HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-2-11, Page 4?I; LBF;RT NETHERY, Et.R. $, -- .BRUSSELS IRS LETTER BOX,1 Y ' Mon:, Dec. 15., 1.41 . ;an.. S gunk Brussels' Xi sea-sive/I your Parcel last night howl, was verY. Pleased to get it. It empmetatlY was al/Predated and itiancl very hunch 'for the lovely wet- ' ✓Shing you all a Merry Cliristtnas Yours 'truly, Pte. Norman Young 28-12-41 —Elle Canadian Legion owste1s Branch Brussels, , saw friends lrayl: a line to 'tet you know that I -a civ edyour -very nice -paa•.ee1 and -wrign to thank you for it. I aD- -grc:zate your kindness and it, makes realas. Baal. pretty goad. to get these -a ws'e'1's from one's home town, - ,,airing you again -roars truly Harold Thomas Somewhere in England Dec, 24th, 1941. "nit -am. Legion, Brussels ^ Macaw Secretary— uas- parcel received on -28rd of haat month. Please tansser many ks to you ,and the members •O idle Canadian Legion, it was very thoughtful a you all anal sure ap- - it. ',`', We often wonder what the boys zsarn1d do without organizations such an, genua. 'Enclosing my wishes for a very. Merry Christmas and 'Happy New I aux yours truly, S. E.' Mills: Mix she Editor Dear Friends: - I wish to take this opportunity to Tn� rr the Brua(sels .Oanadian Legion alae the Morning Star Rebekah 2-yr]ge for the box which was so aw:lLly appreciated not only by my - but my chums as well. When a :9,sev arrives it ceases, to be private, a 3a shared by all. I believe I' can ;i<exth!ully say its that spirit whioh caaxies the Allies so far. The ones • Tnc1,-c enough to be physically 8t axe she seviee, while the rest help to earms the tordh an,d keep roar good cild flag Eying 'by individual but co• -timate methods. It Is very Bard at tunes to be so 'far away groan friends end loved- ohne westill cannot forsake .hitt' "lint our victory will, be .the greater women we es•tablish again. the free- •dem and liberty which only BrSo itish a�an gostsees and appreciate. Way to all do'your ,situff and we won't '' let you down. Trooper Lorne Mcan::ta w. Jan. Oth, 1941 Dear Sir: - Sec. Can. Legion. Brussels, Ont. Igen Sir: - I want to thanks bite Canadian Legion of Brussels and its members rem rememibea•ind us boys 'wbo' are SLOW 111 the services overseas light - tag to do away with Bitterish) and ^rve< us all freecliom far evermore: .9 had a very enjoyable OheistlnaSs with the Royal Engineers having: a turkeynice of 'Wave bee attajcrine l to the It Several E. S. for ieteeke that Is the reason some of tui bad Ohriattnasi with them insteaid, of • ';"wing with our own unit but they- • owed use a very good time, There isn't ranch I can: telt anyone R;y letter but hoping I can "soon 'get back among my friends again. . I urn line hoping this letter ':eidhes you and .finding everyone tooth to Bru.,5els and the surround - The Spirit of he Pioneer Mother F1aineSAnewT0'Y' THINK 'BACK. to the old days — when Canada was young.. Think of the high courage, the indomitable will of those pioneer women. Within the stockade or in the open field, they toiled—Yes, fought -by the side of their men for the safeguarding of everything they held dear. In the hearts of the women of Canada, thisold spirit flames anew today ! Gone are the heavy muskets, the log barricades— but the love of freedom, the stubborn resolve to win through at all costs — these things remain unchanged, -unchangeable ! Grimly quenching their tears, mothers say "God bless you' to their fighting sons—everywhere young women are serving where duty calls—the women of Canada are bound together in one common cause. In thousands of Canadian homes, women are revising. their family budgets, planning new economies, mak- ing aking extra sacrifices—so that more and more money will be available for the purchase of Victory Bonds. They know — these women of Canada — that every dollar loaned now means more tanks—more guns— more planes—more ships—more of everything which is needed to smash Hitlerism and bring Peace to all the family' hearths of the world. CiIT COARSE FOR TNS PIPS CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES lugs la the best of health, Thanking you again for the parcel [ received, I'll say cheerio for now. • Stan. 'Wilson, Tait, 9th, 1941 - Canadian Legion Hello gentlemen:- I received year snvetl parcel about 2 drays, after: Christmas but for sonic reason I didn't get around to w INnmaig very soon. 1 guess i reason, was New Years, We really' hada vett' good time around the part 'where I am station- ed here at lean but I imagine some WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN 'EXCURSIONS FROM ALL STATIONS IN 'E'ASTERN CANAbA GOiNG ONLY PLEB. 29 =- MAR. 7, 1941 Inclusive RETURN •LIMIT -- 45 DAYS TICKETS GOOD 1N-- Cars Coaches, 10 Tourtstt Sleeping .Cars dr in Standard Sleeping at Special Reduced Rates for each Glass, Cars additional. Cost `of acoonimodatlon In Sleeping at all pei additional. 1. route BAGGAGE .CHECKED.Stopovers Similar ESouraions tram Weeterh to Eastern Canada During Same Period. -. Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations entand all inforniatiou frarri. 'any Ag ASK FOR HANDBILLS �Yi� oltut &PIAN NATIONAL of the fellows In, the Molding units didn't melte out so well, I '.114e heard from some .of ' the - fellows around town and intend to get in closer touch, with talon -tor a day and have a Soba of reunion. S guess we woutal pretty bear all like to be home again but I at least wan having a good deal of ' fun, I think it pays, to matte the best out of everything, It certainly isnot like whitey over here where I atn. The place t am stationed in though • Is one of the wannest places in Eng- land, I imagine it is pretty eoid- ove IIItero though isn't it. '7lheY' have at quite a lot of entertainment around here and 1 go into Brighton grille often en its, really a bit of all. I 'see us. emerge victorious,. and next 11 1 ti Clha•i•stiniasi find us back hence, I ant I hirrlt I twt11 close now acct tnairy Very truly vines,. many thanks for the splendid pa,icel. I remain na ever your vary' Sgt. C. It Jauvrim goat friend. Corn Alcecit, 41v address, s is Pai11 the Notional' W®e Finance Committee, Ottowa, Canada very much., Not being from Brtlesels,. it certainly helps. us to keep 10081115 or even front, OaDada, I had- mat an- ' on the Wight side times make us tioipgted receiving a gift from the Tarmy blue.ngs His more_ the inactivity' CanadianLegion. Ay rot the am,it. i will conic in that ovever here st rtheretin blue lest war' very 40 loo 2t is always nice to t its. a tough jab to clo; a•eoeive foodstuffs to ang�menk our certainly gave tare. Cigarettes and' tobacco- are The p wanting people over beei'e think nhereh t, al Is ']coked upon to leen') up that goad ways r demand. -were here in the laugh war. We are Our brigade is visited by a Cati- adieu Legion wagon from wlt'om we mbar hey rationed candies and Tar - Taus small aurides, but a gift such as' •-• yours is, very, very welcome, .So on any oW11 account, anal on be- half of ,1110 other ,sergeants who. shat'e ret' quarters, 1 extend sincere , tetanies for the parcel. GALL OR WRITE—, Xlon ng that the coining year will Ai3 reputation enticla makes the ,john little harder. 1 think t%iough we win be able to do it and maybe snake a name for 'ourselves,. 1 guess that is 011 I have to Write., this time, - Best it hick to you all. Thanks again and keep up the good, work. - - Yours gi.noerely,, Pte. T. A. Benda11, - BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR POULTRY' OR FEATHERS P,S .iati, 5th, 1942 snme 'of you fenows tiave,plaas Cantuliatt legion, 110 it. Brussels, Ont. Dear Sirs,. gore ore S unit with a tow line,, to tell bee, 24, 1041 yon how anuch I appreriate your .Estes ls, Ontarioion, ' kindness, l We certainly vary DeansrSl Ontario, •• Tt nit's! g'ueprised but hNppy when. 9 received Dear s re Ike box yeti send: mo I thank you This alt renaming' a received the par, :frown the boltanit of r» y ripen. It is OA vQt{a1i you mailed to me an 25tEa �feodlets to say, 8 app very Mee to know that the Deenle Nov, very bite ever' !Ionia are Stitt 01110(10g el its, Export Packers Brussels, Ont.' Phone 70x For Highest Market Prices WE PAY .ALL PHONE CALLS •