HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-20, Page 5ISRMIMITIMMEICISMIRMITIMCIVISSIIIIMISOM 41.• Notice to Creditors In the Estate of James McCartney. All peewits having claims against the ltistato of JAMES NloCA11.TN.CY, litre of the Township a4 Croy, in the County of Huron, Feigner, who died on or about the 140. day of Anrll, 1042, are hereby notified to send full ' pa1'rticulars, of their claims+ to the au- d9rstgued Solicitor for the Adminis- trator on, or Wore ,the 31.41 '.day• ;o1' June, 1042, often *hack date the Estate shall be distributed having regard only o the, claims of which the undersigned shrill then have notice. ) DATED at Brussels, Ontario, this' 12th day of May, A.D. 1942. C. JOSEPH BENSON, for Elmer D. Bell absent on active service Bruo'sele, Ontario. Solicitor for George Turnbull, Administrator. Notice to Creditors , In the Estate of Hartwell Spelran, deceased All persons +laving claims+ against the Estate of Hartwell Speiran, late of the Township. of Grey in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on the 28th day of December. 1941, are hereby notified to send in their claims duly verified to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executers et the Said Estate, on or before the 10th day of June, 1941, as after said latter dote the Estate will be distributed among these entitled thereto, having regard only to the eleime of which be said Soli icor then Irmo notice, DATlD a L enoyl, 01-tarin, this 2111 day c.[ May, 1042. William H. Speh'an, J. Cnlr,ell Speiran, R. R. No. 3, Brussels, Ont., Executors Per C. M. $COLT, Listowel Ontario, their Solicitor heroin. 1 '• 7;77,7: tF ii ti €a(1, ",1,11-01a 1,),)1,0".'r VAta 1 1l7 1111•1:9.0.. Commer, nal Feeds lklill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit ` J ;1 Li lt01 liitdaittait;`•., G37IRe,) 6 ftp ,e'a ;a Cay 1t t i�°� it t a 1 4 „•u'\ Bli@Cl°ztC'li et 1tOvtJk.11`fi°p+'stn 6 '6i1k00 is (1,1.0'1t23 r'Ur 'Motto- 1onesi Grace on every egg „gym mit, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ANNiE CROOKS All pentons having claims against the Eeta1e of ANNIE ;CROOKS, late of the Towntshli9 of Morris, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 18141 day of March, 1042, are hereby notified to 2551. full perttculafs of their cleilne.: to the undetla'igned ;Solicitor for: the .A fniltstretor• on 4o before the 131+1 410, of Tune, 1942, after which date the Estate •s11a11 be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undottsigned Shall then have notice, DATED at Brussels, Ontario,' this 181;1) day of May, A.D, 1942, C. JOSEPH BENISON for 10t1MER D. B18L'L Absent on Active .Sei4iee' Brussels, Ontario, Solicitor for Russell B. Currie AdapinIsir ator. . • WALT N The W,i41.S, met May 13th,',t+t'lti' supply allocation must be handed in by June 10, An invitation is ex- tended to the 03alby Band to be present at idle next meeting • 'cm June 10. P11e leaders of the var- bous gleans are asked to fraud the haute:, of any removals from their vicinities, to MIS. Ilryams'. • Wilson read a pm'agra,p+t about 'Gifts for Special Obj"ets," The 1111 '3100 Rand cleared 314,00 at ` the- 1:1:sten' concet'i, Brussels 1.1r1)k101 Ohar'h 111v1t.r Duff's congregation to imar an a til -s_c' by Mrs. Longley, a 0119;ionary front China. on Priclab.. 211.7 2, at 8 o'clock. M- t r,,tion way- c11'atv11 to Page 166 in • _moil Missionary Monthly, the f-, teti0tl of the Nominating Com- tt -e. I'n11 i11tc o tial; report; oS the Presbyterial in Wesley Willie a 311000i1, Clinton on flay ;11th were rn by Mrs. Harvey Joluisten and A. McCall. The tentrI 111 1e 11 a. r•r given by +lis. 'Stirling tpu t 1 one half of Canada's' liquor -1 year 'tars1)34) 11 to ha't'e Matti') t') 1111 thousand 4:enibel ; 17,- 000 tons el b til. y a day were t1s,',d, i 1 ,r- luteol 1 ..,tin ', Mrs. E. Diit•ntu L,t maa1, 11.C., in her work amtng the Indiana quoted: -12.1106 i !taus are is the Canadian 1,32(190,, Tkizz Cohn,) la was the 5t.:dy ..1„Itl3)' pr: rented 111. the 1.0'.Im of Eti tet c l :gut: c 11 Chian. Great pro- ftros.i along industrial agricultural, 1,1:111 and 11'11210116 lines has Masa 113(0 'pli5ht•d through Missions t' -Jwi1(1) China can be helped 'most ins 1.11,11111 church. • ,)tiss 13001) ' is impracsiri5 atter her recent illness but Is still 1 , :1ileed to the 'house; Rev. '4ti', J. Maims Tilbury, called Mi ' Mr's, A1.11 it1 11tor1ison of McKillop, • 'who 31158 been confined ed to b0d fol^ 1110 111r21 111211)119: SI'.;, Al,locn Me. Gavin, .lir. John, Ilnrris, Mr. and Sirs, .]rt . Kituitenor, Airy sl:dlu Kerr Mr, and ,Mrs. -41.44.11;411:• Herr, .i'.=aftlrth, with 111r. and 211.3. ';111'•111„5 Le ming. • ".1.;'1 Ration' Books ":7•0..”' Se rie:ors, i3ll.k'.'s Cabinet Ministers Are Entitled to "C" Class OTTAWA,—isIembors of tl1el '.(1eit- aie anti 11uus0 of Commons who ex - 1 plessly 1'eg0001 it lntt obtain a "B" aideg'ory beak entitling 1hean to 85 to 110 milts a year unucr, 'gasoline rationing regulations, -it was learned officially Saturday. Cabinet nrhlisters, are entitled to , category "C" good for 168 to ;!,yi16 1 units a year, . • 1t was understood a limited num- j ter of Senators+ and members of the Commons have apjlie<1 -;.11or a pre,erred rating, others being con- tent, to take tho "A" or nom essential rating entitling them to 00 units yearly, a{ l • ;+akk of. king 1 Lb. for 19c SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Backer Bros. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels INIMISINVIONIAIPMAXIIRN 1'H'E I;1KuSSEL , OST Wroxeter and Gorrie Old Rivals By S. Garrett Ulu Village of Wroxeter, located near the boundary line separating' the Townships of Turl1'berry and 1lowick and once noted as a nourish- ing business, and industrial centre of North Huron, ,hee succeeded iu bolding its own to such an extent that it is ' still ane... of the moat widely known canlnnrmities in that .section of the Western Ontario Pea- itusttla. Wroxeter was not destined to 'be free of rivalry during its develp- 'dflont and expansion period and its most formidable contestant—the Village of Gorrie—only two and a half miles to the eastward, lead the advantage c'f a twee t.ary start in the .race. The first Gorrie •settlement is 'believed to have been made by j the Greens In 1554 and they were 1 followed by the noted Leech ;brol'.h- ers, 11110 established extensive milling enterprises there that were in full operation by 1850. The facilities of the River Mait- land which bttought many advintag es to Wroxeter, such as empowering various industries, etc., were also available to Gumbo and both places progressed 50 rapidly that It was a eonelderable number of years before Wrcixeler was sufficiently in the leant to merit inccrporaticn. The 111011t11 of Pelin•uary, 1566, wit- nessed the arrival of the Gibson 11 0)11, 2: --Thoma,`+ aitd Robert—wlto 1)0c1101 U lb.:, drat settler, on the Present .site of Wroxeter, They par- cha•-cd two propemties, one of willcdl was lot 21) on the 13 Line of Hawick Tet;n.:hip, where they made a uer- anse' tfi1,.+moat, WW1 1110 -latter ht "}ley also 011101ned the water 1 privilege anti this was to prove 0f gtc't advantage When a milling in f t r % eeferhlirlietl. Lot 20, 1f 1s taa,r1by et t1ote was p1,rl:1tl :,.4 11'0,1,1 j1 -.• Pal tI't, a( '11e time a law Partner of. Sir 301(11 A, ,Uaedol old, in et-eper.du,it 11+11 IWO 1303. -illi,. Pal t3 ,,3 had previmtsly oh - 1,11 14241 , 1.1.0 -01lin1nt grant of land comprisingthe natio:. port of whit is now the village sjte. AI h"n t ih1 G+ 11 brothers ; celli . •' i .t 1 s l- 1' own proper- ., ie., _..19.,,nu lhdl.,yt`:,' were n1:(l(5 mail INNS wit+: •r Andrew Patton, 1 h;1,ltt r 011 Hon, James Patton 11')))ed hero mei laid out the villa;3 Plat 11111 tleeltvetim • - 1111 the ',offer. The ±•t 1111 streets were -ar-cryo, N. 1il1n nnll 212 11:,1 erected the first frame io>idrIcr. A11. 1+1 at n� timet --1 258—Hon. James t. , ttcn .1n eoeded in having a 1'141. t '_t, c established and Andrew „anon wa, appointed postmaster. " le latter promptly opened the lnluniry', i}ret store and engaged ellret4rwlu'd 111 11e'realtt•le 1'!ir- 111(0, Dua•iilg' the same season John Candy built a fame hotel, the business or whirl. was carried on in ..iter years by Tames' Orr. During the, settlement Period a combined grist and sawn1111 was crecied en the Nitrite of the Melt - land, on the same site occupied by the oatmeal mill in more recent times. The primitive grist and saw,. mill eventually gave way to sever":1 extensive Milling industries '.and Wroxeter 'became a noted industrial Mace in North Huron, Altlouehl most of Itowick was •voted by people of Irish extrac- tion, those of Scottish natioualltY scented to predominate in the vicinity of Wroxeter There seems to have been quite a bit of "pall" between the two nationalities, and She people of Wroxeter often. be- lieved. themselves to be unfairly treated in municipal dealings. Con - eminently, they availed themselves of the first opportunity to incorpor- ate as a separate municipality, Their Opportunity calve in 1574 during the building of the western branch of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Rail- way (now a portion of the Canadian Pulite). At that time a census of the population was taken on behalf of the County 'Connell by William Smith, and it showed Wroxotor to have 764 inhabitants. Jalection of officials was held immediately fol- lowing incorporation and Alex L. Gibson was cluos'en first reeve of the municipality. The officials of the Toronto, Grey anti Bruce Railway did not wish to build stations in botil Wroxeter and Gorrie, as the two villages Were less than three 111)1051 (1'part, although many 4iti2'en:9 in both planes Urgent- ly re1)0280ed them to do. so. They •conlpran,istetl by building a depot between dile two and it became known as the "Gerrie and Wrefe star" station, -'•'Londnn%'ree ,Prose, Wednesday, May 20141, 1040 Red Cross Meets Continuing Needs Of Home Front Great as are the (101nauds Of war, Catutdiales still need the services of the Canadian Red -Cross on the ;home front. Outpost hospitals across Canada's, nottthern frontier must be maintained and traveling medical and dental clinics must still' visit thousantie, o1 settlers, in sparsely settled regions, The "Good Citizen- sUlgtp" program of the Junin,' Red Cross: with Its 000,000 members in high 801100ls and secondary s1lhools must go on. While emphasis in Red °fetes work at this time is on service t0 the men of Canada's armed forces and the relief of civilians and refugees. i1) distress, overseas, the Peace -time activities of the orgauiza- lion are. ,so vital that they must be continued. There are, for example, the increasing nnllnbee of Pipet Aid posts along the main -travelled highwaao of 'Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia tvlticlt are •sa.ving many lives that would otherwise he 10511: through automobile accidents. There are the thousands of visits made and -erviol s rendered to the soldie,8 of the present and She last war toile ars confined to military hospitals. (`la,see in }1n1e nursing and first aid and nutrition are training fhonauds of women many of when, 11 11:0 their new -fount knowledge • a aclvnlltate in war activities. In the a aied Chess outpost 11b+Pitats 42; I:14) patients were treated last year and another 42,012 patients 'were 1cat.ed in travelling clinics, Thr1 :33 .sport Nursery at Halifax aided ',etre 1 ;00 adltll5 and children who arrived iu Canada in 19.11 while the Sandal Red Cress Crippled Ch1ldr(n'e rued provided medical care for 1 1:= ti',udl•apjed children. I' e 1 few of the peace -time mai-;A(1 f the Red -Cross, must be ) ef Thane,' even ha time of tva.r, In ' ',fie rte Canadian people to give 1 a i:',t , r,10 r.'1,1t 11.; work may be ! 7 'I:i• i c.1 daring the neat Yen', the Red C10 s its made provision for t.i11 1,1, of its vital home ser. l well as the service, aria - 1X cat of rite war. '' cgs' Painful Illness _ • z., :- tri Death illness u1: uPw-a19r0 of 121:1'1 , the S Rater Part . 1 111,111111:81, the (Rata t�1lttay, May '111,-o1: Miss' nt 11,1;3,,1an Ssli wu 0000)111 Ye,' t t t,`;i11.r LI, Mrs, Martha .l®ltka mai the late (hurtle At11'u.to11 is it 1517 :+,'iuu tluw'iclt, Bora. Jttle- 2(11, 1898, 011 the farm where Ate died, Wilma resided all her 111,1 in 11119 colnmatlity, where Alt 1J 1 Ilea 111 Wettest esteem by a 1)1119 chyle of friends. Her affliction ;;as 1ert-t11afly ['ltlful fel or who ieeviourly had taken such a keen in - tercet in J11e social life of the cone malty, but she bore it with a calm, Christian fortitude that was the marvel of ct'er8one who knew her. Besides her mother, 14, -an Saar' t15•, sisters and three brothers, viz: Alten ti�fl Woo! .Growers Send Your clip of wool through "Stone's" 11001 9811 'local' collector or drip to us direct, We guarantee to pay full Government 21'icee. —give honest grading—send prompt returns None can do more. William Stone Sons Limited Ingersoll, Ontario Registered arehouse No, 5 Warehouse Read,The Ads. It Pays. ilD GETTINGS!-EARPIER PICTURES 1,41)90 fir "t ,rC.. 1't oil ps1ct Ilea in the. fact ti''t every 13, r)c, 21:2 to the horizon is sharply in focus. vt; ive far 1111-ay.`1' sharpness in your 54: -a. s1 + ^.v err re tt tsr 1 .,:, r: „1.:,. 1 17 ;1t 3 tc. 1t2�.c 1 1 t t -1 • t ,. _. 1 1 Jrivo 1.' )' c t• It, w".' _-, .tt:. i :sS 11 : 1.1(33Y 1,` 11 1 -311 1111'8011• - 1 l .: .lav n pat ) t ':ti.) t1'1111111e it, ye" pl1 i-., s'. - ,. . !lett lett, t , tl,r 1 ..... _.. 13' 013:. 1 this, yat^ ca nr .. s. il', 17 Esau,_:tr ts''`t better se,„ 1?te t, . , • 3,11. 13);..).!.i there's the Mattel' 02 00E' root 1:4)811111114. 1E' you don't have a 1 4riu4or (..t1 7 imr 'remera o1' CI 7. - . 11.251)1:1the Or, try pacing erf. II yea Intew the I Jt 11 )'11('2'59l'1113o.10 0o yen Can +,, y siir e dist,, 31(111non- . 1 yl ',2,. it .......,vo you Tio1 thud important point Is cor- rect 1:919 - .v.ra s t)100ce the c! 1 , nyt .fella . ; el t'di .,Q : 1^011')! L.11i1P_laa 11,2lsth of f11410, And 0.1 try to 1011,1 -Sloth 11 ',• cotes, s)."00.--.0. Ates• `n pt112.3,al e• It t. .- ._ _ , 811 1y t .11..111 „1.1..11- i nmac�+t.a. :..•'-'-a roc_.:...:.,,�;;L"=e—''`:�,s',�.�a...,w. _.°:.�'..�.. ,tom t' earl) Mrs. J. B, Watson, Blyth; ;tlu.rjerie) Mrs, I1. G, West, Tees-. water; Percy and George, sixth 1hle, Howlett, and Kenneth of Brussels. The fanerai en Snn1Oy afternoon was largely attended, ltev. J. W. Johnsen 00)118c)ti112 the services at the 1111111 3.1 and a.t trite graveside in c'oedwiclt cemetery, liie, Marjorie Schaefer sang "The Lord is Ely Shepherd." The pallbearers were Messrs. Roy Strong, Gordon Brown, William Wil- son, Erie Corbett, I3arold Doig and Harold 7:Iamilton. Plower -bearers were a 114000 incl six nephews. :Shirley Ashton, J41ck Watson, Bene tram Ailhtnllt Den lvlcCnllum, Everett Ashton, Edward Watson and Roger West. Saturdav Is Unlucky One For Clinton Man Soturday was an unlucky day for A. Lorne Murch of Clinton according to Provinetal Traffic 0f eo1' James MT, 'While driving .a horse attached to a dairy wagon, the animal ran away and Mr. 11111rc11 sustained a broken shoulder. Sao had parked 114s oar on the side of the road at Iris ;home, An R.0.A,11', truck with a trailer at- tached w18 returning to , Trenton with one of the planes which had crashed near Kincardine, and was being taken to Trenton for. repairs'.i The driver J, 11. Goss,om, it,C,A.l', palled at to past' another tar when the trailer swerved on the pavement and isdeleslw'it3eci 141.0 Nordin Panted Mr 121)1011 was. d:atulaged. No ono wast hart, 4k, NOW ,IS THE TIME Tu' CHECK YOUR GRASS SEED WANTS 1 Steel Briggs Fasnous Lion Brand Seed for greater germination of seed. Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy,'liel ow l3:ueroala Clover White Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. We can supply you with all your peotvare grass, Rape, Etc. 4, F UU'Un0 of Feeds For etter ;''emits feed Rose Broad Chick Starter or ®.A.C. Chick Starter We have Bran, Shorts, Oil • Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices. Livingston. Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs & poultry. We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction. A, �I Perron ;t.. Ethel ,Ont. Phone 22r7 1�