HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-3-4, Page 5Western Oats
On Hand
D. M. ,MacTavish •
hon 46 ru`ssels.
Former Huron County
Doctor Succumbs
+Dr..Malcolm•, Ferguson 'Digs
at (Horne in Toronto
TORONTO March.2.—AM active
,practitioner in Toronto and in Huron
'Oouuity. for half a century, Dr. .1140.,
(*ha(r Ferguson died at his;',' home,
here today atter a long illness.
Rolm in Harrlstom 80 years ago
he'mast educated in kbarristan
schools, Model .School and gradu-
atedronn old Trinity College in
1892. Dr. Ferguson began his prac-
tice 1n Ethel, near Brusesis, and
waswwidely known in Huron County
for 35 years (before ,coming to
He wag an .elder of Kew Beach
United Church, a me -inter .of St.
Jlaima Masonic Lodge anti Aced-
emy.of Medicine.
He is survived by his widow, for-,
rawly 'Olearlotte Davies of Ethel, a
son, Dr. C. Rosen Ferguson, Copper
(Cliff, anal a daughter, Edith Form -
son, • Toronto; onebrother, Dr.
John Ferguson, Mount Forest, and'.
two Sisters, Mrs. Donald Smith
Hariiston and Mrs. Malcolm Mc -
Cannell, North Dakota.
Funeral was held here Wednesd Ly,
Mbtris directo.s of the Federation
08 Agriculture met int the Township
Hail on Monday .afternoon, hringiug
in the survey .sheets, and making
arrangements "for further meetings'..
•300 sheets were returned and 72
new mennbens received•
cdde'd•,to hold a 'public meeting in
the Townnship• Hall in the near-
future., It is hoped to have 2 or 3
speakers, ,one to speak on co.
operation aniong cream ai'awens thus
cutting cosh of drawing cream and
giving •fanner snore for his cream.
Further notice •of this meeting will
be given. It was else left to the
four directors in the North; marl'
Hanniltaa,.-Williaan P'eaco'ck, Wallace
otice to Creditors
A.11 persons,'having claims againut
thee: bdiate'roif' George King ,Warwick
:late ,bitnttle•Totvnls4tip of Grey in the
Ciipalty o11.1drirdn, Fanner, who 'died'
on or about the thirty-fia,st day of
} Jantuaty, 4,17 1942, are 'notified to
to , I$, Crawford, Wingham,
Ontario, on er;before the fourteenth
day, taf Nfercit,. 1942, full particulars
of rthelr, claims in writing. lan-
media'e3y. after the .said fourteenth
' day,of ,tJhe as'slests' of the said
`,testator, will rte distributed amongstthe ,Pastries, entitled thereto, ,hkving
regardyon1ly to. claims' of which the
` executors, shall then have notice:
DATED this, 23 day of February,
Wiuglram, Ontario,
Solicitor for tine Executors,
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Archibald Livingston
McDonald late of 'the -Village of
Brussels in (the. County of Huron,
drover, who'dled' on or about the
fifth day of December, A.D. 1941.
TAKE NOTLCE that all parties hav-
ing claims or demands against the
• estate a4 the above deceased trust
mail rparticulars and proof of canter`
to the undersigned executors, or
their salheftbt, on. or ;before the
twenty-third day df March, A.D. 1942,
coon which date the. said executor?
Will :proceed to distribute the
ariee'ta with regard only to those
inidels, =shFa:Lla"then°Inaba.
DATED at Brussels. this third day of
March AD,. 1942.
Donis McDonald
Ian McDonald
by their solicitor C.` JOSEPH STEN-
Brussels, Ontario, tor Elmer
Bell absent on Active !Service.
Agar and Lyle Hopper to snake
arrangements for a meeting in, the
Built Fire Under Truck
Brigade. Saves Barn
We have heard the story of thsl,
hasrlty mule, .and the driver startiva
a fire under the animal to wake him
up, only to have'him move off the
fire and burn! the load of hay,.ha
the first mnan.. to try this trick with
a truck Lives n Thor'nlbury—entd„
here's the tale:
When George D. IBinkley 'Iff"
Thern'bur)y lit a' fire under his truck
to hntiu iihe'oil ..befoi'e starting it, the
truck caught fire, In true resulting.
blaze he truck, garage and' other..
articles were lost. It was, only time
mo of neighboib who formed a bit*,
et brigade that slaved the bat and
stable nearby. There wag no.
Died In Winnipeg
(Listowel Banner)
ord was' received here Tuesday
oaming, Feb. 1:701:70117of the death of
former Molesworth.resident, Mrs.
Arable McDonald, who .passed away
in Winnipeg that anorning, death
being due , to hemorrhage of the
The deceased, whose maiden name
**as M•mbel Elliott, was tine daughter
of the' late Mr. and •Mrs. Thos.
nulott of mroleeworth, Mus: Lorne
;1'0ampbell af.Listowel is a sister, and
VI.osshvs, W411 Elliott of `MoIeslworth
'pa Ales pllliott, 2nd don,; of Grey,
,,,5'e.brathens, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Canrlpltiell loft Tuesday for Winnipeg.
,:to attend the fun ta,l. '
a FordwiClr Record
Thousands of people in russets and ' district are wearing
,RE'D'S GLASSES with , effect satisfaction. If you have
headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread
your needle or read --sed Mr. Reid and` have your eyes
thoroughly examined by .him:' Lowest prices at all tithes.
Lateststyles of Glasses r,
Brussel Office
R. ,A' ,s REID It., Cis Every Wednesday
Afternoon '4.0O to 5.00
it, OPTf�METfi18T''.',i.(..
Store '—• Phone 81
A• Quantity of Dry Soft Wood.
phone 234r-16 Han McKinnon
A 03118 fold containing sum of
money and registration card bearing
Antes Metr's mane,
Kindly leave at Post.
Htty. ,apply to r
phone•,4ox, 11d. Bates or
Tq{it. Ketiington
' LOST--,
White Hamad', With dark head and
daiik spot on back.
phone 1 or 2 W. S. Scott
Girl or Boy to work in Grocery
store. apP'ly
phone 31 ;Brussels; Post
000 bus. of 6 -rowed Barley at 110
per pound. apply to
D. N. McDonald
About'10 tons, of Iia,, Clover and
Timothy, 'plied, on Lot, 26, :Con, 15,
J. M. Bray, Listowel,
Frame House 20' x 26'
phone 1.8-r-16 ..Olnarlte Murray
"9th Con., Morris
A girl or .woman to start work at
phone 46-h-11 , .Geo McKay
R. R..3, Monik'toli
Good 'Smoking {Pipes; over. 100
:,different chanes to: choose Brom-25c
to $1.26. • Throw away that old one
and get a new one:
phone 5 A. M. Grewar
White Leghorn. hatching Eggs,
also custom hatching done.
phone 1'11x -r-2 Brussels
Wesley Stephenson
Th,e • Otaco Tinteh' Ai{t tr ac, ` A
fold line of • implesnen t i ,• ,Steel
wheels., all sizes. Steel., reels for
-autonndbile'tires., else Delaval Cream
Separators and Milkers.
Thomas 'Grant phone 42x -r-2
hoarse and lots owned by 'birs. A.
H, 'Macdonald on Turmberry Street
in the Village, of Brussels, Apply to
C. J0S1PH BENSON, -fsolicitor,
Brussels, Ontario. •
To hear from party hiaytng 100 -
acre farm for rent. Buildings to be
in good shape.
apply .to Richard ,Carter,
phone 42-r-26 Brussels
1 house and lot known as 256 and
1 vacant lot known ,as 257. Situates
on ?rhe. North West.side of Albert St.,
in the village of Brusssels. This is
to close out 'the Estate 'of the late'
;Anmsnbell'Hoist, deceased.
apply to—Mr. E ;11 Hoist, ,
8533 rid Winton; Rd..
Toronta Ont.
Victory (..oar Rally
Mae V1etar'y iLoen (tally held is
Nle ;Oomucunity Hall, Cranbroals, on
Thursday, Feb, OG+i1t, by SES, IND, 8,
Gro}', Was a huge sucoose,
Rev. Mr, Burton of 'Clinton , •wa's
unable to get tlu'ough the OVUM"
roads, but hie place was tehy,'fwell
filled by Reeve Bowman of rJseis,
ti`Ihe,pupilm put on .a. very got"i*i ono_
gran.{ of singing and dialogues ..Nile
older people gave a, delightful e
A edit had been donated; a '�tii
Pupla's solei tickets On it to the
tune of $125:50 Dut•fng;:iynel,,t3,iltid
three•year-oid Maxine SmralldtinUr ew
theticket. The lucky winnerX', was
Mlasiter Jack 'Whitfield, onettOf the 1
minks who. .hail sold . tickets. The
mianry friends of Air Gunner Harold
Hwether presented him with a beau•,
taut wrist watch. Harold hes.ylelt
for; an Eastern Canadian 13or£ r,fl'
will go overseas in the near future,
The remainder of the evening was
spent in. dancing. $69155 has been•
sent to CKI' X Orphanage Fund and
a 'similar amount to the Red" Cre,,;
The. teacher and pupils of flits' l'stiile,
.country sroh�ool ar'e' to be con gratu
llarted' on their effort. The siihooi
,'board . wishlles to thank theseilVeliW,
aeislsteili in belting .tickets, era, also
'those who bought tickets'
rr 4�
Women',S Institut w'i me
The e 7 et
on -Thursday afternoon, Bip`r1i 12/13,,
at,the home of Mrs', L,' Lak "hi
Roll Call,.will be answered nth r�ny
drollest exi3 riende with
Topic 'Is the freedom alloweu(1to
modern young people goo. ,for
them?" Mrs. Melnnis. Ire h a hnun^
Pearson Economy (Shure
thel Ont. Phone 22r7
SPECIAL^Ladies New Spring Dresses
sizes 16 to $2 • 98c up
CLEARING .--F/4nneletteRlq; kkets.
"Large sizes several patterns , m • • • • •$2,49
SPECIAL price op,•Wjndbreakers
Leather and Mackinaw
Just arrived New Spring Prints:
large assortment priced 'right,
(Save Sugar)
No. '1 Clover Large Pail • • • • • - . • • 98c
small pail ••••'•.••••:'49c
Amber Honey good quality
Large pail 69c
t .. small -pail 39c
'.SPECIAL 'Campbell Tomato Soup
3 cans for • • •• 25c
Full Line of Feeds
For Better Results feed
Rose Brand Chick Starter
or AAC Chick Starter
:We have •
'Bran, Shorts, Oil Cake, Pig Starter, Hog Concentrate,
0 Poultry Concentrate, at reasonable prices.
Livingston Stock Feeds.
Many MlcIntosh. All ladies are in-
vited to. attend. •>ei^ Highest Cash Prices y
M's's Roby' Gill,.08 Londonwforute1r „ osier
recent appendix. olreraEians::no,o .a• for Eggs LG poultry.
lY :of here is recovering vilely, froiru::
aLeri . ..l �.
Con ra uratic sare in gider 4$pl en
.. .__ ... , .
Mr; and Mrs: •AL1, Ring of Snagtfonh 4:-.
In the gift of a son last weekbc,They ;sr'! 1$e.
were former residents 6here. iy1;.,i:,3..0 #A
.he annual banquet of the Presby,e�
terian •:church wild be held;>(1 1 i
evening, March 60h. +'nor. ''
Miss Rath McDonald of tlte,tt *ic 1 1
Con., Grey, is assisting •Mrs: •Maiiiijce
Hewitt at present,
. Misses Elizabeth Fear Jesste
4.1tile, Edith' ,Patterson. atitcl rs,
Adele Peansbn ,spent ,Satter •day b rn
L.A.C. 'Stanley Alexandear was f .1i
home for a. few days from rt en,'ton {J, w i
He Made the journey by flyinggl to. ;.,,,
Toronto and motoring the rest ql ,?lie '
di r a}:
Mrs. R6clannond Sm:, of Hamilton i
visited a few days recently at *.Dr I1
C. It. Riclnuh'ond's. , {
!Miss, Donis Lave has returned , to
her home in. Hamilton, afteor, a visit, ,
with, her grandparents here I
:Mrs. J, FI. Fear gave leer spacious,9,
home for a "'quilting; last, Wed
nesday. .
The Concert head last Friday night
in aid of the Red Cross work was
well attended. The local talent
ibrograc was well atended They
appointed a oomlmittee of six, }Virs,
C. Richards.,.Mrs. 'Stanley Spetran,
Mrs, Leonard-iStnclair and Mesttrs.
Maurice Ilewitt, Clifford Dunbar and
Geo. Dunib'ar to further apgalnt an
We are ,sorry to report the sadden.,
illness of Mrs, Geo, Eckmier, opt
trust she wilt soon feel better, also
Mn:. Wes, Solvers, ie nnd'er the f)r's,.
care at present. ,
Men of 30 40'50' 40, 550' ,One of the oldest ladies of iMr
PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? ' vLldage, Mrs, I. M. Henry, in her 90'tlt
Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vltaittyt
Year, d.onate4t a lovely cosy quilt to
Try ostrex Tonic. Tablets. 1, nt,th,,
tonics, stimulants, oyster elements' the Red Cross. She had a few ladies
invited •in to. help 'quilt' and tea was
served, She makes her Moine with
h er .son, Arthur and Mrs, Henry,
Cpl. Gordon •Snell of I3aanllton and
uncle, Mr. Scott lawtiluo'rne a:f .Sea -
forth called! on Rev. ,and Mrs, . H,
.Smell on Sunday.
The WM.'S. (IPreeibyterian) will
meet at the home of Mrs, ,Stanley
Ail:erander this week. Topic to lie,
taken by Mrs, Geo. Dunbar. Ctti'i•elit'
event,: by Ma•
bs, MoNah:' The i�h�isl
Auxiliary will meet on, Satin dray' at
Mr a, (Dr.) C. R. Rieltnnond's,
'mere urn s few oases of German
Nrenahasr in the vicinity.
P eraonala
Pte. (''n0•++ nn Baker of London •at
Mr r'bn,dw• 13airui s.
11.40v Dnnhbar, howl : neat'
• "ndi iluilt of i+en'gns at
f1+„r,. Route:.
Ml. C Itichtat'd's of Hamilton, Mr,
Stanley Slteiratr of Brantford.
Misses Helen Sardine and Wilms:
Woodcock of Toronto at 10, Jarcdine's'
Mr, !Calvin Kreuter of Winglranr,
at itis .tome here,
aids to normal pep after 80, 90 or 60.
' Get a special introductory size for only,'.
98¢. Try this aid to normal pop and vim
today, For sato at all good drug atom,
A section of the fuselage of a British
"Wellington, 'Soother undergoing
treatment at the hands of an electric ;11
iliveten Usually 11 takes only flvo ?
rls,ys+ for British bombers, dahaaged
during raids, on enemy targets o8 by
forced lendinge on their return from
raids, to be repaired and sent out on
the job gain, with the Royal Air
Force The (battle -scarred aircraft
are taken to repair depots, where
they are examined, strapped, and
overhauled. If the machine is too
badly damaged, they are mieaei'°
written off -as, -lost, for .all usable.
inetrnmentsI are removed, and the
rest resnnellted. •
Export Pa�kers
s ..
WANTED—.All kinds of
Live and Dressed Poultry
We will call at your place
for any qualntity.
Also—All kinds o Feathers & Horsehair,
Phone 70x Brussels, Ont.
For Highest Market Prates