HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 10THE BRUSSELS POST ford, Robert Powell on1 i Beth, .131yt1t with 'ilii•. and Porterfield; Miss Ruth Loudon, with her parents, Mrs, C, Wheeler, ti I GRASS. SEE: NOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR GRASS SEED WANTS ! E`k'' Steel Briggs Famous Lion Brand Seed for greater germination of seed. 4W, ,Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Yellow MosCi %%r:i' White Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices. 7A n ;P It 'Wilt pay you to get our prices before buyMg., We can supply you with .all your pasture grass, Ra' ,Etc . Full Line, pf Feeds: For Better Results, feed.. '"Rose Brand Chick Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter seim filo.. sc-fit t tRO We have Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake; Pig'Starter, Hog 'Concentrate tiH?5. l.. Poultry Concentrate, at ieasonable prices. Livingston Stock Feeds: l 114)oi7 "b na Vi.f Highest Cash Prices tt,tY :t; i paid for Eggs cii pond -sly' We will cull your poultry to your satisfacttlott' A. J, Pearson Ethel Ont. :zdsn.r Phone 22r7 WALTON • The following are visiting in the village— Donald Wilson of London: with his grandmother Mrs. R. Hoy. J. Alderson of Brussels with his great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, James Bishop. Miss MYIary Humphries of Windsor with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Humphries of Windsor with Huunphries and Shan- non &ora ly. (Beth Shannon of Mitchell with Mrs. H. Shannon. Garnet Cumming of Wiughant with Itis parents.. Mr, and Mrs. L. Cum- mings. T "+4 -y Margaret •Trlouter. of;.::Winghaat with her friend Ruth Cummings. Mr. W. Gotten and Miss Dorothy of Rochester, X. with the former's ,slater, Mrs. W. J. Hu¢rphries. 'The ,conian'onity )tall was packed to 'the doors en. Wednesday evening when the Red Cross unit of Walton staged an amateur contest. There were three"hundred present and tih exceptionally fine prograsnn was giden• avtr. J. G. Mullen, of Seaforth, u C5 rlf acted as c'hairmian tdr r otiL'y i� )arae �" program: Coun,muanti suinggng,l Vair- ginia Reed, by Walton 'boys Z'(1. gdi'is; duel,, iDoree 140,40iand Shirley Bennett; solo i'js Jo}tk"t Ston; ao1o, Donald >?rrslaJ,d,H si o, Donald Pr ce; " r.- ,se y piano civet J'dyce '5iid Mamie 'Oliver; dalogp& Ill ei.ajd• Pd Oar," girl's' of Miss yer's . •sebopi,; duet, Doreen Coutts rand; isabei Davidson; 'so'lo, Verni[ee --Machan; dance, representing,: w;eaying,,,ruling. winding, 'threading the bol in, ,end testing b7 'Vides Proctoris so}igpl; reading, 'Mus. Gordon ps 1n;; • sdla- logus "The Selling Arthur Bewley's. school;;, flag by Miss Best'a pupils;:.,,goer„ isabel Davidson; 'Parade ofithe, ikVopilen Soldiers, Miss( Best's pupils; noyelty: number by Walton b'nys; ,da yl,l by boys and girls .of'#rJto{{'n,i,re�l9x Ivaruuandzers by Arthur . Bewley's school, who sang Negro slrttuaL;, Mne. E. H, Close, Mt,a J .Z McMiI- Lan, and, Sohn Beattie, Seaf"orth ware the judges wlho atvatded;;tlre,lt izfs ata follows: 'alt, Dotes Jolims'ton 2nd, Donald McDonald;, 8rd ,Joyce and Mavis Oliver. Follow,ing,,.:tiue .. Pr.,o, grain a delightful lniaelt.iwe eetvyed and dancing to P,,11M'le, cl esters was endoyed. ,T11e , proceedisa were a • Now is the Time to get your men, Spring Equ p Harness, Seed, Fertilizer and Feed a ' Get L it,. R: All at the Farmers Store 1 � D. M MacTavish:'.;T-s it Phone 46`` Brs€ls 41111111111111111111111 SEE REID AND SEE RIGHT ! Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. -:,I ,yourhavo headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see r7 tq ptthlj�ead your needle or read—see Mr. Reid' and bave+:y'i1k1, 5'es thoroughly examined bl' hiiin. Lowest prices 4i tall: es. Latest styles oil Glasses Brussel Office -- R. Aa i 1D Rs O. Every Wanletsda " Aftern000i'C°.00'to 500 EYESIGHT-- gPEC!ALiST "MISS HINGST,'S fit OPTOPTOMETRISTI l�IStore Phonesagusuagogi 51, $58,00. J'orsollals: Mrs. Sofia Deuuewle5 and Mists Martha 'Victor, Brodhageu, with Ret and Mrs, S. F. Friedrich - son stud Soenkm Mrs, Walker and dauglrtea, Toronto, witli her sister, Mrs. liltg% Itaineey and other frienlds; Rev. and Mrs. S, F. M, Friedriclnson have ae their guest, Walter Bartfo111 of Tyrone. Mr, 'Bartfeldt will speed his holidays here and at Brunner at the home of Rev,, and Mrs. S. Mange'lsen; Rev. and Mrs. re, Friedriolrsion Walton, Mrs. 'John Bennewieg' and, Miss M. Victor, Btoclhagen, at the funeral of :Rel M. Turitheian Zurich Mr, and Mrs Frank •John stun" and, eons, Irvine and ,Harty, McKillop, with .11115! : Johnston's', Parents, Mr, and Mrs: John. Bolger; Willlaan Taylor and, son Joseph, Taylor and daughter, MIss. Ida, ,St." Marys, with John Smillie and Meter, Miss• Mary ,Sam)))e, on Monday; •Mr. and Moe. Bennewies and Miss Victor with Walton friends; Mr. and 'Mrs, Joseph Blainilton,, Brussels, whit Mr. and Mas. J, Bolger in. Grey Town- ehtp; Rev. S. F. NV, 7•riedric'kson load change of ' the services on Gaol Friday andt-Ea'ster Sunday 'at Zurich. BELGRAVE The missionary group of the 'Unfit ed Young People's Union was 111 charge or the regular meeting Wed: nudity night; Mrs. James Coulter presided. Mrs. N. Keating was to charge of the• musk, Ross Ander son' read the lesson and Mr. Dun-: lop led in prayer •George Michie gave the firth chapter of the 'study book, 'Serving With the Sons of A social evening Was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, itoward Wil- kinson, 4th line, 111011.1s, in, aid of the Belgr;ave Red Cross Society. Under the direction of Mao. peal Wheeler, line ' representative, 12 quilts made by ltdiea 'of the line were displayed'. Progressive ecehre ° was enjoyed and prizes were won by'Mrs. A. Bryans and. Richard Procter for high count; c6msiolation, Mists Eliza Procter, and. R,' J. 1114• kelbie, , - The Home and . School crab- of S.S. 5, Both line, Morris, heel'd the last sheeting of the season in. ,the ;school with an attendance -, o£ . 25, Progressive euchre and other gaine'e were played. a Mrs. Earl Anderson, fifth ,line, • Morris, held a quilting at her home Wednesday afternoon. The quilt top° wars made by members of , :the Junior Red Cross, •Society of school, The pupils, . are going t9 sell tickets on, it and donate, the proceeds to the Red Cross -•Society, t Special Easter services were M the churches, on Sunlday,. , In Trinity Anglican church, Rev. P. H. Streeter took 'as' his text, "Now is Christ niacin' from the Dead:" Sacrament .of the Lords§ .$upper was partaken and a junior ,choir rendered an Easter song, In. the United. church, Rev. G. 13. Dunlop, preached from, the text "Let Not Your .Heart 'be • Troubled.' A mak, quartet° of Rosy, Anderson, George Johnston, Clifford Walsh and Norman Keating ,sang "On the Cross" The choir favored with an loll Dirtdh carol entitled, "This• Joy. • full Easter'bide," lit was promotion Sunday for the clase1es in Sunday' school and a junior choir .sang a number. In the Presbyterian church ,a visiting minister wad in charge of „the service and gave a fine adddreas on the Resurrection,. A 'junior choly VAIN a •special feature providing approprlate in ue''ic. Personals, Mr. and Mats. 'Cecil Armstrong, Titchen,er, with rela- tives; Reines MdClrea, Stratford, with his parents' Mr. and Mrs, R. McCrea; John and Gibson Aninah''ong, Kitch- enep', and New Hamburg with their Parents Mr. and Mns, D, Armstrong; ..Mr, and 1YIrs. ,Richard Yale and (laughter, Berns., Theclford with Mrs. 3, A. Brandon.; Male Louise Mc- Kenzie ,Sturgeon. Falls, 'twtbh her parents', Mr^. aol Mr. R. C. McTCen- zie; Miss Jean Martin, Georgetown, with MYlr, and Mrs,3, bitable; Robert GrasbY, Londono, at his hone; James Perdue, Toronto, with his mother 5110,.H. 1Perdue; Goldie Wheeler. Landon; and: Kenneth, Hamilton, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wheeler; Mr. and Mrs,' F. Logan and Irene With friends at Gerrie; Mrs, C. Logan wiblh her sister, Mrs, . Roy MadSween, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs. C. Wade anhl family with her{ Parents art Fondwioh; Dorothy re- maining there for the hol$daye; Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Powell, Stmt. GREY LF701ON ..SDA(, 1L 8U11, '942 daughter, lits. A. Wheeler, Mr. and. Fred Hayden has rented the farm of W .J. Sharpe and takes posses• sign at once. Mrs Won•, 3, Perrls •and- Jimmie spent last week in Hamilton visiting .Mr. and Mrs. Edgar (Hollinger. CIassified.Ads LOST—. ` Sum of money. (Reward). Apply at The Post. Ar FOR 'SALE—, 5 Pigs, 6 weeks old•'.; phone 42-r-8 W.` Rieke FOR SALE— 10' York Pigs, • ready to wean. Lot.21, Gon. 5,, Grey. Atone 41-r-12 'Wm. Gorsalitz r •SAL E-' ` Turn sr in '� Pit lOc net bushel, alsq end garden peas. phone 55-r-15 Robt. Locking FOR SALIE'- $5.00. will buy a purebred Jersey Male Calf, one week old, phone 42 Jas, McFadzean 'FOR SALE- A player piano ho good condition and 1 baby buggy. Cheap for quick sale. Apply at The Post or phone 70. FOR 'BALE-- Seed SALE-1ee4 Peas also Large Pekin Duck Eggs, 65c per setting of 11 eggs, phone 42-216 Baxter Stevenson FOUND,— Pair of Black Kid Gloves' trimmed with white. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for .ad. Apply at The Post. `FOR' SALE - 1 MoCoraniolc Deering Spring- tooth ,Cultivator, 125 Chevrolet ear, Phone 23-r-14 Lloyd Alcock 'LOST— • A..sum of money in Brussels on `-$6,urday morning. Kindly leave at The Posit. (ISSJWAiRID). ' FOR SALE- Early 'Seed Potatoes (Warbas) also sorra young cattle. Phone 32-r-13 Sam Ovington) FOR SALE- • Urban seed oats. seed barley, phone 36-r-6 and two -rowed Jack Kelly FOR SALE.- A limited quantity of VaiGuard grade no. 1, seed Gats, • ' phone 75-x•16 Wm:, J'. Perrie FOR SALE— No'h'arlb Barley for Gale, Good, pure, clean seed, oleandd at a cleaning plass, $1,00 per busiheI, phone 23-r-6 Andretf Turnbull STRAYED— (Black Hound, with white: bail and brown eagle and eyes, Owner can have semis by paying expenses, , phone 40-x-8 Whn% learner GiRLS WANTED--- •- 2 girls) for waitresses and onefor day cook. apply to Diana Sweets Resitaurant, phone 218 Listowel, Ont. • FOR SALE- 3 Pure bred Jerseys • sired' 40 a pure brdd Dunham, 1 freshen 3 weeks, 2 die Max 1st; 'Cartier and Urban Seo& Oats, OA,C. No. 21 seed Barley. apply to Torrance Dundas, ;Phone 13-r-15, Blyth. GET YOUR r..RMANENT oN THE NEW ZENITH HEATEIiLES$ THERMIQUE ` End Curl $1.25 and $1.16 and $2.25 Including Shampoo .. Permanent $2.00, $2.50, and $5.00 Including finger, wave and shampoo r'etephone 55x for an Appointment , tRENE PEASE Diver proctor's Restaurant Good) For All Kinds of Baking 1 Lb. for 19e 7/ -- AT -- v. Baeker Bros. , r 1 Phone 6 Banc# e 7 SlF Op R013B, Margaret Broadfoot Iu,i 'Va.ncouver, April first, .1Viargaret'� iiroadfoot, age eightyeight, widow late Scout Robb, Seaforth,,,• Ontario. Survived by four daughters, Mrs'; C,'! 'L. W9tit'by, Vermillion, Alberta; Mrs. 10, 15. Plook, Port Arthur; Mrs. D> N. MacDonell and Miss Nina M., Van- couver; also seven grandchildren. ,51 (Burial Maitland • benneted, .Jog± . forth,. April seventh, direct from tnaillt -Mas, Robb was a former teachei in Brussolt Public School when. them were only 3 r000n4 in the ald;school house, where Stands the 'schooi 00. today. • DIED IVIoA,RTER, Smiles' Milton—On Sat- ltrday, April 411);' 1842, at his IMMO, S7 Wellington, Street blast, Bi' i- r - ton•, Ont., J`aimee-lS4ltoii� llioArter, be- 1'oyed husband of Edna Armstrong, in his 61st year. Private funeral from the above ad- dress, on Tuesday, April 7th...luter- ^inept Branr2,tonr Cenietry, . Mr: •M'cArter was a Roper resi- dent of Brussels Mrs. Brown, Mrs, P. A. McArthur and Mrs. A. Baeker of Brussels and Mrs. Work of Tm- ronto are his sisters. i.nn1[ AT vnarq LABEL llogiumimmatimmigmaggigmtmgr It ANY users say 1 V1 that their Duro Water Supply Sys- tem is their best in- vestment because it furnishes constant running water; has reduced the drudgery of housework and permitted the instal- lation of necessary sanitary conveni- ences so essential to the health and com- fort of a family. Are you doing without these daily requirements of family contentment? If so, a small expenditure for a Duro Water Supply System will remedy the condition. The Duro System can be bought with confidence.. Al- though the design has not been drastically changed, the quality has been constantly improved. Thousands .of owners have had years of satisfactory service from their Duro Pumps. The Snow-white 20" x 42" Enamelled Sink, illus- trated above, including faucet ready for instal- ^" "- lat'ion, costs,,.. Sink and Cabinet with faucet». $71.50 (Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra) - The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal tank and • ,50 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only ,..„, .. _ Running water throughout your home maktfs'itsg,' "b1e tohave modern Emco Bathroom and Kitcheit44,,; t. Emco products are quality built in all pride ranges. The Duro Pittance Plan enables you to spread the cost over a period of three years. 54 EMPIRE BRASS' MFG.1 CO., LIMITED London Hamilton Teronto Sodbury Winnipeg Vancouver •• DEAD or ANIMLALS DISABLED Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary truck. Phone collect Phone 72, Brussels • William Stone Sons Limited