HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-2-25, Page 7...114••••••••01•••••••.•••••11141,101010•MOMMININIMM,T., THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, il7d3 3 1942 2b1 - Here IiiNews About RADIOS We Have A Limited Quantity Of Battery SetslLe(t If you are considering purchasing a Radio NOW1S THE TIME TO DO IT! As no more of these are available. SEE THEM AT THE Radio Shop . Brussels BURGESS Phone 92X and GENERAL BATTERIES Box 51 ) CANADA'S WAR EFFORT ' A weekly review a developments I on the Houle Front: FOili. 12-19, 1942. 1, Second Victory Loan oft to good start. IPProt two ,cloyo a three weeks camilutign Yield: 985,436000 in • aubacriptions Objedtive 9600,000,000, 2. Chief Justice Sir Lyman, Duff appointed Coamnissioner to investi- gate circumstances under whioh comma. ntroops sent to Hong King. 3. Canadian atr squadrons in heavy fighting as. German battleShips ,Sdharnhorsit end 'Oneiseniati dash. um English Channel [from Brest to their Heligoland base. 4. Sharp increase recorded in vague .00 Canada's domes& °spore. January total 9150,620,000 compared with .986,921,000 in torresponding tineutil last year, an advance of over 73 per cent. Shipments to ' United • Kingdom increased over 54 per cent. 5. Excise tax .on/ sugar reduced from 2,,to 12/2 cents per pound. a. To prevent tire thefts., it has beeni rade an offence to sell or mar - chase any tire from which aerial numlber has been ramobed. 7. Permisaion, granted for raising prices, of light and [heavy fuel oil in Britialli Columbia. Nn increase in retail ,price Of gasoline •contem- plated. 8. Women university graduates and under -graduates needed for in- spection Board of the United King- dom. and Canada. Recruiting of some 600 or more girls and women be- tween 20 and, 40, with, advanced training in, mathelmatics, chemistry or radio, to begin at once. 9. Canadian, eggs for Britain to be shipped in future in, dried powdered form instead of ir the shell, 10. Enemy aliens ordered to evacu- ate coastal area of Bratish Columbia, weet of Cascade range, by April 1. 11. Four persons in Toronto fined 85 'each for icontraveniag sugar rationing regulation& 12. Use prohibited of brass anal other non-lienaus metals for clog lieentse tags, key tags; coat and hat. cliecks, bicycle license plates and :metal tokens. 13. Further restrictions, imposed on use of tin • for packaging food. stuffs, °Palmettos and toilet -articles. The Ladies Load &me 191 operations are required in; ,the manufacture ot , the. steel. body, of an army rifle. fad of , these are on the and in one plant all but three are done by women. Conserve Gasoline A boanlbdr flying from London to Berlin and, back requires as Tatzedi gasoline as that used by •twelve average, passenger . cans, 'travelling. from Ilittlfax'to-Vancouver and baok. Conserve gasoline. • Men of 30, 40, 50 „PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Want normal pep, vim, vigor, vitality? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Contains tonics, stimulants, oyster elements— aids to normal pep after 20, 40 or 50. Get a special introductory slze for only 550. Try this aid to normal pep and vim today. For sale at all good .drug stores. Faker Still At Large Goderich Signal -Mar: The man wilt ten days ago defrauded adjutant Florence ;Williams a the ,Balvation Aunty ,out of 949.50. in a worthless, cheque deal, is still atlarge, al- though he le wanted in five, 'and Perhops, snore, •places: on similar •thargee He ,trimmed the preaffient of the Harriston lbransth of the Can- adian Legit:in...oat of 918 ,by• telling a story of overstaying his, leave from a unit in Nova Scotia and borawing they +money with which to pay his fare. Hie military, papers were all in order, including his ticket of leave, pay. book, ete. Ile even signed ant order authorizing his parnaster to than -d ever the money. He is, of couse, a deserter and a professional flim.flatat artist. BUY VICTORY ailOra iS NOW. vimin.1••••10., c-keSNAPSI-10T GUILD • DEVELOPING AND PRINTING Want more fun from photography? Then try developing your own films. It's easy, and you can learn to do.it in very little time. • FREQUIDNTLY I've been asked the question: "How can I de- velop and print 7ny own pictures?" It's a good query—one that many or you probably have been wonder- ing abont—so I'm going to answer it today. Developing and printing, yon see, are in a way the finiehing touches In a photographer's education. Whem he first learns how to make his camera operate, It's as if he were going to elementary school. DIscovering 'what Makes "a .good picture aubiect is comparable to high school. And learning how to develop a print is •equivalent—in the photographic sense—to a col- lege edueation. It means you're hav- ing more fun too. To Mart your own developing the best thing is to purchase an inex- pensive developing and printing kit, You can get them—One might sag —hi alt shapes and sizes. That isn't important, but what really Is Important is that every set contains all you'll need in the way of chemi- cals and equipnient. And inducted in each set is an inatruotion beak - let which explains clearly and concisely the steps to follow in de. veloping a dint and maid)* a print. Such a leek le Invaluable lt an experienced photographer,isn't at , hand to help you get stared. But whatever kit you get—and the inexpensive ones will do nicely at first—you're going to need a darkroom to workin. A large, empty closet will be sufficient, al- though many photographers prefer to work in a larger space—such as a bathroom or kitchen 'which has been made lighttight by heavy cur- tains Over the door and windowe. Or perhaps you'd prefer to puild a regular darkroom of yout own either in the cellar or MU°. In any event when yon're estab- lished and ready to- begin work, you Won't have any trouble if 'you' fol- lew directioni. iaat's the secret of produaing high quality prints and negatives. Just follow the dire°, tion, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. However, here are a few tips. Keep your equipment and develop- ing solutions spotlessly clean; , watch eolution temperatures care- fully and don't work when they're below 60 or above 75 degrees; keep agitating your films and prints dur- ing development; and, finally, waeh everything -- prints and negatives ' —thoroUghlit--at least 20 minutes In running water. c 369 John van Guildee • Recruiting At Hins, Mark London Depot Reports Highest Monthly for More than a Year • LONDON,—The highest:, ,monthey total of enlistmenits in more than a year In military district No. 1 was recorded daring the ancigth of Janu- ary, when 987 men were e7d6sted for • active service in the Canadian army. These included recruits enrolled , at • No. 1 district depot, London, and No. 1 D. D. (Windsor detachment), as well as 2171 "R" trainees who went "active" at the Chatham and Kitchener basic training centres. • The January total 6xceeded by a substantial rowgin the high monthly • record for 1941, which was establish- ed last June with a total of 292 recruits. It wee more than twice the total for each of the month,s, of\ .octolber and November last year, When about '400 re4cruits, signed up, and nearly double that of December, with a total of approximately 500. • January's recruits. were represent- ativeof nearly every city, town and village of Western Ontario, Whale a considerable number came from the United States. Military district No. 1 now haa a • record of sulbsta,ntially more than 23000 army recruits, since the out- break of war. • Enlistments from Huron Elnlistments from! Huron county at No. 1 district depot, London, for the Period January 21st to February 3,rd were: James E. Broome, Wingham; Albert G. Powell, Godetrich; Herbert M. Gorillas, R,R, 4, Wingham; Robert B. iCamplbell, Clinton; Ken. neth Coleman, Brussels; Franklin C. Hopper, Winglean, Trainees go- ing "active" at Kitchener bask training centre in [December-Jann- ary period: W. El. Dunsford, Eveteri J. A. Patton, RR. 5, Setvforth. B. A. Green, Grand Bend; W. G. Burge, RR. 1, Brucefielc1; J. C. Rendematon, R.R. 5, Clinton; C. M. Elliott, Min" tont W. .T. McClure, Dungannon; .7, Craig, R:11. 2, Auburn; C. M. Stoughton, Auburn. .P'reelous Candlelight riatehneive el' nortrfor, rallipment, it errata 3115,0.00 to build wneef tbe 'giant 20,000.0en candleenwer Mutt - aircraft .searalitliglits tided btp the Canadian farces.. A (3tt,n9; Caterer (0 the feedstuffs yearly- bftr tihe three armed F,e14vitea tit Cara:din -la +0' analiatte M25,00(),(100 roundo at .fnnal :rattle by the Depart. Inert OI,Mithitions and ,Supply Itt one threeantill'h, ITerfad, n 1918 • T FIERE were 1,147,057 sub. A scribers to the last Loan during the war of 1914 - 1918. n 9 41 rL THERE were only 968,259 subscriptions to the • First Victory Loan although the popu- lation of Canada was more than 3,000,000 greater than in 1918. 194? EVERY person in Canada should subscribe to the Sec- ond Victory Loan and have: a share in the defense of Canada. This space donated to National War Finance Conimittee by EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO LIMITED London - Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg - Vancouver and their DEALERS Makers of DURO Pumps and gMCO Quality Plumbing Fixtures and Fittings ' Red Cross Ice Carnival An Ice Carnival will be held in Bruseels, Arena on Thursday, Feb- xi:any 26th ander the auspices of the Brustelst Brandt' of the Canadian Red Cross. A generous prize list has been prepared and there are costume classes to sett both old and young. Races are being ,arranged for. See the complete prize list elsewhere in Ella Issue If you skate, get your costume ready to win one of the prizes de you don't skate be there to watch the and. support thia war effort. Farm Trleip Getting • . • Good Wages - Wbile .ttere is a scarcity of help in ttlye townships adjacent to 7 mr, men that eve available as farm hands' are getting gen wages.' Some farm - era are paying over 500 a year for a good Mall. One nearby farmer the other day hired a man for 940 Per month. for .seven months and $45 far the remaining five months. In a few instancea evet higher wagea are being secured. 'while a few farmers are still carrying ou with hired help, even at higher wage scales„ many othera figure that it will pay them einnenilaraMennitet better to reduce their productic a point where their help re mentswill not ho important. tractors that can be hiat custom .work and possibly EMIT combines .v.:111 alas hello solve problem. 98,000 a Minute Contacts awarded and non menta made by the Department Munitions and 'Simply last totalled 92,1.00,000,000 or the eel Omit of an 94,000 contract e f minute of the day. ardi.(OrSlitalfRN PACT THREE ti (r '1,.,614 1,, BLIND LMICE t elmodo- Mitkor:,7