HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-5-6, Page 5,w 17I1v BRUSSELS + OST
Frigidaires in Stock
20 Late Models used cars in first class condition. Some
with New Tires. Fords, Dodges -and Chev's.
5 Good used reconditioned Trucks,
2 Urcd Tractors
1—New Ford Tractor Ferguson System used only
own farm this spring. A BARGAIN.
5 Choice Horses
3 Choice Holstein Heifers—Fresh
2 Jerseys Cows—Fresh
on our
L. and W.
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Phone • 161 Listowel, Ont.
S .v
The regular meeting of the Happy
Hearts M'is'sion Band of the United
iobnrelr was held in the schoolroom
of the church Sunday m'orn'ing with
an attendance of 34, Patsy Ander•
eon was in the chair. The scripture
Lesson was read .by Gladys 'Camp-
bell. The Ieader, Mrs, T. P. Johns-
ton, pave the 'story from, the study
book, "Lanterns in bhe China Sky."
.A short 'story was also given by
Audrey Anderson. Linetta Bennett
gave a recitation. Plans were male
to hold a quilting and tea on May
23 in the basement of the church.
Holy 'Communion was observed in
the Anglican church Sunday. The
rector, Rev. P. H. Streeter, spoke on
East Huron
- Produce -
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone 66
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver Oil
to make the hens
lay' A' Grad:; eggs
We are in the
market fur all kinds'
+'Flock' culling
A, Specialty"
Bring Us Y.ourEggs
Our Motto—
Honest Grade
on every egg
the "Parable of the Rich Man and
1 Lazarus,", •
In the United dhura: Rev. G. H.
Dunlop used the words of St. Paul
"We Rejoice .In Our Tribulation.,,."
ishowing the strength of character
attained by facing trials and re•
verses brabely and courageously in-
stead of attempting to avoid them
Rev. Kenneth McLean of Wing.
!hath .00nducted the service in the
d'resbg'ytenian church and spoke
Pram the text, "This Is Indeed the
Christ, bhe Savior of the World.'
The Red Cross Society Packed 25
quilts on, Fitid'ay for "Shipment to
Personals: Mrs, Jerry Burke, of
,Pont McNichol with relatives here
and in Brussels; Goldie Wheele"
.London, with his parents•, Mr. and
Mfrs. H. Wheeler; Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Armstrong, Kitchener, with
relatives; James McCrea, Stratford.
with) his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
McCrela; Mr. and Mrs. James
Leaver, Waingham, with Mr. and
Mrs. N. Keating; Mr. and Mrs. A.
.Coulter and family, WOtitedligrcu,
With Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cou1tes;
Mins Viletta tOhantney, London,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
COraunney; Mrs. C, Logan and baby
'Pats'y, with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, A. Vincent; Mel. Keating, Lan-
don, at his home here; Mr. and Mrs.
J. M, Couates, Mr. and Mrs, A. Coul-
tas and family with Mr. and Mrs.
Join 'Coultas, sr.; Mr, and Mrs,
;Cecil Mimes, and family, 'Niagara
Fails. N.Y., witlli Mr, and Mrs. H.
McGuire; 1VIr, and Mns. T. Br'ydges
and. Joan with Mr. and Mrs, J. Dun-
bar; Mr. and Mrs. William, Cole who
have .spent the winter in London
have returned home.
Ala hail to the army;
A life full of 'health;
A lite full of freslh air;
But devoid of wealth.
All 'hail to the poor private;
In w'hos'e fondest'dreams;
Only Sergeants and Officers
Go out on the ,schemes
An on a mouse
We have been told;
While on a 'sdheme,
To stir imagination
To visualize the enemy •
Among thp vegetation.
'lits. ;eems a foolish way' .
To waste wheat little brains we got
When 'we could' lay in bed all day
And have in mind great battles
An on amouse
A-0316 Tpr. , G. R, Hulley'
Delbert, NA.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A.
(Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday
Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00
(except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00)
** * * * A * •0
Y * * * * * * * *
Wllllam F, Hollenbeck
William F, Hodlen'beek, a life
long r'esid'ent of Grey TownthiP
paslsed away Int 'his late hoarse In
Ethel on Monday, April 27, after au
il'lnass of over a Year.
He was born on Lot 25, Con. 0,
Grey, on Nov. 30, 1869 and lived in
that vicinity this entire life. He was
the son eP the late John and elr•r,
He is'surivived by •111s wife (Matta
Clack) 'two sons Fred and Ben of
Stratfot'cb and one daughter .(Myrtle)
,Mies. Norman Walker of Turnber,'y
Wise nine grandchildren. Two
brothers (Jacob and Alfred) pre•
deceased him some. years ago.
The funeral 'service was held from
his 'late residence on April 30, and
was conducted by Rev. H. Snell o*
Ethel United Church of which he
was a member, He was also a mem•
ber of the Orange Order for over
fbftysix years.
Interment in Mount Pleasant
cemetery, Ethel.
The flower bearers were:- Pour
grandchildren, Russel and Fl,yd
Hollenbeck, Doreen Hallenbeck and
Dorothy Walker.
Pallbearers were: Win. McLeod,
Alex Dunbar, Frank Sleightholm,
!COvester Baker, Garfield' Baker, and
Wm. Stevenson.
Mrs John G. Ralph
On Tuesday, April 28th, Mrs. John
G. Ralph passed peacefully away
.Ste had been in failing health for
the last few years, but always able
to be about, until last Ocober, when
she 'Gook a weak ispell and never
rallied. With all the medical care
and nursing, nothing could be done
to restore her !healbh, but she grad'''.
ally grew weaker and weaker till
she passed on, 'She was conscious
some of the time and• gave the
riiynnns she wished .sung, "Rock of
Ages," "God will take care of you."
and "Abide with me."
'Deceased was born in Grey town -
Ship in 1862, and dived here till
18.89, When she went west to Nee-
pawa, Man„ on April 4th, 1900 she
married her late partner John Ralph,
who predeceased her April 280h,
1987, .She resided! out west, until
her husband; died and toren tante
East and made her home with her
sister Mats. August Eckmier, till she
passed away, five • years ago, since
then she made her home with Mrs,
Dalin King, who nursed her for
7 months,.
Miss. Ralph was a faithful mem.
ber of the 1VIethtodist Chuck from
girlhood also a member of the char
in her earlier days. Although not
able to attend the services for the
last few months, she was always
ready to ;help in any good cause, and
anytlhing' to make peace. She was
of a very quiet disposition. She is
sur'vive'd by wo brothers and two
sisters. Isaac Lake of Grey and Jus-
tus M. Hamilton, Mrs. John Doug-
las, Neepawa, Man., and Mrs. John
King, Ethel. Tule funeral was held
Thursday, private .service at the.
Gnome of Mr, and bins. King at 3:15
and at 3:30 at the United
.church, Pallbearers were Messrs•
Geo. Dunbar, Geo. Menzies, Jos
Pearson, F. 'Sleigdrtholm, 'Cams.
Hansul'd and Leslie Earl. Rev. bit.
Snell preached an appropriate 5+r.
mon, 'bhe 4th Chapter and 31st
Deuteronomy "For the Lord thy
God is a merciful God. He will not
forsake thee.
The flower bearers were Leslie
Lake, . ;Harris Eckmier, Horace
Bedwepl, 'Charlie Lake,
Friends from a distance, IVir. and
Mrs. Lake, Harris and Mrs. Eck-
mier and Mrs. McLellan of Hamil-
ton, Mr, and Mrs. W. Willis, Gowans-
town, Mns'. M. Willis, and Joyce, At.
wood, Horace and. Mrs. Bedwel'l, At
Life's race well run,
Lite's wou'It• well done,
Li•fe's' crown well won,
Now comes rest.
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Love
Ethel and community were grieved
to hoar of the passing of one of its
h0'gOlil'y esteemed r'es'idents in the
petion of 77liz'abeth 5, Darcy beloved
wife of W. It. Love. Mrs. Love had
,been in failing health for Some time
and 'tine past four weeks 'had been s
patient in the Listowel Memorial
Hospital where she passed peace-
fully away 'Sunday, April 26th,
Nit's., Love was born 111 Howlett
Twp.,.Tan. Silt, 1370 and was the
daughter of the late ,A'braham' and
Mary Dance, and had lived with the
exception of 1t few years of her
childhood her entire life in the
community in width she died, Mrs.
Lobe was married August 30th,
1892 t0 William Henry hove of Grey
Twp„ and leaves to mourn their
loss, two sora ,and one daughter.
One son baying died in infancy
namelly, Russell E„ of Hamilton,
Harold of Ethel and (Pearl) Mrs.
Alex 'Spoiran of Grey Twp, Mas,
ten grandchildren, Doris, Jack, ,B111
and Don Love, Hamilton; Ronald,
Merlin and Hugh Love, Ethel;
Edythe Speirau, Hamilton; Olive and
Greta, Grey. Twp.; also surviving
are two sisters and one brother Mrs'.
John Reading, Chicago; Mils, Letitia
Gray, Ste. Marie, Mich. and Wm.
Danny, Chicago,
The funeral was 'held Tuesday,
April 28th. at 2 pan., with a private
service at her late home followed
by a pitbdic service in the Ethel
United ,Church and was in charge
of her pastor Rev. H. Snell and Rev,
.1'. Johnson. of Fordwidh, Ont„ a
foiunel• pastor Who gave a varY
comforting message from Psalm 23
(4th verse and they paid high
tribute to the, life of ;tie departed
member, during the service Mrs
Melville Dennis, sang "I have heard
of a hand." The choir also assisted
in the singing.
Mrs. Love was a valued member
of dive W,M,S, and W.A. of the
'Oleuudh for many years', And was the
only Charter Member of the Eitel
Woman's Institute and will be
greatly missed'.
The wealth of flowers that sur•
rounded her both in sickness and
in death were a very fitting tribute
to one so Loved 'and respected and
it was one of the largest funerals
ever held in the community.
I'ntetwt'ent was made in Mount
Pleasant 'Cemetery, Ethel.
'Pal'lbearers were: William 152c•
Cleod, Wan. Patterson, Chas. Han.
Mid, Jos. Cooper, Ueslie Lake and
Wm. Stevenson,
0' assafiecAds
Phone 72X
ALE-5 pigs, 8 weeks old,
Phone 3'5-r-17 Glen Eokmier
.1 Colony House and Cedar 'Poets'
phone 42-r-11 Jim Stevenson
A brown Rug on 14th Con., Grey,
about a week ago.
phone 42-r,26' Baxter Stevenson
A quantity of Dooiy Potatoes.
phone 32-r-3 Tom McArter
Wanted To Buy
Buck Wheat Seed
apply at the Pont
Dry Poplar Wood, 12 inches long.
phone 2S -r-16 Russel Knight
House On Elizabeth Street.
app1Y to
The Brussels Post.
Seed Peas ales, Large Pekin Duck
Eggs, 65c per, setting of 11 eggs.
Alaska Seed Oats,
phone 42-26 Baxter Stevenson
A House. apply to
Alvin Pride
85 Queen St., North,
Waterloo, Ont.
Melville Church W.M.S.
The Women's Missionary S'oclety
of Melville Presbyterian church
held its meeting on Friday after
noon with the .president, Mns. S.
Herr, in the chair. The meeting
opened witls paraYer by the President.
Mrs. Hemingway read the Scripture
lesson and Mrs, A. Strachan offered
prayer, Mrs. W. Little read the
secretary's) report in the absence of
Mrs. James, Aianstrong Mrs, R.
Tdvoonlson gave the treasurer's report.
The W. M. S. of the United church
invited the group to attend a meet,
Ing .in their church on Friday, May
29, to hear Miss, Longley, a intseen'
from, West China. Mrs, E. Breblin
sang a solo, ac'cotnmanied by Mrs
William Ring, Mrs', C. Matheson
had the message, "Our Duty To
she State" Mns, F. Mitchell read
curernt ebents. The. Young T.,o•
pleto Society will attend the Pres-
byterial to be held in Toosivater on
May 5, The meeting closed with
the 'benedictimt.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1042
I Car of Western Oats,
On Hand
D. M. MacTavish
Phone 46 - Brussels
* • * * * qt • w *, s
S. Walker,hn
wo was
M in Sarnia
for the winter has returned home.
'4. a.
1VIr, and Mns, Ed. Henderson spent
the week end at Galt and Pt. Robin-
Mr, A. Kerr and Miss Marjorie
Kerr, fotoner residents, were visit-
ing friends in Brussels.
* * *
Mrs. J. A, Ballantyne, London, has
been visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garniss.
* 0
Mrs, Robb and Frances and Rode•
rick of Fort Couionge, Quebec, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs, M. Laycock.
� 1F a
Mrs. F. snarling, who .spent hte
Past months in London, has returned
to her home here. Her eon Wyman.
London, spent Sunday in Brussels.
Miss Isobel Lowery is ill at the
home of her parents at Seaforbh. Her
many friends wish her a speedy re.
Mrs, Gordon Adams and son Grant
of Toronto and Mrs, Louis Hoy of
'Olinton gent part of last week with
their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mo
4 M
Mrs, A. D. 1VLdOosot of Kincardine
was 'a welcome visitor with her
sister Miele Annie .Strachan, last
* *. *
Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Fischer and
Hartley and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Fischer and son Carmen were Sun•
day visitors. with Mr. and Mrs.
G. Topham, Fordavich.
* *
Mrs. A. H. Macdonald has retrt"n-
edl to her home here after spending
the winter with relatives in Owen
Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary trucks. Phone collect.
William Stone Sons Limited
Export Backers
BUYERS—Of All Kinds of
Live and Dressed Poultry
We will call at your place
for any quantity.
Also—All kinds of Feathers & Horsehair.
' FSI 1
We have an expert on our staff who will cull your flock
Free of Charge.'
Phone 70x Brussels, Ont,
Steel Briggs Famous Lion Brand Seed
for greater germination of seed.
Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Yellow Blossom Clover
White Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices.
It will pay you to get our prices before buying.
We can supply you with all your pasture grass, Rape, Etc.
Full Line of Feeds
For Better Results feed
Rose Brand Chick Starter
or O.A.C. Chick Starter
We have
�.. Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate,
Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices.
Livingston Stock Feeds.
Highest Cash Prices
paid for Eggs & poultry.
We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction.
A. J. Pearson
Ethel Ont. 'Phone 22r7