HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-22, Page 5I'HE ,BRUSSELS POS' j1!tedne&daY, April 22nd, 042 wool COLLECTORS — SHEARERS — FARMERS Wo operate 'Et j;,eg stored Warehouee and wilt pay'you ;full Government prices. Ship or deliver your wool to William• , Stone Sons, Ltd. Ingersoll, Ontario Pay Your Debt To.. Youth (Laolinrow Sentinel) The following article, written by a local resident, is one of probably a series 'o'f antldes-which will be printed as we receive, although the editor may net necessarily agree with all the thoughts expressed by the writer. • If dot were poswtble to cull villages and tangos of Canada as one culls • the non -producing hens in a 4Lo07. sae would with a Shock realize that inast of the non-productive cam: munitieswere those rich in tt'a• diton; 'wlho had carried their past -through .history with them and were ROW complacently living init on the deeds of their ancestors,• and the majority •of those non,pradnetive • vies that .had no past to .speak or ore busy making one' nit. They would no doubt be amazed - and hurt tltait anyone could consider Stern nomproducers, parasite vil- iarges in stagnant Little corners, .How would we stand in Lucknow I NMm der? It is true we have some in- dustry, wholesale. produce buyers, a good outlet for certain beasts and are Sairly well placed• regarding markets for .much farm produce; that within reasonable distance of out town we have farmers with nat- ionaI game. We have in these a nat• anally firm foundation for a pros- perous and progressve community. East Huron Produce - Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone '66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything to make the hens lay' A' Grab eggs Wei' are in the -- arket fur an kinds POULTRY: Culling A Specialty" Bring lis YourEggs Our Motto— • Honest Grade on 'every egg tees mioramw tomwsimminameon • Our couivcil•nq...cioubt dismiss wayi: and tneano of bringing to Lucknow desirable industries, -way's of keen' ing our town 'ooustantly in front' ,of. Governments and industrialists, ways of increasing the revenues or fanners 111 the' distrh t and resider ti in the town, easier faclities for mar-. kcts and in the town itself sued desirable features as Will make pen ple wish to buy in Lucknow and farmers of tile district to sell there. There are mane things. in which we are sadly 1a•oking- +certain •rind•' amental, decencies in .which we, d ae to the definite limits which confute us to our town, are deficient. These became apparent during such in- cidents as the current controversa'y on slot . nva.chinee, bootlegging and gambling, One does not condone these things:. One trie,s to, stamp ithem out, Action for stamping them .out is discussed and no doubt steps .are taken Pram time to time but 10- fallab'ly they return 'again, sneaking inthrough the back door to flourish as much as ever. Now in connection with evils such as these we are blind, /or alas we are depriving our young folk of what is literally the only form of . amusement .available to many of thein. it. is' not our duty to place before therm a wealth of varied aantasements, of Stealthy 1e- creations more desirable in their minds? Is it not cur social duty . to see that recreations are available that will make them better citizens ;more valued citizens to the com- munity? And when these' recreations are found let them not be .sectarian and confined; run by this church or that chmrgb, this .or that political group, bub broad; healthy organize. tions youthful and vital, run :bY youth for .youth. Years ago„in the youth of many 1 of our old and more prosperous cit• izens, opportunities were plenttfu,. If a respectable young anan With fairly good education and the 'will . to rrilciceed:;dei'sred to start himself in business. he. approached the local bank with •peaisgps the r'ecom;men- dation of mane, prominent citizen and not only was.'he able to get finances, hie way was smoothedMind `older, more experienced business anew lent him their shoulders—for was lie not the ,.backbone of their future town?`• I wonder how the young 'lean would fare today. How much money could he count a ,from that great •se'rvant of the ptbile—the bank, how much financial assistance could he obtain from thoseolder men ;who had dangled' him: on their knees, patched lihn grog, noted perhaps Irorst.early, how worthy he wee, what an asset he would be in later years 'as a business man in their ' cornmmnity. • The youth of our town are sorely worth investing in. Surely they, can. be trusted: to 'Become gaud: finer chants, good farmers, If sonic of the money that has'lieem 'thrown into gold and oil stocks, into vetches of ground a' thousand miles from. Luck. naw; given to Toronto brokers With, out a Muurmnu an,d, .God help its. • given with, rsimiro; had been. in- vested 'in .steady, bfiilliant young, local mot, it would have returned proiit to ithe ..investor and to the eorninwinity at large. The fact is Slat • fi amt youths,' standpoint tb•e town is a commercial col -de -sac, lit. stead of a worthy grocery clerk Starting his orvn .pl'ace. .of Business we shall' live `to see •him employing his talents as manager of a Chain story and ,then leave town to Mau. BELL & BENSON:: BRUSSELS,ONTARiO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell, B.A.. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except 'Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00')' • 1•: .� ti 1' :sr t Polls open From 8 a.m. to- 8 p.m DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME „eft r< t, ttii ! .Issued under authority Department of the ecretary of State, Ottawa. age a larger branch 'in the city. There are empty :stores' in town, there are commodities you have to buy obit of town and there are young melt well able to sell them to you but who, through lack of capital could not even consider going into business for themselves. There is your investment, safe and sure. Does it have to be printed in a pretty prospectus, and presented to you by a ;high powered, well manicured broker's man, You would gamble a thousand Milt anon a semi racing tout' but could not find a hund^ed for that quiet, well mannered boy who live.sitext door, who is perhaps. desperately anxious. to. make enough money to marry anti build a home. "You are har'dl'y worthy to Iive next door to him, There are farms vacant and land fallow. Thera is a sure market,' far fain products. Yet these farms will, rat into complete disuse, buildings will become worthless through Jack or human care, land become un- workable, but there are children ao Iingtand •who can only eat one egg a week, who don't often see meat or vegetables. Whale passing through the sideroads around' . Luellnoiv' have 'counted as many as twenty' eight abandoned farms 'which with 'a little care and labor could be 'worked et' a' profit, These are no more than monuments • to your brutal lark of interest in your own comunutiity, You .have in the town one'' of the finest bonkey arenas in the county. In the early winter a few old head, holders get together and coindnence to .talk hockey—'not because rlio5' wish to liven the deadly monotony of the young folks or to provide ter the town a fine bisia for social and athletic, recreation—but to get 'tire building paid for, Hockey players are approached and they 'hesitate, tr •Sha11''tltey piayithis tyear or net? There is not< -a;= great' deal of enthus- iasm for 'hockey the Players and this has itslbc1aes'in' town. Vis- ualize another situation tbiat might be. Conjure np iu' ydnrrmiind a hook ey club composed tor say two hun- dred people' 'who elect ;live working committees ::for • entetitainmemt carn- ivals, .coaching, skating, etc Imagine a chub emibratimgthalf' the fans in town orf• if'polsible ALL the Dans in towmwho meetr'int the town hall, hold dances; enitetttieinmenbs, ice carnivals 'etc. tet club? runby the players' theunseltves.''%backed tip' by scores of enxthausiastic fans. • I won• der ft young: • men would miss... a nl:eeting1 to play' at putting nickels in ,a maelt£ne.rthat 'persistently re• fuses to show three..eherries thrqugh a glees, wihtl w, Young men must he the guiding' spirts in their own ao.c- ial activates, .fheyt,rltnow best what they want and it the church has, done its duty what ' they organizo 'will be'liealth"y 1011 valuable. ., , ,r . . ,t: • It doesn't ,'take ,anmtoh ,money to start,•a toxon growing -=—a pottery here, a little factory: there, a •few more, stores; all the • . vacant faros woilking•snd.prospeous and a pro- cess has' started whielt becomes al most automatic, infusing into youth a new hope for the, future and a wilt to go ant and; get. •In'oonolusien I want AA tall yon old ,folies with little money, salted down In that old .sock, if these young mon are good 011°11,41i to go out and light it, your warsto protect your property. and, your .bantlt .accounts against the marauding ,fingers;.or Jap and GGar• duan, then they are, good enough, to asps for--niy, demand front you ha6F in getting them established in their native town,, and hi getting them re-: eslablisliect, when they return, and moreover to do at not too 'hnimbly, as thought they, were receiving Et favor from you but to expect it as a return for a favor they have dons • for you, to demand it as a debt. owed them. And 00, when you go t ch rch next Sunday pray that these, young risen will he returned to you and above all prayhat ad when they are back among you will not only open your hearts but your pusses. too. GRASS SEED NOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR . GRASS SEED WANTS Steel Briggs 4Fannous Linn Brand. Seed for greater germination of seed. f Alfalfa; .lied Clover, Alsike, Timothy; Yellow Blossom Clover White, Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices. It will pay you to,get our ;prices before buying. We can supply you with all your pasture grass, Rape, Etc. Full Line of Feeds For Better Results feed Rose Brand • Chick Starter orO.A.C. Chick Starter We have' "®Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate; Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices. Livingston Stock Feeds. _ Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs & poultry. We will, cull your poultry to your satisfaction. APJ. Pearson Ethel Ont. Phone 22rY