HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-1-28, Page 5CALLING ALL CAR OWNERS
'./.. r n°11,'11: to supply you with now tires in the following
1 r ' 4.3" - 19" - 20" - 21" - 22" - also tires to
:numers, under Government Regulations.
1-1941 Mercury Sedan
2-1940 Deluxe Sedans
2-1940 Standard Coaches
1-1939 Mercury Sedan
2-1939 Ford Sedans
1-1939 Ford Coach
1-1937 Deluxe Coach
1-1939 Chev. Sedan
1-1934 Ford Sedan
1-1932 Chrysler Coupe
1-1932 Ford 4 -cylinder Coach
4 -Model A Cars
Buy a Battery while they are
8 Heavy Duty Duty Trucks -Long & Short Wheelbases
2 -Light Deliveries
1 -1 -Ton Truck
1 -11/2 -Toa Truck
2 -Panel Trucks
7 -New Traeiors left at the Old Price
Trade in your Horses, Cattle, Cows, Pigs
c -n lca
Horses For Sale
'3 Good Drivers Cheap
1 Colt rising 2 yrs. for $45.00
Cheap pair of heavy work horses
1 Choice part Holstein and Jersey Cow for sale
L. and W.
Jackson Motors Ltd.
Listowel. Ort.
eitibi..-.::a�f;iK:ei3"o..,.s.Rs"aaiv*ry�' .,�.',,'r.`ew,-S.�'•.'
"Service with a Smile"
Ask Agriculturists To Organize
Believing that community, town-
eh:1p and county organizations com-
posed of fanners would be of
material es'aistace in. Twittering the
.enormous war effort Ontario agricul-
turists, will have 'to snake int 1942,
Hon, P. M, Dewan, Oast. Minister of
Agriculttta'e, has asked Agricultural
Representatives in the various
counties to take the lead itt or'gautz•
inn connhuitbees for war purposes
"When such organization 1, com-
pleted, any ,committees that are
willto at
position to
u � be
formed, 11t
advise and act regarding local con-
ditions patlt'iicnlorly ared •also advise
anon provincial and national prob-
lems: as required," said Mr. Deivan
"Through their local contact they
will be ableto cooperate with any
and alio gnoulps .and tlesmetmentts in_
tereabecl 'ih trite p+oduotlin 'ne food
Predate ts ^
`,'lite Agricultural 1RePresemtativa
Will become enc active government
agency in title week and it will have
precedence over °thee activities.
in tdhe calls upon itis time. The De-
partment is convinced that the
urgency of the situation ctemeeds
this .and appeals. for the eoopena•tion
of all Demers throughout the prov-
ince," Mr. Dewan declared;
War coeditiona have oracle Im-
perative. gigantic Canadian agricul-
tural peodatction in 1042, with a call
for export of 000,000;000 pounds of
bacon; 125,000,0000 pounds nt cheese
(meetly from Ontario); one million
cases of eggs and ]large ttn'antities
of processed milk,
Under normal farm labor condi-
tionts', Canadian fanners would not
, 'filling
difficulty in g
dud too men cl Y
even bihewe huge contracts, 'inl't all
,acute labor shortage means that all
Hahn mechanized equipment maust be
put to. Maximum nee, as well as
peeper organiztutioai of all available
labor, ► , tsiR ry,
:Community, township and 'county
organizations could be of untold
awstistance. in organising and advise
ing on this as well es other Phases
of mem: production this yeas tvtr
Detven' r,tattee. ro '®t
Avoid costly break -downs and loss of time and tabour
seeding and harvest. Check your. machinery for necessary
parts and repairs. Do it at once while parts are available.
1111 71r
Ilse custom equipment where Exchange work and implements
necessary: with your neighbours.
Co-operate with neighbours for Plan your crop programme to
greater use of power equip- extend the period of haying
Ment in your, community. and harvest.
Your Ag riculturel Representative and your County, Agricultural
War Committee will co=operate with you.
P. M. DEWAR, Minister illi'. it. NM, Deputy Mlnfafor
cur Co.1RSE FOR rile pipe
zri°i" ri � 4•4•11
''r}4Cur irn spy GIGARZYSS
xi'1.i ix�
January 19, 1942
rite Council met I11 the 11411 un.
the armee date with all tee ittenabci,
preent, 'idle reeve presided,
The notate.,' od tht last meeting
were re.tti unit adopted' 00 hiotlan
of Harvey Jalut:.tun and Cecil
Moved by C, R. GOu.hl s seconded
by Jas. Michie Hive Geo. Martin be
re-ap'pointecl cleiie. -Carried,
Moved Jas Michie seconded by
Harvey Jo'hneton that Nelson Hig-
gtue be. re -appointed treasurer.
Moved by 0. R. Ciuites seconded
by Cecil Wheeler that bite treasurer
and clerk each receive a ten per)
cent increase on their preseutl
salary. -Carried,
• The 'folio wing road Patrolmen�
were appointed:-
N'o. 1, Melville Muthere; Na. 2,
Juus, Johnston; No, 3, Arthus' Edgar;
No, 4, Wee. Jerntyu; No. 5, Stewart
Procter; No, 0, Chas. Warwick; No,
7, Jos. Yu'ill; No. 8, Thos, Ellis; No,
9, Sam Alcock; No. 10, Larne Nichol;
No. 11, Jack 'Craig; No, 12, Richt,
Alcock; No. 11, Chas. Nicholson; No.
14, Edward, Btyaua; No. 15 Thos.
Brydges; No, 17, Chester Riutoul No.
nS, Huivey I3io'w:n,; No. 19, Vernon
Pound ,r eepers:-Jas, Jo11hns:ton,
Alex Campbell, ,Graihant .Campbell,
Itolyt McMurray, John Bowman,
Lyle I4opper, Geo. Bone, Olen. Mc-
Murray, Wan, Pipe, Jas, Clark, Wm.
Bernard, Victor Young, Robt. ,Bird,
Bernard Craig, Arthur McCall, Geo
Wilson, Geo. McArthur, Wm.,
Sheep Velnatons.:--.Watliace Again
Gilbert McCallum, •
:Fence Viewers, North West --.Hat'
old Procter, Russell Jerntyu,. Lyle
Hopper North East -.Tae. 'Shaw,
Rabe Forrest, Johan, Warwick. South
West--.Albeil't Neslbit, Thos. Laidlaw,
Avellis Scott. South East-•teletr:no
.Taclrson, 5lmpson McCall, Thos.
M'i ler, jr.
School Attendance Officer -Nelson
moved by C. R. Coultas, seconded
hY Cecil Wheeler that Dr, Crawford
of Wingliam be alipahnted M O.r1,
Moved • by T-larvey John ou, sec-
onded by Jas'. Miehaei dhuat Peter
Mc'Nab be re -MID -Matted to the Board
of Health-•Ca•rriett.
'Novecl by See. 117i°itie, 'seconded
by Cecil Wheeler that we advertise
for applicants for the ;positron of
AisIseslsor at a sminayy of 9100,00 Per
Year,-,Ca.rri ed.
Moved 11Y C. R. Coultes. seconded
by Harvey . Johnston, that Chas'.
,Pohnston and Robt. Mei:Innnen be
alppmited auditors at a salary of
925.00 each. -Carried.
Moved by Oeetl Wheeler. seconded
by Hal'veY Johnston 'brat Robt.
Michie be re -appointed as Weed In-
s!perton' and Jahn McGill as :Drain
Moved by CecilWhetter, `'Car'r'ied.
try C. R. Co e , .Cierk
we'1te to the Olerk of Tlas't lVewatvosh
settles tha:Owe have been:request-
ed he some in the village of T3ei-
gtave for another ligh,t oar the
1 ielevgy north of Young's. garage,
but do not feel like going ahead
wiebrnah some assistance from 10.
1)Vawanosh, line suggest that if
they aeetiine the most of two lights
we will eee if we can procure
arto('her light,-rCareled.
Moved by C. R. Coultas, seconded
by Jias, Mich% that the meeting
adjourn to meet again oh i'eb, e,
1942 at 1 pen. -•-Curers.
The following bills: were Paid: -
Municipal World ,60
Slintltford Hospital °inteu•mo-
tdtorax refills) 12,00
Mrs. Geo, Gross, rellef 15.09
Mrs, Nellie Logau, relief .,,,,, 23.00
Fred Logan, atfter care .. , , .7A6
Ernest Lewis, Rowels 5.00
GEO• C MeeRTTN--Clerh,'
---- .4•.111-,1111
a * * * * * * *
* * * * *. * * *.
England, Jan, 3rd, 1942
Dear Sirs:-
lteeelyed your 'moat welcome
parcel the other cloy and W4trld like
to thank you all tor remembering
13verythiag lit Me parcel was lit
A-1 couch -lion when .l received it
and beli'eve Me we sure like gettting
theses gifts from. home,
Socks, cigarettes and vauned
good's ar 11101111. welcome as we can't
get thein -so easy here.
Once again I want to :thank you
all for your kindness and hope every
one you send parcels to appreciates
them as much as I did,
Sours truly,
J. IL Harman
P,S.-please thank Itite Morning Star
Rebekah Lodge for their gifts too,
ldu'otaud, Dec. 6, 19.10
To Whom et May'Coacern:
Received your snost welcome
pat cel 1 ap'prec'iate it very' ' much
antteeu. till]' teni'Ibtlntt$ mail from
Canada le coming in very good,
luta is the 11111111 tiling We look
for isour mail froth. home,
The -news. of England is jue't the
wane as in 1'he palters. But to
retail' say is you can't say very
muclt,iu letters, the censors, of the
plait, put "complaints in to your fruit
if you say too hatch in, letters, Our
unit is working every day supply-
ing the and Div. with food, So we
are not too bad off for eanting.
Where we are stationed it is a
dreary plaice. Nayhere to go, ex-
cept to tate pub or show, and to go
there it is a three mile wait. We
live on a big estate, in these tin, fool
huts that :are oval shape.
The weather has been very • good.
lately. It is usually raining, The
acid here where we are is worse
than a ploughed field.
Well it le tubotht thne to close, soy I
tivill say Cheerio for now. Eloping
to be hoarse'. soon.
Yours siuoerely,
Charles Doli,
Dec, 12th, 1941
Oanadlau Leglou,
Dear Brother ltlenibers:-
Just a. few lines to let you know 1
received your box, everything was
sn'ell, ' Sure ant enjoying thecigar-
ettes, as •I was out of smokes. Menke
a lot. Just a year ago to -dray we
left London, time sure flies. 'I tem
feeling fine, but the weather sere
has been. awful laitely. he ase in a
castle, bitt the grounds are very
muddy. Looks as: though U. S.
and ,Papaw mixing it, will delay this
old win' longer. But here's halting
we come out on top. Well as the
news' is Scarce and we °met write
everyt'hin'g we .would like; to, will
close wishing you all a Merry 1isnoe
'mus AMU..
(Intended Per Last 1Veek)
T'he Re4 Cease Society is holding
a euchre party alt Friday night, Jan.
Wed, in, the toyneth'ip hall. The
lucky ticket will be drawn. on 4he.
quilt, recently don ated, Ladies
ptea.-s,e bring lunch. .
eli;sv Viola `.l'uiubitil of 3t11 Con.
has gone to be 'on lite teaching staff
Int Hamilton,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex Pearson anent
fllunxday evening, the guests' of
Mr. anal Mils. Andrew llrennter, .
Mr, ,Molt yeteuhmott or Atwood
visited his mother on Saturday, •
The W.M.S. 0.2 Me United Clurrclt
met on S:a. ved:sty alltertllaoe, tit the'
home of Mee, 'Love, tvitli a -good
attendance. '
Week enol visitors in the vll.i;age
were: Micas Elizabeth !baton of
T3;amilton, Mies - L, J, Sinclair a1
Tiamtil(on and L. A, C. Stanley Alex-
ander of Tretr.toln. .
'1'11e Ethel Bridge Olnb were enter-
kilu.ed at the home of John and Mn's.
'Wilton en. 7111.unsduy alight.
;Miss Thelma Otanit of 'N1ole>sworfsii
le employed with Mus. W. It. Love
et peeetu't.
All the young people metered to
Bruwselsr Srattta'tlay night t0 spate stt,l
1 the rinit there.
East Huron
- Produce -
Eggs, Poultry & Feeds
Phone 66
Commercial Feeds
Mill Feeds
Bone Meal
Oyster Shell
Cod Liver. Oil
to make the hens
lay 'A' Grad ; eggs
We are in the
Market for all kinds
"Flock Cu11rn,;
A Specialty"
Bring Us YourEggs
Our motto -
Honest Grade
on every egg
WEl}NOOSDDAY, JAN. 250hh, 1041.
' r5 . ent Control
if .a
.,r i"net 4•4•,11NZ-
as a Aaai dlio d as as tenant
AS a part of the general plan to halt further increases in
the Cost of Living, the Government on December 1,
1941, extended the policy of the Price Ceiling to rentals
for all commercial and housing accommodation in Canada.
Generally speaking the new rental laws provide that:
(i) No oral or written lease for any commercial or housing
accommodation (furnished or unfurnished) may legally
be made after October 11, 1941, at a rental higher than
the rental lawfully payable under the lease in effect on
that date unless an application for increased rental has
been made to and approved by al ocal Rentals Com-
mittee of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Such
an application must be based on specified circumstances
ariding since October 11. 1941.
NOTE: Land and premises used solely for farm purposes are
not suktect to rent control
A tenant is entitled to a renewal of his lease, unless the
landlord requires the premises for certain reasons
named in the Board's Rental Orders and has given the
tenant a written notice to vacate within the time and
in the manner prescribed therein. If this notice to
vacate is contested by the tenant, the landlord must
secure a Court Order for possession.
Copies of all Rental Orders and Regulations of the
Board and application forms for rental variations are
available from any of the regional or sub -offices of the
Wartime Prices and Trade Board, and, in areas where
such offices are not yet established, from the Clerk of
any County or District Court or local Rentals
VIOLATIONS of these orders are punishable by law and should be
reported in writing to the Prices and Supply Representative
Regional Office, Wartime Prises and Trade Board, et the nearest
of any of the Following cities: Vancouver, Edmonton, Regina,
Winnipeg, North Bay, London, Toronto, Brockville, Montreal,
Quebec, Saint John, Halifax or Charlottetown.
Cyril DeMara
Administrator of Housing Rentals
Owen Lobley
Administrator of Commerctal Rentals
Issued under the authority of
Happy New Year. Thanks again journey, everyone discussed the
for box. attack and wonder ;whether we have
Your old friend, any holes and where they are bat
Reny Tenney, airet'aft are quite strongly built and
..rut Can, Div,, ,Ordnance Workshop, . we all know that they will take a lot'
a : R;C,O,O. ' of shells before faltering, Then
When we get back we are inten'rolgat-
ed on our trip ,and dash to the 1VIess
Sunday, Dec, 23 for breakfast and when for a rest.
The Secretary, Brussels Legion, Vl'ali I mutat close now. Thanks
I receivecl-your Xmas parcel to -day agaiu,
dud I want to thank you very mucin
for ,aur kincluess. It arrived in
very good condition and I am very
grateful We have moved three
times in the last month so our 11tai1;
has 'hard a bit of following to do I
guess. We are biiletted at present
formerly t
t io l 4oi
,•npl h ma t tY
in an D is ga
Roane of Sir Wan, Hicks who I be -
Hee one time was Home Secretary
in the: Buitisth• Gov't.
Again titandciug you for yolu' ldncl-
nese, I retrain.
Yours situceroly,
; E. J, Saletnan
*.*. *
• R;C,AF. Overseas
* Fri., Dec, 1°, 1941
Dear CauadCau Legion; '
Thanks very niuch. for the. parcel
1 received front you today, I was
Very Itap,pyy to get it. Everything was
in the :best of condition and ever,,•:
('ling wtli be quite useful.
I have been having a rather gootl
time over here •aathl have matte quite
a few operational tripe, some h'a.ve
been quiet 'dud Others rather
worm. ` 1 nun flying in bombers on
night operations, A defended town
froth some disltaniee oft (cobs very'
nice, Coloured.' lights, fleshing ^ up,
mingled with seai'ahllgwbts, while • the
country around la quite dark it le
snort of olt'eei;v Iodizing. It is Slight-
ly different wizen yon get la the
ceihii a of it, Things don't look so
cheery. Yon sea the liasll.es on the
ground and the iottg sltreak of the
Shell inward 'until intoner flash and
1t has exlploded• - ,
Otte night we Were (jttite heavily
abtaeked, "1Plole (atltleilrennft flee)
btu'ct all around ns. Y'ou, could see
i;he Realms' anti then tit black puff
of satloir0 drifted Rase, above, below,
and ofi all elders, One Shell Made
tilt eight-trtoh hole in our tail 00110,
we rnulrl even hear the ex111ec'iert of
thta •shell. We rv.ern Wildly hiving,
elhmitlitg anal 'erg -zagging' back anti
{teeth bet, he ttsntnlil' all ever 111 'a trw
101111165 (but these tale Minutes
John Sgeir.
Jas, let, 1942
Dear Friends: -
Jest a line to let you know I re-
ceivecl Your welcome 'parcel to-dayr,
New Year's and wish to thank you
all especially the Canadian Legion
fol' it sure is a treat to get parcels
(none home, over here. Over here
you would never think: 12 wee New
Ye;ar'ts Day, Today is warm and al-
most raining out. The grass is
green lush like summer time though
the leaves are all off the treee, Its a,
Pretty countryside where we ate,
There are little 'bopwls or villages alt
around. bitt the blackouts. epee ail •
t+lie fun; Lt its so clerk at night you
can hardly walls without bumping
into somebody Wesel you have a
light wlitdtt anaialt have blackout •
leases too.
Web T gueee i will leave to close'
as I ant net much at writing letters,
Se here's thanking you mad the Gan-'
atlian Legite and tint of them bacic
Mere for the lovely parcel yott bent
So the Best 'of Lock,
. Just Debby,
End Curl $1.25 and $1.75
and $2.25
Including Shampoo
Permanent $2.00, $2.50,
and $5.00 including finger wave
and shampoo
Telephone 52x nor an Appointment
.Over Proctor's kestaurant
Men of 30, 40, 50
PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subttortnal
Want normal pep, viro, vigor, vitallry
Try Oatrex Tonle Wiles. Contain
tonics, stimulants, oyster dements
dicta to normal 1100 atter 90, an or 5*
Oat a apeelal lntretlnettty lien 100 ottiy(
Ali'. 're
aid to not maC. flrtt dull vitt
s'aent a. lOns limo wbCh yo•ti't'0 other totlaya,b'or sato at alt gao(1 drat; atotna.1
It. Attoot'waodc, 011 1tie 10100011 -.�