HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-15, Page 4W 0 NOTICE ! NOTICE! NOTICE! pasommg.mgr... All wool must now 'be handled under tSupervision of lath CUP-adien Wool Board Limited, • We will be glad to handle yolllr-t '4r44 Bet. and Pay the prices. set. Write for information. THE BRUSSELS POST Licensed Warehouse No. 5 William Stone Sons/ Ltd. Ingersoll, Ontario lrmit ..t NOW TO CNSERVTIRE tie, wheissiief,a itionultdoersnew ON• CARS AND TRUCKS' Isncarra: riusbuaidiat RECAPS, RETREADS. I Q.-L'Under existing cenfittipV: should I have any tires "top-caliMedZ. AND REPAIRS ! full "recap" or "retreaded"? •,At.AGovernairerbt, regulations in„ a, 441.-1Wilat types of injuries 1 • : •,i further effort bo conserve rubber, at repaired have Mated the new treading . of .A—A tire will be better tort:Seri:1 ad. it any injury larger than 5 small) 'wormtires to top capping 01110'. 1.1:—I have some old carcasses at 'immature is repairs& '' home—three or four years alai.. Are • will it pay to have small. uks -repaireid • , they for recapping .• • , ., ., A. --It is impossible to say ,with- A—Yes, it •you want to ,secure full 1 A. good repair•out examining the carcasses.., Have orvire out at tires. a reputable Tetreacier inspect...their" Amnia �t reduce:the mileage a a and be guided by his advice. . •• dm. AA megected. cut or bruise can 1 long will a recap last -as : barely scause "a. premature failure, Q. ---How oi i cosnpared with a new tire? • ,,, -.;1:-.; --Do 'you advise .the use •A, -'-Sixty to80 per cent od new Boots •when a. tire is cut or brnised? 1 A.—:Only as' a temporary expedient i tire•ralleage it often obtained. J ; en recaps made Of present quality =Mil a regular repair .can.he made or material. The amount of mileage. -craidess the tire is in such condition . which a recap will give will be de-. Mat it cannot be retreaded or remit- pendent upon the quality and. grant ped, and remaining mileage does, no tity of material used and the: skill aruxrant the expense of a repair. of the man doing the work. - - Q.—At 'what treadwear should my Q. --Are recaps as safe as . new drams be recapped or retreaded? tirBs? 'IL—In-order to give the carcass • • t A.—Recaps cannot he considered maximum of protection, many tires as safe as new tires because the car - are recapped when the tread design camas have already been subleeted tSas just worn Egniooth. This will re to some fatigue from, ,service with matin the safety of the non-skid de, the original tread. How much': the sign and will require a minimum effect of that fatigue is depends, -en amount of rubber. how the tire was used with the' Q.—What is the difference be- tween. top tread or reca.p, and a fun tread ar retread job? A.—In retreading, the old tread rather is buffed otf and a new tread Is applied to take its place. 'fa a recap, the wearing portion of the 'tread is merely huffed to make a surface to give a good union' and naw tread is vulcanized on. Zapping may cosiest of a "top cal)" which provides, only a new sons have reported there tole. est nuron--- roduce ggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Feed Bone Neal mti Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Everything -16 make the hens lay 'A' Grad eggs •We are in the Market for all kinds •„ of POULTRY: "Flock Culling A Specialty" •Bring Us YourEggs ••••••• Our• motto— ' Honest Grade .on every egg Skiyhtholan of Waterloo; Mies Ruth Dunbar of Fergus. The Wo -mous Institute met an Thursday aftermion last at the home of Mrs, (Dr,) Richmond with a fair ateadauee. The, meeting was in charge ott the 'vice-president Mls L. Lake and opened by singing ' the Institute Ode and all repeating the Lord's Prayer. 'The minutes of the Previous meeting were read and approved. The Roll was called answered by who's who in Ontario and hints an housecleaning, Mrs. J, Wilson was, ln charge of the current events. ,IVIrst Wardlaw then took ,oharge ,or the eleetien of officers which resuted as follows: President, Mrs. '11)r.) Richmond; let vice president, Mrs': L. 'Lake; 2nd viae ,president, Mrs. M. Hewitt; 550: treas., Mrs, , ,G., ICriuter;• Blanch directors, 'Vbs. 3. Bremner; Mary McIntosh, Mrs, J. Ames, Mrs, G. Dun- • bar, Mit. Dobeon;' district • directo*, Mus. J. ; Wilson; ,planist, Mrs, E. Gin; asst. pianist, Mrs. H. Whitfietd; • flower oornmittee, Treas. ' Mrs. P. Stephenson, Mm. A. ' Pearson, Mrs. Dobson; auditors, Mrs, G. Dunbar, • Mrs, McInnis. After the elec. tion•of officere, there was a Treasure Trail, conducted -by Mrs.' Sinclair and. Mrs. Dobson which was very amusing. The meeting closed by ,singing the National Anthem. Mrs. Richmond served lunch assisted by the corannitee and .b.• social hour was %pent. . . • Salrs'ito- one, nemesis when used in eavy'eervice, Let a reputable re - treader determine whether the car. original read. If the tire with- the" mat, ls fit far another recap or r5. original tread was used in ' average • tread. service and had not had neglected., oits. it should give satisfactory ser. recaps; be properly bal- vice when recapped. • . '41ailiAidtp.sb, my car will not siltirailnY? Aiteies. A reliable. an w Q.—How many tiniest can efinipned• shop can, balance your recapPed? : an, r • "? d ecaps, in the same bVirit? ' antber as new tires and. w,heel- A.,—This depends entirely the condition at the carcass. Mastyi frp„ • ow long will I be able to ;4ireet recapped: A. --No one can tell at the pres time. Recaps take valuable rub BELL & BENSON Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell, B.A. C. Joseph Benson,B.A. (Absent on Active Service) • Wednesday and Saturday . afternoons) .., BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) S. get ent ber. 4,t Mr. Wm. tSimpson of Atwood • t .,•yisited in the village,,last Wednes- ‘,? Master Bobbie Finlay of Wingtiam spent nester week ,at Dr. Wardlaw's. Capt. J. D. and Mrs, Colquhoun left Friday morning for Yorkton, -Saak • stta. Galvin Kreuter lett last rT'',Thursday for 'Sarnia, where he hat ETHEL All clean paper, excels t carbon paper cellophane and gre*,,e-proof paper. Rags, fats, bones, met 1 and waste. ,• ollections Now Necessary C--11 Watch for Further Notice MONE.M....•*•.•••prommeisomernamerrsal*SeMOI.V.....no*.aor*Inlotftwollbsini • Don't forget the play "Mother in the shadow which will be presehted in the Township Hall nett Tuesday evening. Dancing after the plaY. 'Phe, members of the Ethel Bridge Club brought activities to a close ,on. Thursday evening of last Week and report it a emcees linancial/Y During the year a donation of $12.00 Was made to the British Blanket Fund $26:19 was used to send boxes to the local boys overseas. The collections now on hand amounting to $81.78 have been turned over tit the local War Walkers Unit. accepted a position. ' Mr. Bruce Bateman, Bobbie and Miss Marjorie of Listowel visited at their grandmother's in the vil- lage during the holidays. The Public Library has a number ef new booiks. in now, also old- ones. which the committee would like to sell, at a small price. 1VIre. Roy Cleland and Miss Jessis of Guelph spent a few days at Easter with Mits. Percy Stephensoi. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shaw of Brig - den visited with Bari and Mrs. Bowes during the holiday. Rev'. H. end Mrs, Snell and llttle • .Sanspent a few days recenity ttt Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs, Pluinsteal Mr, Russel Love of Hamilton was to see hist mother, on Sunday, in Listowel Memorial hospital. Het' condition is quite serious we are sorry tcf State. M'r: and Mrs. Clifford Roland and family of Port 'Weller are taking 111' farming near Ethel, Mr, Norman Moran or London, • who is. in ibe Navy visited inthe village on Thursday before his departure to. Halifax. The concert held last Tuesday night, sponsored by the Ethel War - workers' Unit, was, well Patronized and 1VIr. Jack Thyme and his assistants were enjoYe•cl by a great mny.' • -rerrfil TgrevE51 Mr. and Mrs. Linton gnifti) of IVIelinton have moved into the horse, recently vacated by Mr. A. Rock and will be eniplOyed by Mr. 0, Dunbar, Personals: L,A.C, Stanley Alexand, er of Trenton was home; Mr. Elmer BLUEVALE ,Mrs. Campbell Tavener presided at the Women's Missionary Society Easter, Thankoffering meeting in the United,,ehurch on .Sunday morning. Rev. C. Tavener led itt prayer, Mrs. Tavener spoke from the text "Ye Shall . Be My Witness," tracing missionary work from its origin be- ginning with the ministry of Christ she made mention ot the work of David Livingstone and Dr. Grery fell. Irene Hall, Muriel Smith, Shit. ley Soiling, Cassie S ening, Mary Darling, and Perak. Mann sang "Chrst 1 Risen." At Knox Fresbyterian church Rev, F. G. Fowler ,spoke from the tvxt "In the world. ye shall have tribu• Wiens but be of good oheer: have overcome the world," point- ing out that iChristineaand the Chrisfan ,church grow stronger under trial. The Mission Band of the Unite!' church held the annual Easter meet ing on Friday afternoon and nae for their guests parents and tripn,tr Miss Shirley Selling presided stY welcomed the visitors. After aloe ing a hymn, the purpose of try mission band was read by jun, Slidell. The program consisted an Easter chorus, an exercise to. Shirley Sedling, Dolores Hamilton Eleanor Smith and Mac Smith; reel Wiens by Kenneth Johnston; Serra Gallaher and Ruby Gray; song. "Jessie Loves Me" by little tots, t moor .on Temperance' by Mar' Darling and a paper on 'Peace' by Irene. Hall. The Easter story was told in a very pleasing and effect -4v8 manner by Miss Margaret Curtis Lurch was served and Mrs. Tawnier treated the members to Baster eggs. The president, Fleming Johnston, presided at the, regular weekly meet. ing of the Y.P.D. of the United elmrc.h on Friday evening and read the .Seripture lesson. Mrs. W. j .Tplinstor read a very interesting miner on "The Day of Rest" pre .0 ;mad bv Miss Margaret Curtis. Personals. Mr. and Mn9, C. 0, Pen ' ltd daughter, Miss Marie, moved to ft.str new home at. Paisley on Wei civil and were accompanied by Mrs, J. H. Smith who returned home on Sunday Mrs. H. A. Shaw at the home of her salt Frank, and Mrs Shaw in Morris; A. D. Smith, R. C. .'½ .W., Brantford at his home here, Wednesday, April 16rah, 1042 Read This Ad. -Something for Everybody One Frigidaire in.stocic CARS Two ladies were attending a con- cert or something at the civic torium, Seated in the parquet, they looked about them "Nice building," Said ono lady., "What style of architecture is it?'" "Thrt not quite sore," said the other, "bat I think it's Tiontinia, mem.° 4pout?....,t4Vitr;k4.44t .41 20 Choice used cars. • Coupes, coaches and sedans, all re- conditioned well tired and guaranteed. You don't have to worry about New Cars and tires when you see our la e Models and our selection of older Mcidels from 1928 to 19 '. ' We will take your old car and livestock. as a down payment.' if necessary. Trucks - ' No New Tineks available. Taike'act;aniage of 'pin large selection 't ten good used Trucks. ,SeclanRelivertea:;, 1:1A4 Tons ancra tons all reconditioned and ready' for service, • Tractors Get your order in for a New Tractor. 'and Will try and, supply you. We have some real bargains in used tractors. 1 Irish Ford 3 Good used Fordson's all recoriditibned. L' A 'lot a work in them for very little money. 2 Auto Tracks made out of Trucks. Cheap, 3 Good used 2 -furrow Tractor F'lerivx Horses and livestock Black Gelding, weight 1300, rising ,3 yrs. Black Marc, weight 1300, rising 5 Yrs: ,%'•• . r " Black Marc, weght 1300, rising. B yrs. Any of these three will make a matched team. Choice T24zy Clyde Mare rising 7 yrs., Choice Light Colored Bey tbian iV/are rising*2 yrs. 'old (part Belgian); Choice Dark Colored Bay Roan Mare rising 2 yrs. old • ' (part Belgian) Choice Dark Colored Black Roan Mare rising -1 yr. old (part Beigian) 1 Cheap Work Mare 1 choice Grey Mare rising 6 yrs., reight 1300 1 choice Grey Mare rising 6 yrs., 44meight 1250. Cheap. Choice Bay work Horse 5 yrs. old ,. 1 Choke Tamworth Sow • • ov Implements 1 Fertilizer Drill used only 2 yrs. 3 Gang Plows. 3 Walking Plows. 3 single -furrow Riding P1OWS. 1 Light Wagon. 1 turnip Sower YES— We have the Gas you want for your gas engines, Tractors without 'Coupons. . L. an d . stoves, lamps, Jackson Motors Ltd Phone "161 Listowel. Ont. Istritoi"otaimotioloiiiiiftwowtot -MgffilIfltafilffL AXIS SHIPPING LOSSES RISE In two months this, Summet, British aircraft and Sabma,rines destroyed three times as much, Axis Tonnage as Britain lost by enemy action, despite the fact, as Mr, Churchill, the British Prefilter said, hat British ships presented ten or even twenty times the targets on the 00aS that the enemy did. At the end at ISeptember, bly. Churchill revealed that Axis sea. losses had gone up 50 per cent, since he made his previous, statement, Our draw- ing, made by an %mist tram authen- tic details, shows. one incident in 13ritain's successful war against Axis Supply lanes. A British Beaufort, an patrol off the coast of Norway, attacked and sank a . Gelatin supply ship despite the at that the vessel was escorted by a. Gellman Messerschm0bt 100 lighter, The British plane beat off the Mos- serschinitt'sattack and sent ,the German crashing Into the sea with two bursts, of its Machine guns.