HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-1-28, Page 4WEDNESDAY, JAN: aAtals :19.x.1: THE 13ltUaSFGS POST -.-_ - Z Cite latr George Jenkins in Paris, Tie Ill BEFORE YOU SELL YOUR POULTRY OR FEATHERS CALL OR WRITE- oultry -g lig Eggs We are not now associated with the Export Packers esad are in the market for your Poultry. GHEST RETURNS TO THE FARMER GUARANTEED. .-. _ BRING US YOUR EGGS -- '' FAIR DEALING ALWAYS ASSURED. Fe t tisSAWS lP to1°t'; 80 Brussels, ls, Ont. rr,IILTERS FOR COAL AND COKE �a�v.,P l -Lail) 'Tenders addressed to SAi•Lte ttuneislgnea anti enuoiweik SECeiwed v. al Will he ,n•tit 2. P.M., (L Monday, y toixrnaly 9. 1942, for the supply of and Doke tor tale i ioiuion Btendings throughout the Province ett ()uteri° Forms of tender .i ith specifica- t oais and conditions attached canbe ' a sine Ag 4b, ed from the Put c,i chasing nt iss3:aa'iafent Ot Public Wor1cs, pataeva; and clue Supervising Archi- meg 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Oaf -atie1 s -.should be made MI the y t to 'De, artment a; .supplied 11 1 in accordance with departmental Meat -ions and conditions attach - hereto. 'Goal dealers' license .,,unbers•.nuis<t be given when tender- ing;, Whenthe amount of a tender ex- ceeds the ,sura of $5.000,00 -wheat"- idle for one building only ar more- . tsitu•te, Wesley Paulin; board e, fete, tenderers must attach to their ! management, Lorne Kaake, Prank &spider a certified 0rheque on s Paris Tic ael�resley •Geor, aulPaulimobCitt Me- at Hank in caveat, made pa Y ; able to the order of the Honourable , Hooper, Dr. Schenk, George Gilt - tie Minislteh of Public Works, equal , fith; auditors: `Lorne I{aalce .and ter10 ,per cent of the amount of the, Robert Paulin. A vete of thanks fender, or 'Bearer Bonds of the \v�shtcltended. the ladies r by Robert for the rrm Ni of Canada. or Of the Can- wUe decided that the board of mean National Railway Company It was, decided meet every other mei its eemotitme+nt oommaes uucon• dylonall gnarauteed as to principal month, endo iy ,,r t. by 'the Doutinion of I tun -Olt, a1 the aforementioned bonds 1 :certified cheque. if re- riredf..14 cake up en odd amount, The DOClt.rtmen;t also reserves the sight to demand: 1loome .any successful >darer a security deposit •int the wVRYETER was born on the Jenkins hontesteact Clear Bluevale '19 years ago and attended the public school here, Later he studied phi,att1 1ttPi1Y operated studios at Grano Vall es and Georgetown. rI1, ` Jena inseaiOst been in 111 health, fortis wife, two Ole is survived by daughters and one son. Mrs Whey and sou, Jack Mfrs. ds J, Curtis., Mrs, Janie RObertscm, p „."z Mrs. A, D. �Ssuitll and Mrs, R. F, Gamins attended the funeral of the -- late loIrs Susan Morrison in Luck- WA NT ED1 Young Gander, now on Wednesday, The Wal Workers here shippedJohn42-x-14 John Stevenson the first consignment of Red Cross - articles this week, Included were: "TH•E PUREST FORM IN WHICH TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED," FOR SALE- two quilts. live salts of men's' t 3 Bronze Twrl•eY Ileus, bred from Py - Jamas, five suits of boys' pyjamas', five suits Of girls' PYjetnas, five prize-winning thirds from ntrom's house dresses, one girl's dress. Turkey Farm, Preston, three pneumonia jackets, lift een phone 11-r,0 Mrs, Roy Sellers Pairs of seeks, 000 pair of seaman's • HOUSE FOR SALE - socks, eletven, turtle neck, one pull- over sweater, four Pairs of mitts. Si and Julia St„ Tn1 Braussc>1s. and three air caps. H. Hankins, Prop. Vestry Meeting Heid A Tribute to the Bays The annual vestry meeting of St, In Hong Kong LOST- - James' Anglican church was held iu {Tire year is (Wooing to a cease A'B]ack Scotch the eftetl roam with n good autand• l This Christmas Eve is n+ot 111.e those savers to "Jack." ante after the members enjoyed a. We had long, long ago, phone 42-1'-5 pot -he supper, And rain takes place of svovv, -mg, - The rector, Rev. J, L. Ball: -open WANTED - ed the meeting with prayer and a To all y,ou girls •race boys in here letter from the ,bishop. Minutes I ,Who join in mirth. and so11g, Applications will be received up to oe the last p ted meeting were ' Please don't forget to treasure, dear. h, est, 191'2, for Assessor for the read andf financial' Your brave lads in Hong I{ong, tontine of Mollis -at a salary of owe The glance statement showed i Joe Milsip• hundred dollars ($100.00). a L' air balance on YanA 'Reports The following v0nues clipped from • Geo. C. Martin, Cle1'Ic- oE ooh as guild, A,Y.Pwe Sgive Y school and club night were give., an isssue of "Sh�ot,Gun" a .publication FOR SALE- • H. Waller moved a vote of thanks , of the John Inglis Plant. was written r SA Souses ill good cancl3t3Om, to the ladies, who made a success 'I for thein by a former employee who z - •re of Apply Uo 0, T, Davidoon. Terrier, male, ar Clifford Aleook of the fowl supper put on in lire was serving vital the Ponces prol>entIY contains about 1A -acre Fl "• I{ong venitber. -0011 • lauds; hard and soft water; located The officers for 1941 were all re - on 4I11d Sial+eet. (for hnunedie0e sale)• elected and are es follows: Rectors warden, Robert 'Paulin; people's warden, Harry Waller; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. H, Waller; sides - man, H. Waller, George Paulin Dr, Soherk and Charles Lawrence; delegate ,to synod., H. Waller, sub- { HONG KONG , In far away Hong Kong to-da,y Our gallant lads stili fight That Freedom's right' may still Iprevail. Against the powers of might ' Alone-unguarded-cloonlletl to die • With all the odds against them - 1 ] h 5houlcl Eel firm of a certified cheque or bond a1 above, equal to 10 Per tent of the aslsount of his bid, to guarantee the 20o1Ser :fulfilment of the contract, - By order, J. M. SGMMDRYlLLD Secretary. Department di Public Works, • Ottawa, January 2.1, 1942, md,4.f �3sA644mn•!A4•ome444444+4 GILBERT NETHERY, R. R. 5, - BRUSSELS BLUEVALE x rt ack rs ru s&&$, Ont. Ph +,rye 70x For Highest Market Prices WE PAY ALL PHONE CALLS -- - ---- --- �� . �""'�•iN MEMORIAM sarece:..tstful year ltowlltg• a mics iu' ISLOP-1n loving memory of grease in V ilt0ne tie Or $lance writ. HbahY Benjamin Gorden H3slap, teal and 1111 inertia: e of 417 169.00 in who died 2 Years ago, oar Jan. 21st, 1040. -- 5"uclt a Reale. while we had you Otto baby- bby so dear i Now you Ore with God above-, But in out hearts still here, 1942 10 members who hada been in- Mother. Gad, Sinters and. Brothers, slutdcl ContiwttatuslY In the 00111907 _ - for .a term of five years Previous to � ®� date Of refund, i L� T After nraking.iirovisiani for the re-' Rance tonal astsete of the catnpally surplus, It bats decided to grant a refund of 30% of Insttalments due and paid ill 1942 and renewal of Policies due in al}ply to ;phone 30 Margaret Russell WANTED - 12 cords of Male and Beach' Wood, 'half maple, half beach. De- livered at t11e United ObUrOh ]n, Bt+utw0sels � not later than March 15,11• While we at tame -a o x,00001 Tendons to -be In itlt later titan Feb. 10, R. Hoover, Oluairman committee. FOR SALE- 'V 1929 1ylodel A lost. Coach, thor ouglily overhauled, applY Phone 7, store or 93.1•-29 Claire Long WANTED- Jack Rabbits, Kxltant Packers Brussels, Ont. 'Phorate 70x FOR SERVICE Bamtt'ontfa, Boar, (M•aplehurslt Allen) Registration No. 27V-90144. Boas Jane Sib, 1041, bred by George R. Douglas, Mitchell, Out 'Own•ed by -Mac Johnson, phone 38•r-10 R.R. 2, Bluevale STRAYED - One largo grey and white Gander Anyone knowing its whereabouts, please get in. touch with , , phone 75•x9 Allister Bird FOR RENT ,Sale considered. Tine home of G A, Deadman in Brussels, Purntalt- ed •or untfurniehetl, with or wttltout about eight ae1'es of land. apply to G, A Deatinnen; Merlin, Ont, Don't give a daunt. about 'them, telt.-So1111sone's Dtulilb',htrehtuid, • 8011 On us, for help depend-, And if we fail to meet that need - To them, 1011 be the end. Wliy, riusulcl we be so thoughtless, Why do we laugh, and seoff- Tt•st. a mighty serious business, We cannot latugh it oY, - Miss Adella Thynne et 'Fergus ,pent the week error with ter parents on the 3rd line. We ane sorry to hear Mrs, Alex McEwen hese been stoic with the fin ,and lie at the home of Mr. and 1'I•rs. Raobt, MCClieuman and 1o1e she will soon 1>e better again, Mo. ands 102.101,- Rolbt, Warwick at- tteded the funeral of Mrs, Susan •Csich on Saturday afternoon. Mr, Sltehvlal't PeCleltnan 0110 been at his home for a week helping az` Cite work and helping his uncle Andrew do the ohires at Mrs, ele- Dwen'9 home. Mr. Harvey Edgar and 11r, Clar- ence Goll were home on iea.ve for the week end from the Military Training Camp at Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs 0,'trl admit -out mid Mr. Chas, Matthews visited 'on •Sutra• day with. Mr. Wm. McQuillan and. 100111 ' Hoar St, Helens. Her brother was home on leave over tire week end. Former Bluevale Man is Buried In Paris Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jendttns, Blue - vale Roach, attended the funeral of "64-`11 t ` DEAD or AiaI "'ALS DI ABLER Quickly removed in Clean Sanitary truck. Phone collect Phone 72, Brussels William Stone Sons Limited if We 10000101 save our noble lads We've really got to work And clo the job right worthily, No time to play or shirk. YOUR LIVET, were $50.177.00. Buck It up right noW' Thomas -Cleland, Prank H. Boyd • and feel like a m111ion t and Lloyd Denletedt were elected Your liver Is the largest organ in your body d r st important to your health. It pours out director for a terns of three Years, Those who contemplate the Dur- ollee of new motor cans in 1942 may 13w -disappointed In securing delivery, , The mautufartlure of passenger cats , will be stopped one soon as existing inventories -of parts are assembled, by title end -of Murch or early 111 April, and in the meantime Drodue- FOR MEN The Elco "En. qune•' - hand- some and mut• atteb. Just as own Popular Elco $Z750 `New Era' model in the smart .cora1 - shade, $2375 Good For Alt Kinds of Raiding 1 Lb. for 19C -- AT Backer Bros. Phone t► Butcher Shoe Brussels When in Listowel EAT AT eston's Restaurant e Away From Home FOR . LADIES ♦Char tylemind Fiolco•r "Varsity" .. in Se.* , notal cQler. s2175 D Tilts is the bo eautiful $375 yetependablelhY Shop at cJavauge IT PAYS SAFORTH, ON'1`. Our Diamond Room Afford* Privacy When Buying 1m no bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment to reach your blood. When your liver gets out of order food decomposes in your intestines. You be- came properly. You feelc"rotten"-headachy, and kidneys cat bark propediz dragged out alt the time, ba For over dizzy, gg Forover 35 years thousands have won prompt relieffromthese miseries -with Frult-a-tires. So can you now. TryFruit-a-tives-you'll hs simply delighted how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. tion will be limited to one-half the Canada's 1941 rate. Tablets FRUiT4 IVES tamest Selling - _ - Live, a ets WANTED -- Tenders will be •roeeiofed until Feb, - 2n4 for 15 cord of Hardwood, half 'Beach and half Maple 19 inches long tto• bo delivered to Duffle United Church, Walton. Reba, MCFaclsean, Sea WANTED-` Tenulbits for Wood for 20 cords of Hard Maple and Beech, 14 -inches long not more than half beech to be atela'vea•ed by Janie 1st.. Teodoro to the otp.eo a l • Feb t bsit, Por S, S. No, 9, 12.01111101). Sao. Iieontiardt, Sec. Walton FOR SALE- 1 house and not known as 2:50 and 1 vaoaait lot known as 257, Situated on the NoetIt West side of Albert, St, in, the village of Bruesels: This is to close oUt dile Estate of tete late Aomtaheil Hobek, adecetused, amity to,, --Mr. - 17, H. Heist, 8.521,4 lid: Wston R.d, Toronto, Out, - TENDERS WANTED - for 10 cords Body Wood, Maple and Beach, 10 inches long, and 2 cords' of t cedub,'14: inohees long, to be delivered at SOlbel S011•001 ou or before March 31st, 10422, Tenderq to be 1n by January 310t, WMt, T. Spence, Sec,•Treast. 5, S. 03A 11, ii wp of Grey. Ethel, Out. Annual Meeting Elma Farmers' Mutual Mho ?oiicylllolnlenva Ott filo Blum TIM'ewot',af Mutual Vito - tusuranot '(7orntamlhy were 'Weal represented esented it" the atttntual rattling 1101d til the pian. es1taeo Hattie, Almond, on, Jalaaetf u7lit, The -il`ornbaily rad hod. ti. 'ref%y A. W -gives you A Square Deal The Year Round Stocktaking Specials Misses Ski Suits, 14-20 Misses & Girls' Slacks ` $2.75 - $3.25 Misses Showerproof Jackets long type SPECIAL ' $3.50 Girls' Fleece Bloomers 35c Mens and Boys' Doeskin Windbreakers • '• • $3400 & $2.50 Lightweight Corsets & Corselettes ' ' 98c Special values in Prints - New patterns here See Our Sateen for quilting. Week -end Grocery Specials $7.98 i1 11 rSIPSSIteratiarhilMILTIMIRISSIESSEISWISSISISITSP SEE REID AND SEE RIGHT! Thousands of people in Brussels and district are wearing. REID'S GLASSES with perfect satisfaction. - If you have headaches, eyestrain, failing vision, cannot see to thread your needle or read -see Mr. Reid and haveyour eyes thoroughly examined by him. - Lowest prices at all times. Latest styles of Glasses R. A. REID R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST &: OPTOMETRIST Brussel Office -- Every Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5.00 MISS HJNGiSTJN'S Store --- Phone 51 s•INO•nuk CAR PAINTING Your present car will look better and last longer with a Complete New Paint Job. OR --In case of body or fender work, having those ugly dents taken out, we have the facilities for perfect workmanship and color -hatching. Lloyd Acheson w at Sandersonss Garage 'ph one..16X iirussels,Ont.