HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-3-4, Page 4TIM BRUSSELS POST W] A'i osDAY, MAI int btu, 1942 Mrs. llouseketper :• This tried and approved Short ening is just what you need to be better satisfied with all your baking.. , start Using Easatirst N • O -'W SOLD 'ia]i Br ssels ' at' D 111cDonald5� = 'meat Market • ank • BELGRAVE. n WaWanosh W.;I. Enjoys Social 14o Women's. InsFittite group, . frf they:.truth line of Plant W Avaulosfi;' under the leadership of Mlao FriShy and) Mrs. Stanley Cook, held a progressive ,crbkinmole ,social at the home of ;Mr, and MTs. Cyrus Scott. A auuslcal program was era. iayed. The proceeds will; go for Situte'and" Reda Cross • Saoieti mac. ;Lunch was served. long, Morning Service ffiiniday school. and. church, r ser., vice; washeldin, the United church Sunday morning. The minister. Rev : G. H. Dunlap, sl.}oke front the text,' 11 will give :thee the treasures of darknesis.', Commences Series In the Anglican church, Reit...P•. 11. Streeter began a series- of Lenin ten -sermons, coniimencung'with the eubiect, "Is it right to do evil that good may result?" Refers To Victory Loan -'. Rev. A. M. Boyle of the Presbyter- ian church referred to the Vtetery,'i Loan in his Serail -On, taking as the tenet,• "Except these abide in the ship Ye cannot he saved." Patriotic hyms&s were sung. Mission . Band -'Meets. ' The• „Happy Hearts Mission Bawd of the United church met Sunday morning in the 'Schoolroom of the church during .the morning,. service, under the leadership ' of Mrs. T. B. Johnston with: an ,attndanc'e of twenty-eight.Audrey.-1McGuire was. in charge of the program. Clifford Kelly read the lesson. Readings were given by Mary Procter, ,Nora Cook, Lloyd Anderson. The 'story from the book, 'Lanterns in .the Ohina S2cy," was read by Audrey McGuire. 'Gladys Campbell' land. Mm9el Anderson sang' a duet. The regular meeting .of the Young People's Union of the United e'h1.ueli wast held Wednesday evening.... Clif- ford Walislr;was in 'Charge and ,Mrs George J,bmsttin 'acted ash aeeompan 1st. The 'Sculpture lesson frons the gospels Was read by Miss 'Janie Armstrong. Rev. G. Dunlop led, in ,prayer. George Johnston read' two poems from Tony's Scrap Book. The president, Ross Anderson, conducted the business'. It was decided to take: up a collection at each meeting instead: of at the missionary meeting only. It was also decided to have a 1St. Patriot's sooial on Marob 18. Mass Edith Procter gave the topic "De- velopment of Oharaater." I . Personals., Mrs, John E, Me Cal- luax has returned after spending a week in (Loudon with her daughter Mss. George 'Imes; MISS Anne Geddes with relatives in Toronto; Mrs. IL 'Wheeler, with Mrs, A, Shaw of Bluevade. • WALTON assa,exu aggs. on Tuesday evening about 160 pothered in the Community Hall to heron; .IYIr; and Mrs. Herold Bolger, newlyweds. 'At • lunch Mr. •,'C.. Grainger read an address while Stewart FcCa, Bert Johnston and George Pollard presented them with a studio couch: 'and mirror, Harold evade a suitable reply. The gather- ing sang "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." The nuiusne was swpplid by' the Price `orchestra of Winthrop at/tea: which the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, ., The Red Cross held its muontllf meeting with a good attendan'cll. The meeting was iw oharge of the president, 'Mrs. W..0. Bennett and 'three 'guilts were completed. Plana Were made to Qio1d an amateur con- test the latter part of March In which •allsections of the community, will take part Miss Ethel Dennis is eouvenbr. Next meeting the ladies are to bring something baked with out sager for sale anti proceeds are to buy pa'tdhes for • guilts'. The meeting closed with God Save the King after which 'sandwiches' and •epee Were served. personals, Misfit J. Simpson `has returned home after a month's visit at linden and Brantford; Harold Young,' Edmonton, Alberta., with t Mrs. Tomas Yooeang and Mr. sad" Mrs. William Dundias, in Mo'Killop. fi fROXETER The business men's carnival Wed nesdzy evening attracted -n. large crowd to fiche'ivnk.:. The list of peieb: winners is: best pati1 tic coetut4 Gilbert •1lowes 2, Mary Meehan,• beat dressed lady; 1, Margaret Mpf- fatt;. 2, Rita Gaalowey; best"dressed gent;1; Alvin. '•Moffatt; , 2, 'Lloyd Hockrtdge best clowui, Robert Oaselnore; "best lady skater,. Lenore Tylislon; ''best gent :skater, Dori Copeland; oldest :skater onr ice, Mrs, J. W. Allen; youngest skater of ice, Bonnie Higgins; . ladies' race, 1Vlargaret ;Moffatt, 2, Dario. C"4-- hraith; gents' race, 1, Don Sl haef er, 2, Oliver Wilson; 'best dress girl, 1, Margaret Wearring, 2, 1U irr Dmmin', best dressed boy, Bradi'4' Galbraith; 2, Glenn MeMichuSli girls' race, 14 and . under, 1, Jeaii &Logatt, 2, Lois Ilaesthly; boys' race,, 14 and, under, 1, 'Verne Hasehly, 9 Lloyd Townsend; girls' race 10 add under, Jeate Moffatt, 2, fine ' Waki ter; boys' race, 10 .and under,' Glee MnMItliael, 2, Lylei' ida-A lucky door prize, Bradley Gal'. East Huron - Produce !Eggs, Poultry 81 Feeds tto fib ljouLTiltir FEEDS !Commercial Feeds' MIll-Feeds e":Bone Meal 'Oyster Shell Cod Liver Oil Grit " .. Everythillg to make the hens lay `A' Grace eggs , . `e are in the market fur all kinds Of POULTRY! "Flock Culling A Specialty" Bring Us Your Eggs ( ur Motto - Wiest Grade e < ore' every egg {O�i1p•?6®+Ab#'4i�N��N�N�ii*NjN�ii�H�N�.1�i}�QO�N�H�H� ;i The Tillie To Buy a Used Car:':'or `m Privately Owned Car is . N aithtt:s+toutest person on skates, S• ex• Gaseuiore. PPS moctaas44t•'daiuce followed the carelisaivasid Was enjoyed by all. "'B'uitablet urine wasp provided dur- ing, the: evening. Ati Gortvention • � n rs F •R. Sanderson is attending thQ horticultural convention which is being' held in the King Edward Hojel„Toronto. . ackson Motors LJStow,el,Ontario W:H- Irt-? BECAUSE you can buy more gas to ' run them titian, we can to sell them, No More,. New'Cais available, to the driving ,public.. We have.,some privately owned cars as good as new --well tired. :New car condition throughout: • Will not refuse any ' reason able offer. k slut! A Sick. twr an4erous Do you have persistent headaches and backaches? Are you tortured by rheu- uratic pains in muscles and joints? A faulty liver is clogging your whole sys- tem, Serious ill health may result Your liver is the bo and d most importantito your he tlth n 1 supppl es energy to muscles, tissues and glands. If unhealthy, gout body lacks Iles energy and becomes enfeebled ---youthful vim chsappeats. Again your liver pouts out bile to digest foot, get rid of waste and allow proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order proper digestion and nourishment stop—you're poisoned with the waste that decomposes in your intestines, Nervous • trophies and rheumatic pains arise from this poison. You become constipated, stomach and kidneyscan't work properly. The whole i system s affected and you feel"rotten," tread• achy, b !.achy disay, tiredout—a ready prey for Sickness and disease, r :1 Thoesaads of people are never sick, and have won prompt relief from these miseries with "improved Pruir•a•tives Liver Tabiet5" "rho., liver es toned up, the other organs function normally and lasting good health results, Today 'Improved Fmk -a -rives” are Canada's largest selling liver tablets. Theynr{1st be gond!Tty them yourself NOW. het "fruit-a•tives" put you back on the road to lasting health --k feel like a new person. Ole, 50c. "Always In Pain, Now Grand Relief" I suffered so badly from rhet- matismand Aeu- - ritislcouldhardly walk upstairs or close my hands. After taking rruit-a•tives for , four days the swelling left my handl, and I was , able to climb s, ladder. I hove no more bother With rheumatism or neuritis and advise any person stiffen» 'as 5 have to use Fruit -a clues. they give quick, relief. i..., Wrlifani J. Tro..y, "Sick F'or Years, In Hospitali— ties,/ Find' I had a bad case et billowiness and constant stead. achetrsand back• ' achrs. I became so III I had to go to a hospital. Norio Mg I tried would hempuntiiistatted taking bruit -a, fives. In a very �• Short time any troubles dlsap- pheadachesoared. Now I have no more diSework With ut heti' 4fre, FI Dodson, irrndon, Ont. • •BLUEVALE We were sorry to hear Mrs. Henry Bole 'has been 'sick for a couple: of weetks'aad' 'gists to hear she is getting. 'bet`Eei again. Mr Ross Tu -vey of Camp Borden sOrettt the week end with lois par- ents and Salter''. .. M(r,'and. IMIrs. Glias. Bouch and lam ly visited on Sunday with. 11Ir• and Mrs. 'Jim' Inlunston. 11l'r.'Itun asi')Bernard of the Air not .at Guelph visited ..over the we c (i1.d With, his. • parents and .. bbrainierr at Bldevale. Mir. and Mrs. Cilias. Jones of Au- burt visited on Sunray with Mr. and Mrs liobt.'Micalennan and family, 1st 'nue Miss' ITobe1 'Mckinnon of Kitchen• e' spent the week end with her par. entsu • Mrs Arose McEaven left on Tues• day to. visit with friends at Toronto, hem',$is'ter returnetlhome after spend- ing 'a couple of weeks with Mrs. M'ol'aven, " My 1 rank MIeQuillan of -the Air Fos c(e •'at Manning Tool. Toronto, spenjt the week end w'itb Mr. and Mrs.i Calf Johnston. Mr. Alvin Smith of the Air Force at Brantford apealt the week end with finis wife and daughter at Bluevalei. Mr, Spence Mlcliinnom of the hank .'half at Waterloo is spending a oouile of week's' holidays : with hie parents at Binevale. 'Mrs. Addison Fraser and Eva have been sick fon' a week. We hope tlsoy Will soon bebetter again., • USED CARS " 1930 Ford Coach _ 1929 Oldsmobile Coach 1929 Plymouth Sedan 1932 Ford Coach 4 cyl. 1933 Ford Coach 1932 .Chrysler Coupe 1934 Ford Sedan 1935 Ford Coach' 1935 Dodge Coach 1936 Chev. Sedan 1936 Ford Sedan 1936 Ford Coach 1937 Ford Coach 1939 Dodge Coupe 1939 Ford Coach 1939 Ford Sedan 1940 Ford Coach 1940 Ford Sedan 1940 Mercury Coacli 1941 'Mercury Sedan TRUCKS 1936 Ford Pick-up 1937 Ford Pick-up 1937 Dodge Panel 1935 Ford Panel 1937 1% -ton Chevrolet 1934 Chevrolet 2 -ton 1935 Ford 2 -ton 1936 Ford 2 -ton 2-1939 Ford 2 -ton TRACTORS ONLY --3 New Tractors Left also a New Cultivator & Disc in Stock. 1—Used Tractor and Oliver Plow in' Stock. HORSES Brown Clyde Mare 3 yrs. Brown Clyde Mare 1 yr. Brown Clyde Mare 4 yrs. Black Gelding 4 yrs. . Brown Clyde Mare 6 yrs. 1 Good 'Driving Mare •t. iii The Jackson Motors Ltd., Listowel Ontario have been advised t ito-day that they are to receive 5 New Cars called Pool , Cars. If yon' pre eligible for one of these, cars;$et your order in early. •rip .Ys:"..' •s' For Further Particulars See Saved From Tofpedoed Vessel Or., Alvin , Crooke tial received Word ;that his son, Kenneth, itas iar}i'ved at an' Caste'r's Canadian port itr l% lifeboat after 2115• ship, a Can- ad4 dnert:hantinan, had Been toriaet.iett on, the Atlantic. Many of l is shipmates, were lost. Kenneth left' l4ontresl on weptemlber lst last I.and,•ttacl since 'lbeein sienna' tike d'vov1)ti," Twenty -ones years of age,'tie' as -been sailing since the spring of '+4.98•$, the first three seasons on the Croat -Lances, fie 'Went to the At last c -hs Dsloesnbelr, 1940,—•goderic . Signat,Star, SPECIAL NOTICE. L. & W. Jackson Motors Ltd. .+. . X ♦..: t t LISTOWEL, ONT. ,t; NiNiiiiNiNiN•N�H ••-•••-•••-••4••••••••••••••••••-4 jN•H�NjH•N•HtNiNiNiN•NiN•Hi•••••% iNiNON•N - L.•_i ♦.i.a _ r y .�ii ii♦.i♦i ♦.i. Vegetable Seeds Nave - Arrived In Britain ' A shipment of two tons of -vege- table gardens seeds, sent by the Federated Women's Institutes • of Ontario to 6he Brutish Women's In- stitutes for early spring planting, has arrived safely in Britain, according to officials of the Wo- men's Institute- 13rauch, Ontario Dept, of Agriculture, Toronto. The seed cost $2,000 and will augment to a considerable extent Great Britain's fresh vegetable output this year. Also of interest to the local Institute is the announcement • that recently the Federated; Women's Institute of Ontario presentsa $800 to the Chinese War Relief Fund, the money going direct to Mans. Chiang KaeShek, for distribution. -Tao, figures showy that the Ontario Red' Cross Society has shipped 238,232 pounds of jean overseas% the result of the joint effort of .the Women's' Institutes and the Red Cross: Re- poe'ts of Woanemfs'Intslitute branches also show that $27,023 was raised for war work. 1.1.1 .1111..Th:.,,,. ! +' _ •1 ._ FLOTSAM.,, AND JETSAM./ Cartoon from . cNo London DailyrMu •M