HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-13, Page 22?imvW--.+ntc+msa*anrw.w' ,ymos-..vw cwx.ar.,b:vwviu. ., �cwr�wurLau�uyq-w, Creamery wi11. be open to receive•a CiR ON SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30 Commencing April 25th and throughout the summer months. BRUSSELS CREA :"I ERY Every Three Seconds •One Yorkshire Tailor Turns Out a Garment For the Services Army great Co'a'ts' use up Tory miles of cloth and lining a week it. a single Leeds factory where Ons garment is completed every three seconds. This workshop and another which has turned mut 320,000 battle dresses a week ere using every week enough cotton to go three times round the Equator. These are only two of the 259 tailoring firers• who were given tb? largest single clothing ardor etP,' placed --•for 5.000,000 battle2resse4 blouses and 6.000,000 trousers. That meant 9,000 miles of clo't'h absorb- ing 10;000 tons of wool; 9,000 miles of lining. and 200,000.000 brass her. Eons, A weak later, 1,150,000 Army great coater were ordered, calling for 7,000,000 yards of the heavy milled waterproofed doter specially produced far thre purpose by tba 1'0111 Hire ntilltu, xnto blend six dif• feren0 colours of wool to make the perfect khaki. In six months the overcoats produced from X•erkehtel cloth would have provided 25 year supply in normal times. These huge nrkrtstsearrodueing fac- tories can undertake gigantic con- tracts like half a million battle- dreseee or oVerrenas because they are-eniuli'pe l with the most modern of labomriaaving machines and in peace time produce huge quantities of men's quits and coats, Little aduup:stiou is required to turn the machines over to war proditeti rn, which includes no only the standard a env nnifotmt but tropical kit of drill for troops 'serving overseas, heavy woollen goods in Royal Navy and Air Force blue. as well ars Slacks, tunics .and skirts for tine girls on gun. sites and !bomber stations A11 this war work means; that only a fraction of the British clothing indusny can work on "civvy" wear now standardized' as Utility suits. £ae SCRAP METAL RAGS, PAPER BONES It's not always easy to remember that every scrap counts—but it's true. Every scrap does count. Tons of war material are being made from the scrap metals, rags, paper, bones and the waste collected from Canadian homes. Carry on the good work—every day of every week. Help win this war at your own back door. ERUSSTELS SALVAGE CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS AT THE ARENA OPENED ON SATURDAYS 9:00 A. M. to 11:30 A. M. 9:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. ISSUED BY DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES CLEAN OU' CLEAN UP"ON HITLER .....- +- THEE BRUSSELS POST ‘',',',tlt. i.,• ii.l1 1a•"il. illi .'*a.wv,ow.wvMa,..ww..,,w...wr rww,u„y�-°.a.+w,.rw+r.,✓•�«.v,.,p,..,�,,,.,.�,.s., w.u..ru+..Fur.r,°aw,dr,..,am�www..°rr+,°w.......«..r,..,r..,,,nsaw.«.+w,.w....,.. ,,�., ANNUAL 'W C'a rh CRT of Brussels, Morris and Gre Telephone System For year ending December 3 st, 115 41 The Annual Meeting of the Subscribers of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, nn Saturday, May 23rd, 1942 at 2 pan. COMMISSIONERS D. Mn'PAVIS'H .......... ............ ....r,.,, Chairman H. A. KEYS .......................... Conurnissloner ROBT. S111OI6TRF)JOD Comnturissioner OFFICERS W. S. SCOTT ...,, Secretary Number of Telephones, December 31st ,1940 Subscribers 978 Renters 100 Total 1078 Number of Teleph:oses, December 31st, 194.1 Sulysu:ribene. 970 Renters 96 Total 1066 Net. Lasts 111 Telephones for the year ........... .....r. 12 telephones. Miles of Poles January 1st, 1940 ........... ..r........,. 20.1 Miles of Poles, December 3196, 1940 ............................ 201 Net gain in Pole mileage for the year . Nil miles Mlles orf Single Wire, January list, 1940 1302 iJilea of Single Wire, December 01st, 1940 ............. 1302 Net gain, in 'Wire mileage i'or the year . Nil miles miles OPERATING ACCOUNT—REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE The following is a conalensed statement of Revenue and Expenditure for the year ending December 31, 1941, Statement of Revenue & Expenditure For Year Ending December 31st, 1941. REVENUE Subscribers' Levies in 10.41, Collected. . $5,439.57 Subscribers' Levies in 1941, 'Uncollected ,.,, 2,162.65 Non.Subls'cr•ibeus' Rentals for 1941 , Collected 617:00 Non -Subscribers' Rentals for 1941, Uncollected 136.60 Local Tolls from Non.Subscribers, Pay Stations, etc. .. 338.55 Front Bell Telepbone Company for 'Commissions ............. 1,026.61 11iseellaneous .............. 10.55 Bun; Interest ......... ..... .... :..... .,.. -152.60 Total Revenue ..................................... . ........... EXPENDITURE Operators' Salaries ..................................... $3,117.00 Annual Switching FeOe .................. „ 95.91 Ala in: enance & Repairs—Wages 1,728.50 'Maintenance & Repairs—MVIa:teria.1s and Supplies .... Cannris;sioners' Salaries Secretary-Treasau•oras 'Salary ........................ ' Other Salaries°—Auditoa+s•, Clerks, etc ......... ..... Fuel & Light ......... ................ .... . ............ . Stationery, Printing, -Postage, etc Tesunanca Gas, 011 & Track Maintenance .................... 2 reiglrt & Cartage 1,180.79 99.00 710.00 204.10 209.03 242.80 121.2e 267.52. 14.45 58.17 $9,883.40 Total Operating Expenditure ...............• 95,081.49 Gross Income .....91,801.97 Interest on Temporary Loans ..................................... Ni'l Principal & Interest Payable on Debentures NiI Net Income, Enilrthit I. ........., ...... ....... $1,801.97 Construction Account For Year Ending December 31st, 1941. RECEIPTS From date of By -Law fns the establishment of the System to December 3lrst, 1940. From Proceeds of Debenures .. $53,837.92 1Fron, Subs.cribers in Lieu of Debenture Payments, ..................... Nil From Revenue .. 6,321.91 From January 1st, 1041 .to December 31st, 1041 From Temporary Loans .........................a. Nil From Proceeds of Debentures •.......... ............... Nol Prom Subscribers in Lieu of Debenture, Payments. ......................... Nil From Revenue .,,. , Nil Receipts for period .......... ................ Nil Total Receipts ................. . .. 990,169.81 990,159.81 DISBURSEMENTS From date of 011yLaw for the esta:llislmnen1..of the System to December 31st, 1040: Temporary Loan Repayments ................ .:. Nil Expended on Plant & Equipment .. $90,159.83 $90,169,83 From January 1st, 1941 to Decemrlber 311st, 1942. Temporary Loan Repayments 0141 Expended on Plant & Equipment , , , ,. Nil Disbursements for year .............................. Nil Total Disibur'sements........, ... ... 490,150.83 $90,150.83 The Brussels, Morris &, Grey Municipal Telephone System Balance Sheet As At December 31st, 1941 CAPITAL ASSESTS Plant & Equipment .,.,,...., 87,846.14 Offiee Furniture .,,.. 55500 Total KkgPital AAMOS ,••• 41.4..0.00... .,,,,.M.,. $90,159,35 390,159.89 4i (MAY 24th) WEEK -END FARE AND ONE-QUARTER Good going noon Friday, May 22, nodi 2 P.M. Monday, May 25. Returning: 'cave destination up to midnight Tuesday, May 26. Times shown= Staodard. Per fora and full infer -maim apply to year nearest ticket ogees. C.AiVADI1A►N NATIONAL, CAPITAL LIABILITIES Debentures Outstanding .......••..••., Nil Debentures Paicl ,,.. .. ,........ $33,837.92 Capital Assets nuanced by Revenue Funds ...................................6,321.91 REVENUE CURRENT ASSESTS Cash on hand and in Rink .............................95,42.2.41 Subscribers? Levies' Uncollected 1.941 2,162.68 Rental Uncollected in previous yearns and up to December 3•1st, 1941 .......... Tolls Uncollected in previous years and up to December 311. t. 1941 per ledgers 2,2O2.19 Tolls added to Tex Rolls ................................. 226.34 Materials & Supplies on baud .. 1,740.54 Friel on band ..............................................10.00 Tools & Vehicles 963.00 Dominion of Canada, War Loan Bonds, ................ 5.500.00 Total Current. Assets ...................................... $19,516.71 OWING BY CAPITAL ACCOUNT RP Capital Aoest.s Financed by Revenue Funds ..................................... $6,321,91 $25,895.tir: 312.55 $90,1559.83 CURRENT LIABILITIES Pell Telephone Company re Tolle 475.00 Total Can'rent Liabilities $75.00 CURRENT SURPLUS Balance December 31st, 1940 ...................... $23,937.46 Add: Net Income for year, per Ex. 111. ....... 1,801.97 Adjustment re: Dell Telephone ................. 84.71 925,824.14 Less: Refund .52 Balance December 31st, 1941 .............................. $25,8200.63 $25,593.62 Dated this 6th day of iV1ay, 1942. I certify that the annexed statements of Revenue and Expenditure, •Oomistmguction Account and Balamue Sheet Exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the 'Syistem'saffairs as on December 31st, 1941. Frank P. Gibbs, C.A., Auditor. Clear telephone lees for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sys- tem now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which pro. Auction efficiency may depend. OMER „Wt9RT/ME TEIEPlielVE Tmerit:c- OBE SURE you have the right number...consult the directory. . q > OSPEAK distinctly, directly into ~.. the mouthpiece. Q.ANSWER promptly when the bell rings. { 1 r Q BE BRIEF. Clear 1 the next call. Your line for e ` tt. Mote things may loo* h)Jil,g, bat ore 6,500,000 daily relopbone calls, they are very hnportaat.