HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 7THE BRUSSELS PORT ay, 'pt iI lett, 1042 1nO: any time Thursday, April d, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, "%ail 6th. RET111RN: leave destination up to midnight Tuesday April 7911, 1942.fur t,A th,ut Houqd Trip p This Ions week -end offers an opportunity For o visit it home or away with blends, 'THEA. Annual Meeting, Grey , Federation, Of Agriculture Townsntp Hall, Lithe!, March 24, 1942 Annual -meeting of the Grey Twp., Unit of Federation of Agriculture. President Wm. Turnbull opened the meeting which was well attend- ed and introduced Mr, Archie Morgan, Huron County President of .'03onsal2, In his address Mr. Mor- gan told of the successful and enjoy- able Farts. Forum meetings held' in his township of Usborne and the holding of a. community meeting each month. Turning to the results of the recent Farm Survey Mr. Mor• gan pointed out some important facts. Firstly the 302 farmers re- routing only 214 hove sufficient help to maintain 1341 production level. Secondly the number: of cows and brood sows is very definitely Norms - ed while the areage of grains sand Men of 30, 40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal?, Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? Try Ostress Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— aids to normal pep after 30. 40 or 50. Got a special introductory size for only Md. Tru tete aid to rnimal pep and vim today. 1,,;r snit at all goon drug stores. .,.........1,r hay Is only slightly increased., Thirdly of the 390 farmers 140 in- tend to buy more feed; grain. Fourth.- ly Dominion Statistics show that there will be no feed grain available (toot Albedo., very little from Mtull- to'ba and as the price of wheat is up 20c a bus., Saskatchewan will pro- duce little course grain for the East. Tire conclusion Mr. Morgan carne to wee that farmers must co-operate to the greatest extent to overcome the labour shortage. Secondly farmers angst increase yield per acre of their grain crops to mravide grain: for their increased stock. . The electt'.rn of officers followed with Russell Kuibht as chairman: President Wm..1. Turnbull Vice Presiclent—Archie :Wenn Directors—'S. S, 140. 1, Douglas Hemingway; 2, Bert Johnston; 3, '[-lean. Smith; 4, Clifford iticAllister; 5. Wm. Campbell; G. Geo, Hutchison; 7. Harry Keys; 0, Mussel K",teht: 9. Archie Manny, 10, Stanley Machan; 1 t, Leslie Earl; 12, Watson T3ro'wn; Walton, Harry Bolger; 'Inion No, •3, Clifford Elliott, County Director—Wm. J. 'rtirn,bull Se.e. Treos—,. C. Hemingway The Federation hes had a success - fel year with a membership of over 00 .to date. It is an important organization now and will be much more important in the :reconstruction period after the war, qbesNApSI-IOT GUILD PICTURING BABIES Want to slake better baby pictures outdoors? Give the child a toy to play with and snap him in action. ',/CAKING baby picturesis just Ira ahstki: the most appealing pas- time in '('world. First, because Jour baby the most important thing ever for you.. Second, babies are such natural subjects that it's anis} impossible to make an nor interostiug, or poor picture. But, even though the' chance of error n4ay ba mighty slim, there is a chance. Aid that's why I'm going to discuss tiiie subject today, and offer you some tips. rirst, remember the only way, a baby ever looks "natural," or at ease, is when he is his normal ener- getic self. To make good pictures of your baby you must literally catch him in a(tiorl, that is—doing some- thing—and that's not as difilult as it sounds. Pa instance, did you ever know that the bast way to get a baby to pose:is to give him it new toy to play With—something bright and shiny? Try it aonietin0, and just Watch the expresainn on' his face.' At 0090 moment, you'll note, 'ho teems very peu'plexorh And then Ilei like that: lee's laughing. laic- tures made at Such moments are tralttatired always. BY usingsuch an approaeh you're certain to oaptnre nil this baby's featnral Charm. Aird, the nice thing about it is that even after your baby outgrows his swaddling clothes, you can still adapt the same technique to your picture making without the slightest difficulty, ',hist tarn it into a game. It the youngster is old enough to be playing with building blocks, talk to Trim about 11 for awhile. You might suggest a minor improvement here or (here. Then, when be's really engrossed in 111.0 game—quietly step back ,nand 111511e your pictures, As for the technicalities of ma>,k- ing baby pictures outdoors, there are just three thing's to check on— focus, exposure, and background, .If you. own a box or other type of fixed -foots camera, don't get any closer to yOitr subject thou about six feet--pnless you place a portrait attachment over your Ions, With this inexpensive accessory you can work as close as three cr four feet, but. it you plan to have.yotu' best pictures enlarged, that won't be necessary. Your photofinisher can enlarge any section of the negative, and eliminate from the : finished lli'int all distt•attting or Unnecessary Surreundinga. As for background, keep it simile —a plain wall or just the sky is best, and you'll Have no. trouble staking top•nhtch baby pictures, 366 • Sohn van: Guilder You Roll Thera Better With OGDE'N'STT CIGARETTE'TOBACCO TENDERS WANTEtt-- '1•encders will be received until April 13,th, for the contract of crushing and hauling gravel for the Township of Morris, Gravel to be crushed % inch size. Marked cheque for two hundred dollars (9200.) must accompany each tenater. George 0, .Martin, Clerk UNRESERVED Auction :,,ale The undersigned Auctioneer has received Instructions from PORTER BROS. Lot 20, Concession 10, Turnberry Township Three miles North of Wingham, on Highway No. 4 to sell by public auction commencing at 1:00 p.m. (S.T. sharp THURSDAY, APRIL 2 The Following— HOGS &•POULTRY White Sow with 6 pigs White Sow with 9 pigs White Sow with 9 pigs Whte Sow with 9 pigs White Sow with litter of pigs White Sow with litter of pigs White Sow with litter of pigs 12 Pullets 2 Ducks and 1 Drake CATTLE.— Black cow due July 2 Holstein cow, fresh Red Durham cow due time sale Roan cow fresh Grey cow, due Sept. 10 Jersey just freshened Hereford, due June 16 3 Steers rising 2 yrs. 5 Heifers rising 2 yrs. 1 Steer rising 1 yr. 5 Heifers, rising 1 yr. 4 winter calves HORSES-- Grey ORSES—Grey Mare, 7 yrs. old, Grey Horse supposed in foal Bay Mare IMPLEMENTS --- Complete, blacksmith equipment Garage (tools and wrenenes and endless chain hoist 1 set Dehorners 1 power grind stone 1 hand grind stone 1 power rip saw 1 circular saw frame on trucks 1 Fleury Flaker, almost new 1 Gilson Corn Blower 1 International , H.P. Engine, on steel trucks 1 Waterloo Boy, 12.27 Tractor and 25 -ft. drive belt 1 Gilson Engine 11/, H.F. and belt 7 -ft, by 2A ins, 1 ret Tractor sprtngkooth Harrows 2 aefa drag Harrows 1 ?-furrow Cockshutt tractor plow 1 2 -furrow Cockshutt Int - foot -lift plow 1 Fleury Walking Plow Mar.rev-Harris Binder, 7 -ft, cut 1 International Walking Plow McCormick Mower. 6 -ft. cult -horse stiff -tooth Cultivator "aassey-Harris Drill, 11 hose 17 wagons 1 Hay R-ck 1 Flan Rack r:r.vvrt Rax Wheel Barrow 1 vet Sleighs with dray bottom 1 ws!i in-, Snuffler 1 r'arkahutt ridlnq Snuffler ML -vat S.narator, No, 13 Fres' & Wood Hev Loader drop deck ''leerinn dump Rake Fanning -mill • 4"heels•, Trailer, with stock racks 2.wheeled Trailer, with attack racks r1n1t^r, robes. and single harness 1 ee. diso. 12 plates ' '^a^runt', Cart Foales, capacity 1 -ton cik-el Roller r , fity '_umber nunntlty of wooden aI14 =tel Posts ^ rtoel Drams, 49 gat, an- 0 5 -nal, gas pails, Carrier n•Av,a,3 nnwar Conners n-•t^r-4,rnut ;PhreAder •• •v' ' o it -leder & Press ^r.' -h Serener e, -not .Yrsnits' Chnynin ^ -^' her). PnIttulnr ^o ntv,,,nn+h rnanh riar ^ , ' ,•t^' -n^i five new tires, ^' Truck 1%11 ton • .,- r,;.ti•,ry a4001, 104iN— ti+ -f 0 ^Inv n N ft -'to t ,,,^ ^t'^n1, Article^ ^ "l t,rct V van Rl`0ERVE ae 0"T. t Avgtfim-Auctioneer FOR SALE— Rno'l ryra+n, Van9nm•r1 Oats, rust 00.10an1, both Steri and leaf: Cartier Oats, 17"t'ly Oat heavy yield - 1,1. ,1 Ten tnixed atom in right prnnor- tintn for sowing. 00111nn=011 of Yen, vial•*1 nate, Volvo.' Batley E O.A.C. 191 Pone, Oslo 79c net hits, Mixed erattt $1,45 per slut Three pore hied Shorthorn Mate fit for Service; 1. fled end two:Roans, good anality, One good pin's bred Yoldrehi' Ting, .fit for service, Otto reel . Shnrtbnrn Telfer due fo freshen in, Spring, phone Wroxeter 4.19 (Acme MrRNei, Bltievale, Ont, It , 11., Nei, 1 NEST FIELD,,, •iA•1.• tixY''`•\‘''\1‘t*Flyllik 1,1 !.'(\S\O064 in Ofsf\\ 111'!3@ DEFIKI E;tr'ISW PME1T INS MEDAY THAT the prodigious task of providing the foodstuffs for an Empire at war con be undertaken by Canadian agriculture with less mon-power than ever before is due to the high degree of mechanization of the form which had been reached before the outbreak of war. Massey -Harris leadership in the developing and building of such labor-saving equip- ment for the faun is recognized throughout the world, and has resulted in an enviable reputation for this great Canadian Company wherever groin is grown, It is but natural, therefore, that a Company with such great resources in plant, skill and experience should be chosen for the pro- duction of various munitions of war. Several types of shell,, aircroft wings and parts, and equipment for military transports are being turned outwith the skill and efficiency which have made the name Massey -Harris famed throughout the years for products of highest quality. Massey -Harris is proud of its part in pro- viding the implements so essential in modern farming under war conditions and in furnish- ing munitions and equipment so vital to the success of our fighting forces. a ��S . •1 s err«, 11 �WlVUf9�Ll. 10911' ..1 ,IdIIIdAbilll'itilllll Speed Limit 40 Miles No More Tires For P.easure Cars Monitions \iini'ter I9::tve, an- nouncing a 4o—mile—an-hour speed limit would become genezal throu,71- 0111 Canada to a0nserve gasolhte and rubber, told Canadian motorists on M01'day that "when the tires yon have now are worn out, your motor- ing Is over until some considerable Lime after the war ends." Mr. Howe, who 0Ipoke over a. national network of the ,Canadian Broadcast- ing Corporation, said that while con- 3:ealicnt of tires m• ran-••ssrr„t.i1 nal is net an immediate prosp=er "the Government will that 0 'i!ato 1” commandeer t!h•e=• from privolo ow, - ere ,_ere of non-evvential vnhioln. W11,,l1 ever aha' tubber 10 :needed" lir. Howe appealed to Canadian motnr- ists.to conserve gasoline and rubber tie a patriotic duty and In 1,o-oper^te in he gasoline Moiling plan which comes into effect April 1. lie an• nonnced retreading of .tires would be restricted to commercial vehicles and buses and for transportation of workers in war plants with no alternative means of 'transportation, "If I tell you frankly that we are likely to lose the ,'ir,aniess we can get enough oil and enough rubber, you will understand how very ser- ious our position is and why the eOtlOerVa.tion of these two essentials is causing 110 so much anxiety," he added, Traffic Accidents Flit Tires 'i•i'=• 1,s 1,1 ane' of automobile tiree t•'t^• wilt) 51 a pre•:;;ins sm-0;1nm to regard•r tra:ffl.,• arrt'lr.nts, fel` 11111113' ,lriv•,t.o- re ,.011re '11 0.1.1^r, 111 �l.t tier', that wonlrl ictus 111,011 turned in 001^n•• 111 nn,•u1^1 lime". The••e tires, may h^ve ;r g-rd'ma"y 10070 miles in them, and will earn 'hey eon still render Ione =erv!:•c. •'Silt remember, ,old, smooth tires• are danverous at high speeds, and there is -bound to be "old tire" accidents unless all drivers are careful. 01c1 tires, even retreaded tires, can not be expected to bold up like new ones. There will. be more blowouts 041 highways sus .aging rubber and fabric give away. Too, if travelling too fast on old tires and there is a.- blowout, :blowout, it may be just too bad 'for: you and your family. It is not cin' intention to be a pessimist in regard old tires and motor travelling, but even if tires on your ear aren't worn to the danger point, drive slower anyway. The tires will Last. longer, Sudden stops and speed on curves wear out timber much sooner than does easy driving. Ir the ,rue n'a•a: ,f relie'0na 811 17 nisi! 1i':: ' • i;+;'•flea, it w'll burn, Tillman agency toluol extinguish it. —Daniel Webster. t� �, An iroto.,Kl tt NOT0 P P turf • e,,.__ Jnr,, lif r\ @ l�prir:9 0t• REMEMBER: The slower YOU drive, the more you save/ Gas burned up v. -1111e standing 01111 t'cialdv rte+ staggering gallenoge, t10 never leave your car oven for ti few t»innies—with the 010107' running, R's just u0 easy to swilrlt 99 Alf an& sore gasoline, Remember your SO /hit pledfioi don't let your =tutor idle.