HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-13, Page 4xport Packers B'LYERS-Of All Kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry We, will. cath,. at ,your place for any quantity.. Also -All kinds of Feathers & Horsehair. We have anexpert on our staff who will cull your Hock Free of Charge. Pho a 70x Brusselsi, 5 is 'CANADA'S WAR EFFORT i turned ort its 1oo,bpottr Deo -sound I bomb. .. . * * * * * *1 ` 3. To take cat a of 'tile increasing A weakly review of developments , transportation needs.' of wet indub" ton the•'Home Front; April 30=12aY 'l tries, buses will have to be diverted= Z, 1942. from less essential routes to runs, in ep # .crowded areas, tlk,e ,,,i'fl ns1t,...,0on- • .. armed ared 'service,St at.-.. home t"calie 2a9* annnnli ''..POur iregton• and overseas returned an over al offices of the Transit Contt?o,tler whelming vote in favor of releasing' harve ;been• set up and regtpnal the Dominion Government from its . direota a appointed in Vance ser, 1,ower. on methods' of raising man' Regina, Toronto and Halifax. power: There were '251.118 "yes" ;` t• fa, votes; against 60;335. !`no' votes.' 4. Fifteen' thou ' Plant 0jab Total civilian and' • armed service 'instructors can ..11e." Produced for vote turns far is, 2,921,206 in the if- I Canadian industry .withi{I the ,.ext ftrtnative and, votes 609 in the nage- "year 'tQunee months thro b 4l,pew training tive. "Yes" vofes amounted io 64% Program inaugurated:9in. Montreal on of total ballots -cast/ Atbont S0 Per I May. 4• . �i;l cent of the Service votes and 62.1 per cent of the eietlian. Rotesce • . 5. The Dominion• of Statistics in the atfimnative. , l oast -of -living index at April 1 . re- * * anatned undhanged at 115.9. The 2. Canadian production of anti - wartime increase in the index. aircraft and antitank gun's set a which is, used for.nd-listing the,level neav record in March. One _ new o2 wages to prices has. risen 15 wartime 'factory exceeded by more peuceod franc Augnslp ioa9;,to ?April than 300 pet ' cent its •scheduled 1 -front 100.8 to16.9.t x .r:. `r Morelli output of anti-tank guns• With the index 4,...,415:later alfcint Lrmnmeniion plantshave reached there will be, no change in the! test - "record output, . and the, Dominion of -Irving bonus for the three-rnlintll period beginning May 015:a J t BLUEVALE Maus, Alex Me11..wen returued name on Friday after visiting with friends i11 Toronto, Mr. Spence MtoKinanon of the bank staff at Galt spent the week end .wit'h his parents ou the boundry. Mr. Russel BarnarU of the air force spent Sunday with lits parents near' Bhuevale. Mr, Gordon GlTlleeier of Hamilton. spent last ,SundutY whit M•r, and Mrs, Art Wlheeler, let line. Mr, and .Mas, 'Glias, Jones of Auburn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Rost, 'M•cClenoan and family, Mr. Miiton Lake of Fergus asp the week end with his uncle and aunt and cousins; 141r. and Mrs. East Huron Produce Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY, FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything to make the hens lay 'A' Grad.;k eggs We are in the marketfor all kinds Of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A Specialty' Bring Us Your Eggs Our Motto - Honest Grade on every egg 6. Men called fat aonnpn'e1 r Inst tory training totall,0tl' 120,306y be- tween Oatob,er 9 Ja939r,and SilarL 12 1942. : l-i6i.c• " E' r� i • 7. Taxicab ePeaateagF found t• est- , ins gasoline by lettrpg theiii engines idle while awaiting,,5 anengeruimaY lase their gasoline *epees: r r 8, About 600 0w41i i of i b 'ting_ Plants east' of bite save been ordered to elavitalt,iroar 011 to coal or some other 4,Eue, by1Jufy 31 because of a grave .4'11. slliartage.j **4 a tip 9. Ii: W, Lea, Mo rreaI ;,formerly chief ekecutiva of the ;War- - ,i;< time Bureau of 2e real lien ousel, has been named TDIreptor Ofi the Bureau to succeed Iliett at. ;.Ld.•ttle, recently named Director of Ni0ional Selective Service. 10. Men of draft age p , tI4e Re- ' serve Army are to he ca'11ed till for cwniuisory service under; the National Resources. Mobilizati/in Act. While these men have not been exempt from compulsory military service they have not been called up. :I ' 11. A new government company, Wartime Salvage Limited; with Walter A, Bark, Toronto, ,as" pres'• dent, hes' been established 10 acquire and dispose of waete or used matter of all kindss, will operate under Olt) direction 1 f the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. The National Salvage ' 'COW a;;under the new director,' Charles Le4erle, will continue fid "lie" responsible for salvage collection 'and 'c0inpa4gns. • . ♦.. * 12, Canada is.niavr prod-neing more explosives every a§'i3r' snohbl»Si. than were produced in the country `during the Great War.., Of' the:45,00A work• cis+ employed, one•third",ai'e Wooten. THE BRUSSELS POST aotiPture lesson wits read by Nora Scott Several leters from mission- aries 10 laidia were read by Mrs• Dunbar from the misisionary magaz- ine. 'llhe roil -call was responded to and the meeting closed with staging and praYer• Personally; Milton Lake, Elora, with, friends; Gibsou Anresltrong,• New Hamburg, with his parents, Mr. and . Mrs. D. Armstrong; Mr, and Nina. :Lind., M000k, Brussels,;, with her par„tubs,, Mr, farad Mna, Lyle; Hopper; Kenneth Wheeler, Hacnik' ton, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ii. Wlheele.r;. Andrew Ferguson, and. son James, 'also: Mr. end Mrs, Nor= nran Geddes, Toronto,. with relatives and friends; .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Little Seaforth, with her mother Mrs W. J:, Geddes, Mrs. Geddes' re" turning 'home with them; • tastes slurry Bosman and Mr. and Mrs. i ltIaCrea, Stratford, with his parents,, Chas, Beeman and sons, • Mr, and Mos, R, McCrea; Miss Mrs. Art Wheeler spent a week Dorothy Gallagher and brother, Al-. with her husband,and 'other friends vin, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs: at Hamilton.• O. H. Wade; James Gallagher, Galt: Dr. Albert Hetherington of New with• Mr. and Mos. A. Nethery York and Dr. Bent Hetherington 'of The Junior Red Crosse 'Society of. Brampton and Mr. Cannon Hetlher• School Section No. 5; Morris "town- iugton of Toronto spent Sunday . ship, presented a two -pant programs, with their parents and brother and ."Cavalcade of Canada," adopted also to see their mother who is very ' from the 'pageant tor Schools' by G. low at Present. Roy Fenwick in the Foreetern' hall. The Mabher'sa Day service was oh- '•MiSs Dorothy GoIley, teacher and Served in the tutted Church with tine superintendent, W. J. Johnston, presiding. The program consisted of scripture reading and special readings. 'Special vocal selections were rendered gy Gia Mothers Choir, Junior .S'und'ay School' °lasses and little tots, The two children of Mr. and Mrs. John Fackler, John Douglas and Loretta Jane, were presented for Baptism. The address, "The Building.'of Character" was. delivered by the minister, Rey, C. Tavener, The order of service as prepared by the board of Sabbath schools for Mother's Day was observed. at the morning service in Knox Presby- terian church with the Sunday sdhooll. superintendent, Mrs. Harvel' Robertson, in charge. Scripture passageg we're read by Harold El- liott and Shirley Detbnsau, Allan Rarasay sang a .solo. The. 'address on the :subject, "0.1 such. is the Kingdom of Heaven," was, given by Clue minister, Rey. F. G. Fowler. During the service Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Mundell presented - their young son., Hugh Robert, for Bap- tism. The church was decorated with white nare issi and• ciloved' tulips, - Mrs. 'Housekee,per:- This tried and approved Short' ening is just what you need to be better satisfied with all your baking. tart Easifirst N.O. 1 Lb. f,r:; m 19c SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT A. Dm McDonald - Meat Market Phone 69%c Brussels, Ont. BELGRAVE .r, Wednesday, Mey 13th, 1942 iewar's . Groceteria There Is No Substitute 66 FloVFFS ". F This is New Port Wel Our Stock `'isY ` Fresh GAREN PATCH GOLDEN NET TOMATOES CORN SALMON . 2 Tins for 1 lb. Tins 29 oz.Tins. 25c .• 35c - 2..for 23c GET YOUR FREE, GLASS, BOWL ori Glass 'With Your Corn ',Fishes... ,, Order Your Pines At Grewar's WE SELL FOR LESS , .. Mats. Donald Robertson, music super - The Program was: part one, ad- dress .of welcome, Donna, Van, Camp; :school chorus, "Our .. Em, pire's Mere 'l'o Stay"; recitation, Audrey Anderson: piano • selection Patsy Andersson 'Gladys Campbell and Donna Van Clamp.; dialogue; vocal duet, Donna Vans Camp, Ber- nardi Curatnings; dialogue; vocal, 'duet, Ivy .and Ronald Campbell; recitation, Charles Wilkinson; song by the juniors; dialogue; song's by the seniors; Dolly's Lullaby, Junior girls. During intermission a draw was made on a quilt made by junior Red Cross members It wars wen by Miss. G. Nicholson. The second' Pant of tie Program was the "Cavalcade of 'Canada," Presented by the entire isichool in song, dancing, and story. There was a good attendance .and the proceed -s will be used for Red Cross work, Belgrave Institute The regular .meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held Tues- day, May 19th at 2.30 p.m, at the home of Mae. R. W. Procter, ' with the war wank convenors, Mrs. Rich-. Procter amt, Mas. Earl Anderson in cherge of prograanmue. The address will be given by Mrs. Alex Manning, vice pros., of Red Crass. Vocal solo by Mrs. Jas, Mtdlue. Roll Call, 'one way I tan help with war work. Lunch com., Mrs. Earl Anderson, Miss. Willard Armstrong, Mr's, 11, W. Procter. All the ladies of the com- munity are invited to attend, Notice to Creditors A. M. GREWAR In the Estate of James McCartney. All persons having claims, against the Estate of JAIVIDI1S MrCCARTNEY, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 14111 day of April, 1942, are hereby notified to send full .particulars of their claiaws to the "un- dersigned Solicitor for the Adminis- trator •ort •or before the 3rd day of June, leL2,atter which date the Estate shall be distributed having 'regard only o 'the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. is DATED at Brussels., Ontario, this 12th day of May, A.D. 1942. 0'. JOSEPH BENSON, for Elsner D. Bell absent on active service Brussels, Ontario. Solicitor for George Turnbull, Administrator. A joint meeting of the United church Women's Missionary Society and Women's Associations was held in rite basement 'of the church with a good attendance, Mrs, H. Procter and Mus. J. M. Coates were in charge of the devo- I.,,na1 period based on the theme, "The Church, the 'Household of Faith." Mrs. R. 'Olnamney and Mrs, J. Michie led in prayer. The last chapter of the study book "Serving with the Sons of Slh:uh" was taken by Mrs. Jaanee Couites, Mrs, George Johnston and Mrs. N. Keating sang a duet, The president Mrs. 3. Wheeler, conducted the Ibusineas, 'Minutes and treasurer's report were accept- ed and offering taken, An invitation to visit the Donnybrook Auxiliary on May .21 was accepted. The 'president reported that articles for the ,lune kale are almost completed, A quilt for one of the members was .completed since the last meeting, Prayer 'by blue president closed the meeting, A. short business meeting of the Women's/ Association followed, It was. conducted by the 'president, Mrs, S, Procter, The members of both organizations will join in a quilting at the Mtslsion Band tea on May 25. Letters Are Read The McKay Mission Band of the Presb iterian cininch held its re -or" ganization meetingin the church be- ginning Suananer suede.: of meetings with the leader Mrs.Dunbar in charge. M. Young at the organ and Saving Stamp Song For School Children SCHOOL children throughout Can- ada are playing a splendid role fn the purchase of War Savings Stamps and Certificates. In appreciation of this fact, and in order to further the good work, John Murray 'Gibbon, general publicity. agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, noted Canadian author and poet, has written new and stirring words to that grand old tune, "Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are marching." The new song, which.is now a school favorite, is: "Stamp stamp, stamps that we aro buying." l The words in full follow. In the schoolroom as I sit, Thinking, soldier brave, of you, And the thunder of the guns across the sea, How I want to do my bit When my lessons ail are through, And to help you fight to keep our country heel CHORUS Stamp, stamp, stamps that we are buying Pill up folders one by one. ,S0011 well have enough to net Bomb or tank or tram, corvette And our savings will put Hitler on the 1l51. In the battlefront you stand Where the deadly bombers dive, And you need a Bron or anti-aireraft ggun. ' 3o to help you wo have planned With our stamps to make a drive, And we'll raise a hundred million ere we're done l CHORUS Bo I think up some old chore As within the school I sit, Ande I know I'll never let a chanc That ywill earn a quarter more Arid will help me do my bit With the Savings Stamps that boy3 and021021752 may buy. Morris Council May 11, 1442 The Council met at the hall on the above date With all the members present. The Reeve presided. • The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of James Michie and Cecil Wheeler: Moved 'by C. R. Coultes, seconded lty H'arveY Johnston that work• men's wages be 30 cents an hour and Road Superintendent's wages be 45. cent's an hour. -Carried. Moved, by C. R. Coultas, seconded by James Michie that Wm. Brydges be paid tem dollars extra for the extra trips in delivering tax notices. --Carried. Moved by Harvey 'Johnston, ,Sec- onded by James Michie that the 'Council make a survey of the Town- ship on May 19. -Carried. Moved by Harvey Johnston, second- ed by 0. R. Coultas that she meeting' adiourn to meet again on June 8, 1942, a 1 P•m• Carried. The following accountswere paid: W. A, Galbraith, relief acct. 42.55 N. W. Miller, indigent fee ,,,.. 10.50 Dept• of Health, Insulin ...... 8.33 Stratford General Hospital . 2.00 A. IL Enshine, taxes ..... . 168,62 Mrs'. Geo. Gross, relief ... 15.00 Mrq. Nellie Logan, relief ... 8.00 Fred Logan, aftercare . 7.00 D. A. Rano, funeral service 50.00 D. A. Rano, trips re funeral 5.00 F. Duncan, telephone acct. L68 Howiek Fire Ins. Co., Ins. on .0hed .......... 2.00 Wkru ^Brydges, salary 120.00 Wan. Baydges, extra trips .. 10.00 Geo. C. Martin, Clerk FOR SALE 017 RENT- A House. apply to Alvin Pride 85 Queen St., North, Waterloo, Out. Attention Wool Growers Send your clip of wool through "Stone's" licemeed looal eolleetor or ship to ua direst. We guarantee to pay full Government pricees -give honest grading -send prompt returns None can do more. William Stone Sons Limited. _._... Ingersoll, Ontario Registered Warehouse No. 5 fht L-JSS- SEE: NOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR GRASS SEED WANTS ! Steel Briggs Famous Lion Brand ;Seed. for greater germination of seed. Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Yellow Blossom Clover White Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. We can supply you with all your pasture grass, Rape, Etc. Full Line of Feeds For Better Results feed • 11 Rose Brand Chick Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter We have '-'Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog 'Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices. Livingston Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid kr Eggs & poultry. We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction. A. Jr Pearson Ethel Ores Phone 22r7