HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-13, Page 7rrl lshU$ $ELS POST
• It is only through the Canadian Red Cross Society that anybody in Canada
can send food parcels to any Canadian, British, Australian or New Zealand
prisoner -of -war anywhere.
This is but one of the great tasks of the Canadian Red Cross; great tasks require
great effort and much looney.
More than 40,000 prisoners -of -war food parcels are sent overseas by the Red
Cross every week. This number must be more than doubled to rneet the actual
need. More than a million such parcels have already been sent to prisoners -of -war.
It all costs' money. 'The Canadian Red Cross Society has not campaigned
nationally for' funds since October, 1940. It now asks urgently for $9,000,000 in
the only national campaign for war service funds to be authorized by the Govern-
ment this year.
Every dollar contributed by you is wisely dealt with and economically adminis-
tered. All' Red Cross accounts are subject to scrutiny by the Auditor -General
of Canada.
The Canadian Red Cross has given enormous
rssiet:ance to the 'injured and homeless in
bombed areas in Britain. At Coventry and
Hull, in d'evast'ated. London, Plymouth,
Bristol and. Liverpool, the Canadian Red
Gross w s there. Millions of article:: of
clothing ihoee, lhiani:f.ta and other comforts
have been distributed.
Thousands of children in Britt). h::vr, t,•.: -n
marl:. orp1:••1•s. i,y ,he wt,r. ('. ._
¢i Cit): ..,.,.. ud in: ,. ,n.+ 1'r•r t Lexi
Brussels Red Cross
The Canadian ',led Cress Society maintains
Enquiry Bureaus through which families in
Canada eiticin information regarding
missing reletivcs. 'Through these Bureaus,
prisouors-of=war or missing civilians are
located. ?'lm work is carried on in co-opera-
tion with i' -e International Red Cross at
Ceneva, Switzerland,
The Cs;atadian fined Cross has supplied 38
mobile lcitc•iK •nunitsforBritain'sfirefighters.
Tt,s e. units 7.7T r ,'ipl d to go into bombed
.♦f,l workers a,; a time.
Branch Headquarters
Howlck Council
Fordwidli, May 5th, 13.12
Tile Council met im the United
01rau+c'7 Hall according to adjourn•
mutat, the members were all present,
the Reeve, J. W. Gamble, In the
The minutes of last neegunar meet]
Mg were read and ,on motion of
Winter and McCallum, here
adop ted.
Moved by Weir and Winter, )3e it
resolved, that in compliance with the
request of the Depantmenit of High•
rayls, the following explanation be
submitted:- Whereas the tender
of Roy Vogan was the only one re-
ceived at, the Stipulated.'hour, and
Whereas the tender appeared high.
in the opinion of the Council, and
dire said, Roy Vogau, being present,
agreed to- reduce this tender to sixti'
cents per yard, c nd the miachine
was, set in the o e sbiip, and he laud
rireviousily oven. ,satisfactory ser-
vice, , '7.iherefore t ,Council ac.
opted the tender oy Vogan at
sixty cents per cubic ard,
Moved ,by Strong an•d, Winter that '
the Collectors be instructed to re- i
mu the Rolls at tate next regular:
neeting'to be hell on June 5h of .
fra1E`„rlrr si SU'13 WAR
the present year,
Moved by Strong and elocallam
that the tender of Simon, Bork to
,pui+ohase lots 2 and 3 on the South
side of Adelaide Tet., in tlhe Village
of Fondevich be accepted, --Carried.
Moved by Strong and Weir that
She Reeve be hereby authorized to
Tissue a Proclamation, naming a
week for salvage to be delivered at
Fordnvidh-, Gerrie and Wroxeter
Minks, said week to be named by
Honvic1c Legion No, 307. B E.S,L:.
Moved by MdCalltum and Winter
that the Road Aeoouno., 85 approv-
ed,.be paid. —Carried.
Moved by Strong and Winter that
the fo0lowing accounts be paid.
,Moved by Strong and Winter tiia`
the following accounts be paid.
lisaac Gamble, part salary
els, Clerk .....,. 25.00
County Registrar, registering
Deed, Ring patopeatter 8,55
M, D. Irvin, fuueexlpu�teos
1'or Abrambabyi•al 10.00
Gerrie Cemetery 130,, opening
and closing grave,
Abram baby ..., 3.00
J. G. Underwood, trip and,
work.............................. 3.00
R, H. Corson & Son, hard-
ware account ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2,70
County Treasurer, Hospital
expenses for Lloyd Welber 12,25
Municipal World, collectors
ILolls cit Supplies ....,....... 15.71
T. A, Roberto, 1020 envelopes 5.00
T. A, ,Sinclair M. D., anaes-
thetc nor Lloyd Weber ,. 5.00
Ontario ILospital, Woodstock
Hospital expenses for
E. Douglas ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 45.50
United Church, rent of moan 1.50
Real e8 82.70
Moved by Winter and Weir that
this Coimlcil do now ,adjourn to meet
in the Townuslhip Hail, Wroxeter, on '
the Fifth day of June, .or at. the
call of the Reeve. —Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
Saving Sanely
A. Lauceshire 11100 and, his wife
found a gas% bill on, the footpath
when they were out for an evening
stroll, -Phe mum picked it .up.
"Tan going to- pay this 'ere bill,
Maggie,” he said.
"What do you, want to -do that
for?" hie wife, demanded. "It isn't
"No," he replied, "but there's
three and ten discounit, and I might
as, well have it as- an'ybotly else."
th surface and iii emn;itis• of the teen JtnpaOese sihips totalling 100,000 ed', and liarreeles, radio Stations, and
tones—Most warships and auxiliaries
were sunk, 50,000 tone, of outer
snips damaged, four military air
bases, wrecked, at leash: 38, planes—
Most of them big bombene—deetroy-
oleo Fleet took nert, in. the large.
tie Ameideenen' Ilse attack on
7 Japanese k 1 yj ,5.110 alt base4 in
e Mareitral)61,%;1tSti1"'Ys il1>` r' it. • felands,
nisi. roof e 0111, JanuAry 31, six.
coastal batteries of big gnus 'Moen
up. leieture ,tiltow,s; An American
endea • which took pant in, the
action ;bonnlbarding bee of , the
1 he Ferrnee's Part in
Vd'nning The War
t e..ei ani: mein evidl•i.t.
i..e;+ 1irt,r)nrtign n1 fund iµ MAIM to be
ur,11. inip 'iia. ]arta]'; ie
winning rile war.
It .. dirbi time, unci while 110'•)
I''rme• liaoW leen w'1711 ihc'3' ars'
^1)1117; to :taw. 1 Ir. Barton, iepe 1'
minister, Dem.inlon Itepnrtment o?'
Agriculture, gays this year the ft ;•
stH1) le to plan for fucreased crop
prnduetien, particularly all feed
producing erolrs, with. special emplia•
ahs ou cnnnse grains, livery farnsr'o
war effort this year should include
tee graaiasit care in, t:be selection and
preparation of his seed grain, be
urged. nigher stabilized price;
have been estatbiidbed for several
major agriaultut'a,l products.
Given an abundance of feed, (tau -
ad will be in a position, •says Ps.
Batton, to meet the live stock and
live - took product obligations, made
to Britain. More feed will make It
easier to feed hogs up to 200 pounds
live weight on the facet. From hogs
weighing Pose than, 200 pounds the
desirable Wilsttilnire sides cannot be
oirta fined.
At least 500 million pounds more
milk will be required this, year if
Britain's needs for 'cheese an0
evaporated milk are to be met and
,Canadian requirements+ for dally
products looked after, . This means
an extra. 125 pounds, of anilk from
each doily caw, The way to do this
is more feed. One of the hest
crops is pasture. It can be improved
by keeping the weeds from going. to
seed, icy the use of the chain bar- -
ro'w or spike tooth harrow and other
cultural practices.
Mame cattle and sheep are wanted.
the lather for both wool and meat.
There's a market, too, for all the
eggs that can be produced. Britain
wants millions of dozens this. ,year
a.nd prodlie 5 can get a three -cert
bonus for grade A eggs, paid by the
Dominion Government,
Soybeans and flaxseed for oil are
urgently needed. There's a shortage
or vegetable oils. In several direc-
tions ell -out production is wanted,
No reamer needs, operation orders
this. year, Ho is asked to cto Ilia
beet in the face of many handicaps
—as lie will,
Potatoes Advertised For
Seed ]Must Be Certified
The ouly Potatoes that can leg.
ally be soli or advertised as seed
potatoes are Potatoes that have been
certified as seed potatoes by the
Dominion Department of Agricul-
tare, so we have been advised by
a Department bulletin.
Official tags are issued by the De•
paremeut of Agaiculture for the p0.
tatoes that are certified as seed.
On these tags the words eCerified
Seed Potatoes" are printed in bold
10(161s. One oe these tags must be
ataohed to eadl, container of seed
potatoes, .
An official centifioation number
is stamped on each. tag. 03g this
member the: Department aaf Agricul-
ture kn.owfs, and will inform the
buyer upo1 request, the name and
address of the grower Who prod'aced
the steed potatoes.
An advertisement for seed' pot-
atoes, must, to conform with the de-
structive insect and, pest act refer to
certified seed potaaes'. If it does
not, the advertisement is illegal, and
Maims in any ivay responsible for
the advertisement are liable to pros-
The following are tie amen of
)3russeis, Morris and Grey W010 are
in, the IC,A,S.F. If you have a
friend or relative whose name does
not appear in this list, please send
it in,
Alcock, John
Alderson, T.
Amies, J. P,
Bell, W. H. 'laid'
Bell, E. D.
Bandana, Charles H.
Bleck, Bert
Black, Donald
031adk, Douglas (R.C.A.F.)
Bryan, Russell
.Brothers', Lade
Brewer, J.
Bowler, Harry
Burchell, Fred
Cardiff, Clarke (R.C,A.17.)
Cardia, Clifterd
'lens Women Over 40,
,Feel Weak,Worn; Old?
Walt &WNW Pep, Ifiat, latanty?
Peat MEN., tinMro, tAinsaeetad cardlIW nal*
161M ntrzgM,ro °r:Wo'' flte, ,
Opt etee =wrapcreri.rawr..
Agent = F. R, .smith, Bruise s
a;,y. :(1077 ;
No business ran afford to
fare risks wllieli should be covered by
insurance. Let us analyse your needs,
explain how insurance can protect your
business from loss in cranny ways and
arrange planned Pilot policies to cover
all eventualities.
We write Pilot insurance to cover
selected risks in Automobile, Fire,
Burglary, Cargo, Elevator, Teams, Plate
Glass, General and Public Liability,
Fidelity and Surety Bonds.
Cardiff, Frank
Cardiff, Wm,
Campbell, John
Campbell, Stanley
Coleman, Ken,
Davidson, Scott
Doh1, C.
130011; 0.
Elliott, Ross
Galbraith, Geo.
G'alblu.ith, Bowman
Gowing, Carl
Garton, Edward
Gillis, Morris
Gibson: Harvey '
Henderson, Archie
Hall, Deb.
Hall, Russell
Hamilton, R. C.
Hamilton, Allan C.
Huether, H. L., Sgt.
Harman, G.
Hartman, John
Hastings, Day
bullet', Jim
Lamont, Leonard
Lowrie, Everett
Lowe, Stewart
Locking, Wm.
Myers, Dr. C. A.
Machan, Willis, (R.C,A.F.1
McCauley, L.
McCr^^•t, Ted.
Mitchell, Frank
McFarlane, *alter
McLean, Arthur
McDowell, Mac
McRae, Donald
Murray, Kenneth 00.
Nichol, Wilfred
Nichol, Gordon
Nichol, Mac
1Vinirall, Lloyd
Palmer, ,las.
Pauses', Wm.
.Pierce, Roy
Prost, T. A.
Prest, W. M, (R,C.A,F.)
Prest, Robert
Prest, Jim
Rowland, Wm.
Russell, Lewis (11,0.A.F-
Rutledge, Hartley
Rutledge, Jack
Rooney, Leonard
Spell, Jack
Spear, Kenneth
Snell, Verne
atretton, H.
Stretton, H.
Saleman, E.
Sanderson, Lloyd
Tunny, Chas,
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Norm. (R.C.A.F,)
Thomas, H.
Whitford, R,
Whittard, Earl
Wilson, Stan.
Wilson, Russell
Workman, Gordon (R,C,N.)
Woodrow, Alec
Young, Archie (R.C,.A,F.)
Young, Elmer
Young, Norman, R.
Young, Ernest
Bryant Lorne
I:arngey, Dean
!''ether, 'Wilfred
Gillis, O.
Fischer, \Vm.
Hawkins, Herb.
1teDowell, Jack
I'eurson, Ralph
P111171, Carl
Plum, Ernie
Pennington, J.
R.C,A, (Reserve)—
Baeker, George
Campbell, G. R. Capt.
Coleman, Lull
Dobl, Mac
Davidson:, Cleve
Lowe, Jack
McDonald, Harold
Sanderson, Gordon
Thompson, Mel.
Willis, Wilfred
There is little satisfaction. in com-
ing out on top when it's due merely
to baldness.
A Scotsman. waw leaving on a'
fortnight's, business trip and called
hack 85 he lett hoarse: "Goodbye all,
and KstIlerin.e chime forget to mar
.lettle Donald tak' his glasses off
when hots, looking at naething,"
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has
found that the cost of living index number
for April 1, 1942, of 115.9 [adjusted index
115] has not risen by one whole point or
more over the index number for October
1, 1941, of 115.5 [adjusted index 114.6].
Accordingly, the National War Labour
Board, pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 12 of Order in Council P. C. 8253,
determines and announces, for the period
May 15, 1942, to August 15, 1942, subject
to the right of employers or employees to
apply to a War Labour Board for authori-
zation of payment of such an amount of
cost of living bonus as a Board nay
determine to be "fair and reasonable,"
under the provisions of the Order, that:
(a) There shall be no change in the
amount or percentage of cost of
living bonuses presently being paid;
(b) An employer who has not been
paying cost of tieing bonuses may not
begin to pay such bonuses.
By Order of the National War Labour Board,
Minister of Labour and Chairman
Ottawa, Canada,
May 12, 1942,