HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 5a SEEDNOW IS THE TIME TO CHECK YOUR GRASS SEED WANTS ! Steel Briggs Famous Lion Brand Seed for greater germination of seed. Alfalfa, Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy, Yellow Blossom Clover White Blossom also mixtures at Special Prices. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. We can supply you with all your pasture grass, Rape, Etc. Full Line of Feeds For Better Results feed Rose Brand Chick Starter or O.A.C. Chick Starter We have Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate, Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices. Livingston Stock Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs & poultry. We will cull your poultry to your satisfaction. A. J. Pearson Ethel Ont. Phone 22r7 ['HE Tau Geta Epsilon, Ensign Mar- shall attended Amherst College and was graduated from New York Untveatwity, Ho is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. 14'e was with Brown Brothers, Harriman & Co., Now York, before entering service, Mrs.. Wan, Cameron of Craubrook, Ont., waspresent at the wedding, 1 Mary Agnes Cameron i Cameron Jr., brother of the bride; Donald M. Marshall of ,Elmhurst another brother of the bridegroom James P. Wilkerson 3'rd of Hart dale, N.Y.; William G. MoNear of Lynnbrook, L. ff.; Lieuten'an Raymond Page of South Orang and Ensign Thomas R. Willcox o Is Bride Of Ensign Arthur V. Marshall Ensign Arthur Van Cott Marshall, 'SLS -Nat.., and his bride, the former Mise Diary Agnes Cameron of Maple. wood, will reside in Jackson Heights, Richmond Hill, L L, ushered. L.I., after their wedding trip: The ' slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William, J. Cameros of North terrace was. mar.' „Tied Saturday. at •a candlelight ser- The bride's duchess satin gown vice in First Church of Orange hall a sweetheart neckline, bracelet '(Presfieterien) to tate son ..of Mr. and sleeves, and. a ,bouffant train falling Mrs. George M. Marshall of. Elm- from. a gored skirt. She wore her burst, L.I. The ceremony • was l mother's Chantilly lace veil, with a Performed by Rev. Dr. Raymond I. cermet of lace caught with or - Lindquist. There was a reception , ange Iblossome and draped over at Maplewood Country 014th. bridal illusion, and carried a shower Mts. William J. Anderson o•0 I bouquet of camellias) and freesias. .South Orange was honor attendant 1 Her 'attendants' gowns were of and the bridesmaids were • Mrs.{ veriod style French taffeta.. The Dennett . K. Ela of Cambridge, I honor attendant's, was turquoise Mass., and Miss, Harriet Harrisonblue, the bridesmaids' rose. of Grosse' Pointe, Mich., brmer' Tlre..honor attendant's bouquet Wellesley College classmates >of'the was of veleta, yellow, roses and 'bride; the Misses, Katherine Eismer I acacia and L., bridesmaids and and Barbara IS'tabaeus of ' South Orange and Virginia Hocit4te of purple violets, red roses, rubrum Broo'k'lyn and. Mrs. Robert A.' Wish- lilies . :and anemones. All wore art of ,Short Hills. ; matching flowers in their hair. Richard P. Marshall Was his • The bride -is, a graduate of Wel- brother's 'best man, William J. lesley College and a member of Wears Mother's Veil :r• :u BIRD NOTES * ,r s: * By Mr. M. Laycock I thinks it would he interesting to make a brief survey of the March birds as 1 have had reported, The sadden storm some two weeks ago slowed) up the various species in their northward flight. On. that account, I imagine, nay own observa- tions have been disappointing, Phe robins and crows both made their appearance on the first week end in March, the crows in considerable number. After that there was ten days delay before the Song SParrows put in an appearance—Mardh 14th The Killdeers did' not Packs the grade until March 1'7th, a little bit later than I expected. They are still rather spaiiing in numbers. Dur- ing the latter part of the same. week the Red -wing (Blackbird) arrived and his cousin the Grackle (common blackbird) I heard a rumor that a Bluebird was seen south of the town about the same time and it's quite passible because Bluebirds are March immigrants. Ducks of several species have been obseatbed, but none were close enough for definite identification, The Meadowlark was sending his cheery call across the meadows. by March 23rd and on March 30 Mourning Dove was heardat the south of the village. Last year the Doves were back by April 2nd. Thisis somewhat earlier than this bird was in the habit of return- ing yearsago. I wonder why. All of the birds mentioned should be back in full force within tate next few days. They should be joined by the Flicker, Phoebe and 'Chipping Sparrow in the not too distant future. From then• on the Wrelblers and Flycatchers will re- ceive our greatest interest. It .might be interesting to watch after insects come out in quantities h•ow long It will be before the Swallows start their unending hunt for them in this, section of the country. Don't Swallow the wallow before the in- sects, however because the former must capture food on the wing every twenty-four hours, at least. :14 BRUSSELS POST _ Notice to Creditors In the estate of Joseph Querin late, of the Village of Brussels and County of Huron, gentleman, who died on or about the ninth day or April; A.D. 1935, TAKE NOTOCE that all parties hav- ing claims or demands against the estate of the above deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executors or their solicitor on or before the thir- teenth day of April, AD. 1942, upon which date the said executors wilt Proceed to distribute the assets. with regard only to those claims which Lhey shall then have received. DATED at • Brussels this twentY• fourth clay of March, A.D. 1942, Robert J. Bowman George McCall, Executors, by their solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN- SON, Brussels, Ontario, for Elmer D, Bell absent on Active Service TNow1!is the Time to get -your SpringEquipment Harness, Seed, Fertilizer and Feed - C✓.—JI 1Go , All at the Farmers Store D. M. MacTavish Phone 146 � Brussels WedneeiaY, April let, 1942 Notice to Creditors In the estate of Albert Whitfield late of the Township of Grey In the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the fourteenth day of iDecember, A.D. 1941. TAKE NOTICE that all parties hav- ing claims or' demands, against the estate of the above deceased roust mail particulars and proof of same to the undersigned executors or their '.solicit'or on or before the thirteenth day of April, A.D. 1942, upon which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have received DATED at Brussels this twenty- fourth day of March, A:D. 1942, Garfield Baker George Michel, Executors. by their solicitor C. JOSEPH BEN- SON, Brussels, Ontario for Elmer D. - Bell absent on Active Service. SEE REID AND SEE RIGHT! Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing REED'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. If you have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread yaw needle or read—see Mr Reid and have your eyes thoroughly examined by him. Lowest prices at all times. Latest styles of Glasses R. A. REID R. O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST & OPTOMETRIST Brussel Office — Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HINGST N'S Store Phone 51 BELGRAVE Funeral services were held here Monday afternoon at two •o'clock for the late Miss Ennna Jane McGill who; died). early Saturday evening. The services were conduoted by Rev. A. M. Boyle of Blyth and inter- ment was made in Brandon tery. The pallbearers. were Joseph Dunbar John McGill, Roland Vin- cent, John Buchanan, Dr. H. Ivknk- ,by and David Armstrong. Attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. John HenaiewooIdl and Mr. and Mrs. W. Brownlee of Toronto, Miss Flor- ence Buchanan of Brussels, Miss Bryclges o'E Galt and E. McGill of the Royal Canadian ,Air Force, PINE TREES FOR SALE— The County of Huron offer for sale pine trees about 3.4 feet high, suitable for windbreaks etc:, for $12:50 per 100. Trees to be taken from ground on farm o,f S. J. Robert- son, concussion 8. Colborne. , apply to Nelson McLarty, R.R. 5, 'Goderich T. R. Patterson. County Engineer. came - Classified Ads FOR SALE— Young well bred Yorkshire Boar. phone 84-r-16 Charles Simpson Our great Easter Sale Is On NOW. 300 Spring Coats to choose from, all sizes from 11 to 46 also Junior half -sizes and women's half -sizes from 11Y, - 17 / and 18Y2 -26Y2. Fine dressy coats in domestic and imported all -wool materials, lots of tweedy sport coats, from all -wool English Tweeds, Polos, Lama fleece, and Camel Hair Our Prices Start At $i2.95 All Prices Specially Reduced for This Sale Reversibles, mostly sizes 14 and 16 to clear $10.00 I' Hundreds of Lovely Brand-new Dresses in plain pastel shades or patterned Bernbergs, all sizes from 11-46 WANTED— Lady's Bicycle in good repair at reasonable price. Phone 3X - FOR SALE— A quantity of Turnips, 1 Sow rine in May, carrying and litter, phone 34-c-9 Arthur Ward FOR SALE— Nobarb Barley for sale. Good, pure, clean seed, cleaned at a cleaning plant. $1.00 per bushel phone 2S -r-6 Andre, Turnbull STRAYED— iB'laok Hound, with white tail and brown ears and eyes. Owner can have sane by paying expenses, . Phone 40-r-8 Wm. Deitner FOR SALE- 0.A.C. No. 21 Barley, Government Grade No. 1, isuiba,ble for mixing with early oats- also Alaska Oats Government Grade No, 1. Loa 17., Oon. 14, Grey. phone 43-r-25 Gordon Knight FOR SALE— H.agerswille. 2 real goad Model A Cars, 1 newly The death of Miss ullcGi.11, who overhauled and other with, 4 new had boon i11 for a short time with tires. o.n!ly gone 44,000 miles. in her 75.t , was a deep sluoek *t I. 2 sats, of Toledo counterlscales and citizens of the community. She was two show cases. in her 75th year., phone 7 Borm. on, the 4th concession, of Ea sit Wawanasit 'She was the daughter of the late James and Susan MC''Gill and spent the early pant of her life 'there, coming to Beigrave n 1914 )inhere she had since resided', :Site was it member of Knox Preslbyteriau church and was keenly interested in all work of church. Surviving are one sister, Mas. Peter Robinson, Neat' York; two brothers, David of Winghant and James of Clinton, .and a nephew, ,Poseph at bonne, Another sister, Margaret, died four years ago, Miss Edith Wallace with Mr. and Mrs. C Logan; Mr. and Mrs. A. Vin - dent and 7.Oei'oid, Miss E. Wallace, M.rs. L. Vincent, Mrs,. C. Logan with, Kenneth Cameron, at Lufknow. Mr. and Mrs R. J. Ytutll, Teeswater, Mr, and Mus, F C.. MacKenzie, Bervle, with, Mr: and. Mrs, 11. J. McKenzie. SCOTT -in Wingih*no General I•iosaital on Thursday, Mardi 19th, to Mr. ,,and Mips. Arthur W. -Slott, Bebgrave, a son, James Arthur. WOGETMAII-'In Winghaan General Siloaiwita0, on Friday, March 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. 171: Wiglhtman, Belgtiave, a dahghter, J. C. Long GIRLS WANTED— 1 On Sale at from $2.95 up to $14.95 We supply complete trousseaux for the Prospective Bride. All accessories, handbags, gloves lingerie hosiery etc. carried in stock in a wide variety of colours and fabrics. Fine Millinery at the most reasonable prices in town Shop at the . Paris Ladies Shoppe Listowel's Leading Ladies Wear Store. I - Where your Dollar buys more. FOR SALE--- • Quantity of mixed seed grain, of Barley, O A.O. 72 Oats. p©one 23-r-5 E. Wilson 2 girls for waitresses. and one for clay cook, apply to Diana Sweets Restaurant, phone 218 Listowel; Ont. FOR SALE - 3 Pure bred Jerseys sired to a Pure bred. Dutihatn, 1 freshen 3 weeks, 2 due May 1st; Cartier and Urban SeeO, Oats, OA..C, No, 91 seed Barley. apply to Torrance Dundee, ?hone 10-r-15, Myth. GET YOUR r_RMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End 'Curl $t25 and $1.75 and $2.25 Including Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2,50, and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo relephone 55x for an Appointment IRENE PEASE Ower Proctor's Restaurant WANTED—, Male and Female help wanted. We require immediately help for our • office and Hatchery. . apply Twaddle Chick Hatcheries - Limited, Fergus, Ontario. In accordance with requests from the Administrator of Service, the following pooling of freight has been arranged. For Brussels and district all freight previously carried by Listowel Transport will be carried by either Adair Transport or Hanover Transport for ' the duration of the war. Your co-operation in placing your orders 'accordingly, and in reverting back to your previous service after the duration, will be greatly appreciated. 19 Adair Transport Hanover Transport Listowel Transport Lines Ltd. ir, wimmarommisamammmussria- ANIMALS DEAD or DISABLED Quick4Y removed in Clean Sanitary truck. Phone collect �" Phone 72, Brussels William Stone Sons Limited �.w4a.., Mrs. 'Housekeeper:- T,his tried and approved Short ening is just what you need to be better satisfied with all your baking• Start Using Easifirst N -O -W Lb. four 19e SOLD in Brussels at A. D. McDonald Meat Market PHONE 69x rt