HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 9• Farman drive cars lees then city People and get low rates from Pilot. But farmers do drive—one unin- sured accident could wipe•oet your home or your savings: Buy the full protection of. Pilot Automobile Insurance now. W. S. SCOTT BRUSSELS Representing PILOT INSURAN(E COMPANY 'Wo write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plato Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. Four Simple Rules i New Style Bread is Not For Good Health I An April Fool Four simple rules determine Introduced to. remedy Vitamin B ntiental healthy says an expert on the detioieney in the nation's, diet the subject, Dr. George H. Stevenson, widely. ,heralded new Vitamin B hi ,sperintendent of the Ontario Heald.- white Fleur (Canada Approved) tel- die defines a mentally -healthy ! snakes its initial appearance on the person as one who qualifies on the Cai:ladian musket on April 1st, and fallowing counts; (,tile brelad• will be available by the 1. An individeral attempting to get i middle of April, it has been an- satisfaction. from bhe living of his flounced. at Ottawa. or her tile, not at the expense of Containing several times more someone else, and not by 'trying to Vitamin B, and ,more iron than the escape from life. I ouetomlary, white flour, products 2. An individual reasonably efficient at his work. 3. One who gets along with his friends. made from the new flour will not be any different in flavour, food ex- perts state. ICreauny, rather than white in 4. He does not go to pieces in time colour, and designed to improve the of Stress, A Mental, health, like physical health, Is not .necessarily a permanent con- dition. It must be safeguarded. Dr. Stevenson offers his four rules, for that purpose. The first rule of mental health is pihysical health. 'The sound mind in the so'un'd body is an old rule and it is quite true that if we feel wee' physically we are going to have a seat for life." It is true that there are excep- tional to this rule, when a powenful mentality may overcome physical defects, as in the case of President Frankima D. Roosevelt who recover- ed' from infantile paralyses to bead a mighty nation,' •or Helen Keller, bland, deaf and dumb, who struggled and con'duered her deficiencies to become a world symbol of the vic- tory, of mind over ma tter. However, Dr. Stevenson spates that we antsy safely assume that 'the sicker we are physically, the more regression there well be in our mental health." An annual medical check-up. is a wise precaution. The second rule is the anafnten- ance of emotional control. "There is a tendency for the whole personal- ity to break drawn under high emotional stress." Dr. Stevenson would have us tu'b- ebitute good habits for bad. In place of worry, he recomen.ends. the relax- ation. elaxation of the body and mind. Security in self, the security of one's horde and one's associates, and ueeeuritY In ,God;, are eesentiai for this relaxation. Third. rule is- the acquiring of good •escape mechanisms. "We must run away 'Brom our reslpon•sibilitie,e— when we need to." (Sleep, reading, friends, radio, anotdon picture% games and :hobbies are all good methods. Fobrbh. rule in Dr. Stevenson's formula forkmerltnl health is. the yna•etise Of the art of sublimation. Subiiintaton is bhle acknowledgement of Unvelve(q that there ere certain we•b't4net reach and are not th'1 ,Th "floc us to reach and the changing 08 3ho'ee goals to goals -which we can ethically reach and G. M. Agar of Staff* Heads Graduate Class uReeuRe Announced of Dairy School Exam, at Guelph This Week Resdee, of final examinations in the Nth class 1,0 gnathu to from the Ontario Agriouetural Gallego Dalry $01000l released. Monday by Prof. W. pI. Si roule, Bead of the department, and Dl'. George I. Churlsbio, president of thec'oliege, show that all 29 of the •etudents graduated. ISeouuing 937 marfis out a possible 1,200 G. M. Argas, of S•taffa, headed the list of graduates which included Studehhlts from Nova Scotia, Mani• to'ha: and Saskatchewan, :Le well as Ontario, In second place was B. M. 11'teCall of Lakeeide. (HE BRUSSELS POST ._.�_ How to Make Good Washable Whitewash lin the . Miring 'the farmers fauIY rightly tuhm, to thoughte of white- wash, for after the long winter the barns, dairy and home fences look mpolt in need of - beightendng up. Even dwellers in urban. centres will find that an outbuilding would be none the worse for a Spring toucb alp. Persons may be hesitant about using whitewash •t'hrough the fear that a'sho'wer of rain might ruin it, but the Dominion Experimental Farms Service has evolved a water- pnocf whitewash for outdoor work which will present a . newly white- washed barn from looking a picture of duesolation after a downpour. This waterproof whitewash le made up puoporbionatelby es fo'ilbwee Slake 32 pounld.s of quicklime in 12 gallons of hot water, add two pounds of salt, one pound of suipbate of zine dis- solved in, two gallons of water. To this add two gallons of skim milk. An ounce of alum., although not essential, improves the wash. Salt ,should be omitted if the veal is to be usedon metal that rusts. quality of the diet without affecting the 'cost, its introdwcion is felt to be a vital step towards remedying that strange paradox of dietary lack in B vibaanins in this greatest of all wheatgrowing countries. Mantel depression hist of morele, fatigue and irritability— .stealth) Fifth columnists in our wear activity — are said to be attributable in large measure to defielengy of the B. vitamins. - In theevaluation that takes place under strain of war condi- tions, the importance oft* buying for value is an uppenmost 'consideration. Every country realizing bhat its diets are deficient in the B vitamins has tackled the problem. by various methods, including use of syn- thetic vitamins. to fortify flour, high vitamin yeast in making bread, the addition of wheat genm, and finally by changing the milling process. In. -adopting the last named for Canada., the Department of Pensions and National Health felt that a good portion of the essential. helpful In- gredienbs of whole wheat could be milled. into a white flour that would bake a white loaf ,containing in the required quantities vitamins and other nutritional necessities. The. new'•flour and bread will be avail able as both Vitamin B White Flour (Canada Approved), and Vitamin, E Flour (Canetlee Approved) for whole wheat bread. Which have some value,' "In a Midwestern town, an eo- centric wag found who had not lett an attic in twenty years." "That's• the danger in starting a long serial in a pile of old magazines.'' Harry Boyle Takes Position With Station CBL A host of friends in this vicinity will lean with pleasure and interest that Harry J. Boyle, has. accepted a Position with radia station -OBL, 'To- ronto, and took over hie new duties on Monday. Harry, in his ucapacity as. radio an- nouncer over the local radio station, CTSIN:X, Win:'bam, made muany frienldfs within the scope of the s+tatibn. Later, when he took a position as raving reporter for the Stratford Beacon -Herald, he was enabled to en'Oarge that scope e of friendship:, until he has become widely and favourably known throughout Western Ontario, (Most of his life has been spent in Huron County, where he was born al St. Augustine, a son of Mr. and Ma's. W. A. Boyle. For same time many of the week- ly papers of Huron, County have carried a oalumn, written 13y Harry, headed, "Phil ,Osipher of Lazy. Meadows," His friendly farm philoso- phy has• brought .many enjoyable ren ding eftu11011s to weekly news- paper • readers, We venture to suggest that CBL will gain a. large following of listeners in Western Ontario through attaining his services as Farm Com- mentates', The beset of luck to him. • —The Blyth Standard The sandwich in the war worker's. lunch box and the school lunch box aslsum,es a new importance with the introduction of the new vitamin - rich bread, Bread, Ibisouits and -cereals form one-third of the body's daily fuel food. The daily requirements of thiamin as 13 1, an important member of the B vitamin' group, will be met if foods include one serving of rolled oats, ping live slices of bread rich in 13 vitamins, plus, one serving of meat; plats any one of the foliowing; Three gllasees• of milk, or one'serving o8 liver,' 0.2 two eggs, or two serv- ings of potatoes. There had been au accident, and the sympathetic old lady I>lad stopped, and serokedl his forehead, 'MY poor fellow," she crooned, "tell me your name, and I will tell your mother." "Thank you," gasped the victim, "but my another knowlsney name, Outstandingly Good II At . TEA WEION'BSDA„V, A+1?'BIL Vb., '24O . »t i? HOUSECLEANING We wash the windows in the spring • that we, • When looking out, more perfectly Mee see "The lovely blossom's and the.budding tree, ' And when we see all nature dressed slo grand, in lovelly new apparel on every hand, Upon our souls it lays a' strong de-, mend Ithak we must clean and make things new and, fair, • - In some saran wti,-W1lh 'nature to Volunteer today! Join the Farm Service Force and help Ontario farmers produce food for Vic- tory. Be a Farm Cadet or a Farinerette and make a realcontribution to Can- ada's War Effort this Summer. Hun- dreds of farmers have registered their I need for help already, and more are registering every day. Last year more than 14,000 young men 15 and up and young women 16 and up, pitched in and lent a hand. Thousands more are needed this year. Get full particulars from your High School Principal, Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A., or write On- tario Farm Service Force, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Volunteer TODAY! • CREST: Farm Service Volunteers are entitled to wear this distinctive 3" Crest (right) supplied on application to the Ontario Fares Service Force. 21 S ire lit •J \`v •r .r 111 -� ONTARIO INTER -DEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE AGRICULTURE' 'LABOUR EDUCATION -- AND,DEPARTMENT OF- LABOUR, 'OTTAWA - Why Must We Learn Synthetic Rubber The Hard Way? Long Way Off minister -People who imagine that Can- tu from letter of a • adieu entifi•cial rubber plants will , in Bournemouth, England to the soon be turning out enough of the people of (Britain). liev synlbhetic product to r to the God is preparing His people for a aueelves,' New Ordera people burning with a shortG• M.ge Donaldson,aredeloSdinglievNue Croodrich pure paslsioflof the Love of Jesus. Rubber Oa., Toronto, told a Bnastt- This New Order will usher in the Toad audience. It would take the Kingd• ,Canadian plants at least two years, We have been a pleasure -loving he estimated, to produce enough people, dishonoring God's day atnlblletic rubber to- meet mibitarY pickndcand (bathing requirements alnoe. It would there. New s1s seashores are barred, n0 fore be a wase; the speaker warned, picnic% no bathing. of nl,akiulg old tires do "for the der 'we have preferred motor travel ation." fo churollgoring— IOW there is a ,.,yf you leave tires on, your car at shortage of motor fuel. • We have ignored the ring of the dlunich bells calling us to worship— NOW the bells cannot ring except 'to warn of. invasion. We have left the •dhurdheS half empty when they sliced have been fbUed with worshippers—NOW (1113' are in ruins. We would not listen to the Way of Peace—'NO'W we are forced to, listen .oantp'are,' Evsm fhouglu th'e tank •miay 301 us with despair. Thenwhen all things are clean ,and . fresh and new And dust and diet haus. vanished like the. dew,. We'll endday tee flower'b and the blue- birds, too. A fulenll of aura in the Defence - Housing' 13031017 nt Washington, is pretty.)bu.sy these days trying to find ,•ohms, for the hundreds of new Government employees wea'ryin'g datjy, Recently the inspector, looking over a proposed property asked the 1aaf,cllady: "How many' .share the bath?" "Wahl,"'admitted bite prospective recipient oaf a, ,Geveriument bounty, ',things. are a mite crowded—islet we still take our baths, separately," to the Way of WAR. The money we would not give to the Lord's work—NOW is taken fro mate in taxes, andk,higher prices. The food for wlluich we forgot to say thanks—NIOW is unobtainable. The .service we refused to- give to Gotl,-NIOW is conscrip-ted for the country. Lives we refused to live under God's control—NOW are under the nation's control. Nights we would not spend in "Watching' unto Prayer"—NOW are spent in anxious Air Raid ?recall - gone. The evtlee of MOlDEl0NTS"M we would not fight—NOW—See what Germany, the Bea& of this 'teaching ,has produced! (Prom the "Lime and Visitor," July-Auguslt, 1941, repnimtee by re- quest,) Present," ,said Mr. Donaldson. "chenislu ahem as you would a child, because children are going to be more plentiful than tires for sots time to come!" Father: "The man who marries my daughter will get a prize!' Ardent Suitor: "May I see it?" Boss: "Von wart a raise? Why -I don't you live within your means?" Employee: "I do, sir, but you don't realize how I am crowded for spited," , ,,..-, I,,,1 84 -year-old Motorcylist One person who will not likely use his quota of gasoline s Walter R. Henry, of Goderidh. He owns a - ;motorclecle and ,has been granted 120 gallons, enough for 10,•8022 .males. He celebrated his -84101 birthday last week and whale still enjoying excel- lent xcellent health does ,not do a. great deal of tiding merely using the machine to make visits to the adjoining dis- trict. He is an antist of no mean ability and at present is, completing an oil painting o2 the Benmiiller tail race. A man telephoned the doctor. "Come over- guide. Doc. My wife has appendicitis." "Nonsense," snorted the. doctor, "I removed- your wife's appendix three years) ago. ,Brow can: any- one have a second. appendix" "Litton," cried the hhusltand "did you ever hear of anynoe having a sepond wife?" HITLER GOES OVER THE TOP) , 44r4onn from ,ho Won D,e, M.a _.._...�