HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-2-11, Page 1a
PUBLISHINGPOST HOUSE Wednesday, February 11th 1942
Last' League Game
Of The Season
The local 'hockey Maier% went
,down fighting when the 'Milverton
teams, o'talked up a.12-7 encore in the
Brussels Arena .an Monday evening,
Onay a handful of Brussels fairs
supported the home team while
Ml1 enton 'brought a good crowd
with therm. Lack of interest in
their efforts no doubt contributed. to
the -defeat of the Banas'sels, boy's.
The first period averted fast with
Brenneman, of Milverton 'scoring
in the float four ntin'atee. McIntosh
of Bruehelg broke through on a Uel
rushy but ,las, ,sduot was stepped by
Milverton goalie, ,Schonnals. eeored
on. a lame tram' Bi•ennamtan to Pitt
tilde teams two. up. Beaker and
,Scott did, everytlhing but Score in a
ecraanlble in ftlont of, the anal. At-
tridge, •scored frown nt `I3renn.aman
pass. Nest and .Scott c mhome
to score the first goad for the
Att,ttla'e scared again from
Tvnseh•a and Brenneman put an-
other im i.mhnediately trent Bundecho belts pallbearers were: R. J. M0'
giving Milverton a 5-1 lead at the La oe p, F7e rs Blank, James
Mc -
end of the arse period.
The second eerie&' was slower Brown of New both teeing. seemed content to wait
(. ■+ ■■i BELGRAVE
Local IVS Items ! Ddtss 171tia cher entertained the
v. w tee+' monrbors of Trinity Anglican Guild
* * a * *' $ * a'
John Henry Galbraith
The com'munity ot I3ressels was
•shocked, to, hear, of he death
ily ofd mornJoh-
Henry Galbraith le hiad been. in tailing
ing, Feb, Brebad the last tee Yeurs n but Gal-
been confined, toff` n ,as a leas-
was widely kn.
buyer bavilhg !Pent all his life in the
horse, business.
He leaves to mons and Ntr101olt1119
wife, S. Ida Bowma eland.
rear Mrs,, D. 111 Bredin' (Wilma)
Toronito; Bowman, RiC:A,F„ Teen,
tori,; George, . R•C A.F. Ov aurins; Ja a
grandchildren Peter
• Ilia din.
The funeral under the direetion of
the 1,0.0.2'., was held Tuesday, The
10th, to Bru'sse'ls Cemetery.
service was, condudted by ;Rev. .S.
'Kerr assisted by Rev, Fowler, Blue -
Phe floral tributes were many and
ening. Znlail got a penal -
all •v
ty for tripping Beaker, giving the Mrs, R. Wheeler, Goderich, Mass.
local team, an advantage but they R Smith, Goderic:t;, Irene Bowman,
faired to,make use _ of to ire orf. Stratford,
Meeker said Pres*. were tite alar
tide period ;masking perennl - nine
'roelhes bet lust couldn't -make William PeterPeter Hutchinson' who
count. .Scott went to the pe y
'box for tremble. Zulaf?. McIntosh spent 0101.0sstGieYentire life 011 the
made. a solo effort to score bat was .0th 'C.on. even-
1'aaten by the Milverton goalie. Wingham haslhital on Friday
u T.,islkarcl; 7, Bow-
-man,7. Tidal and J. 'Work.
Those •attending from -a distance: casts
Mus. It. G', Scott, Lindsay;
a •o Io end ing Feb. 6Mi.
Only clrildeen up to 12 years old At Grewar's Phone 6—
ail,oweii on ice on Tuesday 'and S'alada Tea O lb, 30c; Golden Net
T'mrsday aliternoon$, Begirnners Batmen 1 . tins 29'o; Beets and
learning to skate on Saturlay after -
Gartats LO oz. tins, 3 tins for 25c;
noon wily .Adulta 10c.
tpouk and Beans, 6 10 -oz, tins for
Card of Thanks 33c; Heine 16 .oz. Tomato Juice 2
tins tor 19c. We reserve the right
to limit quantities of all ,merchandise
advertised to 'family weekly require-
A. G•REWAR Phone 9
We wish to thank our friends auc
neigithouns' for their kindness an:d
sympathy in our ;recent 'bereave -
anent also Rev. S. Kerr and Mo'. D.
A; Ramo
Mm. George Warwick
and Family.
Skating Party
A large crowd of skaters was at
Gage local arena on Friday evening of
last week to enjoy the skating 'tarty
heard under the auspices oe the Mel-
ville Y.P.S. Many_ others who did
not skate werepresent to watch,,
Lunch was served in the Church.
•at the conolhrsion of
evening's fun.
Clearing Sale
Clearing Auction 'Sal of Farm
Stock and Implements will be held
alt Lots, S. half 27, 28, Concession' 1,
Morris at 12 o'clock (Standard time)
sharp, Thursday, Feb. 19; Terms
Cash-Prooerty no reserve as the
h been leased Estate
tioneer. smnolces. if he has a sweet toobh we
for: the February Meeting. , There
was a good attendance, The rector,
Rev, P. H. Streeter, opened the xneet-
ing with a short devotional .service,
after which Mee. J, McGill took
charge of the busanese•. Receipt, fon'
1441 totalled $,r3?.53. Fifteen guilts
were oomipleted during the year,
Mrs. R; iPtocter and Ma's. C.
W,ede were ,appointed to meet with
canfIu'Ittee6 foie other local churc'h-
es to arrange for Day of Prayer.
A special teature tor 1942 will he
a birthday ooelper contest,
Officers elected were: Honorary
president, ;Mee, P. II, Streeter;
Mission Band president, Mrs. Joan McGill; seem -
The February meeting of the tary, Mrs. 11. Procter; treasurer,
Little Stars Mission Band was held Mir. C. McCrea; convenor of fiow-
in the church on Saturday, Feb. 7th, et• comlmittee,,'Mrs, Thomas Shhoe•
Favourite hymns; were sung and Mts. bottom; quilt 'committee, bite, D.
Kerr less in player. The Secretary's A nietron:g, Mrs. R. Mc'Crea.; visit -
Wessels, Feb. 3se. )1111
The regular monthly meettaia ,oar
the Bruss'el's Municipal %peas
'held in th,e Clerk's (Mice oat
above date, All member argils "'
present with the exception, c BEV.
"hire minutes ,of the last :.°
being read it was moved' "21 '
Willie' seconded by 17. eiurazlie',s,0
that the amine/tee be adopted',
-syr. i r:
The Eollowing bilis were pt'eami°'
G. McDowell, Tax collection
1941 refund:. ..,., ETt;,r,,, •-
January airy 4iiwi51NT,
R: S. Warwtelc, Jana salary ram
Geo, Campbell, Jan. salary' f
Labor Fire Dept. .....—
Br ue,eels Hydro -Electric;
Street Lights •..........._lit:G7a(iE'
.Salvation Army, Grant •.,.... MVP
D. Somers% Street labor ,. WOO
Municipal Would, six copies May
A. 'C'aaniebel1, wiring repairs 02
aroniteittu & Monteith 1941
and Tveasurer'e report was rears and ing committee, Mass Dliza Pi•a'e er, audit .......:.
adapted and Dorothy Lentnex Mns. R. McCreay auditors', Mrs. C. Ij Chas, Davidson,{ Tax col- •
gave a plane solo. Jean Wilton .Ne'6rer7, Mre..W, Brydges. I leato•'si bond
the S'criptnre Lsson. and Mrs. The Manch meeting will he. at W11 ..............—
Kerr read a very interesting stony 1 .the home of .Mrs, .D. Armstrong Ed Henderson, snow=
Mary Lou MacFarlane and Margaret when thele will be a penny auction I plowing ... y3,'
Cardiff sang 'a ,song. The meeting stale. Mea, Streeter olosed 'taste 'Ch'o'itw and Relief--•••
alosetl by repeating the Mdzinalt lueeidng after which lase hostess Por January
Meg' •
Belnedi•cbion, The losing adds treat- served lunch. Moved by H. Champion. seoreniZei7'
ed t7
dent. of East Wawano4gh, took his se, reed be paid. —C 117
DON'T FORGET- • `' awn' life' by •hanging Friday at 71116 t 'Moved,* W. "Willis; second- '
Ta send, the boys overseas some home on the 10th - coneeseton. He Ti Ch'empion than the Roll 73e se—
ttling good to eat for his own use had been in ill.tealth for some time turned to the 'Collector for --extras a
Grewer's have Met what you . want but bed been working as usual and month. l i9°io-
at the time wa-e doing tire morning ( There being no further busIw ;
chores at hla fent when the tragedy the Council adjourneclt_
Wilton & Gillespie repairs
to winning side with cantly, I Wellington. Dow, a life-long reel- by W. Cemeron that the accozosi er
farm as
Alex McEwen; Matt. Gaynor, Auc- -. he •smuo'ces we have everything in
h'ave a large eaeortnent of Cello -
Trashes. steered nn ,. , n:tce, s i ]ylelville W.M.S. . ph5 a w,iapped (Candies, Also
deet mesio"' with Brussels having the , 98,C, ontheCootnofnGrey Canned ;Pickles.. Peanuts Coffee
dorided' edge on the 707' all the tvny 3bh, 1 th on of the The S S Melville church
hi I Bas Peanut Butter. Cella
towni1.t p.
through.. The Snare 5-2, met on Friday afternoon, I'e'). G, at Tea g ea
The third pleriotl openers with , late Mr. ants. Mils• Wan. Morley 1c ilia stew paesitlent, Mrs• phone wrapped Cookies, ' and Razon
Milverton: searing two goals in quick Hutchinson, f e Annie
3 -'cion
opened tore meeting tivi:th Blades• and if you lvarnk;a box to rens'
•Ie was e s r W,M,, • o
mannred. Fifty-eight years of age,
he wow the sun of the late Mr, end
2/Trn. .T' -new Dow of Bast Walvanose.
ana Naas snaem't hie entire life fanning
Su•v11'ine are this wife. the former
Mts,• F -lease Beeurnft ot East Wawa-
aware .anti' five dh 11ren, Ada,. Eva
Nelson. Pnnnld• nod Wail. The
wife the onm t S, Ro r,
einescesedon with Meyers and'Seam-
Seton I of Ethel, predeceased shim rano after which hymn 110 36 overseas we h,aYe a limited :suliplY
1 Y
mast. as g'oa'l gettems. Scott did 1110 Graham t The Scripture p008059
trams far Bnts it count.
t Han more
r Monte
bass years
beengo staying for some ,was Sung. count. aAcl Mc- was read by Mrs. Jlaamdesoh and Mrs.
. M the
Followed again witGt another or : sue in' of +Pi'aYor service. ie'
Tl i'12Pt5e15 Baur teams were on•. a 'Donald
]i ,h tuvenb about it , a being a Day
being observed' falls year a vice lle:
floats to their
t time with his uncle Dong Stnaahan he'd has' brayer•
snaring shires. Brenneman sit two poor roc e g
to one brother,
Clutch a committee eolsis;ting of
more for Milverton In quick •s neces•- few days ;prtevby his death. A 1,11 ons and
counter for Bttissel,s and Zulaif a Mar, Geos eothel ith representatives
e nuke arrange.
the last two minutest of play scored 'ShuaunMa anK Do 1114, Brttssehstatek., and two atand stents: The talyle "The Call to;
gsmentance" mos taken by Mrs. R,
'lh•oanstn and 'Current Fven:ts were;
1ieteuss0d by Miss, G. :Stewart, Pm.
On Fem. 1,Ath, • •Prom 5-5:115 1
(E:DJS.T.) - there will be a coast-to-
coast broadcast arranged for by Wa-
Inte•-B•oiaad Committee of. the
t Can -
O'rest went to fire penalty . He is survived
• S. Keit. Mrs: nm. r -
box iladkea. scored •the last •Dugald of •a Fallows ed on t ) et w,thr t ell es
Stratford and one slater,
Mrs. T. Welker was appointed to.
a et of enta,t!vesa from the
again ending the game with a 12
score in favour of Milverton.
. Millverton—Goal, S'chmidt;. L. Det.,
Sdhonnals .11, Def., R, Meyer:
Centre, 0, Bnndlec'ho; R. Wing. R.
Brenneman; L. Wing, E. Attridge;
Subs, ginith% Feat, Zutaff. Drtennelt.
Brussels—•Goal Lawless; •Def.
Preset ,and McIntosh; Centre, Scott:
Wings, Beaker, 7ioYd: 'Subs, Relies,
Hamilton McDonald, Seal. -
Referee—'C. S,trwke, Palmerston.
AttheResidence of Mrs.IR. Hoy
Cuthbert Hutchhnouy Grey.
Funeral service was' '-held from the
Wadhier Funeral' Home on Monday
with Rev. S. Kerr of Melville Pres
byteria.n church in :charge: Inter-
ment wan anacle in Brussels
Pallbearers were Thos', McDenakl,
Wm. MEa,chell. Dan 1t Khtnd9t,. .Geo.
Beans, Geo. Ibntcllinspu, 01111:. John
Flowers, were from, brother,' sister
and, neighboni•s of the 9th Con.,
Aaten.ding 'the fnueral from a chin .
tonics were Mrs.. C. S. King, Mrs.. J.
WALT,ON ' E. BatlaY, M•o'. and Dors.
on SHROVE TUESDAY, FEB. 17th Hnt.ehinson and JoYce and Mrs. D.
Admission—Adults 25c Children 150 Cole of Stratford'
A weekl'Y review of developments
Seslortla Ont. on the Home Front: SanataiY 29 'to
Februat'y 6th, 1942.
NOW PLAYING— 1. Lieut. Gen. A. G. L..MeNaugh•
Joan Blondep t .Roland Young
o er Returns ,ton', C omihnanclea• of Canadian troops
Topper overseas, arrives in ,Canada for con•
Billies the all Pie Anderson saltation with 101611ee authorities.
It's the tops of'Pictured!
2. In. the House • of 'Commons,
Minister of Finance Ilsley intimates
Next Mon„ Tues. and Wed• way progxiannme 'for --ming ylaaae
Frederic March argar. 1 t
So Ends Our Night mateiial sesources< of rale this
An exciting romantic drama. to, the limit," a pros
"In my opinion and 1n the opinional
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat,— my advisers, le the, extreme, limit of
what this. country can do, having in
Fr Margaret Sullavan „w iclt will staain the human .
Aries Jean Parker mind list human and Material re.
Power •Dive . os
Also--Wililam Boyd Russell
Border Vigilantes Hayden-
Coming,•+. 1 1141-}q.
Model Wife
The beacon lights of -Cod have
out. Let
not been
'guide u
3. Manila fibre noty no longer be
Used, in manufacture of cope for
tying paresis and bundles or. fox
tying basest of any kind for istipmtent.
a nor
skim i its ropes The Girls' Auxiliary (Presby.)
Mcwifle Ch-irch.
a.m.--Sunday School and
Bible ,Glass:
41 a,m,—"The Tears of Jesus."
7 p.m. --;"A Three -fold Vision."
United Church
10.30 -"The Man who missed
his opportunity."'
11.30 -Church School and
Bible ,Class
7— "Successful Living."
you, Are Heartily Welcome.
St, John s
11.16 a,m,-••Morning PraYer
Rev. F W. pawls
Neither anani] o • sisal may be
tnan':s MissdornrY SOcieHes o•
acia in connection with the Woh'ld's
''Day of Prayer. 1ne sneaker Twat
and they are free,
Canvassers Named For
'Victory Loan Drive
Morris Twp.— '
Cecil Wheeler,
R.R. No. 4, Brussels!
Robt. Shortreecl•, _
MR. No: 3, Waltony
;Richard Jflhnaton,
R.R. No. 2, Bluevale
Grey Twp—
Thomas Wilson,
R.R. No. 2, Bluevale
Harry Fear, Etbel
Geo. McDonald, '
R.R. No; 1, Listowel
E.,E. No. 3, Brussels
Brussels Village
Robert Bowman, Brussels
Robert Warwick, Brussels
funeral, was held Monday with burial
in Wdngham ceanetery.
Home and School
Group Formed.
The •peop'le of S. S. No. 5,Morris,
met at the .school for the purpose of
forming a Home end 'School Assoeia'
tion. Genres and cards were enjoyed
by both young and old' The teacher,
Mee Dorothy Gol2ey, explained the
purpose of the `ASlsociation and its
posedbtlities in uniting the homes
and seh'ooi into a worthwhile or-,
Edwin Armstrong was appointed
chairmant for the election of officers
School Board Meeting:
Brussels, Jana 21st„
The first. meeting of 1942 areas 3e 1
on the above date by the BTS •
Pumas-Soh'ool Board. Si. B. 85 ,
and D. A. Rano• being absent.
Owing to the minute book beet 'Lan
the brand% of the Auditor the an6xafdas -'
of the last meeting were not o 11.
The following bills were prey il'
Brasse111 50 to $1:00 Store,
Moyer School Susripllies,
supplies............. . ....... _..
H. B. Allan, supplies and
Decks ....... ..............
D. McTavish, Mtso. _ ;x'S r
The Macmillan Company
Central Scientific Co,
Supplies ., .... ... `
Biuseels He/aro, Jan, bill .- ._ '
Moved by A. Woods; leecarir 2 '
lay J. Gibson that the accouui1 ems.
.presented be paid. — 3nj1
12oved by D. Mcit0vreb,; se0ftealiiv`9"'
which resmltecl as follows: presddent, ' Uy A Woods that teachers B lel
James, Mollie; vice-president, Jos. I and Downing aeneive a bonen off
be iMac phren Dennis. C.B.E. L: L. ., :ephi Holmes; siecretsry, M $
of TTelifax, President of ibe ' Victor.
1a, Wrliar0 • 50,00 far the period Jan, Tat It,
Armstrong; assistant ,secretary Junte 30th, 1942. C ileal:..
inti Order .of Nurses •'Mrs, Floyd Campbell; convenor of , Moved by A. 1;Voods; second`eh' ;f,Jr-
To The Citizens• of.
.Morris, Grey, Blyth & Brass -also
The Governmten of Canada is
asking for a loan of $000,000,000 to
assist in Canada's Wer Effort
commencing on the 16th of February.
They are asking you to buy bonds
program camlpittee Gladys Camp- J. Gibsian that the applfoation rsF1ata
bell; Sec: Tress:, for a. similar bums- it o of luuch committee.
be convenor
tate same period Jan. 1'st to I7Csei. 'r
Mrs. Harry Tunny; convenor of
* e * * s. r. * be left over to, the' nest meet=s
sanies eomurittee, Mrs. •Earl Ancter-
Miss Made= Speiiov, R.N., > o Son.
tanto was a week end visitor at her
., --tarralteeRa
:Moved -by D, iMoTavislt; 8 8 0111 /160Jr'
It 1119* decided to hold meetings , by J. Gibson that .the reeding el1Y* ,
hoarse, th'e lest 120nd.aY o,f each month. The ,adjourn.---Gl=yeae .-.
Miss 41een GibsmtR, N. Toronto,
stent the week encs at her home
next meeting will be on Fob4uary
here, guaranteed by .the resources of 23. Lunch was served _..
Bobby plana, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dominion of Canada with interest.
D. A. Rnnn, has been ill with
Same will say I ]have n,o money to 'Hold 'Joint Meeting, VI gheFV'\I:S. met at the home :r3SY '
•Scarlet Fever but is improving fav 'pare if I links sick I will need it, joints meeting of the Women's ; Allen Cameron on 4Zeetinesfizit
ouaiably,: a but these bonds are saleable < and Missionary Society and Women's Fella. 4th. The meeting opene3:1er
fay -
Sergeant Ins,i1111to1• Donald NIe13 a can tae turned into oaspt on short•
Assiociatiou of Knox United ehurelt singing Hymn 321. Mrs_Zeit-
spank ibe' tve0111 card xvith his parents u,ottiee. Sa.lesvten wi11 be callin• on Evans led in, prayer. foltawerl ''ar ray
and Mrs. McRae. Sgt. McRae g was: held Wednesnlay afternoon ,in reading 'from- John Ili '
I)r. you, T'slope this teanitll7 will do ivIrs, John Metier, The Se +P
left this week Por the R.A.F. Schooltheir bit, h at 1 ill the bnsennent of the church. There our
at Weyburn%.Sask•
be if we don't vin. 1111110 War, for was 'a good attendanee, Mrs, 50hn `, read -the minutes. 11011 was •eai'i10315
We, extend our ,cougt'atnlatiows to further iniformaaion I Icuow your Anderson was in charge of the and answered by 13 1a.11iee 3i'izs. o,
AIC' 2, J. Douglas Blank, who has banker will be glad to assist you.
worship, service, based on the theane, Keye6, then lead stn itxt- ,. v
successletley passed hie exams at Yours truly, stbty
entitled' e'T1te.HaSrlyY Ch re a
shalt Air Training .School and ds nOW "T're B1111e, Our Guiale to 'Chaistiati , Girl' atter which Hymn 20h1 wean.
R. .T. ,Bowman, Faitlt.aucl Gondntet" The' hymn, .euug...'(htn•ent events, were gravitate
stationed with the R.C.A•F.,,at Male
'ting Pool, Toronto, "Lord, Thy Worst A'bideth," ryes by Mns, Harvey Hunter, ..Mtn: 'altfi»
stung, Fenian 19 was read re- Suvalldon, Mrs. Dan Iiuethesr T. C-
,cpaonsively' and prayer of thanker' '1Ma's. Mantiri MoDonalc5. Mrs. Hon..
'vias Pon this Bible, lmaa given by Huetiler invited the ladies to 'arrear
g at ter come. in March.' It was 2s -'
Mrs. H; C'amp'bell, Soiptnre .read- std' to amal'gaanate the Day at 3' r, -
1ug0 were taken, by Mrs. 5..Procter, nervlce with the Young• Wairatt ttale-
Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs, C, Procter and Society .to be Meld Feb. '20th an' ice,@,.
Mast. N. Keating, Mrs, R, Clhemney clun'ch: Mrs. Geo. thane t'he'n : cesatt 3
led. int prayer Mrs. J, Miller gave a froth the new Study' B'oolc "•61
lt, ,
" v1 tortl prove E bine which dolt .' t 1
o t
se. People G
ins 1
paper entitled a
• till `T and educational f".
Rise," from the etude, book, inter es 11 a d
was ta'ldem and plana, were road% i trt
The president, •i4Lrs, J. Wheeler; make blocks tar' a Missibratr - :anima:"
conciliated a short business period. I before the next meeting: at Eater
Mrs. H. Carepbe]1 and MM. N. Keat•t was reads from Mislsi N. i14Talt.zotrS.,t>
ing were appointed to take -Mange I Hotl2n'ood' in regard to sugar a tfiket
of worship service -and study book i 'rig. 'Iihis was dfschssed Mat,
at the March mteeting, 'Ma's. J. I teem1ers':' Hymn 420 was :sr n-
Wheeler and Mas, 5:: Miller were ap- ; followed' by the Ben+erlietiear 123'-1 .
pointed to meet with. •Presbyterian I Rev. Taylor and ' ail sang MM.
and Anglican ladies' to.at•t'aiige for National Anthem
the World Day of Prayer.
The meeting wast given over tie,
Ilia*. S. Pli'to'eter, president .of bTi.e
Women's Association. Reports were
given, Holiday Bells are completed
and distribution+ almost completed.
It was decided to have -a. shower of .
start and' pepper *takers; for use at
churn runlet•. They will be manes!'
in at the March •meeting. Other ar
triches are to be nnreha>sed,
need he the making of s t P'p g
and toys.
4, Base plant for ;predating sYn-
•-1 at
rubber to be
Sarnia, Ont.
6, Retail trade in Canada 'hit 13 -
year peak in December 1941.
6. Canada's external trade in, 19941
was the highest in history of
minion,. Total value, excluding
gold: $3,080,139,658 agains,t $2,2,76,-
2,217,6;168,81'1 in 1940 an in,crease' ,of 36.7
per cent,
7Daminion Bureau of Statistics
cost•ofaliving index declined from
116.3 on November 1 to' 11 5.8 on
Dece'm'ber 1. Wartime increase 14.9
per cent.
8, British Columbia west of OM,
bade mountains anid including
villages of Tenaace and Hope defined
oe "protected area" under Defence
of Canada regulations'. Certain
persons' of Japanese origin, will be
Moved out or tido ,area.
9, Jottings 'stun ICamada's• war
Entire output of one type of
medium tank going to Russia.
One bhottsand Bren, guns train
Canada among first ,Allied war
iS1lnloadts ot watment Mode iaterielable logoing to
Neer Bast
In 1942 'Canad,awill lattneh almost
est m0ny merchant ,ships as Great
Aitntlane • pnioda,etion (nlereased
front 200 plants a year before war
to 70 a week, '
meet .on Friday evening at the home
of Mrs'. Stanley Alexander, Mrs.
Glen Eolunier preste.nted
the to
We are sorry to heart Mns. lex
,MacDonald weal operated on Feb. nth,
in -the Lisltowel hospital, but hope
for a siaeedty recovery. - •
afro. Many Gill entertained a few
of the village !alio to.e, quilting bee
with dinner, on Friday,
A Red 'Cross quilting•was held
Friday P.M., at the hiaue ot Dns.
Arthur Henry.
The news relined ' Mere; of the
• death! of Rev, Penrose ,of near
Exeter, • who wee a former United
.preacher tem. Our 'sYmliathy is
extenders to the soa'nowitlg family,
Pte. ' W. Si. Buffett. of Trade
School, ,London,, viedted brie aunt M,rta,
D. L. Jardine over the week end,
Mrs,. Clads Cardiff and little son of
Goder•ieh are, vietting • her Parents
Sohnl and; Mrs, Kreuter for o, few
There wee no d arch of the Unit-
ed circuit of ,Sunday, awing to the
illness of Rev, IT. •Snell.
Wee3o 'end, visitant in the village
'were; Mr. Irvine Ruby of Kitchener
at lits n'arenttel home: ,Mi•. C. Rich-
arms'' of Haanailton, at Geo.:alekanier'et;
Bistro» John Lynne of Kingston
with lila, daughter Mr3, Dr. C. R.
The W.M.S. •02 United Church held
their monthly Meeting for Feb.. at
the hnhne of- hills. Percy' Stephenson
last Thatreday afternoen.
Dec. 26, 194+1
George Campbell
Hello Folks:-
Well here it is ICkristanas day and
I maser get a few letters' written.ild and
sure clone seems
moot, ie Chr
bas, the weather is so mild
We bad a swell Christmas dinner
in town last night, , Wlliat with lobs
of Turkey and everything down
plena pudding. We had: •a very good
floor show after the dinner and then
o donee. -
Today I ,had an invitation from
genie people tliatt live near here for
dinner, so.I 'went through it a11:
mein, right now I Feel just a little
uncomfortable teoan eating too ;match.
The Knigb1d of Columbus gave
each one of us a hundred digarettee,
three oh0001alte bans and two peek -
ages; of mem 'lades, .
I had a letter from: Jack Johnston
11 couple of weeks ago. Ile is over
,here now and I must try to get to
see him, He le not so tar•' away
from here.
Weil how are things in Brussels?
T smplpese •You will be all snowed in Many A en
be. now. Boy I sure will bateto go 1 A. good crowd attended the pr0''
back t o ail that snow again. grestsi[ve ct'okinole ;medal in the 1311,-
Everything is very quiet aver here 'ted church ibasemdnt `VVedneelaY
but it may.be 'better Whenthe I night arranged by the Young Pao -
spring comes. pl'e s onion, Eleven tables were
I gneiss there is not very mush ,played, prizes, going to Mr. and Mrs,
news' sa T will olas'e for now. Don't A. Vincent, Mrs, N. 'Keating
forget to write toot 1Cenectlh Dunbar. T.unclt wae_served:
As. eVer The singing at one verse of "Blest
John 'Cam,tlPbell $e the Tie That Binds," and prayer
r" arc a a , Dunlop closed the 'Meeting.
tt 0 Soclal
BRUS'SE' Z' 1Btk'l61011/Mte"
The Pittance Commitee is
plants. for a 'Skating- ,Carn9e'ali 4o 1 een
held soon. The` date'• and •n tit# e9111e->
1 'toilet will be •annaiutced
T e'103 613 inereaeleg disuse l Sea"
pte0es, of print, ilanolette axtld 'laws•'
len' m'attn•i61 imitable;for ;P2/0*
quilts- .Any one 100716) stmac`-
is, asked to 'bring'' n 1 - Sae
• team,
Motion Picttres will '1 a entree t
Mite Town Hall on Weds' ore 2.
26; et '$ 'Dam• T11'e' proceedie "! hS '-
to the Red C1oes' workreeraro
P.S.-Give MY best eg it s 11 by Mr•