HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-3-18, Page 1T POST POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday' March 18th, 1942 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Amovioromommonorimenanknawatosymnemormmos MOTION PICTURES TALKING PICTURES .- esda March 24th „Tuesday, Hall Brussels (Some in Colour) 12 Reels, including: - Victoria; Children from Overseas;_Inside the' Salmon Can;. Ottawa on the Diver; Fowers of Spring. Under the auspices of the Finance Committee. A!DIVIISSION 15c & lOc CRANBROOK WALTON The WJM)S..met Wednesday after- noon., March 4th at •the horse of Mra. John Ireethar. r1'3 ladies being pres- ent. The :President, Mrs. Dan Huebher presiding. The meeting was evened with the singing of Psalm 121 after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. • Rey. Taylor gave the 'Scripture reading from 'Ps. 91, The secretary then. read the minutes of the prey- lone meeting and these were second- ed lby Mips. H. Keys. Roll was called after "which Mrs. Harvey Hunter read an /interesting story entitlecl'a "Report (roan Manchuria." Hindi 089 was then sung. Ourrent events were given by !Mrs, A. Cam- eron. /bars. J. Keys, Mrs. G. Evans, Mrs. Rev. Taylor, Mrs. IL Keys and Mrs. J. Huether. Mrs. Allister Bird. Invited the WrM:S, to meet at her home far the April meeting. ' This meeting to be in charge of the West group. Plans were made for the Missionary quilt also• the Easter offering. The topic taken from the Life of Sonathan Goforth was read by, Mrs. Engel. The offering was taken and the closing 41ymn wag • 464 after which Mrs. Rev. Taylor Closed with prayer and the singing' of the National Anthem: NOTICE Amateur Concert Wednesday, 'March 25th i the Walton. C' 'continuality Hall' at P .. a a...S Time WUnder the auspices of the Walton ‘Unit of the Red Cross Prizes for best •C,entesltants Anyone wishing to enter in the community of Walton please com- municate with Mrs W. 0. Bennett or Mas Ethel Dennis, before noon on tits 26th. Come on Walton show us what talent there is in the community. Admission 25c Children free Ladies please bring lunch. Dance to Price's Orchestra after. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth Ont. Local Dews Items e.• TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will be received 3lnte April 1•99bb, for the eontraotl of aruahing and baulirrg gravel foci the Township of Morris. .Gravel to be crushed % inch elze. Mat+ked cheque for two hundred. dollars 0200.) •must accompany each tender, Geeege 0. '1Martin, Clerk Save Rope and 'String Menil7a „hemp has, got to a the "critical fiat",with the Japanese over -running the Ph'illipi.ner anti to meet done need for ships' cablea.m.nd all other Marine rope's. True hemp may again be grown/ in Canada after a lapse of four years. de/ tine mean- time a substitute for ananilla4 se sound in !semi, and to eoneerve;.the pawning, , A 'visitor, Mien' Rthel Donohue, gave an a,ddl'eswe on her work, sponsoring mission to eeilors on inland' waters. The meeting Wiped with a hymn and prayer. Prize Winners In Huron County Second Victory Loan. Greatest volhime-Townes, Vllkagee ;5.00 'War Saving Certificate donated by Chairman G. L, Parsons: A. Foribes, Winrglram. Greatest volume in Townships. ;5.00.War •Saving Certificate donated by Organizer H. J. Vandewater A. H. Wylie, Howiok, 'Greatest number of applications: $5.00 War Saving' Certificate donated by Asst. Organizer B. L. Coyne: A. Forbes, Wingbam, On 'Monday 'evening about 35 supply the government has forbidden I friende and neig'hboure gathered at its use for non-essential purpbaes. in gat anniversary. Euchre and Chinese' treat their rope .and string with ;care checkers were played, the winners and respect, for euchre being Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess,- Brussels', lone hands end games; Gilbert McCallum, lone hands for men; Geo. Ramsay for wens' most games. Consolation for ladies, Mrs. Cliff Karnbchan; con- solation. for men, Cliff Karnochan. Stewart; Humphries winning the prize for /Chinese checkers. A grand lunch was served by the hostess and wedding cake Passed. During lunch • the bride and groom of 25 years were called to the living room and an address read by Clarence Grainger, as•.f oftawe•., Dear Viola arid Roy.- We your friends have gathered / Frere tonight to help celebrate your first 25 years of wedded bliss, let u& hope we ere with .you both again at the next 25:: However in the • years that have just passed it has , seemed a longtime when sickness j death and trouble is around, but as , the silver clouds• shine again it Is , only yesterday, since you two were made man and wife and in those ' years you, hale been spared the' strength of each ether. to helm over the rough roads that come to strengthen us and make you the good and kindly neighbors• you have always been- 00 nobody gets a negative •an'ewerwhen asked for help in time of need from either of you. at im friend., like you. -folks that melte a community more sociable and after all that is wbet we are. fighting for. at the present time as we were 25 years' ago and 'I hope this yea t°your • Silver Anniverserv- 1 year will bring the world war out.on- top and be spared to serve ns again - se von fellei ba.ve in. the mast. Thunderstorm The first electrical 'storm of the season rumbled, •flashed, cracked: and growled its way over thin district late Monday night. After rainingse s day; the storm, while not at/ all severe,, lasted for some time, 'with brilliant flashes' of lightning. Tues- day there was the usual .March wind and the sidewalks were sheet- ed with lee which mode walking. rather diifficult--wlloat with clutdhing on'e's hat with one hand and trying to keep your balance arid' not land feetup and head down! No More "Frills' On Men's Suits Sharp restrictions which will eii- aninete frills in melee. and boys' clothing ere contained in orders made •public :on Monday by the War- time :Prices .and Trade Board. In general, spec?ilca'tiona restrint., the amount oe .cloth which may be used by eliminating fancy designs, watch pockets, .trouser cuffs. pleat& . end double'breasted coats. Only one Pale of trousiers, is allowed with each suit. The orders Fare •explained in the preambles as "necessary to: con- serve materiels and labor." .The orders follow similar steps announce ed. in the United !States. To Mobilize Men—Women The Federal Cabinet at Ottavio is giving final consideration to plans reoanlsll.eud.ed, -to- it. for :.mobtlizklf'on of Canadieoa mean power to meet the swelling needs of war industrY, ag-' rioudture and volunteers for the ar- med! forces, a Government official stated. A director of national select• ive service will he named to have complete oharge of this mobilize.tion Be will be responsible to a board, on which will be representatives! of all departments of Government affected by the war -aimed service*, =nit - ions and supelrp; labor, agriculture and war services. We ca.nnat let this occasion go by without showing in some little way how much we apnreolate your thoughtfulness and many acts of ktndnese' and as the old, •old saying is. "a. friend • in . need fs a friend indeed." Kindly accent . this gift from your neighbors and friends. 1 A lovely set of dlshee was than ' ¢presented to them by Mrs. Harold •Sellers•, besides these they received many 'beautiful' Die'ces, of silver to mark /their -anniversary. A suitable reply was given. by Mr. and Mra. Bennett in which they thanked their { many friends for such sots of kind- ness'. After which they an sang, "for they are jolly geed fellows." Many, old and new favourite songs were rung and all report a very pleasant evening. Buy War Saving Stamps Regularly_ NOW PLAYING 2 Features- Kay Francis James Ellison Play Girl A thriling .romantic comedy drama! Also -- Reluctant, Dragon with Robert Benehtey A lovely Walt Disney production k� ehowlna many Watt Disney wonders. „ ,/•Next.,Mon., Tues. and Wed. • — Des»na^•DurMrl * r Gt>Ies Laughton. it Started WithEve with Cummings mmin :Robert g • The livllest• clowning since 'Eve handed Adam the' apple Sauce., Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat,,,. 2 Features.. Pinto :Cid Chartee Starrett 'Blondie Goes Latin with 'The Bumsteads Coming Meet John 'Doe When Double Features are shoWfl patrons mutt be In not later than 8:45 p.m. to see complete 11110W. Also— "BLESSED ARE THE SEEKERS" Melville Church 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class :11 A. M. "Laying Good Foundations." 7 P. M. "Taking -Hold of Yourself."' COME AND WELCOME United Church 10:30 "Evading Responsibility" 11:90 Church School and Bible Class 7:00 "The Church—a voice or an echo" Welcome to God's House'' St, John s Church 11.15 a.m.-•Morning Prayer Rev. F. W. Davie Atwood i 1�E Dear :Sir: - Another letter has• been widely •circulated .hy 'Mr, Strong 'of the I9ove& Council. This time he is particularly worried about the work done on the Auburn hill, which lie describes as "Monumental folly." :Many requestsfor the improvement of this road have been received, asd last year it petition, signed :bY a large number of ratepayers; was Presented, asking for it. The pro- posal to start this work was ap- proved at the November Session of the /Council, and no protest from angone was heard, 'though the, re- ports and nuinintee of the Council were published in the paper's., About the first of Decemlber, at a time when many people in this district are not busy, the work was etarted, and nearly. ail, of this "monumental folly" was committed by one man and one lnaehin'e (that would 011. ' E TER a®X :!, * :r• ;:r * ar * 'WEDDIII'G * Town Council Holds Meeting McGiflnle • Mott In a quiet ceremony on T1raa•sday evening at poveroourt Road Presby - Maim: Chinch, Toronto, the'marriage was, eolemntzed of Margaret Dem" been, elder daughter of Mr.:and Mrs. W. S. Scott, Br'usaelsi Ont„ to See- omd Lieutenant Sohn Arotlihald Mc- I Ginnie youngest eon of Mss. MPErin nis and the late Frederick McGinnis of Midhurst, Ont. Rev, Rose K. Cameron, M,A., pastor of the church, officiated: The bride, who was attended by Miss ,Paan Munnoth of Toronto, wore a light blue coat with blue fox trlmminge and hat to match., Her accessories were black suede and her corsage American Beauty roses, IC.S,M. George W, Chandler of Camp Borden was best men. After a brief honeymoon to Niagara anki other points, the young couple returned to Toronto, where they will reside. Robinson • Thompson LISTOWRL—Tho country home of Mr. ,and, Mrs, John/ S, Thompson, Rina, was the scene .92 -a lovely March wedding whentheir daughter, Joyce Anne Rutile was' united in marriage to Kingsley. Roy Robinson son of Memel Mrs. Charles Rabin son, Listowel. , Jtev. J. R„ Greig, minister of Atwood Presbyterian ''Church, officiated. Given in nrarirage by her father, the bride was charier ing in a sbreet-length pale blue dress. She wore a corsage of roses, Mins Evelyn Molntosb and Mise Lois Thompson were bridesmaids, Tames Carson, Newton, attended the groom. Wedding music was played by Mts.. H. Howald. Following the ceremony a wedding oinner was serged. .After a honeymoon at Ontario points, Mr. and Mrs. Robin - eon will resire near Britton. 13ruesele; Meath 314, 9942: •Tits regular monthly ;meeting el the Brussels Municipal (Mune' woe bold in the Public 2.tbr•al'Y on, the above date. All members 'being: present. The minutes of the '!asst meeting •being read, It woe moved /3793, Chaanpion, seconded by W. Cam- eron that the minutes' be adopted.. �Carrled. The following bills were presented' G. McDowel), Feb. salary •• ,.. 6/.00 R. S. 'Warwick Feb salary 20.00 Postage .. 3.00 Geo. , Cenn;pibell Feb. salary ,.,, 6.00 Prussels Hydro street lights 1•08.04Rall lights 6.24 Huron County HoeTitelti- melon . ' 7.50. H. Champion, Fire 'Dept. 14.45 Ed Henderson, enow plowing 20.00' Alex Rutledge, snow -plowing 4.00 Fire` Dept., ealariea , 14,50' Relief and Charity for the month 3700 Moved by W. Willis. seconded by. F. Semis that the accnu.nts• es, read be maid. Carried. d Moved by H. Cbarep£on, seconde by F. Sensis. that the sum of $100. be donated, to tie Finsrnca C mranittee of the Provincial Plowing Match. Carried - Moved by ' ', Semis, seconded txy W. Willie that the Tax Roll be re- turned to the Coiieritm' for another, month —Carried, r er usinese. There being no fn th b the meeting adjourned. Brussels. March 14th, 1942-- A special' meeting of the Brassies 'Council was held en the above date do •conneotion with the Brumseis • Fire Dept. A11 snem/bers of the 000001l 'with ,the exception. cf W. 0amerron were present. It was' novel. by F. Sands. second- • ed' by W, Willis that a Fireman wba attends, a ohim'nev fire' 'be •paid', $1.00 the Chief 81:50. At fires where wafer is thrown/ the firemen to be paid at the old rates. —Carries. Moved by W. Willis, seconded by, F. Sends that 0-.. 'Sanderson - leek after the battery on truck end caste, on the engine at the river. Alrfi, s. McIntosh • Coulter: lust. after .the gasoline and oil and • th t the equipment are In shape.. ATWOOD A.anarniage was solsa ennaiized et yhe. Presbyterian' Manse, Atwood,, w,lren Edith Irene, Coulter, daughter of ,Mi'. and Mrs. William e'r ! Lloyd Coulter, R. R. 4, Atwood, and 1 Gourley Robert McIntosh, son of , Mr, and Mrs. Charles McIntosh, of Molesworth, were united in Mar- riage. napriage. Bev. J. R. Greig Was the 1 officiating clergyman. The bride was goWitedd fin altY wise' be idle) in about two months. The ladies of this 'County are doing a noble work in their war efforts But •I am eatisfied that. they will not 'be unduly dietnrbed, by the sttuaioone Met that they will realize that the :County Coucil is as can - gem's. of the nett for'war effort as blue thtipio slicer, atreeelength, Her anyone else, but that they have to sister, Mies Helen -Mae Ooulter, consider all of the people of -the wore crushed .rose, with sky blue County, in administering its affairs. trimrmimgs. Colic McIntosh was his Mr. 'strong advised' in' his • trot brother's best pian. A reception letter that no construction had been was held at the• home of •the •bride's/ carried out by Howiok during the parenitsi where dinnes• was served war.. 'Upon ;eheoking up he finds to guests/ from Palmerston, Moles. some, if he : cheeks further be will : worth, Listowel and Atwood. Mrs. find more, and if he looks still Elyood Newbigging. Mrs. Norman furtherhe will flail that the road of the bride, served. Following a Melvin and Masa Lois Nutt, ,cousin esependitures cf the Council of which he is! a member are practically the wedding trip to Parente and other ' same during the war as they were Points, Mr. end We McIntosh win At the Churches previously. This is. typical of all take up their residence in Galt, The Services in Melville Presbyterian' church on :Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev s. Kerr. The Sunday school and Bible class were held at 10:00 a.m. The text for the morning service was "The Red Light." The Sacrament . of Holy Conr/munion was held at the morn- ing service and ani anthem by the choir; at 7:30 p.m. the evening text was "The Comprehensive Approach" Services in. the United church' on Sunday were conducted by the /pastor, Rev. C. L. Lewis. The morn4ngg service was held' at 10.30 o'olo*k, the text being "Why the Cress." At WO o'clock the church school and Bible class/ were held. '.'.Locoing Cole's. Nerve," was the text in the evening, !Service in/ 'St, John's/ Anglican chauech on ,Sunday morning was conducted by Rev. F: W. Davie of municipalities, and of the Provincial bride chose for travelling a rose Government. The Province bas crepe dresis, Meek squirrel. +rimrmed been: spending an111ione all '• over the coat, with hat and gloves to matc4e province some o2 It between . •Godo- , - rich and Clinton. it le hard to ' understand on Ede aoleount, the , • • • • • •v 5 • reason that Mr. Strong ehould point 1: PEOPLE WE KNOW air. J. H. Fear and Miss Elisabeth, to •tbe County of Huron as.* • * • * * * * * • also Masses E. Patterson and Jessie horrible example, particularly when Little of Brussels spent the week Iris own couneil tree iso special Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean, . St. end is Toronto also attended the ice effort to show. I Thomas, called on Brussels friends carnival there. Criticism of the expenddturee of i Mamie Th T Toronto was a II welcome 1 v r the Mrs. Kreuter and family attended • see a to.iun, Carried. There being no further business the meeting'adjonrned. ETHEL Rev. Mr. I:olloek of Winghani' foianerib' of Whitechurch, preached the . service den the Presbyterian church en Sunday. Rev. -Mr. Taylor eonducting services at Moloseal011n and Gerrie chmrckee A quilting will be•held at' the home of Mrs. J. H. Fear- on Wednesday of this week, terisaD The Mission Band (Ptesby was held en •Saturday at the home of Maas. Alex Dunbar, their leader, with a good attendance: Mr. and Mrs. John Leitch and aim Ivan and family, also Mrs:' MacLean of Norwich. visited /Mrs. A. 'Lergte'r. Mrs. Leitch Sr., went home witp,, them for a vistt. Miss Ina Turnbull of the 8t1 fSon , Grey, left a week ago for Ottair where she has 'taken a position' t the 'Civil Service there. We wish' her"- t41 success. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Meehan • of Dresden and children spent ' a few days here, to attend his brother's .. funeral at•Wingham. Our sympathy is extended the sorrowing brothers; ankl sister, Mrs. V. Inglis. on Saturday. - Geo. and Mrs. Kreuter, John arra omlpson, oro .o the County of Huron are. visitor at her hone /ere over the funeral at their' brother at Any suggestion/ that is made for the -weekend, Winghaer Friday. betterment *2 .affairs hag' always • Mises Mae . and Verla Fisoh.er, Mr. and Mrs. !Jostle Machan an d. been tlian'kfuliY received, and care - their were week end visitors at gid of IStree'1avillc attended the fallY considered, But when mite their home here. funeral of the former's 'brother; the A Hunter, local post 1. We hope his recovery Thursday; also visited Mrs. Machetes ,, m t dem le 'accompanied by reflections is quite it on the patriotism, as er, late Gordon Macbaar�;a/t Win'gham on of the /County will be sp Council, it lei keenly resented. Mr, and fMrs C A Knox o! To. Several, from. hare' attended 11 eedy, parents, Mr. and erre, A.. Heath, T R P tt on ronto were week end guests of Mr. el 'ark match a Seafossth on we County Engineernesday nigherand Mrs. Herb. Manning. -• Miss Jessie Little and. Mise Eliza- beth Fear attended the skating ear - 'Meal in ,Terento on lSetur•day. Mrs; M. Thornton bad the pie. ll break ,her leg. She was visiting at the Inane of her son in Galt. Mr, Cleve Bather, who has, "been I Geduld" March 17, 184/2, ' Mr. Clank Cardiff' 02 Brussels vie: United Church W.M.S. The Woman's Missionary 'Society of •tine United church was held at the home of Mrs. P. A. McArthur on FridayFridayafternoon. The /meeting Was opened with devotional ester- cisee by the president, Mgrs, 1t, B, Hamilton. Mra. H. Manning read the scripture lesson: and the minutes . of .the as meeting were read by the iaecretitry, Mian • H, Downing, The treasurer's report was given by Mrs, R. S. MoLautdhlin, The report of Ike visiting committee was given by Mrs. E. BItea, The report of the floral eommrittee was given by IY2rs. A. Backer. Leaflets' regarding .price ceitinea were given out and the ladiesi were astral to co-onerete. A wnie was• given by 'erre. R. "Ccnsins on". ,1 raadeng by Mrs, el. L. Lewitt ,Silent prover waw led by tine wrest .ient. the Mot rheaiter of the elegy 10ir eras taken by luiiatl StetIle Deeming, aselotet1 Tsar Mies M. R,Nrn Inson. Mra, C. L, Lewis end Mike F. • • ed Mrs. C'ardiff and son, et the Kraemer/o.._.. of JKraemer/ve or the weekend, for tune to fa and a The death of 'MMS, G'eo, lediemler took place early' Sunday nrornias. BLUEVALE Mr, and, Mrs, Graben' Campbell entertaned over twenty reelatives ,and friende, at dinner at.tlreir Mane, 2nd .00nce.mion. 5ikarris, ,Saturday, to honour their angle, C. B. l'`orrest, On the oacasi:on of :hie 79th hIrthday Among the gneetsi were . Mr. For - rest's sister, Mrs: Anson -Shaw and son Ita,iph: Rev, O. Teener and Mrs. Tavener, 13'tuevale. Visitors: Miss Isobel McKinnon, Waterloo, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Meeh: en: A. D. Smith, R. C. A. F., Brantford, at Ma home. Mr. end Maes•, Joe Mansholt, Mr. and Mrs, J. Wickstead, Listowel, with Mr, and Mrs.. A. D. 1Smith:l .M•r. and Mrs, Stens Masters, `Parkhill, with Mf. and Mrs. Jahn Hall, confined to les home with • a broken limb for some weeks, made his first trip etio the butcher shop onn'Saturdey Name 'Huron Official • For Plebiscite Vote GODRRIOH, March X24.—Announce- meat has' been made that for the Federal Government's plebiscite to be take* on 'Monday, April -27, the •retitraiing officer for North Huron; and K. M. McLean Of See- • forth haw the same office in Huron' Perth. Horace J. Fisher of Godentah lt WA be She had been (Mite 111' for some time. .Soon, Fuheral was held Tuesday aEtern Our deepest •sympathy is extended her• 'husband ' and daUgitter, Mrs. 0. Richards. Mise Elizalbeth Fear bas resigned her ,position as teacher in the Jr, room of the 1''uhlie School and will leave .for a similar no&iti'on in 'Wood- stonk, after Easter holidays. tirs. Jag, Currie of Atwood will 1111 the vacancy. , • Personale—LAC. Stanley Alex- - ender of Trenton int lays borne, Mr. R,tautav 'Ssx*irotr of llrantford Mr. otanllnv Witaoll axil Miss• roues of Namiltosl with (tiles asarenta John and Mrs. Wfiehn. MISS 'Elizabeth Bar- s. ten of Ttanu{ttotn, ludas ''Bette Drintror R'*rdwich. Mr. Willis' Machan, 'lac:.• A.>~., Goo,*with big, parents .Stan• 'ley and arra. Machan,