HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-20, Page 3all of a atter, n. THE BRUSSELS . OST "Cupboard Quislings" ! Is that too hard a name for people who selfishly lay in unnecessary stocks of clothes or food, or other goods for fear of shortages? No l The name is not too hard, even though it may be earned through thoughtlessness. For in reality they are doing, in a petty, mean way, what the Quis- ling does in the open. Anyone who buys more than is necessary for current needs— Is breaking his country's law for personal advantage. Is betraying his loyal neighbours and those who are not so well off as he. Is, in effect, depriving our fighting men of the munitions and supplies they must have to defend us, Is hindering our war effort and helping our enemies. Loyal citizens avoid putting unnecessary and abnormal strains on our factories. In time of war. loyal citizens do not spend one dollar more on civilian goods than is absolutely necessary for current needs. The law provides for fines up to $5,000 and imprison- ment up to two years for hoarding; and hoarding is just another word for unnecessary selfish buying. In casae where it is advisable for you to buy in advance of your immediate requirements -- such as your nest season's coal supply — you will be encouraged to do so by direct statement from responsible officials. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD OTTAWA. CANADA saw. CANADA'S WAR EFFORT ?k ,1 A A Weekly Review of Developments ma the Home Front: May 7-14, 1942. 1. As a sequel to 64 per cent "yes" *Me on plebiscite, Prime Minister Mackenzie King introduces, Govern- ment measure in the House of ,Com- mons 'deleting clause tree from :National Resources Mobilization • Act. Tinder this claulse, men called up for 'oeanpulsory military training could sot be sent overseas. Resignation ann'ouueed of Hon, 11. 7. A. Cardin, Minister of Public Works and Transport. * W * 2. Two ships sunk by enemy sub - :marine . in 1St. Lawrence River. Fourteen unofficially reported dead or missing, * * e 3. Thousands of reinforcements for Canada's hand and airforces ar- rive in Great Britain, #: * * 4. Ey end of the present fiscal year Canada expects to Have •a navy of 500 ,Ships, and strength of about 44,- 900 4;1700 men. Personnel will be increased In the same period, by 13,000 officers and men. Nearly 100 ships will be added. Naval strength when war began was: personnel, 1,774; ships, 15. e 5. Air Force ,Points: Strength R.C.A.F, over 115,000 exclusive of women and attached Australian, New Zealand and British personnel, A $42,000,000 ,prograhnnhe of building home defence airdromes on East and West coasts, under way. More specialized training to be given in training plan, schools. Air Training Plan graduates flying and fighting wherever R.A.F. operates. One ,squadron of Canadians operat- ing perating iu Far East; two ,stivadrons in Near East. * * a< 6. Gasoline ration for United States and other tourists in Canada to be drastically reduced on May 16. New regul+atiou* will mean rerouting and rescheduling of many bus sei' vices with abolition of duplicating runs. Wartime °outrote over taxi services tightened, * 7. Canada's domestic exports, ex- A,z � ALS DEAD or D Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect. 72 BRUSSELS William Stone Sons Limited BELL & BENISON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursdays from 9:00 until 12:00) elusive of gold, valued at $163,349,708 in. April compared with $175,481,759 in the previous month and $115,932,- 587 in evorreeponding month last year, * * * 3. Pierre Durgin Canadian envoy to Vichy, in Ottawa for .consulta- tions with the Prime Minister. —IN THE 'GARDEN— T:1e quickest way to start a garden, as anyone with experience knows, is to .rave a supply of well - started plants, bath of flowers and vegetables. These may either have been gown indoor% in shallow boxes, or purchased from seedlsmen or nurserymen about this time of year. Iw an unusually early season, as this has proved to be iu many sections of Canada, real gardening results can be obtained in au amaz- ingly Short time, In flowers, these 'plants are lust about ready to bloom when bought. Indeed, name of them may have the odd bloom on them when still in the boxes. Experts, however, advise against leaving this bloom on at transplanting. It puts a strain on the plant and is apt to delay growth. •Pint *d off, the plant soon recovers from. the shock of transplanting and will make -stockier and larger growth, There is also a wide range of vege- tables obtainable ass started plants and in soave cases, as with cabbages, cauliflower, . celery, peppers, to- matoes, etc.,this is about the only safe way for the amateur to handle. Planted frown' seed now, these things would not have nearly enough time to reach. maturity before fall. Tliey should not he set out until all danger of frost is over. Garden Freshness There is no substitute 8or the really fresh.. quality of vegetables grown at the door and picked when they reach just the right stage of maturity, ,Suoh have a flavor all their own, But thele are plenty et people. with big gardens who do not enloY asl.'much of this. freshness as Okay should. With them tlhero are. a few meals of green peas, baby. car- rots and beets, near potatoes and corn, and that fe till. Either the Wednesday, May 20th, 1942 SPRING ROUND TRIP FARES TO WESTERN CANADA FROM ALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA GOING DAILY MAY 22 • 31, 1942 inclusive. RETURN LIMIT -- 45 DAYS TICKETS GOOD IN— : Coaches, in Tourist Sleeping Cars or in Standard Sleeping 'Carp at Special Reduced Rates for each class. Cost of accommodation in Sleeping Cars additional. BAGGAGE CHECKED. Stopovers at all points en route. Similar Fares from Western to Eastern Canada. During Same Period. Tickets, Seeping Car Reservations and all Information from any Agent, ASK FOR HANDBILL. CANADIAN NATIONAL Empire Day 'Message "dt'e, the Empire Calling!'+ calling aloud on this Empire Day to all true sons and daughters of the great Brit- ish Commonwealth of Nations to strain every nerve to win the War and the Peace. Mere are no sub- jects of the King, whatever be their age, colour or sex, who cannot make some contribution to the execution of this vital two -fold task. Upon its successful achievement rest the future ihappineis, safety and ordered progress of the wOhole world. Flag- rant wickedness is now stalking the earth, and only righteousness, cour- age and endurance can premanently overcome it. We salute with intense pride and thankfulness the heroism and skill displayed during the past year by sailors, soldieas and airmen alike, drawn from every part of the British ComtnonweahMh, as well as the forti- tude and steadfastness. of the men, women and children, whose domes have been wrecked by the enemy. After more than two and a half years of war the Empire still stands as a solid rock, unshaken, and un. atlwkeadile, amid' the tempest of world-wide violence and distress. A year ago it stood alone in face of its cruel and ruthless foes. Today we acclaim!, as our allies and com- rades the peoples of the 'United States of Amerioa„ ituesia, ,China and the Netherlands, as well as numer- ous other countries, representing over three-quartens of the whole human race. They, like ourselves, are battling for human freedom, and throwing their all into this stupend- ous conflict. . Our most urgent need today (apart from strenuous and .honest work) Is complete unity of purpohe and of ac- tion in winning the war, and after - rows are fluidised or else there is nothing lef t but peas, beans and oorn which should have been eaten days or weeks before, With a little planning however, these people could have 'had really fresh. vegetables • coming in all through the summer. There are two ways to achieve this'. First, the actual planting season can be spread ogee several weelos. Experts advise making at least three sowings of Practically all vegetables, the first a week or sobefore the regular time, the second at the regular time, and the third a week or ten days later. A second way to extend the season is to use more different types. In' practically every line it is now possible to get an early, medium and bite -maturing sort, By sowing all three, one automatically extends the harvesting season. Grass Care Moth-eaten, weedy lawns usuallY moan that the *oil below is poor. Good grass needs food lust as any other plant. A liberal application of chemical fertilizer, put on care- fully to avoid burning, Will help wonderfully. It will bring out deep, green color and qulak growth to choke roost weeds, At this time of year th.e lawn will also ,benefit from one tluorough weeding and regular, close cutting with a Sharp mower. In day weather a thorough soaking once a Week is advisable, wards a peace that shall be firmly based upon justice, lilberty and truth. It .is the absence of a sense of jut• tics between nation and nation and betweeu man and span — exploited by Dictators, for their own selfish ends—that has been largely respoa- Able for the War. A lasting peace can only be secured if in pursuance of the Atlantic Charter, the Allied Nat ons are united in their determ- ination: that social justice and the true freedom, which. Sows from 1t Magi hereafter govern human and international relations. It is very especially the God-given duty and privilege of the. whole Brit- ish Commonwealth and the United States of America to point the way to a better world. Let us, with. the certainty of divine (help, shoulder confidently this supreme reaponel. b lity, and thus demonstrate to all mankind our !capacity for world leadership, for which our great tra- ditions and ideals have so generous- ly endowed us. Boys and girls of the Empire—you are destined to inIherit it with its abounding privileges and opportuni- ties — I appeal to you, now tbat your ,heritage is in danger, to do all in your power to preserve it. Show yourselves worthy of your Empire citizenship 3n thought, word and deed. ltememlber that if there 1s to be a New (and a better) Order upon earth, not only will YOU benefit by it: It is YOU who by character and effort must help to establish it. In this. time of trial be industri0t un• selfish, brave and chfvs 1rous, aIO find work to do that will .bring victory nearer. Never fail to lock for guidance and strength to God, whose Kingdom upon Earth we are seeking to establish. May God slave our King and Em. pare: BRITAIN'S VICTORY IN LYBIA The unoonditional surrender. of Halfaya, last ,Axile stronghold 10 the Western Desert, marked the final clearance of the Axis armies from Cyrenaica, barring only General Remanel's; forces contained at El Agheila. In exactly two months YIELDS 31,000 AXIS ,P,RISONERS hard fighting the British and Inimper- ial forces; captured over 31,000 Axis prisoners, some of idiom (Italians) are seen bare resting after arrival at a clearing centre in the desert. Clergymen Scarde We have commented nu 0lhe fact that so many doctors and clentite have joined the forces that proles- sional services in ,scans communities along these linos sere inadequate. The other day the scarcity of clergy Hien was brought to our attention. h Bishop Seeger of the Diocese of Huron says that twenty-five of bis clergymen have joined the armed forces Is chaplains and that snore parishes will have 1.4) double up for the duration. The situation, Bic pointed out, is not as serious' lucre as in Western. Canada, where parishes are large anal Whoro doubling up is ahnost impossible. Export_ tickers BUYERS—Of All Kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry We will call at your place for any quantity. Also—All kinds of Feathers & Horsehair. We have an expert on our staff who will cull your fiocic Free of Charge, Phone 70x Brussels, Ont.