HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-4-1, Page 2eciaremonot
The Love
By J. n
"Then, we will be married at once,
,and. take our honeymoon in. Eng-
rnuland," Basil announced triumphantly.
Dr. Judson •shook his head.
"My dean' fellow -1 ]tate to dts-
aIi'pcint you, But no, invet enrpiiuti
tally no, Marriage, at the moment,
in 'tee present state of H'is's Bardon's
health, would be most unwise. Let
her get 'back safely and quietly to
England Breit. That is what she
wants.. She: has asked me to
demonstrate to you the wisdom and
the desirability of a wedding in her
own country, among her own pe•op1e.
As her medical adviser. •I meet ad-
mit it is the only sensible counSe to
Basel fretted and funned, but ted
the grace. not to moist.
He obeained permission for home
leave from his C.O. and his spirit's
Tose as Ih•e booked :passages tor
Diana and himself upon a boat leav-
ing Aoubc+y the following week.
After 011, all English wedding
would be better. Aud Diana was
certainly in low health and :Spirits,
not in !'.he least like the lovely
fiancee write had arrived so shoat a
time before td nearly h''ml.
Indeed, the more he thought of it,
the more he fancied that there was
reason: in what Judson decreed.
Diana was seriously unwell. and the
prospect of an ailing bride did not
at all fit in with Bars 1's scheme of
He wanted hie beaveirul. nttractive
Diana. not this pale, ghost-like
sbeelow of herself.
He in"t'gteal upon seeing leer. The
girl had inexplicably denied him ad-
miseien for some days, but this time
he wonid. take no reused.
He was „genuinely shocked at the
altar•"tint, in 4he nalp. ienen1(1 girl he
fete+-' etretchee ort wenn a sofa in
the darkened room of the little
bee ea
The shutters were closed, bathing
the little drawing room 10 a ghastly
greeubh light and Diaua, herself,
inert and supine, gave him the cur-
ious impression of something
drowned aud mermaid -like.
He greeted her with s, to her,
welcome abatement of Itis usual
warmth and ardour.
"I've splendid news for you,
darling girl," he announced, as he
su'bslded into a creaking wicker
:chair at her side. "The C.O. has been
ja1•ly decant, He'sgiven me special
leave so that I ran sail on the same
boat with you. 1 can loot( after you
on the voyage, and we can be
married as soon as we like after
reaching Englen(l. :Come, Doesn't
that cheer you up??"
Diana stirred a little: amongst her
euehions and, opening her eyes,
which seeiled to have grown so
much'b'igger of late in her thin face,
said strangely—
"Do you still want to marry me
He was profoundly shocked by
such a question, betraying as it did
the lulu state of her spirits.
• What had Judson -been doing to
her to bring her as low as this? Sha
had beenkept too much of 0 prison
er. it as enough to give anyone a
nervous breakdown to be kept shut
ve in this poisonous bungalow, in
and, ghastly shuttered greeness..
"Darling how eau you ask such a
thing?" he demanded, with a return
of hie hot P55 1011 wetrh always
agitated her. "You know It is all T
think of. I've had such a cruel dis-
appointment, twice aver you might
say. My one longing now is for
the day when you will be my wire
The voyage will soon ening 'back
your loveliness, dealing, and you,
"But sunnose it doesn't. Rse'tl?"
Dianc'e voice 'MMP "You always
staid thst y011 couldn't love ane as
much if T were plsin. 1 urn': nPVP/'
get 'hack my looks, you know, T
Backlighting gives the very pleasing halo about this little girl's head.
You can get sisrtilar effe,,ts in Your pictures if yea vratoh the light.
IIGTITING is, and 01W0ys has a backlighted *tare will be no
-' been, of the g, e&te t importance more di1lcult than composing any
in picture-melting—SO I:otht11 act's other sntepahot if yen let Your M-
the snl(icet of heckligbling herutlt good taste grade you.
There ale several reasons why every Exposure, however, is somewhat
photographer B/1011 id fruquen.ily use diff meat for haelcilght.ed snlijeots
backlighting in his pact tre-ma'king. than tot ilei 1na1" suhjeeta. 1f'—a5
First, We an excellent cleans of ht mans casae—.YOU want a sort of
drFirst, We any iuuhjeol sill en107 ef.ect, then the secret lies
in 0 Very sho't expoenre Dut, if
Second, ire one of the minium you tthot.:d want a good deal of de -
methods of adding variety and Odra, tall in the shadows, then you've got
Interest to any snapshot catleeticu, to give at least 100 p01' cent extra
And, on the third C01111t, it's 0110 expoeure—twice as 11)11011 as ndrma:t.
of the most effective trielts 1 know lIowever, don't worry too much
In producing out-of-the-ordhtary plc- ebnlit teehnienlities; Remember to
'Lutere shade the lens from, the sun and
All right, now what are the lirt,n- '0. peen slmply, but In any event.
'Heel aeeects of backlighting? 1n try making 7iletneee whet] the light.
rather words, how can 11 he hada to is coning f)'0n behind Your stibi at.
70•k for y01 in veer picture -male 'Y0u'li find Its 0115 007(11131 way to
lug, rather than against you? gel, dralnatic, ietereetihfi pleter0s.
Well, remember this: oarmpoei11g 371 John vein fiuilder
u'ou14 feel, somehow, as 1f I should
ever be tate same, Are you quits
sure that you don't want to change
your mind 'about our %Harrying? Be-
cause ----1 Would give you your
freedom, you know,"
"Poor poor child, is tbat whet's
w ryiug you?" cried Basil baister-
ou:ly, a gratified smile 11 Melee the
anOietY on his good-looking face.
"fifty ---you're still remarkable lovely
in spite of all this toes o1' flesh, and
)11:11. 1 dn:l you ubeelutely 511110'
[t. yam little Witch. Never worry
y0u'5c11tf with ideas of that sort.
Nothing weal ever make me give
you up, I'm tao ]teen about you.
Crazy, in feet, it's only 'hecattee
7011 are so ill that you have such
She heard flim with a sluicing
The little ray 'or hope that h'ad
come struggling to life Mace her
illness anti the alteration it had pro-
duced in her looks, died away, The
old tapeless shrinking held her
.She seemed to see e great bend—
the band :of fate—stretched out to-
wards her with wide-open, grasping
There wee r'o es'eaping it, 1]ven If
she left India that fate would' pursue
her to the green shores, the peace
end safety of England.
Ste was very weak, for She had
had a 'bad ,bout o.f fever, and just
Then she could have turned her head
to the wall and cried openly like a
eilild, so keen was her disappoint•
And yet, nom Basil, be had clone
nothleig•. He had but remained stead.
fast When She had hoped that he
might vacillate.
iS'he knew that hie eager eyes
were upon her. and that he would
expect her to say something in reply
to his ,generous, and 13assion'ate
"Yon should not rare for me too
much. Basil. T am but a poor thing
nowadays," elle murmured.
"You've been through such a
tough time, darl•i1.i1. 1 can't hear
to think of what you must have en•
dared at the hands of those rascals
befrre Lineet discovered you. Lucky
for us that he'd been used to doing
a. bit of secret intelligence work fm
the Chief. It came in handy, We
mo'a'nt the wretches, you know. who
enrried you off, every nlauela113 of
11rm and they'll be aleslth with
taitlt'nlly- inter on. Linlot's gone o1 a
hooting expedition, you know. The
',Menet thought it would do him
;ted. He, got a pretty good swipe
m1 the held and he 11'131'; down with
s teuell of fever. too, Met steer you
Tety he can't come to England
571111 us and he hest mean, eh?"
Dana, gave a little. g"tnie I-Ier fray-
ed .nerves felt as if they Would snap
if Place went on this way,
she could not know how muiolt she
had betrayed In iter fevered wander -
trigs nor that d't was 'Miss, Judson
Who head secretly 'begged the dnotor
to have the wedding deferred,
"How did the major thine y0tl
look?" went on the ltiu t1'ly woman,
seating herself in the chair Basil had
"Still nice -looking enough for him
to marry," Diana said unexpectedly.
Mrs, Judson jumped nuts felt quite
flurried as she eried—
"What a funny thing to say. 1
should thing you are pretty enough
for any man to want,
"Whet 1 always'sny is, a girl does-
n't need to be in a burry to wed the
first one ruho'asks her," went on
Carrie Juds•0n, 'Milking herself
Vastly disIcreet ad diplomatic, "It's
better to malice a mistake before
maritage than 'a.tterward's. No girl
need let herself be pushed. into all
unwelcome or unsuitable marriage
nowadays, as used to be the case.
It one finds one's mistaken one's
feelings, it's better to break an en-
gagenlenit than a marriage."
Diana looked et her, In rather t1
smell Votes alae said—
"It is always beat to do what is
light. don't you think, Mrs. TuclrOf,
whatever the cost? Someone said
that to inc once. and I haven't for-
eetten it. Ire wrong to break one's
word. riven if one wanted t0," she
ai'l'ed llnt'ricdlee
Though a woman of small eiscern-
lnpnt Mrs. Jecleoe reuysed thet she
ennel se nn further without encour-
agement from the girl herself.
!eh= heel n very almewrl seeniei0n.
heneeet en wh.nt she hod heard from
T1ian^ in •the lv%„4erine1s o'' ''evnr, of
n,a inc slam er fills?., end her kind
1159".t 5015.1 fn„ On earl.
But PPytrirPtelv chi en"id n•nt farce
the eereeee rentlle"'"P. end with en
tnwnrrt rie11 ehe elm:need the eon-
vereetion and spoke of impersonal
"Brill dear—da you mind if I try
to ,get some sleep note? My heed is
splitting!" elle murmured faintly.
Nene too enamoured of that
dreary, green -lit room, and aware
that 11e cnuld inlulge in ' uo love-
enektuu c just. then, •Basil rose to go
quite readily.
"Get all the rest you can, daytime.
h1•l'nre We sant. 1 W^111 tneshaw 111en1
all at hemp whet a 11veiy bride 1'nt
brimgine 1117111. I'll blow in an' bare
a kelt Mt you this evening befnn'e
they tuck yon 1131 fel' the night:'
0i''na heard ;he door 511114 bsllarel
hitp with 501111isite ,5•1)ef.
•S115 felt i' eeeret'•,'bie (area" 7111"
iesetItet Harry had gone. T'Te 1'.a'l
',ever even tripe t•) a^,., 11.^.1' 10 Ra:'
';nod -bye. and n"w.' stirs mi^'11t wavey
see Ilam aenin until elle returned t0
T'a.1Ys wire,
C!.1, why ha,' she ever veiny to
`lee ply ait'1 e.ar'ly Nerd?
ev•"70 1(71 here., she felt sl'a hated
....r,.. , ,.,,t'• ^t' r11 lis ba111iuce., its
^zrrPntr. its. elem 1m'.
.1"" ,1' : he ' •; rl"d 11 "1, In'lls
" "?it 11'•re in h^ her 1(0311r'ry until
'tic teem er -twelve endee, end by
'int ''amp Veru wooed be elee'•ly, awl
'•I1 'he fires of yalitll 1routicl have
Ontei•le a joy was sealuling vigor.
—tete +n •t D'^nn • cell 1 treat' 11
"131^'lrev a"teveriee, if, than a whole
• 'r et' flie hire- j^intel in the row,
and marts+ her head ache W"1'..7 1111('1
011PP 3110'(1 'hp dem Opened and
Vi"s. J"e1"ons'o'le i'1,
feel none the ly0rea rep rue.
1'tel o', tree, " elm eugnit el snllClt-
ntr^lY, her smelly fare greyer litae
11 iiat. lin3' eines nee/holey asthea'
scanme l Diann'( pale thin fare
heard hint go juel a minute or VW,
"Noce 1115 W01'rn. '1111th you, "Mfrs
Tmris+n," rtt'11 ,s.nid anic-4:ly, the
enitain of reserve dreppir''i quie(le
flatween her and Om outside wort"
once more.
Tette in the little station wend or
much the sante as it lord clone be -
Mee the clementic: inter'uptior. of the
naitre att,telc.
There were little hrirl:ge-p't1'ttes
nee te•r''lis end golf, owe entertain-
ment a PI the P11111.—al'11 t11e email
events with which exiles from Home
try to 'keen fit and pass the time.
Nn.oe of these things waa .101
The Elco "Es-
Esquire" — hand•
some and man.
n)sh. lust as
Popular Elea $2750
"New Era"
• model in the
smart coral
!Diana just 11057, who was .still too
weak to do an'yt111ng but have a few
friends to tea,
Time passed slowly for her. She
had too Hauch leisure to which to
141bulr and to flet.
She told herself taloa if she ,could
only see Harry once again', only just
once, she could leave India at least
resigned If not contented.
But he did not return, nor (ltd 11e
It was es if he had droll+ped out of
her life for good, and though she
knew that lie hall adopted tale only
wise and honourable course, yet
her heart was sore within her,
The day came at last when she
was to leave. T3undreho'e, where, 1t
seeoned' to her, so much had happen,
ed in so short a time.
Everyone who emllcl namte to tite
station Co see 'them start off and
wish them good itch. Diana's car-
riage was heaped with dowel's and
fruit and hooks—mostly gifts' from
Basil's brother-of30cers.
Mrs. Judean was going as far as
Bn9111ha1' to see them sail anti Diana
eluting pathetina.11y to her companion.
shin. Sate heti drenried the thought
of the lone railway Tourney, shut up
with Beetle love -making.
iSbe looked' .out 01 the cerclage
winclow at the lest moment and took
fine' f^rewetl of the little crowd or
F'el1-w15111 era.
Hal' lovely Pale face, pearl -like In
its luminous beauty, lingered long in
the 111211)01y of those who saw It.
Tt was, all eneonselouely to its
tamer, such a pathetic, almost
♦. 0.51
0? *.ea."oua,eaur' ITTSL'mareM.n.,
0 Q n.,.""a'ar•Wami¢ams:ncrnar
We hles+day, April last, 1942
tragic 'l'ac'e. Its radiance incl geue;
instead it here sa•rro''ful freeze
rarely to be met wi h on the faee' eett
one so young,
"I told you India would. rob iter str
bpi, bloom," VI 'Munster told her
lnsegarable friend, as they tnrn7Q-
away from the hot dusty Plneferis.,
where the smoke of the depurt3rig
traits' still lingered,
"Brut she looks, 'I think, nicer Mara
ever," was, the really, "so interesting;
with that 'pallor that ]laggard 707117""
"1 wonder if Basal Chalmers Minks
so," mused Violet dray.
Long ago. she had passed throe*
the major's hands, as had $0 melee
girlsbefore her, and though abe hates
long toss all setltlnnelhtal feellnge ter
hint sbe knew his character tnlf
pers•on3Nty through and through.
All gun iicenses expired p'eh. Tett
1942. Anyone carrying a gun it
liable to a fine of mitt less tike
$10,00 and not more than $161199.
it le against the 1aw for anemic,.
io ,ebnotinuo(rats, Anvore e&aiue
.sn is liable to a fine of not lees then
$10.00 noel not more than si 10,110 Thr
e^rh nffe,lee, eerie rat will be cntte&
an offense.
Dept. or Game ee leis11er1ee.
tt7,7teeeepDemee •nese- , • env
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