March,
Frank Cardiff. who is. in training
at ILa.gersville, is enjoying a month's
visit at his home.
Mms, Mary McCartney, who has
been visiting at the ,honie of her
sister Kra. Will Turnbuil, has ree-
turned to her )tonne int TU'elceremith.
The Grey anti Morins, Unita of the
irederatinm of Agriculture will hold
a inlet pimli5 on June 13th with
Mics Agnes McPhail as, 'main -:sneak -
P,'. We.trrit tot' bona advertisement
M.• ",ad Mrs. •Themam Vittie and
of Wroxeter 11101, . the .24th
al ilia home of Mr, and Mrs. Win.
PEOPLE WE KNOW OW Hear Mir sel*dnarey
D. 0, Warwick, Owen Sound, was
a holiday.visdtor at Oils home here.
• * *
Mise Mary' Helen Kea anent a
long week end at hex home here,
* * •
Mr, and Mrs. Orville Whitfield, St.
Catharines were holiday visitoia at
her home.
• • •
Mrs, L. Palmer, Toronto, was e
holiday guest with her aunt Miss F.
Buchanan. '
* ,k *
Mr. and Mrs. L. Scrimgeour and
baby, Tiilsonlbung were guests of
relatives here.
* • •
Miss N. Jardine, Conoord, spent
the holiday at' tale Biome of her
sister Mrs, - W. S. iScctt.
* * *
W. C. and ,Mrs, McKinnon,
Sarnia, were week end visitors, with
hes: brother D. M0Kinnon,
* * *
Mr. and Ms. Frank Bryans and
Barfbara of Hamilton sanent the
holiday with the Bryanls' family.
* *
Mr, and' Mrs. Harold Currie and
An interesting address• was give's
iu the United dimmer' on Friday
evening, when Mrs, R. S, Lougley, a
returned anhaslonary front 'Weejt
China gave an interesting talk on
her work at Foochow, Mrs, Lauglay
and her heeehandy Rev, R. S. Longley,
left for China 35 years ago, accom-
panied by Rev. Mr, and Mau. George
Sperling and have undergone many '
trying experiences in that time,
For over four years West China
•has been in the throes of war, thou-
sands) having been kiilled and in:
jured. Prices are high, especially for
food and other artugjes, one reason
,being that 30,000,000 refugees have
come in Prom the aver -run provinces
of the east.
'Wen yen with money scarce and high.
2111d'es prevtailfni, the sale of Bibles,
Testaments and Christian literature
has been astonishing. Recently
when a cargo of Bibles came in
from the .coast, and the Prices were
high, even though the Generalissimo
had arranged free - transportation,
they wea•e•ali sold before the ship
docked. Mrs. Lougley had some
views with her, showing a church
that they considered the most beau -
son Warren, Hamilton, were holiday tifnl ite China. It was struck by a
visitors with Mr, anus .Mme, Russell bomb and badly damaged.
Currie: Mrs, Longley is well known in this
. ,-.,• i :. community having -been born at
Misses Jean Scott .and Dorothy Westvedd .hear ,A.uw31 tiand on Fri -
Armstrong of Toronto were visitors day visited her uncle Rallest J.
Overthe holiday at their respective Hoover, and `his family on the 9th
homes.. concession of Grey township, two
• • • metes. from Brussels and other
Miss Isabel Lowry, *to .has been friends,
ill at her home in Seaforth, has re-
turned to her position in the office Miscellaneous Shower
of E- D, Bell, •Frienp55 and neighbours of Mr. and
s • * Mrs. Gordon Worisman gathered in
Mises Gladys, Davidson of 'London the Brussels Town Hell on Wednes-
and, Mr, 'S'cott Davidson)spent the day evening of last week. A de -
24th with. their parents Mr. and Mrs, lightful. social evening was had
during the course of which the
Robt Davidson. • • , recently marriedcouple were rade
Dr. W..D. S. J▪ amieson is in To -
um recipients. of many lovely and
, useful gifts. The address which
*onto this week attending the annual ' accompanied the gifts was read by
meeting of the Ontario Medical Mervyn Mceaurey Mr, Worlmnan,
* n who is on active &entice with the
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thomas, R.0.N„ made a suitable reply on
Resider, were week end visitors berhalf of his wife and himself,
' ivl6h 5* parents Mx. and Mrs. J: W. tha.nkin g' their frnender for their' gifts
kinaher:' and good wisfhees, Lunchwas served
*' * vf°r� and .dancing enjoyed, till the eailjs
Miss -Clara Russell has ,sheen ill hours of the morning.
for the Past week.' Mns. C, Gowing Dear Isabel and Gordan--
ordan-and Mrs, L. Worirnnin are ;assisting., We have assembled here to -night
in tile. store. "' - ,.r, , to extend to you our heartiest good
k „* * 1wti hes .and all that goes with .mak-
- Mr. and Mrrs:,.Arehie Holmes, and ing younts'a life of joy and happiness.
daughter Dale were holiday visitors . As a token of the esteem in which
with. his nre Ober, Mrs, Earl ,Somers you are boptll• held in this community
anti Mr, Somers' • we ask you to - accept these gifts
c • I whntll convey . our most sincere
Mr.,,N Ohapman and Mrs, R. W. ,thoughts, and. good wishes. May they
Itennedy attended the funeral of'" ever remind you of ,the pleasant
Atiits'. F. 1. `Lewin in Par1dbill on Woe- evening ,spent among your friends
lnesday .ofi: this weeks. stere present. tonight. ,.
* • w 1 To ..you Gordon, who voluntarily
Jas. S., and. Mrs. Armstrong, and enlisted, as. ape of our ..brave Gann
Mals. Win,.oftai Ethel attended ad1On sailors and to llsabel, both, of
Olue fnmeral of their 'brother Glen you being upright good citizens, of
in Toronto this. week, - ' this community. May,,God's richest
bleeding rest: with' both :oR you and
Teasihers who visited at thaelr tray blue future hold much in store
dnanres hero for the holiday intclud;ed foe you.
Misses Gertrude Ross, Dong Bates, We halts' You will retain, as we
and Carrie MeiCracken, Toronto, Shallthe memory of HAS gathering
'R * * • and as you grow older you will have
. Mr, R. C. Fox .has returned home many happy recollections, of the
after *pending a short vacation. with days' of- your youth.
his uncle and atria, Mr. and: Mrs,' ' Signed on behalf of your
H. H. Nixon
peg, Man.
* * * frrensdes in Brusesls will extend
Mists Louise Rush and Miss Jean congratulations.
Rabinlson of Toronto, and Mns, '4 * *
Lottie Jaeitson .of Belleville, spent Mrs. R, M. Blain, and IKaren and
the week encl' with the Misses Miss Gertrude Rose visited at the
Downing. dome of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ROSS,
• * * over the holiday week end.
Miss Evelyn .Cunninglaaan, Brant-
ford, was a holiday week end. visitor
with her parents., Mt; anal Mr's, D. R.
Cunndrlgiram. Mr, Cunningham, is in
very poor healtft, we are. sorry to
a * *
Mr. and, Mils. A. R. 7apfe and
Betty Lou of Toronto- and LAC
* *
Mr. and Mrs'. Henry V. Yedhrttes
of Detroit were ISu'ndtuy visitors
with, W. H. Maunders. Mrs. Ve-
dettes. was foitnlerly Miss. Nora
Visitors at thehome of Mr, and
Mrs, D. A. Rann over tete week end
IV/many •C 7attfe, R,,C.A,F„ Victoria. were Dr: and W. A. Spence of Te-
en,. Que., and Mn and Mrs. T. renito anti Jack Rann of the Royal
Yorafh, and; their dtrugetter Marilyn, Cannddan Navy.
Toronto were week end guests of * * *
Mrs. fi'ebel•t Thomson at Riverside. Wotxi was received et the deea 1, of
* 5 w Mrs,, Zimmer, Toronto, mother a
Mr Oleve Algin, eon of Mra: Alien, Rusielell Zimmer of Toronto and
Toronto and tete late Rev, S. J, Alien Brussels, Vibe died at her Lorne in
ha'e ,beans apnointeti Pripicipn.1 of the 'i'oronle on Tuesday morning after
"Price of. Wales,Seboolt' 10 Van, having grown gradually weaker for
em vat 11 C., , where Ise )has been some time. Sympathy of Brusaelta
n �h,ri r far several years. TN old friends le extended to Mid. Zimmer.