HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-20, Page 1NN POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Brussels Red Cross A Recital of School Music under the direction of Miss Velma Wheeler, Music Supervisor will'be presented in cuss Its T� ,,vi r s+; :.� all a(i is ,ilrS ' Friel M y Z .,.,t.t 8:45 p. gra. Schools from Morris, Grey and Turnberry townships will take part in the program of songs, dances' and rhythm band numbers. Admission for Adults --15s Any public. school children Free. Net proceeds to be donated to Brussels Red Cross. * * s Y * * * * Obituary f d w * * * * * * Barbara, Jean Workman The .heatriest sympathy of 13h18 comm'nnity is expressed to Mr. and Mr Lloyd Work Ian in the loss of their infant 'daughter, Bambara' Jean, who died at her hoarse here on Sun- day, Sundray, May 17th. ' ' The sixweeks-old child was i11 for a week previous to her death. Funeral :service was held from the home of her parents', Thomas street, at one o'clock on, Tuesday, May 19, with interment taking ,place in Brussels cemetery. . The ,s'ervices were conducted. by Rev '0. L. Lewis. The lovely flowers were a tribute to the tiny tot and fragrant expres- sions of sympathy to the bereaved parents. Me flower•bearere were Jahn Edgar, O has. Workman, Ruth Work- man and Jeanette Gemmel. Letter Front Stewart Lowe Word has been received from Stewart Lowe' who is in England that he had the thrill of- his life when the King and Queen inspected his regiment just recently, Quoting Stewart's own words: 'I was acting as a patient on a stretcher, supposed to have a broken leg when the Queen was' looking the situation, over She said to me "Are you having a nice resit?" I really can't tell you what I said, but it was something. 'Congratulations Stew. we would- ' :nrt have minded being in your shoes just them. RED CROSS BRUSSELS. BRAN.C-I Ttiid"R'ed Cross workroom re -opens do Weduesd'ay,, May 20, after being cloietl, for two weeks: The regular monthly tea well be "held in the wonkrooin an Wednes- day, May 27. Will you Dian to be present? Following is the April 'shipment: - 40. turtle -neck sweaters 1 sleeveless sweater 14 aero caps -2 alternative caps 12 ribbed 'helmets 9 scarves 10 prs. mitts 13 prs. gloves - 20 prs,. seamen's Iong socks 124 pre. socks 20 quilts 10 h,annkerohiefs 5 women's, nightgowns 5 bay's outfits., each consisting of, ,,:suit, 1 Shirt, 1 pullover, 1 :Pr, socks. * * * The treasurer wishes, to acknow- ledge, with thanks, a donation of $18.50 from the Browittown B w B Oiub, In Memoriam * * a: M'cXINNON--In loving memory of mother, Mae. Hugh. McKinnon, who suddenly d'e'parted this life May 1003, 1941. None snore faithful, kind and true None more willing a good deed to do R^sc)v For Gas Rationing The 'Parting caused us bitter Pain, Dune MOKinnon'e ,chestnut driver But through God's' grace we shall presented 'hian with a fine driving eolt laet week. Dune is getting ready far the ear rationing. . NOTICE • A Clulb has been foamed of boye. belonging to Braasela at the Fair ground's. They have carriedPlywood and Scantling from Mr. NAdDonald's ,Lumber Yard alio, a its -ober of („:/airs from some other place. We ash that this material be ,returned and there be no funth'er, trespassing. . By Order, of Fair Board. "Au.,. "1,4 11' • THINK • Melville Church 10.a.m.. :Sunday. School. and, Bible Class, 11 a Victorious' Christ." 7 prm.—'Never .Be Anxious:' COME AND WORSHIP. United Church 11-Rev.H: Wilson, 12. Church 'School and Bible Class, 7;30 --"God's Finger on the Scales?' W'ELCOME TO WORSHIP. To -morrow. (Friday), 'at 8 -- Mrs. R. S. Longley; of China under auspices of W.M.S. St,John's Church;, ("1 a.m. Morning Drayer I ey, 7 r Rev Jennings, p(•eablier Wialhemmer- meet again. The Family. • sF ZIE'GLER—In Loving Memory of a Dear Husband and Father, Wil- laaau• John Ziegler, who passed away one year ago to -day, Mny 31, 1'941. No-one knows the silent heartaches, Onnlq those who have loved can tell, The grief We bear in silence, Far the one we loved so well. Sadly missed by lila Wife and 'Son; REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. NOW PLAYING— TWO FEATURES John Howard 'Brod Crawford Tight Shoes Runyon's . inimitable story about Mr, Average .Man, his wife, and a' pair of fateful shoes. ALSO— Sailor's Three Next Mon„ Tues. and Wed.— Gene Tierney . Randolph Scott Belle Starr (in technicolor A picturefilled with adventure and vim equal to a Jesse James. Matinee—Man. 3 p.m, plexi Thurs., Frl. di.' Sat,-, George Formby in • Come On 'George Britain's .Ace Comedian in another Coining--' •. greater Comedy. Navy BlUea Wedlneelday May 20th, 1942 Local News items Monday, May 25th A Holiday The federal governanent has de. aided that with Victoria Day coming on a Suniday, the holiday will be observed on, May 25. Passes Examination 5chn Boater, Toronto, son' of Mr, and Mrs. C. Baeker, Brussels, has been successful in pasising hie fine.' examinations, at. the Ontario 'College of Pharmacy. He will graduate On June 4. Sugar Restriction Cancels Garden Party Tile congregations of Bluevale, Salem and Ebenezer United church- es and Bluevale PreslbYterian ohureh wlhidh have held a garden party annually for, many years have can- celled. it this year. Sugar restric- tions are reported to be the reason. Mae Murray ... Of Fihn Fame Writes Own Love Story The famous dancing star of "Tice: Merry Widow" and other film sue cesses, presents . , . starting in The American Weekly witch this S•unday's (NIay 24) issue of The Dettcoit Sun- day Times ... intimate confessions. of her rise from obscurity to • Holly wood's ,highest paid. star, 'a path. that Ted to a broken heart. Be sure to get Sunday' Detroit Times.: - Wartime Price Office Opened At Stratford • The sub -regional oface .of the -War- time Price's and Trade Board. - was offically opened' in :Stratford on Tuesday by W. Harold Mclhhdllips of London. This was the elevenths office to be opened in Western Ontario and will be managed by Herbert D. An derson1 with Lorne C McCall.* , as assistant. The .Stratford office will serve ero6 mart,, Dublin, Listowel, Milgertof, Mitchell, Menktoar; `fit: lililaryysj Sihake'; :speare, Il31ytih, Brussels, Clifford, Clinton, Dungannon, God rich Albert, `Winglbaml and Wroxeter, in addition to the City of :Stratford. ., Wtien Double Features are ehoWn. Patrons sleet be In not later than 8:46 p.m, to ere complete show. Stricter Ban Needed The by-law regarding, dogs . rung Hing at Targe :seems to: be working as fewer dog's are to be' :seen on tire streets. There are still some run ning at large and these should be packed up 'by the public or a charge laid against the owner. The dog owners who have oompiied with the by-law,. naturally resent other dogs running at large, Any dog running foot -loose on the streets without being under inn mediate control of its owner•renders itself liable to beinig• impounded and may be destroyed and: the owner. fined. The canines do considerable damage' to flower beds, - lawns: and garden's'and those who have worked hard' to make surroundings: beautiful and, productive are justified in 1n stating that the by-law'' he enforced. IListowe0: Tianeser. Shop Early Saturday Night ' • The past two Wednesday and Sat- urday. nights: clerks lave been, kept 'close to twelve o'clock and some, past that hour. • It Is not fair to the business man and his helpers' to be kept after' the midnight hour, in fact it Is'illegal and punishable by law. Neither is it necessary. There is no. wiener)for people having to do their shopping at that hour and only; a. little consideration for the other fellow would eliminate all this' late .shopping. Town people might try doing heir week-em'd shopping to the horning or afternoon and leave the evening clear for the folks from the rural area around Brussels, 1f these latter people would do their shopping as soon as they Some' o town and 'their visiting later, t would make things Much easier for all, Let ue, all get together and s1100 early en We'dnes'day and Satur- day nights. BORN. • OYMBR.S—At LUstowl, . Meanoriai '; :,•Hodpital, May; ilth, t0, :Mn and i Mrs,.;(I.41don. HYlineret' of. At meth ., (nee)., Gladys . Itowlandr-A son, (Wi111kro ,Tdllria'''Qiirt101tt.,10 • CARD O.T. THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to Wendel and neigtl:houra for their kiu'clnesl-: and sympathy at the time of our 'bereavement of our baby daughter. Mr,. and Mrs, Lloyd Workman, Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Harald Sellers of Walton wish to announce tlhe• en- gages -teat of their only daughter, Mildred Anne to Fusilier Herbert Scott Travis' of Gang) Borden. youngest son of Mr, and. Most Albert Travis of Walton. 'The marriage will tave place shortly. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Julia M. 'Stoat and Mrs. Catharine IsieGinty of Detroit wish to thank the neighbours and friends and a :special thanks to Rev, MI. Fredericitaon for their:kindness shown them 1n 'lair recent bereave- ment at tlheir, .aunt, the late Ellen Coleman. Brussels Boy Wins Commission Pilot Officer Bowman Galbraith has been granted a 'cohnm,isS'ion in Airdrome Control Branch,... of the RC.A.F., he is stationed at Manning Pool, Toronto, where bre is taking a special course. Bowman 1s a graduate of Toronto University, PLANTS— Cabbage, Tomato, Celery, ail 'kinds of Box Flowers, Sohl at Grower's Groceteria, leave your order at Grewar's for the ones you want good healthy plants. We Sell for Cash. Therefore you buy far Less Money. PHONE 5 A. M. GREWAR Masonic Lodge Attends Church Service Anthers `of the Brussels Masonic Lodge attended divine service at the United Church on Sunday even- ing. There was a large congrega- tion, many friends of the lodgemen joining for the Service. The service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. O. L. Lewis:; who preached on "Unless the Lard Build." 32*. Lewis also preached, in the morning, his subject being "Thieves iso .Society." Wroxeter Business Man James J. Allen Dies James . 3. Adler, . well ]mown Wroxeter manufacturer, died Stere Monday. He was: in his 36th year and news of his untianiely passing was received with profound regret. t'hrough'out the coanhnunhty. The youngest son of Mr. and Mve, J. N Allen, the departed man was horn and educated in Wroxeter; Eleven years ago ite was married' to Miss Mabel Rose. of Gerrie. He had been in partnership. with his uncle, T. G. Hemphill, in the split pea and oat- meal m'lll, Besides his wfe and his Parents there 'acre 'surviving two children, James, aged 7 and Mar ' ole, aged 3 anti 'one ,brother, Harry of Br'u'ssels. , Attention Farmers ! Information About Salvage ,This: list of articles, will give eacih householder. some idea of the sel- vage. that eau be saved•:— News'papers (tied in'bundles) .Magazines (tied' in bundles) 'Corrugated (flattened and tied In hurt'le's) Wrap'pin'g paper ',Envelopes, shoe boxes', etc, All kinds of metals, (except tin) ILul :bar tires,: s'h'oes, etc. Toothpaste tubes Razor :blades, (wrapped) Banes: (eaaeept fish, poultry. horse )::ones) Rags, Fats (drifting) wn'l (flattened) Bottles No Ai nor broken glass. ' RECEIVING DEPOT Srusseis Arena, opeil eery Saturday 1,0'11410 ,' ,ir,g:'to "o p m: ' rH LOOK; :KT YtUR, L84 rn,• BRUSSELS, ONTAR10 PEOPLE WE KNOW Alec Woodrow, R.C.A.F., is borne for several weeks. t k * H, Stratton, R,C.A.F., has been holidaying at .his home here. Jim Pleat, R.C,N., is 111 with Scarlet Fever in Westminster hos- pital, London. Miss E. Backer, of London, !spent the week end with. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Backer. * :S!gt. Robert Prest of the R,C.A.F., has been visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Prest. * * Mm. and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy and Mrs. A, R. Kennedy, Stratford, are visiting inTorontothis week. m * a Mna. H. T. Carmichael and child- ren Peter and Patsy of London are viistons with 'Mr. and Mrs. James Bryans, 4 * Mr. and Mrs- Mathews of Forest and Miss Irene •Vanaband, Mils. Croft of Toronto were recent • visi- tors with Mrs. Ida Lowry, * * * .• 310 Gordon, Workman,R.C.N., son of Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Warkman. 1s home on leave. ,His wife (nee, Isobel Lowe) of Heeln'ler is Ooome with him, Mr. an:d, Masi A. Dawson., Leaantng- ton, were visitors this week at ,the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. J. W. Fischer and with her brother, N. Chapman. * * * Brussels. friend's, of Mrs. Hymlers (nee Gladys Rowland) were sorry to hear that she had been so ill, but will be pleased to know that she is improving at the present time. Mr. and Mos. Goldie Graibam and family of Bruoei'eld were duasday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Staivart: Rev. J. T. and Mrs. Strachan of St, Marys were visiting at Mr. Crawford Stradhan's on 'Saturday. Mr. Strachan was on his way to Owen Sound, Where ha would eon- duet onduet the Anniversary Service in the Presbyterian dhurch. on. Sunday. , * * t Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lindores with their children, :Dorothy a.nd David, missionaries from Brazil were visitors at tfbe (borne of E. 5. Pollard. They were on their way to appointanents fn Bruce County. Their paslsage is, booked to sail from New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico on Tine 19011. SATURDAY, MAY 23rd— Grewar''s S'peci'al for Sat,; May 23': Rinse 23e; P C. G :Soap, 5 bars, ter 25e; Budhel of Wheat Fluffs: 390. Bay at Grew•aes ''Groceteria. and save those pennies. Get your free Bowls. and ,GlasSes, with Corn Flakes While they last, WE SELL FOR LESS A. GREWAR PHONE 5 DIED Woitit,MAN-In .Brussels, on. Sunday, Mary» 1:713, -10:42, Barbara Jean Worloinan, aged 6 weeks: Funeral was held from the 'home of ,her 'father, Lloyd WosIknh.an, Thomas • Street, on Tuesday, 'May 19th, .Service at 1:00 P.M. Interment . was macre in Brussels' Cemetery. * * p OOLBMA::N--dn Seaforth our FridaY, May 1'S,bh, 1042; Ellett Coleman, iii' Sher 34011 year. Funeral was held from `tine: Walker Funeral • Home on May 33811, to St. Ambrose " Renton G'abliolie :Ohhtrdlt for ser- vice tit 9:48' a.m. Burial took pace at Si. Ames 'Cemetery, Sea,- fortah, , AN171NJRISCi9i 'iiullett• Township, on, Sunddty, iGtay 17611, 1942, Sane St:oldies, beloved. wife of the tate W. H. ,An4Ueaslom, in iter 73rd Year. Funeral gait'hold front the dttinne" of ,her son, Bert Anderson; Trot 92 Celt r Stoll 114. McKillop : Town - Annual Meeting of The East Huron Women's Institute The 4001 annnsi meeting pf the Fast I-luron Women's Institute was:, held in the Public Library, Brussels.; on Tuesday, May 19th with an at- tendance of 58, Aire. F. C. Demer- ling of Fordwich, district president, presided and the morning 'sesSiort opened with the winging of the Institute Ode and the repeating et the Lord's Prayer, The minutes of the last annuaS meeting were read by the secretarY treasurer, Mfrs, John Speir ' of Brussels who also gave the flnanciaf reports and report of the various. activities of the seven branches of the district, A letter was read in regard to the join making enterprise and ;Y was decided, to send a donation of $26 to aid in the work, Mrs'. Bert Hemingway was ap- pointed director from the district to the Huron' County Federation of Agldculture, A report from Mists Duren. . . County Home. Economics Coach, was read. by Mars. John Speir and showed: that the Juniors are receiving amore benefit from their undertakings - East Huron has 8 clubs. Mrs. Leslie Lake of Ethel with Mrs. Geo. Evans as pianist, then Ied ' the gathering in an enjoyable sing sang. :Some of the reports of the stand= lag ooanmitteee; were given: and many goad suggestions were offered Health and 'Child Welfare by Mrs, PontiWilton, For:twirlh, Legislation by Mrs. Glenn Johnston, Gerrie, Agriculture and Canadian Industries. by Ms*. Sas . Bremner, Brussel Hoole . Economics, by Miss Olive Scott, Bluevale; Historical Re- search and Current Events by Mrs J. H..Suuth of Bluevale; Canadian -- tion by Most. Everett Sperlin Gerrie; Peace and InternetionaI Re- lations, by Mrs. Bert Hemingway, , Bruenel,s. The secretary read the minutes of the District Directorate meeting :held at Ethel, The eleotiin of officers then took place with the following being elected: President, Mrs. ' F. C. Demerling; 1st vice-president, Miss: Olive Scott; 2md vice-president, Mks,. G. A. Wearing; ,secretary -treasurer,. Mrs. John 0. Speir; auditors, Mrs. Walter' Scott and Mra. Clarke Matheson; Federated representative, Ma's. Harold Speir; alternate, Mrs. F. C. Demerling. 'The, convenors of standing . cool. mitteesi for next year were also apd, Ttspointee meeting then adjourned for lunch. ' The afternoon session opened with• the singing of "There'll Always be an England:" Mrs. Harold Speir of the Majestic., Institute gave the' address, of wel- come urging the members to live uia to our motto ,and ode, Try and.' make the coming year, the' best set. Mrs. Stuart McNaughton' of Wrox eter gale the reply. Mars. Victor• S'iiera then: gave the• 4var work report .which was followed by•a solo by Miss Minnie McElwain' of Fordwioh, ' The relief and; community activi• - ties report was presented. by Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, .8Irs. F. C. Dennehling the District President gave an address dealing'• Mainly with, a: report of the Pro- vincial Board meeting which she had Attended.' Mrs, Leslie Lake again led the gathering in a sing song. Mrs. Demerling then , introduced the guest spea)reh',;Mise Maly A. Clarke, superintendent, et Women's' Institute's 7*110 first dealt with the co-operative program. It was de- cided that "Making the 1Vlost of • Vegetaibles" would be our choice.. Tile °lase to be held in Fordiwioh let middle of Septelnber and middle et' October. Mise Clatdie then gave an inspir- ing tack on Institute west, Wo- men's. inletitute's 'have been organ- flod'"fdi tiahiaw 11ved^ through we and peace,, good, tim8s ane:' deltreeSians Mid w111 annt111y survive Alpo, on TuOtlaY. May 14th ,.:Ser- to coptrlb0to to .a perenanemt peace 5 ..ts�vlcioh Heietls 2':'3'0- i}.ilfl'. .•,:3teirneti'Ai.,a,O,1s�*ar, ,The ,h Institute btu' ,leiNettN .' ostfhued Page 11. rr .u.. ; s .," uc,•.aw,w ;.r aaira;nx,v.w w.:..::a.m.,.. r