HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-15, Page 1THE
'fate i}+i d its April meeliug
at the borne of Mts. Allister Bird
With an attendance., of 18, 'rile
president, Mns: , Dan •diuethe4•, arm
in the chair. Hymn 60,6 Was sung,
and Mee. John Iiueti lar .led in prayer,
then read the Winter" .lesson frnm
Psalm lea, The r1, inutes of the
previous meeting -were need by the
secretary, Mrs'. J. Huether. Roll
was called, them • an interesting
story "The Ladies' Md Helps The
War Mora", ..;was .read by Mrs.
aiiir Cameron. The leaster Hymn
212 was sung, and +Current events
were read _by Mrs.7im, Keys,Mrs.
Geo. Evans, Mas. Alien'. Cameron and
1*rs., M. Engel, -Mrs. Raba Cantle
bell had the topic„ frim "Tho Life of.
Jonathan Go -Perth!' The May meet-.
irugie, to be at the hdme' of Mrs.
Gee. Evans. Offering' "'WAS- now .Pre-
'sented, 'Hymn '0166 Nae. sung, .then
the presidenit'piononmce'd the bene
diction: Atter;thd singing of the Nat.
inna1 Anthem :the ladies .of the West
group' assisted 'tate 'hostess. with the
seeing of a dainty lunch and a
ecnial^hour was enioyed by all,
MAISTE.RiS--I.11 ^use 1s on Wednes-
day, April 1'ath,'194:2, Sarah Jane'
Master, in her 76th year.
Private funeral will 'be held tram
the home of her daughter Mrs. 0.
Gallaher, Turnhenry St., Brussels
on Frdtay, April 17th; .Service at
1,30 p.m. Interment in Bluevale
Wednesday, April 15th, 1942 BRUSSELS, ONTA
* * * " w Morris Council
•W E D D l N G April 13,.1012'
* * * } * The couu'Cil met on the above slate
with ail the membe+na present,. hire'
Cardiff - Johnston ,
.. Local 'News Items
Miss•. Verga Fischer, Hesplee, was
a week end visltot at,het home here,
G. E. Augustine has.. returned pro
Blyth after. Spending the winter
wih his sister Mrs. T. H, Walker.
* * •
Graduation ceretngpiee were lieid
at No, 4 Wireless School in Guelph
at which two, Bruseels boys gradu•
aced, They 'were: L. W. Harrison
My•.aineer'e thanks is extended to
the Brussels. Red Cress arnd com-
munity for the gifts recep,tdy re-
ceived from them,
They ere inch appreciated.
S. Campbell (R,C.A.F.)
New Sign, At
The Arcade Store
The "Arcade Store" has erected a
handsome new neon sigh. It's bright
illumination at night adds conslder'•
ably to the attractiveness of the
store front.
and Archie Ilendereon, .loins Navy
The llatest recruit to be reported is Good8ting
Mr, and Mrs, •
Berna d _Thomas', . Sam Prest, youngest son of•M'r, and Ea.
were week end guests at Mrs, T, L: ,Prest of this village. A great many folk en the village
Itis home in Morris township and There are four boys in the ` Pres' have been enjoying a delicious ash
with her patens Mr and Mns' J W. family. and Jim reported at London these days; Fishermen have beep
* :, •k
McOAThTN2YY In Grey Twp., on
Tuesday, April 14(11, 1042, James
McCartney, in his 73rd year.
Funeral will he held from his late
residence, Lot 20, Coneessiou 3.
Grey Tw•p., on Thursday, April
16t1. Service at 2 p!rn. Interment
in Brussels -Cemetery.
* *
STRA'OHAN--yin Ceanbrook, on Wed-
nesdey, April 15th, 1942, William
,Strachan, in his Slat year, Funeral
will be held- from the residence of
his eon -in-law, Daniel Huether, lot
'19;' oon:oession '11,' Grey -'township -
'on Friday, April 1.7th, 1942. Set
vice at '2:00 pee. Interment at
Mount Pleasant cemetery,. Ethel.
,* * *
:SHAW—H1 Morris Twp., on Wed'
ne•sday, April 15th, 1942 Mary
Ann Forrest, Beloved' wife of the
lite Anson. Shaw, in her 78th year.
Funeral will be held from the
home of her son Frank Shaw, Ler
21, Concession 2, Morris. Twp., on
Friday, Apell 17th, 1942. Service
at 3.00 P.M. Interment in Brussels
Ftscirer. this week to make number 4,'in the coming home with basket:a full .of;
• • * i Forces. The other three are ,in thesmells and •have generously given
Mr. and Mre, T. L, Prest attended R•'C•A,F, therm to others. While •these fish ace
the graduation o2 their son, Robert.,
email and it takes dozens of them to
A guleit 'wedding was solemnized at
the 'United' Chupoh Parsonage, Blue -
kale, on Saturday, April 1,1th at
noon, when Miss Rhea Johnston, of
Morris Township was •wilted in
marriage. to Mr. George Edwin
Cardiff, . of 'Grey Township. The
bride'waas attended by Miss Vida
Cardiff, sister of the briilegr•oore and
Mr, Charles Souch , su¢lported the
groom, ' The bride wore a dress of
powder blue and a rose hat, The
bridesmaid's dress was a deep rose
shade with bat to match, The core
mony was performed by Rev. Caiupr
bell Tavene". The couple will reside
on . the groom's farm in Grey Town-
- c ' -
Reeile presided,
'i'1fe minutes of the, }est mreeffle
were read and adopted on motion. calf
C. Wlteeier. and 'Ii. Jninteton.
Moved by 0, 11, Coulter •seeamd1elil
by p. wheeler that .the Clerk rot antes
'to Dr. McJMa:ster'eepiaining the vox
feel that the fannily of John Ha atter
Capable of looking after their owe=
parents. ---Carried,
Moved by C. 11. Coultes secomPaila
by Jae. Mic,9ile that Jos. Smith Bee'
re -hired 'tA sun the grader at 4111 gen
hour,• —Carried'.
Haray Wealoinan.et tender WIT
'crushing, ;hauling " and 'supply
gravel' at 49c per yd., was aocepfea'fb
by the ,Council. • 'This• was tic'
lowest tender.
The Council agreed to disoontireeta'
make a meal, they ane quite easy. to Mrs. Nellie 'Logan's relief and gPaae,
at the Fingal Bembhtg and Gunnerw.• Annual I.O.O., + Service HONKING—BELL Fred Logan $15.00 aftercare for
f Western Star 'Lodge clean and are so deliekina- that they
received Curt ,of Revision will'' opine
the obse'rver's Minn. will "attend the 'United Chu 1 t' t takesprepare eat,: • i razed- at the Blyth United Cb, r h '
.Skdool •on Saturday. R, T. Prest
Meni'hers o month,
bis wing graduating !rem and Morning Star Rebekah- Lodge more than' compensate one'' for the A'quiet spring wedding was soler- qhs C
tet nue i to th rued u c
Manse,' on IStaturday' April llth, a next meeting.
Lieutenant G. Forbes Meliauch with i lung 4 •pane when• Rev. Mr, .Sinclair ,Moved by Harvey Johnatoa BEst�
District Meeting Of united in marriage, Maly Adeline, ;ended by C. R, Coultes that tine
lin, 'Canadian Armored Corps', sin ';brothers and sisters, will attend
( Pott Nob1eGrands meeting adjourn to meet °gal° ear='-
of"Mr. and Mns. T. G. MoLanchlin, Divine Worship in a body; as ]s " only dp.ugher of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sunday evening service this Sunday.
April 19th. They, visiting
"+ nstam Representatives frown. Godei'ich, Bell of Morris • township, and
Vancouver, is visiting hie sun , their annual custom.
Mrs. Robert Thomson, and uncle '
Clinton, Seaforth, ,Stratford and Joseph ••Lorne, only son of Mr and i
May ilth 1992: —Carried -
The. following. account% were rad"
Milverton, attended; the District Mre, William Hankin of Willett , Manicipal World (euOPIfes, 82
ale, R. J. McLaucblin, He has Pot Luck Supper g donndy od Heron (snow
heen at the Canadian Offteers' 'retire; At United Church Meeiting•of Posit Noble Gi•ands._•of the township. •"The bride was becoming plow01 ..... ........ ril3�a,'
in Centre in Brockville. - A pot -luck[ supper was held in Rebekah Lodge held in the h0.O:F, is a street -length dress of Heavenly
'indigent4o•E 1'
Lodge Ont, Hospital Woodstock .
y the Sunday eeboo•1 room .on Prider age Rooms- in Brussels on Tues- blue alpaca with -a corsage of Tails-'
evening uncle:, the auspices of late day afternoon of this week. District mar roses. She was attended by in
Young People of the cliureh. After Deputy President Mrs. Wm. Stewart, 1 her cousin, Miss Shirley Walla Oe, Advancearimeis (ad'vel,hsdng 3saLEDGen, Hosmitnl, Stratford
snmi1er a. sing -song was enjoyed with of Brussels!, presided. Sister Hen- i of Blyth, who wore a street-length
indigent fee IS,&iA«
Miss Jean Speiran as accompanist, ingway acted as secretary. Business dress of rose' elpaca with a eorsags i 'Tag.' Mr ant fee premium
• Schools were all reopened Monday followed by contests. A 15 rniute tale matters of the di•striet ledges were' of Johanna Hill roses. The •groom I ' on bonds ,1,...•,._.•••• 0•• 34
discussed. At the conclusion . of was attended by his cousin, Joseph tQ�s Geo. Gro..... relief a4.Sttd
the. meeting a supper •was served. H•unking. Fred Logan.. aftercare ., 1510e'
to those ,attending by memnbers of : After the ceremony, the immediate i Geo. to Martin -Clerk-
the local lodge. The nm
regular meeting relatives, numbering about • 4.5,E , ,
of Morning Star•. Lodge, which many gathered at trbe home of the bride, J "�+
of the P. N. G.'s, and other visitors l where a dairy luncheon was served
attended took place in the evening I by Misses Margaret Bell, and Mary
of this week after a pleasant Easter
There passed' away 'in Winufpeg
recently, Peter ,Ferguson, a forinei'
resident of the 9.th con., of Grey
and a son of the late Jas, and Mrs.
Ferguson.' He was the last of 9
brothers in the tautly and has been
in felling health for the last two
years. He is survived by one sister
Mrs. Margaret Best Brussels.
Mr, and Mns, Taylor, Wawanosb,
Celebrated the 25th anniversary of
their marriage on Saturday evening,
April 1,1tth. waren numerous friends
•gielliel•aarle offer' Cengra(i lata& -h
A. sumptuous aupper was- served
and a ve'iy pleasant evening was
enjoyed. Mrs. Taylor was formerly
Miss Jean Smith, 5th, eon, Grey.
'13eae, Shoots, Middlings, Screen.
lugs, sled Certified Seed Potatoes.
Leave your otters with , .
Brussels Phone 66
Wednesday night, April 22nd
The Kansas Farmer and
"His Hired Man
Dancing from 9 to 2 a.m.
Floor Show at 11 o'clock.
Admission 25c
{Walton Friday Night, April 17
f you don't go to Church on
Sunday, where do you go?
Melville Chlarril'
10 a.m.—Sunday School and
Bible Crass
11 a.m. I.43ELPE•VE"
second In series on Apostles'
7 p. m. "The 'Butted Talent"
United Ch'lr r:h
10130. "A Hearing for the
Church" '
11:30 -Church Sbhool and
700' Where Church and
Fraternity Meet:"
Annual Church parade:' of
Oddfeliiws and Rebekahs
St, ohn'a
. .. in Prayer
11g W. Di '
Pastors .Rev, F. •
on the plebislite wa.a. given 1by L.
E. Cardiff, M.P., for North Huron,
Al .The Churches
'Services in Melville Presbyterian
cburclh on Sunday were -conducted
by the minister., Rev. S. Kerr, Sun -
dray Sohoce end Bible Class were fol-
lowed bi' the morning serice. bA 11,11
choir= presented an anthem with Miss
Marie King taking the Folo pa4t. The
evening -service was "A Wonderful
Services in the ?ynitet cltuneli e
S0hrdniy 1eere co id feted, 'bv` 164..14s --
tor, Rev. C. L. Lewis. 'His morning
,(ext. was "A ,Safe Retreat." Sacra-
ment of Communion `wale -:observed,
The Sundry siehool and Bible Close
met. The Peering text wee "Springs
PnnvPr Ins Life."
Rev. F. W. Davis of Attwood war
1 '""*"a of the ,services Sunday at
St. John'e Anglican ohurch.
The regular meeting of the WO-
meu's Missionary Society was held
on April S. Attention wars drawn
:o the 'Presbyterial to be held in
Clinton on May 5. Wes. H. Jo111
r,ou and Mts. A. NLcCall were chosen
1s. delegates to attend. Lettere from.
Dr. and Mrs. WilOoad were read. The
study chapter entitled "Enlisting
rout+h for Christ" was presented b,Y,
Mrs. W. Haclewell, Mrs. Kirkby and
Miss Simpson. The devoional
pnograannre in The Missiona.rY
Monthly was 'given ay Mrs, R.
an:tersio 1, .Mees G. McArthur and
Mrs, J. Watson. Prayers were
,ifered for the youth of the church,
'119 armed forces and the youth o'
'due younger churches in Asia and
Africa, Eighteen • ladies were
Seaferth Ont.
':ue Abbott Lou Costello
Hold That Ghost
Rich>rd Carison Joan Davis
Crooks, Spooks, Goblins Girlies
'M..h.ui5o Church W.M.S.
Tthe W. M. S. of Melville Church
,tet on April 10th, WWI the presi
dent. Mrs.. S. Here• in the chair. The
meeting was. opened with Prayer,
after which Iiymm 2118 was suing
The Scripture Passage was read by
Mrs. Allen and prayer offered by
Miss -Grace. Stewart. The Secretary's
and Treasurer's reports were read
and adopted. It w'as decided not
to nominate a vice-president for the
Presbyterial and not to send a dele-
g"te to the -Provincial meeting • et
0rillia. A beautiful solo "The Lo'rd's
Prayer." was rendered. by Miss
Marie Ring. Miss Margaret His-
lop'* Baster message ':The Vision of
Christ" was read by Mrs. W. S. Scntt
'and Mrs, Bolcrn,ien` read. soma inter-
esting Current lavents. 'Hymn 480
wee stung . land the meeting was
elosed 1ty repeating the Ler Ps
Porter Bos.' Sale
• Lot 20, Con. 10, Tur'n,eerry Tome: -
elite; 3 miles north of Witkgham, on
tate Wingiham-Teesevater highway,
w•as the, piece. where a most eue0oss-
fnl ,sale w:e 1,eild on April 2nd with
and Guffaws Galore Matt. Gaynor, Auctioneer,
\text Mur Tues. and Wed•—
SorJa Hen+�'i3or r1, John Payne
5+.i Valley Serenade
Milton Berle Lynn Bari
A romantic drama filled with music
P11 Th OH. Fri,'` .
Edger •Br.rden { ""''Othat111e McCarthy
Look Who's Here
Fibber McGee and Molly
The laugh hit of tlia year.
ont,1119 •
Unfinished Business,
-When Double "keatuees are shown
avis, t estrous' must be In not later than
0 45 p:mi to wee, Complete thaw, ( the beat "way to advert; se,
r" 6R*y-y
We slay sucoes.elel because one of
the Porter brother came into this
office on Monday last omd highly
commended the way the printing 1011
ef their advertising weer handled. He
Ilen. eta tad:, "tee sale ibrought $500
More then anticipated, of con se the
weather wee 10001.,5 good auctioneer
end Menke to .the beet' in priutin;q "
Wortbee,of mention is tire fact.
that they ordered 100 i (full pane)
bilis and an lnsert,on of ibe s,eme•
in The Pont," This'll':number et
bills egyes a. levee, territory • from
t neienow, Walko`ton; tlarrieton
teeto\vel amass to Seatorih, end
as: well ee. intern -led -late' po1n11
The cost is reasonable. awl reoi1,V
1 and Mabel Fear. consin•s of the brfde,
Beginning Sunday, A
aril 193132;
and Iva Firasei, a closemorning service at Roe's church 'art z
HELP The be,ppy couple left, amid sbow-
Is the little word in big bleak ere of confetti, for a short trip. The I be held at 11 a.m., war time_
Mr' C71a.renee Grainger of Walter
letters on yellow cards in every store 111'1001 wore a navy' blue ooat with
in Brussels, Walton, Cranhroolc J heavenly. Nue accessories, On theft : visited en Sunday with Mr, art
Ethel and Jamestown. It meane return, they will reside on the lith Mrs. Mervyn. Grainger.
I • The Jiamestoten Wax Workers oel"td
that everyone can-•hP1p to •huy • tuuel> Go-naes6iarL ea ;l3ullett. II their regular monthly tea, c1, Aitllt9
The groom's gift to the bride was
sendh• homes
to the boys S, Morrie I 9th. It was decided to meet twine-
whose h.oanes ar'e in Brussels, Morris i a beautiful triple string .of pearls
, j and to the bridesanaid, a lovely cone a month, an the second and foavfi2s•
TI>ursday of the month. Mr. Robes*
Bowman of Brussels addressed! akin
aneeting in regard to the couR85 ; s:
WELCH—YOUNG Donninion-wide Red 'Cross. cants.
The hostesses for the tea were Mose
The Find" is :being sponsored by pent..
the Wessels. Melt and Game Club
with H. B. Allen •sec.:trea•surer. The
club, winch organized •a few : years
ago and almost forgotten singe trate -
war began, 'hada balance in tai? BLUEAILB-aeal s and pink and Geo. Johnston, Mrs. M. Graft:goes.
Meek -
bank and with this a committee
white lsW pdsegons formed the Mrs, 'A. MoKercher and Miss ate ek
declded to start the ball rolling, setting for a pretty wedding at Riley, Following the tea, a bale was
The money is to be pladed in the Kingsway Laanbton United church, packed of work completed this 7
glare• contain -ens on the conmter of Toronto, at 4:00 .o'clock . Friday month. The contents includedeee
each store. Any .amount is accept i after:men when Isabel Margaret 17 quilts
able just drop Your Change in and . Young,' daughter of Mrs, Stewart 11 girl's dresses
don't foagelt it is to buy sanokes for Allan and the late Mr. Young was i 1,i girl's slips
0111 hears overseas. There may by united in marriage to Ma, David Roy 18 pairs girl's blooiuers
an, odd one Who doesn't' 'stroke and Welch, ,scut of Mr, and ,Mrus Norman 4 girl's, nightgowns
he w'i11 have n pal w'ha does o' caa A. Weidh, Toronto. •Rev. George W. , 2 baby's gowns
barter for seteethin.g be uses. le Bartter performed the double -ring , 1 baby slip
any case tanmokes are appreciated ceremony and the wedding music•'. 6. ladies' slips
was played by Miss Sean, Bell.• The ' 12 pr. 'ladies' bloomers
very torch by them all. r b^Ys' pYj�ainas
On the botteen of the' card can be , bride, given in marriage by her i 2 p
noticed, in small bumble type, that ' brother, Mb. John S. ?teeing wore a 3 pus: men's pyjamas
gown of melon pink t rce, fasliionetl 1 1 pr, ladies' hones slippers'
they were donated by The -Poste 1 pr, bed sox
,with long sleeves and bouffant 1 turtle neck sweater•
skirt with thatching gloves awl blue
United Church W.M.S. suede .shoes. ,She wore a silty blue 18 pi', sox
Rower hat with veil and corsage of , • 1 helmet
The Women's Missionary Society 3 scuts
of the United Church held their i 305f11a Hillroses attct fargetmo• , 1 (used) wool vast'
monthly meeting at the home of hots. The bridesmaid, Mies Heigh
Mrs, Samuel 'Davison on Friday K. Dila, 'Mee delphinium blue sheer' a t -
afternoon, Mrs, It S. Hamilton, t%e anti lace made mi sunnier line* to
president, was in the •chair. The (110 bride's dress, lihie gloves and
president took an Easter ierviee as p`r's'tel shoes, a melon piult halo hat
the cl'avotior,al. part, assisted by mss
and a ccnsage of •carnations. The
S. Davieen, Blizabeth Downing, Roe- , best man was Mr. George R.
-rotary,. read the minutes of the last Warner) and Mr. Lone 11. Bilis and
lneetirtig anal sir -a Paced tate tress-• j• Mr. Sterling L. Sto•ples, were heaters.
"`et`',5 rear^a't in the absence of grits, Fe11owirrg the ceremony. a recep-
R. J.'McLeucihlin, Scripturereeding lion was held at the Granite C1111r,
wain tad.en by May Skelton, A'piano The bride'•s. mobher wore a clout]
eel," wa., ry�, rendered it ` Mary Dayton e.
blucrepe jackavyet dceest With n
.,1d remain by Mrs, 1-1emb ' Man ante +wrier ,+, sliver fox fur, and •a
-ars, \Tial Pattie Downing who has enrsage of Butterfly roses. The
eeee in ei1ange of the Study Boole bri0eereean'a mother elms-- a 0 gas
^7.k three letters'fnune in the Out. of PariA1• bane 'sepe asilver 'ix
,..a; •,1' Nrve the 3' These letters .fur, flnwer int 91,l ecrrea.05 of
were 11) Gish( by shiner from., Chiba, Brio.tcliff rep est 'She -lmidogtw0111'S.
'M.P frown Dr, Harwell who .was, One Cif+ to' tette l'aide w1,<, h11 agree
of the finest rttissionlries sent out l- mss 5 )1 eine. Tics onpte ieft on a
.ire `Met+ln,lis1. chords In Wear moteir trin., the bride . trampling in
Mine, Tt was read by Mrs, "c, L, p, 'beige test over a rittaireuse 'wool
Lewis, The seeorel We•ea letter by ei•elit dress- accetiied with brown
'Sure, 1'smsley which Was read by 1.^c05s•ortes.
1Mrs ,Hnrrhi Thomas, ' Thr- third
letter 'front the. field Wag raid bit
Mica Margnret h;.ebilttaon, Praye"
YON• rtcTnTM*. .T.tt (lerr(s Township,
•v,s offered h•* 8ir5' ,3 pl; ijtl, nn Tainr.?sdlt:f, April -0111(0 1511, au4
alter Nhtelt a lrvinn weaa Ong ,sans],•Car'1 Job: sten, (flee Floroitce'
the iareetin'g cicaetl with atilt': bsvfr.luiof,�tt liinJ,;.M iI I t�r 'rowniebip, •,
ietten ,,r iY' daugi.ber, Ititth Marie.
J 1,..,'d• '<
The pre •rc0•.5 ft -can - the. mite esd
10lting held last 551-arday xeso13.rlmted.
to $19,81.
The former Choral-Soctdty This
donated its balance a $4.07.:.to tate
Red Cross,
T•he' Finance Committee 'aclw-
ledge with thanks' a•. donation 'ed
$25 from the Majestic Institute :mast
dona•llion of $13.50 from S. S. RHa-'4:
Grey. •
'R151]leA8 — On April a, to Dr. sand
Mrs.' N V Freeman, a deukatea ie
(Vit'gfiiia a tiui,j •
dr' .0 de
SCibt4GF;0111i-•in Nto Tilsant5nn*
Memorial Hospital, on Mion:e243",
April'+ 13th,: to -1 . anti' 'Eden.
ll litre y' , t„i?ngeout, (nee" ' Gihttrls
Paleso11) the gift of a tlaughteir,.