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The Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 4
New Spring __ DRESSES Crepe, silk, alpaca Price $3.95 to $7.95 Coats, Jackets, Suits Price $10.95 to $18.95 Pleated Skirts, Blouses, Hand Bags, Gloves Lingerie, Aprons Children's Coats & Dresses Winter Coats Greatly Reduced Frances Dress Shoppe -- Brussels THE BRIJS51:..L5 OST ETHEL • Mr...and Mrs. Percy Stt4thensou attended' the funeral on Thursday last of the late Mr. J. H. Pertie of Donegal , _Miss Grace McDonald spent Wed- nesday at her hone on 6th con., Grey. Dr. John and Mi's. Coinghoun of ' Yorkton, +Sask., arrived last week to spend a short time with Mr. and Mrs. very well, end has gone to the hos pital for treatment. We are glad to hear Mr. Bert Parker is getting along very nicely in the Listowel hospital, but will be there for some time yet. Mises Viola Turnbull of Hamilton was a visitor at her home over SUM/MY. The. Women's, Institute wilt meet on Thursday afternoon, April 9t1 at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Dr. Rich - J'. H. Fear. The Dr. went 011 to mond. The Roll Call will be an - 'Nova Scotia to see his father there. ;sr,emed by "who's who in Ontario;' Mos. Eva Brown visited over the andHints for housecleaning. 'C°"• weekweekend at David and Mrs. Sano- , rent events will be in charge of Mrs. demnear Newry. Wilson. There '*411 also be the 18. L. and MTs. Jardine spent the electionof officers for the coming week end in Hamilton, seeing tlueir I. year and reports a committees. A • son Lorne and at the home of Joltn 1 good! attendance is asked for, all and Mrs. Allan-. i theladies are invited to attend We are ,sorry to report that Mts. � whether mannbers of the Itnstitue or , Wm. Love' is quite seriously ill, and i not iMasi been taken to Listowel Mr. Lee Allan War haw of 'Lis ospital. Mr. and Mrs. A.Henry received a dl it PEOPLE WE KNOW East Huron - Produce Eggs, Poultry & Feeds Phone bb Brussels A towel was home over Sunday- i a ,e,nsage recently from their son Pte. Mo. J. Z.,, Sinclair of Hamilton was Stuart Henry of the Kent Regiment, -home over the week end. saying he had arrived safely at Van - Mr. Jas. McCartney has not been 1 eouver B,C. • HOG and POULTRY FEEDS Commercial Feeds Mill Feeds Bone Meal Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit YV% . If you are running out of ideas for pictures, try snapshots at the window Many different effects, from mobtainable nil to full lighted subjects, are easily same distance as for a night snap- shot. With a well lighted window, this type of lighting tends to pro- duce a bright, delicate, high key effect. The picture accompanying this article shows how the shadows have been completely eliminated by the proper plaoement of lights. Notht streaming through the Window ovr he gproduced the e girl and dogg, adding a pleasing orl the l quality of depth or third dimension. Exposures with this type of light- ing may seem quite complicated at first thought, but are really very simple. Just disregard your rules for night picture taking, and time your exposure to correspond with prevailing outdoor conditions. In general, a snapshot exposure with 1/11 1/1box 1 ---will Pouna25 of a second t d satisfactory. Window shots provide a fruitful field for the amateur photographer interested in making better pic- tures. You'll be making a number of outdoor snapshots this winter, so try a few combination "daylight artificial light" pictures for pleas' ant.varletq hi ydur hobby. John van Guiltier HE majority of amateur pbotog sphere make all their indoor mictures at night, and this is only, natural since it is the most oppor- tune time for most of us. But how Many have considered indoor pic- tures iatures in the daytime, using a nom- bination of daylight and artificial illumination'? Just choose �ar well lighted window as a" b,ae und for some of your child pictures or informal portrait studies—use one or two amateur flood lamps to illu- minate the shadows, and you'll get shots with unusual quality and ap- peal. The window, in these shots, pro- vides a background with unusually y. FOr mum t dalicaoyu of effs ect, choosea. large window with white or ivory framework that f€tees a white house or open sky. Either a dull or sunny day will be suitable for your pic- tures, depending upon the effeet Yen desire. By omitting artificial light; or varying its quantity and the dis- tance from the subject, You can obtain any effect froth 0, silhouette to full lighting, For ,the latter, the :flood .:combihatiozi of two amateur urn od lamps' may Tse used at .ihe I X59 Everything to make the hens lay 'A' Grad ; eggs Harold Turney, who Itas been ill in England where he was serving with the overseas forces, has been invalided lnosne, He reached Bras, eels Saturday o8 iaset week. Nlns. Salo. E. 'Smith is Thome after smeuding the winter in Ohesisy. Mies. Vella Fischer, Iiespler, was a weeks end visitor at her home to attend the wedding of her sister. * * * Mss. C. Steins and daughter Ruth Annie of Part Robinson spent a week withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. E1. Henderson, We are in the market for all kinds of PI ULTRYS "Flock Culling A, Specialty'' Bring :Us YourLggs Our Motto' Honest Grade on every egg m a. Mt and Mrs. T. Thornton spent the weak end with Mr and Mrs E. Henderson. * * * Miss Tillie Snaith. and Miss Eileen Crodkett, S4mcoe, were Wednesday visitors last weeds with Mr. and Mrs. J. Speer. , :k :Is 'H Kenneth .Spear, R.C.A.P., Moncton, N.B. spent .a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs, J. Speir , ii UNRESERVED Auction Sale. The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived .instructions from ADAM SHOLDICE 1/2 mile west of Watton, Morris and McKillop Boundary BORN JO•HNSTON—In 'gingham General Hospital, nu Thursday, March 1,9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jbbnaton, Bluevale,, a son. Tenders Wanted— By the Council ,of the Township of Grey for crushing and .delivering 8000 or more cu yds, of gravel on The of 1942. Crusher mustRoads iseason beequippedwith i4 -inch screen and all work must be done under the direction and subject to- the approval of the Road Super- intendent, A certided cheque for 10% must accompany the Tender but the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will be received till 2 p.m., Saturday, April 4th, 1942. J. IL FEAR, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. TUESDAY, AIPR I L 7th • To sell by PublicAuction contmenc. ing at 1:00' MM. The following:— HORSES- 1 Gelding 6' yrs. old 1 Gelding 4 yrs. ol'd' 1 Gelding 3 yrs. old 1 Aged Gelding CATTLE—(Durham) 1 Bull 11/2 yrs. old 1 White Cow 4 yrs. Fresh 1 Grey Cow 5 yrs. Fresh 1 Red Cow 5 yrs: Fresh 1 White Cow 5 yrs. Fresh 1 White Cow 8 yrs. Fresh 1 Red Cow 5 yrs. supposed to calf 1 Red Cow 4 yrs: Dry 1 Red Cow 3 yrs. Fresh 1 Grey Cow 8 yrs. Freshen time of sale 1 Roan Cow 6 yrs. supposed in calf 1 Red Cow 5 yrs. Fresh 1 Roan Helfer 2 yrs. supposed In calf 1 Roan Heifer 3 yrs. supposed In calf 1 White Helfer 3 yrs. supposed in calf 4 Steers 2 yr. old 1 Heifer 2 yr. otd 9 Yearling Sheers 5 Yearling Heifers 7 Young Calves PIGS— - - 11 York Pigs average 140 lbs. 1 York Sow due In May I MIP LE EINTS— 1 Massey Harris Binder 1 Massey Harris Disk Drill 1 Massey Harris Hay Loader 1 Massey Harris Mower 1 Massey Harris Manure Spreader 1 Dump ' 1 Corn ,CultiRakevator bean attachment 1 International Riding Plow 1 Fleury Walking Plow No. 21 2 Gang Plows 1 Set of Harrows 1 Set of Scales (2000 lbs.) 1 McCormick ?t)eering Cream Separator (almost new) 1 Root Pulper 1 set of Brneehinn Harness 1 set of Backhan.l Harness A h"m,her of Horse Collars 1 pnrtl'nd Cutter 1 ap Pon t 4=!t of Sielobe 1 Rain Waeoh (cap•, 3000 lbs.) 1 T„rk Waaon 1 Wagon Box 1 way Rack 1 Turnip Sower 1 Mow of Hay And numerous other articles, TERMS—CASH, on day. .of Sate, Prcnrietor—ADAM SHOLDICE Auctioneer --HAROLD JACKSON Wealne<1ay, April 1st, 1942 Buy a used Car wIth good Tires Auction Sale In Brussels on Thomas Street SATURDAY, APRIL 4th at 1.30 P.M. Of Household Furniture belonging To Joseph Querin Estate consisting of: - 4 Bedroom Suites Dining room Suite Kitchen Stove, Rugs, Tables, Chairs, Electric lamps Radio Garden Tools and other articles too numerous to mention. SALE WITHOUT RESERVE TERMS—CASH Wm. Donaldson—Auctioneer R. J. Bowman - ) Geo. E. McCall )—Executors 6 CLEARING Auction Sale Of Farm. Stock and Implements at West 1/2 Lot 3, Con. 11, Grey FRIDAY, APRIL 10th at 1 p.m. Sharp HORSES— 1 Bay Mare 1 Black Gelding CATTLE - 1 Roan Cow, 4 yrs. due to freshen April 25th 1 White Cow, 6 yrs. due to freshen May 1Sth 1 Spotted Cow, milking, 6 yrs. 1 . Roan Heifer, rising 3 yrs. 1 Black Steer, rising 2 yrs. 1 Roan Heifer, rising 2 yrs. 2 Yearling Heifers 1 Yearling Steer PIGS - 1 Sow 6 Chunks 1 Sow with 7 pigs at foot IMPLEMENTS— 1 Massey Harris Binder 1 Massey Harris Mower 1 Massey Harris 13 -hoe Seed Drill 1 John Deer 14urrow Riding Plow 1 Kangaroo 24urrow Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 McCormcik Deering Manure Spreader 1 ,Disc Harrow 1 Waggon 1 Set Sleighs 1 Flat Hay Rack 1 Dump Rake 1 Set Scales (1000 lbs. cap.) 1 Scuffler 1 Fanning Mill 1 Root Pulper 1 Turnip Sower 1 nutter - 1 Potato Hiller 1 Cutting Box 1 Spring tooth Cultivator 1 Water Trough 2 Iron Kettles Forks, Chains, Shovele, Neck Yokes, W hiffletrees TERMS—CASH 'DAN GLASSIER—Proprietor W. S, ,DC;NALbSON—•Aeotioheer Some of our Specials are Listed c==1' Ir> 1941Deluxe Ford Coach, 11000 miles, Spare tire never: been used. 1940 Mercury Coach with heavy duty tires all around 6 03( 1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan second set of tires. This car like neve 1936 Deluxe Ford Coach like new. Tires exceptionally good.: 1939 Dodge coupe. Tires and car in new car condition 1935.Dodge coach (good • tires). 1936 Chevrolet Sedan with extra good tires. 1932 'Plymouth coupe. New Tires all, around. 'Never been ouf. 1935 Ford Coach New Tires last summer. 1934- Ford Sedan 2 new tires last summer. 1935 Ford Coach like new. TRU KS 1 panner left, a 1935 Ford Truk new. 1' 1937' Chevrolet 11/2 1 1934 ,Chevrolet 2 ton 158' W.B. 1 1935 Ford 2 ton Truck, New Truck condition. 1 1936 Ford 2 ton Truck, New Truck condition:. 1 1939 Ford 2 tonNewTruck condition: TRACT ,tki 5 New Tractors left. 1 1940 Ford Tractor & New Plow. This tractor has only - been used on 100 acres and earriies a New Traceor' Guarantee ,with lights. 1 1940 Ford Tractor & New Plow, lights.. All reconditioned in first class ohape. 1932 Ford Tractor & 2 -furrow plow. 2 1927 'Ford• Tractors, reconditioned: C=C ©C=am LIVESTOCK —choice Horses for sale. SERVICE Don't forget to see us regarding your: new & Med; Tires, Batteries, Genuine Parts and used Implements. L. and W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Listowel Ont. RLUEVALE' • Fowler. Mr, Fowler spoke briefly: on the parable. The young people practised the pageant which. they will present Baster Sunday evening, - At the next meeting the society will hold a Bible, contest..• ,, dfl s .Young men - from the town ship of Turnberi)Y. , who; -leave en- listed for military .service, have ibesu,.presented!;with engraved pen and pencil sets •by the townahip council:. At the Sunday morning service in the Unitedi church Rev. C. Towner delivered a "Palm Sunday' message. Communion serice will be held next Sandal'. At Knox Presbyterian 'church Rev. F. G. Fowler spoke on the sig- nificance of the cross. Special pray- er service was observed when Mr. Fowler spoke on the power of pray- er and the great need for prayer, especially at present. Next Sunday the Sunday school will reopen. at 10:.30 a.m. wtth the Baster service at 11:15 a,m. The Young 'People's Society will conduct the evening service rand present au Easter pageant Personals: Lorne McCracken, Sear forth, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex 1V9ccracken; Mr. and Mna. Eldon McKinney and s:on, To- ronto, with Mm. and! Mrs., W. H. Mc- Kinney; A. D. Smith and son James F. Stott, .Seafosth with Mr. and Frs. George Love; Dr., Arthur Siiaw and Man” was read by Billy Adams, Mrs. Shaw, Toronto, p•Ndbh Mrs. Mr. Ross Turvey of Listowel. ,miillita'ry training camp spent', the weeks end with - his .gauents+t and sisters on the 2nd: line. Mr. Russell Barnard of thel Air Force et Guelph spent the weelt end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. E. Barnard:. ' Mr. Henry Blathers andMrs. Mel- ville Maulers' attended the funeral 08 the late Mrs. Thos. Gaunt at W,IWhitechurch on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mus. Wan. T. Johnston visited on, Friday afternoon with Mr. Henryry Mothersand sisters. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred McQuillan and family ,and Mr. Wan. McQuillan visited, on Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnsbon, Tet. line., Mr. and Mne. Chas: Tones of Auburn spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Robt, McClennan, 1st line. Mr, and Mts. McBride of Toronto spent Wednesday with lois uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Mc- elertnan. The president, Miss jean Elliott, presided at the regular meeting of Young Peo,ple's Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, The meet- ing opened with a bYmns The scripture lesson from the gospels of St. Mathew and St.. Luke was read "The Parable of the Rich followed with prayer by Rev. F, G. 'Arthur Shaw. tg- HANDING 1T BAcK Cartoon from tho Loedst Daily Mime