HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-2-25, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST WIDDNIORDAY, FJDB25th, 1942 THE MENACE of a hateful way of life casts its shadow across our homes. Victory Bonds will raise up a shield against it. So buy Victory Bonds to the limit. We cannot be half-hearted while this danger threatens, our very shores. Let us go.full out now and give such vigor to our country's effort as •to speed the day of victory. THIS MENACE This is the least we can do to lend out money for our country's defence. Buy a, sharein victory today-buyVictory Bonds. HOW TO BUY -Give youi order to the Victory Loan salesman who calls on you. Or place it in the hands of any branch of any bank, or give it to any trust company. Or send it to your local Victory Loan Headquarters. Or youcan authorize your employer to start a regular payroll savings plan for you. Bonds may be bought in denominations of $50, $100, $500, $1,000, and larger. Salesman, bank, trust company or your local Victory Loan Headquarters will be glad to give you every assistance in making out your order form. A42 National War Finance Committee, Ottawa, Canada Sub.Offices, Western Ontario WARTIME PRICES' AND TRADE BOARD London, Ont,, Fob. 17, 1942 ---Sub regional 'offices' 'of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board will be opened in Kitchener, Brantford, Galt and Guelph, according to an sumo:unuement made today by W. Harold MdThllltps; London, Ont., Prices and Supply Reinresembatiibe of the Western Ontario region oY the Board. "Plans are well advanced for the opening •o ,tike Kitchener and: Brant- ford :offices and the definite opening date will be announced 'within the next dew days," said Mr, Mc- Phillips, "Galt and Guelpiit offlceis will be eatab:listed asi soon as plans for odflce acoomunodation are eem- ileted," he added. 'Appointanenta of local represents. tines :and other miemlbera of the stetOs for sub -regional offices will be released shortly. The territory. Willdk will come under the jurisdidtiou: of Kitchen- er (pea will include Waterloo, 'Lis- towel, :Elmira, Palmerston, New Hamburg, Milveniton, Brussels and Kitchener. Galt office will service Preston, Hesmier and 'Galt. T11ie territory assigned to the Guelph :office iulclu'd'es. Meaford, Fergus, Acton, Mit. Forest, Harriston, Elora, Amfhnr Stayner, Thonnbury, Grand Valley Drayton and Guelph. Until offices, are opened. in Galt and Guelph, the Kitchener office will look after the territory assigned to these'two cities. Brantford office has,. been assigned the territory whldh includes Simcoe, Paris, Hage'rsville, Port Dover, Watent'ard, Port Rowan, Jarvis ae well as 'Brantford. , AU enquiries, conresDondence, claims and requests for information regarding the price ceiling law .in the districts outline above will be ]candled through ;brio eub-regional o4fl'oes. • The regional headquarters for Western Ontario are located at 291 Dundas, 'Street, London. "It is most gratifying the way the residents of- Western Ontario are co- operating with tine Wartime Prices and Trade `.Board in the light against inflation," said Mr. IMei?hillips. "Wherever a consunYe;c• or 'tenant feels that the .price ceiling law is being violated we went to know about it, without delay," he added.' A sub -regional .office was opened in Windsor an February 2, to nerve that part of the province. Honour Rol Gowing, Carl Alcock, John Alderson, J. Alms, J. B. '9I1, W. H. 'Bid' SM L', D, ('14eat.) 'i(fJndanll, Charles H. Bryan, Lorne Black, Bert Black, Donald Bryan, Rnasell Brothers, Lyle Brewer, J'. Bowler, I -tarry Borchelt, Fred Cardiff, Clifford Cardiff, Frank Cardiff, Wan. Campbell, ;lobo Coleman, Kofi. Davidson, Scott Ootid, C. ;[lobi, b, Elliott, BOO Galbraith, Geo, i :albraith, "13awmain Gillis Morris G.tilacti, Harvey Henderson, Archie Hall, Deb. Hall, Russell Hamilton, Allan 0. I1Ytother, lotto (R:C,..AF.) Harman, G. Harmon, John Hastings, Dame Hulley, Jim Lamont, Leonard Lowrie, Everett Lowe, Stewart Looking, ` ra. Myers, Dr, c, A. Machan, W'U,lia. (R.C,A,F.) McCauley, L. MoCreatlts, Ted,. Mitchell, Frank McFarlane, Walter McLean, Arthur MCDowell, Mae McBee, Donald Palliser, Jas. Palmer, Win. Pierce, Roy Prost, T. A. Frost, Robert llrawl'attd, Wim, ho aeil:, Levels (RC.A.Fi.) Rutladg•e, i4ortley Pitta igo, Jaait' Rooney, Leonard Spens, Jack ,Sinelr, Kenneth Snell, Verne ,Stratton, H. • Salesman, E, Sandemson, Lloyd Tunny, Chas, Thompson, A. Thompson, Norm. (R:a,A..r.) Thomas; U. Whitford, It, Whittard, Bari , Wilson, Stan, Workman, Gordon (11.14.) Woodrow, Alec Youing, Meier Young, Norman, B. Young, Ernest Non Penmanent- OamYpbell. G. IL Capt. Rejected-- 31 arngey, Dean Pit:Cher, Wilfred Gitlin'!, O. Maher, Wnt. Hawkins, Rob, MCD4 W811, Jack Pearson, Itiatplc Plnan, Carl Plum, Ernie Pennington, J. Training, atWingham Armories - Meeker, George Pres;t, Jim Coleman, Bill McDonald, Harold Doll, Mae Davidson, Cleve Sanderson, Gordon Garton, Edwand Thompson, Mel. Willis, Wilfred Lowe, Jadk Huron County Junior Ass'n, To: Aid Bomb Victims Proceeds of Party, March 616, to go to Red Cross Fund. The Huron County junior Aesocl- ation of Toronto plans to ,hold AS Annual Frolto at Nralton:eY':s .ebrt ntiery, 86 Grenville Street, To. &onto„ en friday' Owing, Mar'oir• bit, The 341538 net proceeds' of the Party wilt be turned ovor to the Ited Oral* &Ida Bomb Victims,' h'nntt and it is exp9cfed that guile a attb#, BELGRAVE The financial''statement of Bel - grave school fair for 1941 is as fol- lows: receipts balance from 1940, 559 39, grants, S.S. No.• 3, Morris, 515S:S. No, 5 Morris; 515, S.S. , No. 7 Mouris 515, UJS+S. No. 7 East and West .Wawanosih $15, .S.S. N. 9 East Wawanosly $15, S1S. No. 11 East Wawanoslb 515, ,5,0. No. 13 Nash Wawanoslh 515, URA., No. 17 East Wawanash and 1VLarris 515, Huron county 515, Plant Wawanosih towarsOiip 515, Morris township $15; donations'. L. L. Cardiff, 1VUP., 55, Un- ited Farmers Coop., Wingrham 55, Belgrave Wormen1'k Institute $8 Bel - grave Farmers:' ' club 55, C, 1t. Coultes55, J. A. Geddes, 52, C. H. 4 Wade 52, Mr, Norbhrvood 52, Mrs, C. W Scots: 55; pro'ceode concert, booth and riot clogs $59.95; total receipts 5348.44. Expenditures: prize m:oneY, .3.S.. No. 3 Morris $22,70, S.S. No. 5 Mor ris'522'80, 0,0. No. 7 Morris 541.60, U.S:S. No; 7 East and West Wawa - nosh 58.20, SS. No. 8 East Wa- wanosit nn5.15, S.S. No, 9 East Wa- wauosb 544,55, S.S. No.11, East Wa- wauosh 512.70, IS..S, No, 13, East Wawanoab 535,60, U,S..S. NO, 17 Bast Wawanosit .and Morris. 549,10, prize lists 510, Seeds 511,08, judges,. Mrs, Dalyunple' 53, Mr, Famish 55, music for parade 55, cleaning sheds, 1941, 52, rent of `hall for concert 55, dinner for Judges 52,5e secretary - treasurer 510, 'total 'expenditure 5306.03, 'balance on hand 542,30, United' Y.P.U. Meets The citizenship meeting of 1119_ United Young People's Union was held with Mists Lois MOGYtire in the chair and Miers Elaine Walsh at the piano. The 'Scripture lesson, was read by Kenneth Wheaton, ROY. 0. Dunlap lett 1n :prayer. The topic was presented lsy ,Stowart Procter and dealt with cltizen6hip in the home,- Tho meeting closed with the Miepeih benediction after which games were .r.onilu:oted by the west - (kit, Rose Andersen, stantial sum will berealized for the bombed folk .of Britain. • The Committee in charge of enter- tainment is, planning numerous nov- elties and surprises for the enjoy- ment 0 011e many IMuroatites and. .tlteir• friends wipe 'ate expected to attend; Music for the dancing will be provided by the .Round Towner's' Orchestra, This, yeas"s Floor 'Show under the direction of - Cordon Fowler and put on, by a cast nacre an entirely of members of the Asooci. atiean, lo expected to surpass any- thing attempted in previous. 'years'• There will be Bridge and, Euthre for those who, do not desire to dance, A Buffet ,Supper will be 0eiwed. • Inj tereating novelties and pries will be feature o:f the evening. Mr COARS' FOR Mt PIPS CUT FINE FOR C/GAAitTES Walton Rationing .April 1 is the • date on w'llloit gasoline rational* will go into effect.