HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 11II SAVE' All clean paper, er, except 'caarbon.:paper . ,, .cellophane and . gre4se=*r0o a l� per. :Rags, . fats, ..l ones, .. Metal and waste: Collections Now Necessary Watch for Further Notice. BLUEVALE were named delegates,. to the annual meeting of the Maitland Woauen'r Missionary Society Presbyterial to be Held at Teesiwater.en May 5. - Personals: Mrs Nil M L Neil Easter Services At the Easter service in the United church. Reiv..C. Tavaner de- livered a appropriate message .based on Christ's appeartinice a1 the 'road to Emmaus. A solo, "The Man' of Galliloe," was ! >?g .by Mos, • John WSekrtead. Beautiful flowers;., eev- eral of wh2eh' were 'ins memory ' at devarted. friends entielted the .deter setting. The Sacrament of ,rite Lord's Supper ':was observed: During:.the Sunday school session; a group ''Of the,junlor classes • 'sang two Paster numbers. Impressive Easter services '>ai+ere held at Knox 'Pressbytesan church on Sunday at the incising - service. Rev. C. F Bowler spoke on tbe'_,Sub lent of 7aiimvor•taltty.' and Eternal Life." Two Easter.'anthenvs ,. Were sung by the. choir, Tlie Young Peoie0'Society. bad charge of the evening service, 'Tf e i president, Mss s Jeatn Diltott Presld ed and ofenied'the meeting with a eings,ong of, Easter hynnnis� ,and then. offered' prayer, Mr. Fowler . reed and ..e:fplained: the Scnipture pass- age pointing out "What: a Risen Saviour"had meant to . the world;' An Etikter ,pageant, I'The Way to the Cables," was preseatted by the young. People. C'ttt flowessi,an�d',potted plants added to the beauty of the service. The president, Mrs, S. J. Elliott, Ewes :tied at the Beater Thanleoffering meeting of the Women's Missionary - Society oR Knox Presibyteriaa church. , anid carried dut an appropriate.I Easter prognamt. Those taking part. tn'prayet pad 4cri$ut•e reading in-' eluded 'Mrio E Nichol, Mrs. P. S. i MadBweni, Mus.. , 4, - S,atnont, 'Miss Florence Fowler and Miss Olive' Scott. • Mr.s. R, Elliott and Mrs. Lamont rendered a duet. Am imprOk sive part of the program was. pre Rented-'by,Mrs. P. GI. Fowler in,. nos .tante; '- representing Africk; ' Miro' '3ul• ,Mb !Olttna,. 'end Mrs. Ewart; Ewart- ' �.t et i d a ''sate n • n v e ,e g ig a int. c e •e siolu s of s ,the, afros , M Conference ,aged mmane of. the• results • towaald a universal Christian church fibs. Bowler ankl 'Mr'. E. Nichol o can and two one, Neil and Roderick, Toron- to, oronto, with Mr. and, -Mrs. George Thoanton; Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Hol lan'•and Miss; Dorothy Aitken, St. Marys,at their homie here; Mrs. Hugh Mundell .and son. are home froni the Wing'hann general hospital, Miss Martha Baine wi0h Mr. and' Mrs,- W. H. Fra:s,er at Wingbam. Mas. Jktmes Peacock was the host•' eisei on Thursday afternoon, for the; monthly meeting of the, Women's; Association; of the United church The president, Mss. Earl: Hamilton, presided, Mrs. J. H. Snits read tho,' Easter message from' the Scripture. anirh•Rev, C. Taverner spoke on 'the signilicapicg 44,aaG0 d at,Viday and; offered player., A' paper i on "Thai Home' 'wase given by Mrs.' S. N. Gallaher .and Mrs,' Eliza Fell• gave n reading, "Me.' aas.aiid Mr;" Can't" A solo was sung by- Mrs, W. .1. Johnston, o Assasht{g rite hostess wain, Mao, Richard, Johnston Mss 'Arthur' Shaw and Mrs, Wi-1liamt Pea•c:ock, Miss Aileen Johnston Weds, Mr. J.' C. Chapman 1VIl'ss Aileen.. Olivia Johnston, younger. daughter,cf Mas..,Pat John - :stop, became the daughter, ide of Mr,;.,,Tames !Clifford, Chapman, .son of Mr. and. Mns, 4. C. Obapman' 'at a very simple but impressive service on Monday artelatoon*nuuiy lith, at - four o'clock '`at lllteyv First. Baptist Church. The ,Rev,,i,'Vaughn.. Johnson, pastor of theicliutliilk performed the -ceremony before a group of close rclafives af, the b , ifapiabies. Mrs. •Gh+il3tti‘lsd Auite.;. .Mrs, Ed- ward' Whaley; waa her only attend- ant, when. Mr, Uly S. IChapanan at. 'tended, hie, palotdiTE.,ta ._,best man, :r Ri 1� Mrs,. Chatlman )attestded• the I ts- sinnaiiee 'finblic Scheele, and later Florida State,go{ege, for 'Women, S e 4 Sb ;1a teifded t he rl n o O a d School of Comanoite, where she took an advanced course in, ac- counting. Mrs.: Chapman -is eon-' ntloted with :t1he ,ippih,eeh and. Most - prominent familieSi?.iii'1..th'1a section ' art I a c k rs WANTED -All kinds of Live and Dressed Poultry We will call at your place for any quantity. Also—All kinds of Feathers & Horsehair. I Phone 70x Brussels,, Ont, East Heroin Produce Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone 66 Brussels HOG and POULTRY FEEDS 'Cointriercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster, Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit Everything to make the hens lay `A' Grad , eggs We are in the market forall kinds Of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A Specialty'+ Bring Us YourEggs Our motto- Honest Grade on every egg .r - Het• father, the late Pat Johnston, was one.of the state's best known iawyersvamd also a large scale cattle- man. a Om her mother's „gide She Is related to the -Donegan family, which' settled here on their arrival Brom, Ireland, • Mr. Chapman also attended the local schools and was graduated' frame ifitm 'Osceola ]sigh school Since that time he boas Meld some re-! sponsible positions in Oslceoba county but for the past several years itis beenin' ''New -Sntyb•na, 'wh'ere . he. ,"is assistant •oas'hier Jai .the Bank of: New Smyrna. . 1,•;VIM;' 'The father of the bride mentioned in the above notice .was a nephew- of Mrs. Geo. Batesnaio, Ethel add a cousin of the late' Williaas and,. Percy Mitchell of. Bruesels. CLEARING Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements:. at West 1/2 Lot 3, Con. 11, Grey FRIDAY, APRIL 10th at 1 p.m. Sharp HORSES --- 1 ORSiES--1. Bay Mare 1 Black Gelding CATTLE-- 1 ATTLE-1 Roan Cow, 4 yrs. due to freshen April 25th 1 White Cow, 6 yrs. due to freshen May 1Sth 1: Spotted ' Cow, milking, 6'yrs. 1 Roan Helfer, rising 3 yrs. 1 Black Steer, rising 2 yrs. 1 Roan Heifer, rising 2, yrs, 2 Yearling Heifers' 1 Yearling Steer PIGS— 1 Sow 6Chunks s 1 Sow with 7 pigs at foot IMPLEMENTS— 1 Massey Harris Binder 1 Massey Harris Mower 1 Massey Harris 13.hoe Seed Drill 1 Johh Deer llurrow Riding Plow 1 Kangaroo 2 -furrow Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 McCormcik Deering Manure Spreader 1 .Disc Harrow 1 Waggon 1 Set Sleighs 1 Flat Hay Rack 1 Dump Rake 1 Set Scales (1000 lbs. cap.) 1 Scuffler 1 Fanning Mill' 1 Root PUlper 1 Turnip Sower {" 1 Cutter 1 Potato Hiller . 1 Cutting Boat 1 Spring•ltooth Cultivator 1 Water,TroUgh 2 iron Kettles 'Forks, Chains, Shovels, Neck Yokes, W hlffletrees TERMS—CASH DAN GLAS31 ER—Proprietor W. S, iDO,NALDSON--AUottoneer fl1E BRUSSELS POST Auctio1l, Sale FARM STC,.n, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Harold ,Jackson has been Instruct to sell by public auction the eata • of the late Albert Crooke 'Lot 28, Concession 5, Morris Tw 114 miles North and': mile West of Brussels, on TUESDAY, APRIL, 14th at 12:30 o'clock Sharp CATTLE-_ Red Cow 7 yrs; old, fresh Rpan. Cow 8 yrs, old; fresh White Cow 5 yrs;'old, fresh 2 Yearling Heifers 6 Yearling'Steera 2 calves PIGS - 5 Chunks of Pigs 125 lbs. HENS-. 80 Hens, 3 Gees, 1 Gander HARNESS— • Set of Breeching Harness Plow Harness 3 Horse Collars IMPLEMENTS- Massey -Harris Binder 6 ft. cut Cockshutt Manure Spreader McCormick -Deering Mower 6 ft. McCormick -Deering Hay Loader (new) McCormick.Deering Side Rake Cockehutit Seed Drill 13 disc Spring Tooth Cultivator 3 -drum Roller 4 -section Demoted Harrow Disc Harrow Riding •Plow 3 Walking 'Plows 2 Hand Scufllers 'Wagon, like new- Light Wagon 'Wagon Box and Stock Rack 4 Steel Wagon Wheels Sloop Sleighs with flat rack 16 -ft, Hay -Rack Set of Stock Scales 2,000 lbs. Clinton Fanning Mill -' 2 Wheelbarrows`, Buggy Cutter Grindstone Stone Soalt Slush Scraper Log Boat DeLaval Cream Separator Whiffletrees Neckyokes 2 Lawn- Mowers Forks Shovel Quantity of Lumber .6 new Tongues ,GRAIN `800 bushels of mixed grain '100 buvhels of Wheat FURNITURE — 1 Dining -room Table 18 Dining.00m Chairs Number .of odd chairs .2. Pall Leaf Tables ,5�Kitchen Chairs G Rocking Chairs 4 Small Tables 2 Sewing Machines 'Glass Cupboard Studio Couch 3 Couches Gramophone Bed Roorra,Suites S t Springs e S i s s •2 t p g Mattresses 'Quantity of Bedding Cooks Stove Coal 011 Stove Daisy Churn Washing Machne 'Ditties Kitchen' Utensils And other' 'articles'too numerous to mention. TERMS ---CASH ,Estate of Albert 'Cro'ok's Robt, Patrick—Clerk • Harold Jackson—Auctioneer, Seaforth • ETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Richmond of Hamil• ton vbsiited Mihir 5011 1)r. and. Mrs, 5. it. Itbchinond for a few days, "Mrs, A. Ziegler and Billy ' spent Paster Sunday and Monday, at 1Vii', ' J'olun Leitch's at Norwich. Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and little Bernice of Jamestown tivat R'pent a. Yew days at her grandmother's Mrs. Win. Slensnnon. i . :The Presbyterian t au Ynun S Wam en'i Auxiliary meet at the home.of Misses Deity and Ratbls Dunbar oil Good Friday P.M., with a good attendance, !Bite !Presib6nterian WM,S. will sheet Tuesday afternoon at the Monte of Mrs, P1sie Oumia.irtgham, Toole td lie given by Mus. Wan, •McInnes, Current events by Mrs, It.. Cochrane, Scripture reading Uy Mrs, Alex. Dulsbar. Mr, and Mr% Mervyn ,Ecltanier. of Wine River, also Mr, Hanley lick- ; Infer of .Eiatutiliton were Easter yisi• ;tots with Mrs. Won Eckmier, in t15 Village, Miss Bertha, Doss,µ of Toronto. indite Air. and Mrs, .Glenn ylclonier bver the holiday, taster visitors; Mays. Belot Lake end"Miss Dorotiny and Mr. LorneI Yodtien, of - liamiltom at . Caiiteron ilaallraltss. Mlsisesi Elizabeth 13arton of Ham- iltom and lilies Viola Turnbull of lfotn ltoa at their homes. Miss Iielest Jardine of Toronto with her parents, MisrscS Lillian: and Mary Ferguson of 'I• amilton1 at llitoir aunt's Mrs Geo: A. Dtmribar. Mr. Stanley Wilson and friend of i1 ^Wi1UN't'EDA.Y, APRIL 8th, '992 nl ) & W. Jackson Motors phare 't61 . Listewer,r Ont. F y NNW !'SED CARS WE FIA'VF 25, AND ARE, NOT REFUSliNG /VW REASONAJ LE OFFiER:' 'a ` NEW TRACTORS 3 New Tractors left. 'All 10" tires,,New Plows and Lights Don't miss one of these You may not lie able to get any more. ti One 1940 Tractor with lights and New Plow, Used very little. a+rs'tlraa a !Mc* 1 Good reconditioned Jrish Tractor. 2 Good 12econditigned Ford Tractors. 2 Two-ffurrow Tractor Plows. 4 1 Manure s Spreader used very little. 3 W illtitigi-Plows.• 3 Canglpiows. 3 Single -furrow .Riding Plows.: • y, HORSES 3 Choice BIack Farm Chunks all matched. 3, 5 and 6 yrs. Chole F.Grey Horse rising 6 yrs. old. ackson Motors Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. Plamiltoit.at Mr. Jahn Wilson's. +010-', iiin'e Baby and nephew d Kitchell ea ,. atfi (2r H ' Rabeys. 401Mitiseirlitfitlf., Dunbar and Dori 'Giinnii'ahamt of Fergus at the' lioiti+eis iMnst'Strasilliiy tittnibar spent a few 'tleys+•blie gueht ()filer sister Mas. Ben i d len>yak tdi •S'tratlord. i Itefie wad^'a' quilting held last weelt•'ht th'a" lithos of Mas. Ales. bunrlilti r ' • a'Mesea Eltiter4 Slefghtholan of. CVaterioB died; Gordon of near Strat- ft:a:" •ant to bYaster holiday at flie}t" 0Me her4:; irii ' MS'Issnb11.: #and of the Presby- terivanloliurch'wI1i' meet at the home of`riiill•s;�tiE. a idin:e on :Saturday, oP'�en'noioha' 1' sat a1d Ma Art Rookf ami t y !i. of �Otii, pan ,Grey heave moved to 1C1 11Ii nei' Ha :vile Eornterly MI ley. ed".1%, came`1DUnthar. +C b. t diitl'Sateinaa spent a short ,time with his ,mother Mrs. George 94tI fan ucl-P •idey aNd his son Brute of_ Listowel a :short time on f The County of Huron offer for sale pine trees' about 8-4 feet- high, s suitable for windbreaks eta f ,1. a. for nr i .,60 ger 100. Trees to be taken Pram ground on farm of J. 3. Robert- son,, concession 8, Colborne. apply to Nelsen McLarty, R.R.• 5; Ctoderic1 T. R. Patterson, County Engineer. PINE TREES FOR SALE - In Memoriam 14, loving meteor,. of Mrs. W. 3. i1Sharpe vinCe 1p died away April 1.0th, 1941. e think of her in silence,' 1 je oft repeat ther mane, hat wou1.' .e liive to 'hear her ivoide, see 11. ;° it ' la�`ain t Zlidot a c�,ay do we forget you,. 1t�e R� ti l v � O e alway s near, who Sa411,,,P11.5 et Ji04'-' As ,ttda,xatlsi,AP :leer Year. sittrffogr ti'trAWAT 6 datti;hter and. Husband. Notice. to Creditors' ' In the estate of Joseph Querin late of the Village, of Brussels and County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the ninth day or April, A.D. 1935. TAKE NOTICE that allai•ti parties hav- ing claims. or •demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars. and proof of same bo the undersigned executers or their solicitor 'on'or before the thir- teenth day of April, AD; 1942; upon which date the .said executors; wilt proceed to distribute the ;.assets with regard ono, to those claims which they. shall •theu'have received. DATED at Brussels this twenty- fourth day of March, A.D. 1942,1 Robert J. Bowman George McCall, Executors. by their •solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN. - SON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D. Bell absent on Active ,Service Notice to Creditors ,, In the estate of Albert Whitfield late of the. Totvisship of Grey Eh the County of Huron,' farmer, who died on dr about t the :fourteenth urtee the 'day of iDecomber, A.D. 1941. TAIOE NOTICE that all parties hay. Lai claims sord demands' against g st the estate of the above deceasdd; Janet; mta.il Partrculars and 'proof bf same: to the undersigned executors or their solicitor en or before the thirteenth day of. April, A.D. 1942, upon which date the saidexecutors will proceed to distribute the assets . With, regard only to those claims which they shall- _ then have received BORN DATED. at Btnssels• this twenty.: foal th day of March. A.D. 1942, 1 —x Garfield Baker George Michel, Executors, Us' their solicitor 0. JOSEPH BEN - ,SON, Brussels, Ontario for Elmer D. Bell absent on Active Service, • SANDIERiSION — At Wroxeter, on March .111th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, James M,: Sanderson, a son. yen in Listowet EAT AT Il s#OleS Restaurant e,:.:. Aay Prom Home