HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-13, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST 405) Our Large Stock of Wall Paper, contains charming patterns. selected to meet the requirements of your home. They have that added style of coloring that -mark the advanced designs. Whether it is just a few rolls for a pantry or wash•r"ooni,' more for a real living, or dining room, or the r(eessary for every room in the house. WE CAN SUPPLY THE REQUIREMENTS TI -IE PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE. Large Size Moth Proof Garment Bags 49c and 59c ea. Large New Summer.:.. Simplicity Pattern Book is Here. sl Come in & look xhreugli it F. R SMITH DRUGGIST Wig*" { 1�17i STATIONER -. TELEPHONE NO. 62 TFL.FPHONE NO. 62 � rrG THE QUALITY THRIF`T` Phone 7B, 'russels;' STORE _- _. We DELIVER - Every afternoon from 4 to 6 All day Saturday. WEEK -END SPECIALS Diced Beets per tin • • • .. Luncheon Meat ..... • • . • . , per tin • • .. • • • • Van Camp's Tomato Juice • • • • .. 48 oz. • • Peanut Butter in Tins for Overseas Table Syrup in Tins for Overseas Apple & Strawberry Jam per jar • • . • • • Crisco, Large Crisco, small 1 Waxed Paper 10c 3 for 27c 25c 1 19c 18e,and 25c 'I 1 lHF ,T,I�M 15c 29c 3 lb tins .... • .. • ... ... • • ' F3c .1 Ib tins • . 2.7,c- , 100 -ft. Rolls , 31M .25.E .4=1M, etaLONG OWest t�rices' THE FINEST EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER' HAD/ No hit and miss methods here. Your eyes are thoroughly' examined by Mr. Reid and you are told the truth about them: Twenty -fire year's experience in optometry alone is your guarantee of satisfaction. R. A. REID, R. 0. EYESIGHT -SPECIALIST Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store. Phone 51 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2:00. to 4:30 P.M. ETHE1 recent illnesls. Also of tlhe severe I illness of Mr.'W. W. Simpson, . of • Mr, and Mas. Stanley Sparer' and Atwood. They were former i•esi- +bays� of Brarit or°d is'pent . Mother's dents of F76he] Day,;,a)t the home of W. G., Steven- , Mr. and: Mrs; G; Fii•anklin and Mr. son's on 10(t1v Con, Grey. and Mrs. C. Franklin - Mrs. Mary •r The [Presbyterian Mission Band Barron and Miss..Margaret Franklin rnet lat the (home of Mise Jean of Brantfdrd visited over the week ,0teplluenlsou on Saturday afternoon,' end -at Ge,Q. and Mrs. Addy's. ilii•. and Mrs Melville Dennis. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steinman of family visited at 'Roy; Hall's ba Sun- ' Atwood, visited his mother on Sun- d!ay .afternoon. ' day. She has. been confined to her ' Two more gnats were finished by bed for .some time now. ,the. village war -workers on Friday Mis. A. Ziegler and Billie visited ' . Afternoon, . Mrs. A. Leitch, on ;Sunday, Mrs, MT. and Mrs. Charlie Mace of Leitch, has returned to her 'home in Hantiiton visited with Mrs. Mace's:, Brussels. mother, Mrs: Bent Parker, Sunday.' Mr, and 1Vins. Mervyn Grainger Mists Helen Bateman visited her,z :and little Bernice visited in the :mother in Listowel on 'Saturday r pillage on Sunday. , last. iMr. and Mrs, Alex Dunbar, Mary . ; Tire .W.MuS. ana erne W.A. of and Douglas spent Sunday afternoon ••Etlhel United "Oku dh met at the with Glenn and M. Daimler. home of Mrs, A. J. Pearson. Mrs. Mies Isobel Banton of Hamilton Jim Pearson had charge of the war - visited at tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs: ' 'hap service. The theme for May Percy ,Stephenson over the week' being; "The Church, the Household end. of Faith. Mrs. George Menzies The Presbyterian W.M.S. will' the president, conducted the busi- meet at lire home •of Mrs. Wm. Mc- nems' Period. Fallowing this Mrs. Inures on Tuesday. Topic to be'' Mrs. Menzies introduced the guest 'taken by Mrs, Jas. Wright. Serie' 'speaker Miss Hood. Miss Hood is a ture Reading by Mns. Wm. Eclmmier.' returned Missionary from Africa. Current events by Mrs.. Geo. Krauter. Miss. Hood Inas, been in Africa for twenty-five years and this, is her Mns. Harry Speiran visited over third furlough. 1She is all packed Sunday, ,at the home of her son, up to return to Africa but the war PHONE .12 ®. BRUSSELS -do Yeast' :PerPly 1 �:s Caninbell's Vegetable. -•Soup . 2 tins • 47pt °`• l d Per pkg McCormick's salted •.or plain Sodas Aylmer 'Catsup per bottle 1• i.11 15C rr II'!' McCormick's Raisin Cookies (cellophane wrappl:Kt.� ed ' :per pkg `J Fi{t Sheriff's Pure. Orange Marmalade •per' J i{ '' Carbolic Soap • • • • • • • • • • 3 bars in pls t Newport Fluffs • medium. I,r Coleman's pure Lard :; per pkg i• Canada Dry Ginger Ale ...• , 2 bottles We still have a few carrots, beets,,sweet peas,.. can -peas, beans in bulk. - P, Black Cat Window Cleaner`• ° ` '1'rc Bruce's Bird Seed .. per pkg • . u '15c ;Post Toasties , , .. • , , • .. • . , . 3 pkgs • • • •.. , 5c. ;Quick Quaker Oats with Chinaware per pkg 27c Lifebuoy Health Soap • • , . 3 cakes 21c Interlake Toilet Tissue , • • • . 3 rolls • 25c' / //.rim' !�w!�y /w� � yr /�.�..�t - L/r•r`�I S A♦ Fes/ S11.x.. L.' . Wm. 'SP•eir•.an's. Mr. Arnold Earl, anuric teacher in many ;schools here and nearby, is having a mhusical festival on Tues- day night, May 19th in the United Church, Every one welcome to see and hear the children. Inspector Kincaid( paid a visit to the school here on Monday. The many friends of Mrs. Barber, another of Mrs, P. N. 'Currie of At- time President, Mrs. 3. King. It was wood, will be sorry to hear of her decided to .take money instead- of Wednesday, May 12171, 1942 timers have not permitted her to do so. She told so many interest- ing things', about her work in Africa that time ladies would hardly permit her to finish her talk and wanted to hear more. Miss Hood was a dorm- er ,crowed girl and is spending her holidays there. awes. Wm. Brem- ner closed the meeting with prayer. The W. A. meeting was taken by COME AND SEE THESE VALUES IN USED CARS. 1 New Case Tractor on rubber 1931 Model A panel . • 1929 Model A Coach 1929 Pontiac Sedan 1934 Ford Sedan Used 13 spring tooth Cultivator Used riding {Plow (Cockshutt)'", G E. NURSE At The. Cities Service Gas' Station BRUSSELS . ONTARIO • ERIOR ' A, 1 TY ' ''aER VCE E•'r>tisst's _ • "'iPhone 64 av, �SPECIAIS• FO1*—THURSDAY, FRIDAY •&; SATURDAY ES 1e kindly ask you .lo,: Phone your orders early, that we may comply with Government Regulations as to Delivery Service. Aylmer 'Peaches .15 oz. • • • 2 tins • • . • 25c P &G Soap'' per bar ... 5c Try Our Raisin Cookies .... • . • 2 doz. • 23c Hemphill'sWheat Berries • • 5 lb bag • .. 23c Blue Boy, Coff ee ` 1 lb bag . , .. : 39c Kreemy Puffs . • Giant size .. • 49c Christie's Salted Sodas ... ... • per pkg .. 12c 13c 29c Christie's`Cliaese Ritz • •, per. Pkg • • • • • St. Williams` Raspberry Jam • • • • • 2 lb jar Oxydol .. Large pkg ..• ... .. 25c Ready cut Macaroni . , • • • • 2 lb • . • 9c IT—White Shoe. Cleaner ..• • .. • Large bottle • 25c Unwrapped'•Lnundry Soap .. 6 bars ... • • • • • 25c Mixed Cookies per lb • , .• • .... • • 23c Aylmer Tomato Juice ... .. 2 tins • • • 19c Heavy 'Wlrite'Jar Rubbers 3 doz • ...... - 20c Grapenut Flakes . • .. • • . • per pkg • • . • 10c Have you `tried Hi.do Yeast • • • • per box of Four • .. • • .. 15c Pure Castile Soap 3 cakes • • . 17c it ECKMIER hating a goarden party. After the business ' ` tattte.pabd' NtrVs. Oleaver. clolsed wid.h,prayer. � aVlps. A. J. Pearson and the,rconrnpittee in .charge served a dainty lunch. Ladies from Union. Church were, also present to hear Miss, Hood's mesfsage: WROXETER The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was +1 eld,at the home of MOS. F. Sanderson, The new presi- dent Mao. D. 5: ,1McNaug1hton, pre. sided. The meeting opened with the Ode and the Lord's prayer, During ,the busine,sd Period the committee in charge reported that 1 190 cakes of mnalile syrup had been made and sent to ;the boys over- seas. It was decided to help the C.G.I,T. with their bazaar on May GROCERY Beeton's Peas 'and Carrots. 2 tins 29c,,.` Capital Vanilla 16 ox per bottle 25c Family Size Thrift 1 , , . •'; per box 85c Big Five ' , • .... 2 tins' 9c,': Miracle Whip'Salad Dressing „ . , • • • • per jar 21c Muffets .. 2 boxes 19c Ideal Strawberry: Jam • 4 lb tin 49c; Aylmer Pork & Beans 26 oz. tin • • • . • • • , •• • •• • • 2 for 25c Post Toasties; • • .• 2 boxes' MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED 30. The roll call was answered by paying fees.. Plans: were made for members to attend the ,district annual meeting to be held is Br'ussel's an May 19. Mns J. J. . Allen reported on the I work done by the local 'branch o1 Ithe Horticultural Society in help - ing to beautify the 'school ground. The society also, plaaed Shrubs and ' flower beds around the churches as well as at the cemetery. As thls was an all members program, most of the meantbets contributed items. A delightful feature of the after- noon was the ;singing of "My Ain Folk," by Miss McDonald, primary teacher of time public school... Lunch was served by the hostess aesisted by MOS. Munro. The singing of "0 Canada" and the National Anthem closed the meeting. 6 Women's Navy Spring Coats Regular $21.95, Special $16.95 10 Misses Reversible Spring .Coats -Come' Early tor:. this Clearing Special $11.95 25Women's and -Misses' Spring .;Dresses Special $2 ' Just ' ►rr:~;sed .- Worse Misses' 'Chi ffon, .a.nd spun Dresses., _ .... _... 'sizes. 0 r n,s n9i "Hon'7e : in hast ii Just. Arrived - e' arge ship;. ment.of growing girls white chcest'F'and Sport Oxfords, •l:rar r . Teas„on"a,bly Priced. r: tn.4.N Don't ;.o l'etto ask for your sale -slips- -For $14.09 Orth of these we give you ai.;$avrngs Stamp Free. icer H' "A.RCADE: STORE 111111s —• Brussels' Ont. stole, Family Phone 61 Store Wiele ,Bargains for the