HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-15, Page 51
., xn a.Y.. rY4dN:fM:.al <
Wednesday, April 1501, 1982
,,• r
Steel Briggs Famous Lion Brand Seed
for greater germination of seed.
Alfalfa( Red Clover, Alsilfe, Timothy, IteIIow Blossom Clover
x %Ii`ite.iBlossotn also mixtures at Special: Prices.
It will pay you to get our prices before buying.
We can supply you with all your pasture •,grass Bape, Etc.
Full Line of,Feed•
f'For Better Results feed
RI`ose Brand Chick Starter
for C.A.C. Chick Starter
._..W_ a have
Bran, Shots, 01 Cake, Pig Starter, Hog. Concentrate;
Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices.
Livingston Stock Feeds.
Highest -Cash Prices'
p&id for Eggs &poultry,..
We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction.
A1J. Pearson
Ethel Ont. . Phone 22r7
0Iassified Ads, A limited quantity of VanlGuard
grade no. 1, seed Oats.
FOR SAYE— phone 761,16 Wm, Y. Perrie
About 40 Hybrid Pullets, Leghorn I FOR SALE—
and Minorca Cross. Carter seed oats grown trim reg-
34-r-7 Mrs. T. K?IIer •
ls'tered seed, Government. grade No
Two Yorkshire ;Sows, bred and 1
Yorkshire Boar — apply to
J. Catterson — at the barn en the
17th. Cqn,, Grey
Seed Peas also Large Pekin Dunk
Eggs, 65c per setting of 11 eggs;
phone 42-25 Baxter Stevenson
0. A. C. No. 21 Barley, Government
Grade No. 1, suitable- for mixing
with easily oats, oligo ,Alaska Oats
Government Grade .,il'o. 1.
Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey.
Phone 43-r-25 Gordon Knight
Two cows, 1 halt Jersey 5 year-old
due to freshen May 4th; 1 Jersey
Heifer rising 2 years, due to freshen
in July,
Phone 56-r-6 Ohas, E. Lake
1, germination 99%.
George Blake Phalle 424-19
A Good Gray Cow to freshen about
the last of April
Earl Bernard Phone 36-r-9 GIRLS WANTED—.
2 girls for waitresses and one for
-day cook.'
apply to
Diana Sweets, Restaurant,
phone 213 Listowel, Ont.
GET YOUti . _rtMANtne
End Curl $1.25 and,$i.75
and $225
Including Shamjioo_f1;4�
Permanent $2.00, $2.50;
and $5.00 including finger wave
and shampoo
slephone 55x for an Appointment
O'ver Proctor's: Restaurant ?';
C<1—, Irss.0
1 have accepted a position with the Inspection Board
of United Kingdom and Canada, for the duration of the war
and wish to thank all my friends and customers for their
kind cooperation.
All outstanding accounts may be paid at the Radio Shop
until May 1st, 1942, after that date, accounts will be put h
collector's hands for collection.
nie Seddon
The Radio. Shop, Brussels
Now is the Time to get your.
Spring Equipment
Harness, Seed, Fertilizer and Feed
All at the Farmers Store
D. M. MacTavish
Phone 46 Brussels
Many Attend Graduations
Held At Fingal
Observerq and Ah' Gunners
Complete Cloursea At
-Rs C. A. F. School
(Lond'on Free Press,
ST, THOMAIS,;•--"You are going
into cn tough job," graduates of tete
Fingal lieribing and Gunnery Seitae'
Wert told •Sa,tuirday afternoon- by'
.ltelr"eoniaiiantling_ °blear Wing. cunt.',.
mantle A, J, 'Kennedy, "but you
have had the. hest training itis
passible to give you for the job in
hand. The mist depends an you,"
Ther, imesenztation of the wing
eeminen; too place. in ,the ;drill
V)ta11 before' afir,,.exceptionally large
•nin tenee In !oommeuting on future
ceremonies, Wing ,Commander Ken-
nedy explained that this. would- be
the.,last course of observers who
would receive their wing in. core.
monies et Fingal. In :future they
tniva!t wait until. they, have completed'
titeir'navigatihii :course.
Ser$eanb Air Gunner Lester-
Wa.dnnan of •'Vancouver, received
-tis oonsmiesion. after the cern.
minty. Ile won the. engraved pen
for top marks' Yn .his chugs. After
wards he told The Free Press tbat
prior to enlistment,he. bad :been
engaged one the C.P.R. boats .out
of. Vancouver .Cliff -Stanlpe, of To-
ronto, had the :: highest . aneiks in
the obsetwer'e: course. "Sandy" as
he .se's knownvto hits pals had done
a bit of mining up around Copper.
Cliffe before enlisting.
From Isle of Wight
One of the 6avorltes of the class
was 20 -year-old, "Wendy" Wendel,
more properly known as Sgt.
Robert Jolin Wendel whose home
wars on the Isle of Wight. "Wendt"
has one nanbittoni, to bet •bac'k home
rind get a crack at the Nazis,"
Two London. youths, K. A. Start,
68 Byron avenue and N. C. Mac-
Dougall. 1035' Trafalgar street, were
among . the graudates. Heart grad-
uated as an air 'gunner and Mac-
Dougall as otbserver. Other West-.
ern •Ontario boys among the grad-
uates were • tihe following from
the observers' Bourse; G. B, BTiglF,
Leamington; I. H. Prest, Brusesle:
0. W. Hloakrldtge, •Guelph; W. D.
Sait±'gent, Georgetown; J. J. Reans
1"'v. Brantford; W. S. Berry, St.
Marva; D. T.-. Deana. ISprucedale:
T.. W. Felesnlan,Windsor; J. E.
Melville, Midland;
Ontario 'men graduating as air
gunners included: D, L. G. Brawn,
Amherstberg; W, H. P',fin, Wiugham,
and K. B. lthi I1golmi, of Niagara Falls.
•i'i re:were,a' 1number of -U. S.
trainees among.. the graduates, in-
cluding L Kerr,. from Denton, Tax,;
twe New Zealanders, and several
Nem England and the Channel
Telnrrls, The rest were drawn from
across Canada.
111 11 11111Ct
Mrs. Lloyd Aldworth of Waterloo
was a recent guest of her sister-in-
law Mrs. Leslie Betimes: _
About forty neighbors and friends
gathered at the ihouie, of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bells on Thursday even-
ing, April 2nd,; to honour their
diaugb•ter Miss Addle Bell -prior to
her marriage. -
During the evening Mists Bell was
preisented with. .a lovely chest of
Silver with Mr. Douglas Fraser
making the presentation and the
following' address being read by Mr.
Janis Bryans:
Dear Addle: -
We have gathered here to -night
as a vont) of friendly neighbors, to
extend to you our greetings on the
eve of your marifage:
The tract that we are lasing a
menthes, of •thie community, who has
in the past, been always ready to
lend a 'cheerful able hand to any
enterprise is by no means pleasant
thought. It is however, . compen-
sated for by the knowledge that you
are going into a good home in an
other 'conllmilnity where we are
confident you shall carve out anew,
a well -merited place.
The place which you held in cur
life is to be; Vacated, but we are
thankful that memories cannot be
se easily -erased.
We asst you to accept this sliver•
were as, •a token of ,our appreciation
for the part you have played in this
coantinnnity; as a retail -der , o6 the
many friends you nia.y elbint, and
with our ,best wishes, for your.
•Collgratul•atioms to you. May all
the joys, it a lunppineales, and the con-
fidence that go 10,111107e itp a sun
ceased lite be youre and may good
luck, good health end lhrosperlty
accompany you,
.Signed, on behalf of yeti' friends
and neiglubotirs.
TIM remainder ot.tlie evening .Was
,spent in playing games, and chatting
1 Lunch was served "
The satne evening Miss Bell was
Suede the recipient of many lovaly
miscellaneous vats, by BlYtlt friends,
Sudden Death
Of J. M. McArter
Suffered Fatal Stroke on Saturday'
Afternoon—Brampton Business Man
'title Peel (Janette, kiramliton)
ls.aunpton' was deeply shocked on
oataruay evening when death ; "tare:,
with startling s,.uueuness to one t'i
its mos, prominent business 1)14,
Jante's-1t1, 'VicAmer, Mr. McArter'bad
Ueell• at bUsln'e a lh the morning ant.
utter' lunch had, followed his.ustiAl`
nue otn of taking a short rest. He
.;mitered a severe, paralytic strops
anus never regained conlsalousness,
passing awe), at 5 o'clock in the
Mr. 'darter was a director. of .the
F T. 11111 Gni:en tiiy, and Was mana-
ger of the largest- store on their
chain, 'that of Brampton,' . Of a very,
ooutiteous and friendly nature he•
mace a host of friends, not only 1n
Branhgrton but wherever Itis business
required his•• presence,` He same to
Bi•am'pton in 1926 wiien the- F, T.
Hill Company established their Ines•
ent business•, During 'hist residence`
here the business. expanded and on
the northeast corner the Pt T. IIii1
modern gents' furnishing store' war
..Known to his Weida as "Mac", be
was', a great lover of sports, taking
an active part in 'golf, curling and
bowling. He was• a great enthusiast
for the field game of lacrosse and on.
the occasion ,'when Brampton Excel.
slors won all three championships of
the -Ontario Lacrosse Aiesociation.
Mr. Mr'Artea' was president of the
Intermediate Club and was asststeil
by his own executive.
With two sons enlisted in the
army and air force 11e was always
active in pnonnoting through his
btusIfle'sts', 'connections the aotiviHes
of the Red Cross and outer war star
vice groups. •
Mr. l,lcArter was born on a feria
near Bi-ussels", son of the late Jamas
McArter, In hit earlier years' he re
sided it Brampton, being engaged
with 'tile• firm of 'Crawford and Mc-
Culloiiglt: It was while here that be
met his wile: Who was Miss Edna
Armstrong before her marriage. Be
fore coining to Brampton Mr. Ale
Arter rdsided at Meaford, where he
was manager -of the F. T. Hill -Co
store -in•=','•hart town, being connected
with 'thea aoirnpany since 1921.
Mr, *Atter was in. 61st year.
He was 'prominent in his member-
ship with the Braimptou Presbyter.
Iran church, and held various 'offices.
His death marked the third loss this
year to life church of active officials,
Arnott McClure and E. W. lVloCullocb
having past away in the past eight
He is 'survied by his wife, three
sons, JardesH„ Mill Street Bramp-
ton, Cadet Robert. M., stationed at
Broolcilie, where he is attending an
officers' training school and L. A. 0
Wiltianu MCArter„ stationed at Prince
Albert, Shirk., where he is studying
for an observer in .the R. C. A. F. and
two daughter's, Mrs. H. H. Hethering•
ton and Mies Betty, Brampton.
tont, sisters also survive: Mrs.
John Brown. Mrs,. A.C, Baeker, Mr's.
Peter McArthur, Bruasele, and Mrs
Rlobert Woih, Toronto.
Two brothers Robert and Harry,
and two sisters Mrs. Orerar and
Lettitia predeceased him.
The funeral 'was held on Tuesday
afternoon, services 'being conducted
'by -.his pastor, Rev. A. N. Miller, The
anlaay and beautiful floral tributes
marked the high esteem in 17111011
M•t'. MlcArter was. held. Interment
was in Brampton cemetery..
The Women's Missionary Society
of Knox Presbyterian church held
their Easter meeting in the church.
with a fairly good attendance. De-
votional exercises were taken by
Mrs. 3. Dunbar and Mrs. Bayle,
0111 behalf of the program 0011•
nrittee Mrs. Boyle requested the
Berg rave Auxultary to take the de-
voiional.period at the Joint meeting
at Auburn, Blyth and Belgrave Aux -
Mertes to be held in Blyth cn. April
Clippings trans "Glad Tidings"
Were given by Mrs. Porterfield and
the prayer from the same was read
by Mrs A, Yoking. A splendid Baster
message Was given by Mrs. O. Cr.
Andersen who took as her Sub;leet
"Tho Risen Lord In OM' Lives."
Following the tottering, Elizabeth
and Mdigtterite 21105, Mission
Band Members sang very sweetly
Mrs, Housekeeper
This tried and approved Short
ening is just what you need to
be better satisfied with all your
baking, •
rt Using Easifirst
1 Lb.. for 9c
':' •' D: ` McDonald • - Meat Market,
lPhotiTq69x Brussels, Ont.
yiR 1
a duitt� ' ti iCrosa of •Ohrist I
'° 1i
' Glory.'lfe ie�sitl`ent'-' Mrs: Scott
closed the m t ng witlt'prayer; A
socia-3'i1i Riosdd ifollowed with lunch
being`selrved ' ' '
The Cit,�,s lir `r1eeting ' of the
United ahlloh dung People's -Union
was heldxinr bei imetit of the
ehulch,;'The cue'aid•etiff Ross Ander•
son, waao 3ti4 khai1 sand Miss 1J1-
aine Was a ?the Piano, The Scrip•
ture 12sson wa` ileed'bY Miss Edith
Procter.g2en! 6 Dunlop led In pray-
Minutes we read l..and roll -cell
responded to . v' `' : '
A omti4t two �'assed'to have the
meetings con $nee fifteen .' minutes
later G11.7111010 thee coming .bus,
season,,' 9:30 ttijitg41te hour set.
An invitati oras accepted to vic
it the Blyth _ ung :People's -Union
Monday, event' 31g April 13.
The haMfertng4?was- :•received and
the meatin54ipsed,with the Mispah
Ben edidtiob tA3'Ieriodrof games foI
Personals: Mrssee Mae and Grace
Coulter, Mtalgaret Beattie and Edith
Wallace attended --:the •annual can-
vention. of the, Ontario,..Eduleational
Association in •Toroptot Miss- Fairy
Fells with relatives, here.
The April meeting of the Farm
ers' Club was held at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. 'Earl Anderson with a
good crowd in attendance. The ear-
ly part of the evening was Spent ir-
playing cards; comniunity singing
and social intercourse. The secre-
tary, C. R. Coulees; gave a splendid
report of the annual -meeting of the
Federation of Agriculture held fa
Toronto. •
The ' Hiaanane6' :mill owned by the
chub has been sold' and a Victory
Bond purchased with the money
At the dose of the meeting lunch
was served. This meeting was the
last of the winter series,' of meetings
which have ,been very successful
frosn a social and 'business stand-
point. The attendance has -- been
good and many worthwhile address-
es and reports have been given
showing the organization holds a
envy important place in ' the com-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Manning at-
tended the golden wedding anni-
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Artlhn-baId.
Robinson afOlinton 011 Friday eve-
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson for-
merly lived in Auburn.
ADUROressure Water
,,Syste ;ivtll do the same
for you, Withat problem be
lack .of running water and
sanitary c6tiveniences in your
Outside 'limps and toilets
belong to the;past. In every
hone runt#nig water should be available at the turn of a
faucet. Lir eivise, a modern Emco Bathroom is necessary
for the health and happiness of your family. A modern
Duro W ater Supply System
will furnish;Ve water and make it possible to install an
Etna) Bathroom.
The Duro Special System, capacity 250 gals. per
hour, complete with 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and
25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only
For a lovelyibathrooin, as illustrated, the EMCO
Built-in Batli, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory with
trimmings costs only
(Soh and iron rim and fittings mum)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as low as....
Duro Waters • Suplaly Systems are styled for dependable
life long service. Thousands of satisfied users prove their
worth. They Gari be supplied for Gasoline Engine operation.
Can be purchased under our Easy Payment Plan.
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver