HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1942-1-28, Page 1SNE BR
* t a» w ,a a e y • Hockey News
Ob it Brussels hooicoy team ilo;ulzi
.i' to their second defeat et the 1luralaa
• a s b e 8 • s •. a of the speedy Milvernon stick -haze
lers on Friday night When theta
POST PUBLISHING HOUSE vv ednesday January 28th, 1942
D:JLocal Items
The 'annual buatuess meeting of
Melvilla Presbyterian Church. was l
ry'� I
Business Meeting Of
Melville ChurchH
held on Tuesday evening, January
160, at 8 o'cladk,
A (Pot Lurk Supper was served by
the ladies of the congregation at T
onto& and a social hour enjoyed,
The Pastor Rev. S. Kerr condeet'ed
the Devotional exercises which was
followed' by the business meeting
with R. J. Bowman presiding and A.
Ldrn.ont as secretiany.
The reports of all the organiza-
tions were presented and showed
that all had been active throughout
'the' year.
The folloiwing is a summary 'of,
monies raised for all purposes: -
For General Fund ... $2797.50
,Congregational giving, for
Budget . , , ; .... 416.60
Ladies' Aid .............r
W. M. S, 374.69
Mission Sand 58.07
.. Y. P. S. ..... 112.85
sSalbbath School ................. 130.90
Session Fund, 14.97
Total for all punlpooAe , ,... , $4490.20
Of the retiring managers, Dr, T.
T. McRae, John A. Work L W.
Eekmier and W. C. Kerr were re-
eleerted for a term of three years and
Wnn. W. Smith elected ton three
years imiplace oR John. Bowman, -who
wished to retire.
Mins (Mary ,Lamont was' re-
elected Record Secretary. W, C.
Kern, D. F. McTavish. Dr. W. D. S.
Jamieson, John A. Work anni John .
Yutll werere•agipo1nLed as ushers fon'
V V x
All Canada to go on Fast Time
The reason being they want to
make, available, to war iuehrs'tty the
greatest possible amount of power.
Regaa'dlug hada-holidays Moue[
. Forest., Whigha.nl, Listowel have had
to' have 31aiN a/1days' in the 'whiter
time as some of the business, mien
dtave odd jobs to do and some of the
boys that did; their ocicl jabs for iilueen
are in ours figh,t•inlg forces right in
the front fine doing the job over
there for: us now, A. lot of people
say, Oh the businees man has an.
easy time, maybe he bee and maybe
he hasn't but he .still hasgot to work
tc do Mose olid jobs. I plink that
to ma co out maltholiclay a little
mo'are success In Winning the war
why not get together say Thualsday
a,Oto nioan and continue bolding it
and, by going out and devoting some
of our "[pare time to gaFh'ering papers ,
and, salvage for the Red Cense and ;
help f1 ose boys that are doing that
odd job for us right under fire.
The majority of business, men
want a half holiday and apparently
the majority dor% mule, but in this
ease it is going to rule or we won't
have a holday at all,
Signed Neighbor
The family of the 1 late Duphetnla
Radion wish to express their Ogren -
iatiotl to friends in Brumes anti
vicinity for their kind ess to us mast
week, 1
the moaning service,
The Pastor, Rey. Samue'1 Kerr was
voted a substantial increase in
_spini'y in reclgonitiotl Cie iris atpirllditl,
aervfces, both In ilio 'pulpit and Tri
the homes of the cangiregato•n. Rev.
Mr. Kerr thanked the con'gre;•atian
for this, evidoenice of their a.lreecia,
tion of his, work and the meeting
was, closed by the Minister.
will be held in the
Wednesday, Feb. 4th
at 8 o'clock •
A programme will .be given con-
sisting of musical numbers, read-
ings and tap dancnig.
Address by the
Rev. F. M. Frederickson
"The Canadian and the
'European Ways of Life"
Debate, resolve—
"That ladies should ' have ' the
privilege of proposing for 3
years and men leap year only."
Proceeds for the British
War Victim 'Fund.
Admission—Adults C5c
hildren 150
Don't neglect. the Church --
you may require its servioes
at some future date.
Melville Church
';o a.m.—Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a.m.—"Life's Greatest
7 p.m,—,"A Crisis in the
'Life of Jacob."
United Church
10:30—"Calmness in a storm."
11:30 --Sunday School and
Bible Class,
7—The Church of the Early
You Are Heartily Welcome.
St, John's Church.
11.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer
Rev. F. W. Davis
Fred Edwards, grrndsan of Mrs.
Geo. Edlwaa+cls, Sr., is in ;England 1
;since Oct, fIe sailed 7th Oot,, 1941,
We hope iie bµ111 e011te back safely..
Miss Laura Manndtlg of Kitchener
sPeu't the week .end with her parent/
Mr. and Mrs. Herb, Manning,
Miss Mary Helen Kerr spent the
week end at her home, returning' 10
Stmatfoald on, Sunday aftl'noou.
Miss, Helen, Turnbdoll of the Busi-
ness College, Sta^atifand, spent the
week end with .her parents in Grey,
Mm Tain, 'Mci'adzea'n of Union
School, Grey, spent the week end at
111.6 hems
Dr. A. W. U. and Mrs. Gi111in of
Detroit, leOt for Delray Beach•, Flori•
da, last Thursday to spend the next
three months, in 'Sann'y Florida.
They sent flowers, but were sorry
they would 11e on the ay to Delray
Beach on Saturday, the day of their
friend Minis, Susan Crlch's funeral.
Mr, John Rutledge has been ser-
iously ill in the KiticOienter Waterlio
hospital for some time.
(Error Corrected
It was, reported in this paper Inst
week that R Zimmer's mother had
passed sway. It was Mrs. R. Zim-
mer's mother who died in Toronto.
Seaforth Ont.
Double Bill
Tim }jolt Ray Whitley
Fargo Kid
The second of Tim . Holt's •,exciting
Dennis Margan James .Wyatt
Kisses For Breakfast
Shirley Ross Lee Patrick
A hilarious romantic comedy, '
Next' Mon., Tues. and Wed.—
Fred Astaire ,Rita Hayworth
You'll Never Get Rich
Robert lBenchley John Hubbard
An exciting new military
musical drama.
Next Thurs., Fri. & Sat:—
Jeffrey Lynn • , Karen Verne
Underground ,
When 2 features are shoyn ,patrons
must be in not later than 8145 p.m.
Topper Returns
Community gonial
—IN --
Brussels Town Hall
Friday ' Evening, •Jan. 30th
AT 8:30 O'Clock
PROGRAMME of Plays, wholes and Musical Numbers
., to McNair Orchestra
Under the auspices of the Quilting Circle of 8th Con. Grey,
Admission,-- 25c Family Ticket -- dl.
Proceeds for for Patriotic Purposes.
Plate Glass Window Broken
The large plate glass window of
the 11. Downing •Suppe' Store teas
badly smashed on Wednesday even-
ve-ing of last Week 1Vhen a man fel
through it, 'County: officers, were
hen +e last week hlvl sftigat•iug, the
Fewer Cattle Coming East
For forty -alae weeps of 1841 cattle
shipments from the !Vest to Eastern
Canada totalled 60';23 head, compar-
ed with 129,943 for 'trite sante period
ie 1940. 'Calves shipped east la the
same Period numilhared only 3,810
last year, combated 131 12,900 In
Listowel Nurses
In South Africa
Fifty Canadian 1n i'ses, the first
contingent to join tug South African
Military Nursing Se11vice, were wel-
comed to Cape Toiwn by the .mayor
at the city hall. Miss Patterson and
Automatic Egg -Grader
F. ;1i. Santis has installed one of
the iciest models of Automatic Egg -
Grading Machines, This machine
Is capable of grading twenty thous-
and egge in ten: hours. This speeds
up service and assures the farmer of
ace urate grading.
Ration Books Will Be Colored
When gas rationing conies into
effect the Governmfent will use the
plan of variously tinted ration books
and, coupons t0 indicate the classes
et gasoline users'. In 6hls manner
Nue difficulty at ministering to tote
Various categories such. as doctors
and commercial travellers, who need
gas more than the person who uses
his oar almost solely for pleasure, Is
expeeted to be ovenconle.
• Fortner Resident
Dies In Detroit
Word was received here by
'sedatives of the death of Conrad
Racldatz in Detroit. He had been
condoled to his heal for the past four
years and his deathoccurred at his
home there on Weclhlesday, January
14tiu• He was the son of the late
Mics Lovegrove of Listowel are it'Ir. olid Mrs'. F. Racl'datz of CAM -
among the' group. brook.' He ms survived by his widow
Fordwicll Record
Many Turnips Shipped
The Ta'vistook Gazette ropo'rts
that as, of De�'enrben 81st, 278,000
bushels of turnips had been shinned
train the three.shipping points im
that ilnnnediate district—Shake-
speare, Tavistock and Hiekeon, with
11roi'e being shipped front the latter
Plana Pmelimd.niary 1'0l)orts are tto
the ef0ent that one 014011011 bttalte'le er
turnips, had been shipped train all
of IIV1e.eterno Ontario, for the year
ending December 31st,
Child Falls Through Barn Floor
Myrna S'eap, daughter of Mr. Beauty
Seth, a truck driver for the Fordm'ichi
Creamery, telt through a hole in the I.
barn floor at the fatally home near I
GowanstoW11 alighting on the stable.
floor, She was takeli to the Palm-
' eaten hospital, whteee it was found
she had suffered alight eonncu051811,
Her -concti'tion wasauttellt improved
next Clay and she was .able to return
'Forchvieh Record
At The Churches
,Services in. Melville Presbyterian
church. Ont Sunday were conducted
by .the minister, Rev. S. Kerr. ,Sun-
day school and Bible class was also
,Seuvmces In the United' church ou
Sunday were conducted by the pas-
tor, Rev. C. L. Lewis. The ordina-
ttdonls o'1- two new elders took place
following a reception, for new mem
bells. 'Commnttnuiou was served tit the
Morning, '
Morning services in St. John's
Anglican ohum& on Sunday was
conducted, by Rev, F. W. Davie of
Morning Star
Lodge Entertains
Members of Morning Star Rebekah
Lodge were hostessesffor a ,large
number of guests who attended 'their
annual Caixl'-Party which' was held
in the I. 0^ O. F, 'hall on FrielaY
evening os last ween,
There were lthi1'•ty'tfolIn tables at
Euchre in play. Miss Helen Baeker
was winner of the ladies' prize, four-
teen games out of fifteen, and Mr,
Geo. 1S'll[nls won the gentlettaan's•
prize with a score of fifteen, games.
The prizes were .$1.00 War Savings
stamps, ! •
Mrs. D. A. Ream, N. G. of Morning
Stag Lodge welcomed, the people In a
few well-oeluoseat words.
The delightful evening was
brought to a close with the serving
of lunch.
001e span, and one daughter and his
brother Charles, Detroit,
Some Kind of a Record -
There 1100 keeau a lot of poorly
attended municipal meetings' in
towns, townships. and villages whsle
elections, were not held this year but
the one in. !Palmerston O1+obably
"takes the cake." The Observe''
reports, that the meeting opened at
the appointed hour with the mayor,
town clerk and the 'Observer repre-
sentative present. By 8:30' two
members of the school board 0nd
the townf treasurer had arrived.
After waiting for a few minutes, it
Was decided that 110 others were go-
ing to put in on ,appearance, so the
meeting closed.
Letters From '•Boys Overseas
Conte Pouring IIn
In tat* week's, tsswe a letter ap'
petered iron 'Pte. IllittY Bowler and
01', another Pagel in this issue there
ane, six snare from S, 11. H,arnllalh,
Chas. Dolt, Harry Tntnmey, Sohn
Speir, Dellbert Hull, and E. J. Sale -
,man. Thief is not all of theta either,
oo the columns are crowded this
Week, We fined it ne4esetry oto with
hold the rest till nest 1e1stte•1Iorwever
they appear in tite rotation they
were received. They were addressed
some to, the local branchof the
(Canadian teetotal land some to The
Post, but thief thanks are ea0rressed to
ai1 who helped, to make it possible to
.send the boys each a flannel.
Mobile Labor' Force Suggested
It. seems to be a foot that some
new way.'ot handling the situation
will have to be devised if the crops
needed are. to be'sown and " reaped:
The I+iamner's Advocate, makes a -con,
strnotive suggestion. Since the seed-
ing and, harvest season varies from
south to north 1n the province, the
Advocate thinks i't passible to have a
mobile labor force hove north with
the season. Well directed units
1V0111c1. soave many cldlficultdes if
directed to localities and farms
where hemp was needed. Such units
would be especially effective during
.301ers118111g and smllo-filling, for it would
make it possible for the, farmer to
get these special jobs clone without
being obliged to spend two weeks
away from home paying back his
n•eigdrbors' fon^ the help they had
given 114111,
—Unique Tea Held
By Brussels Women
The United Churdh W. A. met at f
the halite of M. Rofbnnsmu 011 Tuesday
evening with at attendance of 41
Ladies. 'The President, Mrs•, Hug -
gall, poesidin+g. The Devotional
Period was taken by Mrs. Hunan,
Mrs, J ,Bryeto and Mrs, Rev. Lefwn0.
Contiteei were aSrpain,ted and it
was decided to, forward $10.00 to the
British 'Churches and $5;00 to the
Raussiam Hospital !Relief; Mrs.
Norse sang 2 solos, The Executive
of the Association then took charge
and spenit a happy hour over a Mile-
stone Tea, A Milestone Tea means
not sitting at one stable but several.
At. the first table the guess, imagine
themselves, as infants and sip at
tomato juice. As. the years pass they
final themselves at the school girls'
table and so on at the bride's table,
then the mother's and lastly grand-
mother. 3iooh 'table having a ermine
su1)1411e to its name.
Decoration, ,and costume were
carried ao't also. Those in, charge
were ss follows:- Mrs. A. Rann, as
Baby; Mme, J. Bryan, as School girl;
Mists E. Downing as 'Bride; Mrs, Elia
Banker as M'otiter and Mrs. N. Gerry
as Grandmother in, bonnet and
Songss suitable to each table were
well rendered by Mils. Nurse acedhnp-
an,ted by Guitar. The ladies then
joined hands and sang "Home Sweet
Mrs. Susan Crich
The funeral of Miss, 31.15011 Crltall
Was hold 011 Saturday afternoon from
her home, Rev. C. L. Lewis, pastor
cif the United church of which the
departed 180111041 was a member 0el1-
ducted the service Mrs. Crich who
was hl her 7411, year passed away
at the Elliott Nursing (Homme in. Blyth
011' Thursday. The departed w0111a11
who wale wellllcnown and hdgtllly
respected is, this community having
been borno11 the 5111 concession, of
Grey township, the daughter of 111r.
anal Mrs, Richard Roe, In 1003 she
Married Enooh Crich, 'who passed
away in 1912. Mrs. Oric'h shad been
in, poor health for some years, This
winter she went to Blyth where she
Passed away from a stroke. Surviv-
ing are one slstter, M. Hugh Carr,
(Eliza Alis) of Ruelyard, Mich. and
three brothers, George, William o1
Plymouth Mich., and. Adam of Pick-
ford, Mich The funeral as held on
Saturday afternoon with interment
Brussels cemetery.
John Mustard
palm Mustard, a respected resi-
dent of the '2nd concession of
Morris Township died in the
Clinton General Hospital on Wed-
nesday, llanuary 14, fallowing a
niajoa' 'apepl0411011 'performed tin
days prevdausly; Mr. Mustard was
born 70 years ago, on the same
conoes'.sion where Ile load continued
to reside, the sans if the late Alex-
ander Mustard and Jane 'Coultes,
pioneer settlers of the township.
He attended 'school at Browntown
S. 'S. No: 8 and early in life showed
0 special interest in fanning, an
occupation Which he carried on
most successfully.
He is survived by his wife, form-
erly Miss Jane Fraser of the same
.township; two sone; Cameron and
Fraser Mustard at home and one
daughter, ('Mrs. Johin) Margaret
Fischer, of the Boundary line, east
of BOttevale; two grandchildren
one bmather, Allenaind'er Mustard,
2nd' ,0oneesasion of Morris; one halt
sister, Mrs. Robert Turley and
three 'half brotheaos, Robert Wil-
liam and. Janes Woodray.
The funeral service as held from
his late residence on Friday after.
noon conducted by Rev. C. Taveu,er.
minister of the Blue,,'ale and Eb-
enezer United 'Church.
Interment was, made in the Brus-
sels 'C'emetery.
The pallbearers. were: James
Turvey, ,Sitaintley Mutitard;, Eimer
Sellers, Milton Fraser and J Hoy.
The Gleaners Mission Band met
on1 'Saunclay, Jan. 24,. with 33 in
attendrtnce. Tule opening hymn was
258 which was folloawed by the Lord's
,Prayer in unison. Helen Sholdlce
read the Scripture lesson end Mrs.
Broadfoot offered special prayer for
Mos. 1'fcOall gave the
stony based an the memory verse
'(Let us not lotve, in. word nor in
tongue but by deed and truth.' lir.
Graige'r was present and tauglia; a
class of bays. The melting closed
with the National Anthem and the
M1001a11 benediction.
Rev. Mr. Gilbert will preach lila
farewell sermon in Sunday, Feb.
1st. He has enlisted aa Chaplain
in the armed forces, A farewell
'septet will be held on Friday even-
ing for Rev. Mr. and Mints. Gilbert,
On, January 21st the U,F,W,O.
held their monthly meeting at the
home of M•ns. Jas, McDonald, The
trea'sturerls report fon' 1981 was given
by Dins A, 'Cavias,. Ma'.s John Mc'
Donald gave an inspiring talk on
poetry. A national broadcast tram
the Canadian' Federation Convention
at Taranto, alit Thursday ,evening, 29
I on '0130 network at 7:45 (D.O.T.),
Time slnlbjelct 4a Change. Speaker
will be 0ap!tai0 ,Cleveland Fyfe of
London, England, February meet-
ig will be at Mans. A. Coutts with
Dr. MseMasiter Speaking on Municipal
Monkton Wed., 'Feb. 4th
Flame,'r The Kansas Farmer an
.. Entertainer
Dozen of Oranges. illi Grower's or
Gmapfrutt for the regular ,pHte this
week, Try 0411 Head Lotting its
fresh and crisp, Golden Yellow
Bananas always on hand, 14 1t's
. tioult You want Grower's, have 'tate
played in the Milverto01. arena.
Metntosh al Bruslaei's was the gc iV-
getter for Brussels secrinlg both. .01
their two Counters.
The game ended with a scorer of'
5-2 with :Milverton on the long tauf3
of the Score, 1 ,,
The next game will be played Di
the Brussels arena on Friday evening'
of this weak when, Brussels 'w41810
battle the Listowel team for thele'
first: victory. Hans are urged 'era '
attend and cheer the boys to Ip
winhtg' snore.
Daylight Saving Starts In
Canada an February 9th
OTTAWA, Jan. 27—Daydig0ut sex-
ing time wild be applied through -e tt.
Canada on and 'after February Sk
State Secretary' Mel1an+ty announce*.
yesterday. The ruling is effectire
as and from L,' x.311. stanelatd tamer
February 9.. The time will he ems
hour in. advance of aceep1ed stan73-
ard time
The nilniste:r said the reason Sneer
choosing the hour of 2 am. ^ftwe
that transportation companies Da '.
the United States went on detydigAal`
saving time at that hour..
"If Canadian transportation 00352'
pan.ies, were do continue to: operate
ono standard tame in, tile' varion's
time zones tti would instil ib. serinms
dislocation, of and interlferemce v33in
essential business associated -wigs
the war effort," Mr. McLan#.y said;
,`.`Thiel will mean that tiie Canadiamm
n'401W0lys will proceed to ed1ilet tie
timetables to daylight saving time,
Publicity Committee
'Phe following is a list of - names
composing the plOblicity committee
for the second Viotoly Loan (litre
for Huron C'aulllty:
C, K. Saunders (Chairman) Goderi1'1
A. Willes , .... Goderie0i
E. C. Beacom .................. Godexir3i
N. W. Miller GoderieTm
E. Cranston .,..r.........,� Goderie't1•
Kenneth W+hdtmore. Bh °aha
Roy Kennedy ,,., Brussels
G. E. Hall .. , ., . .,,.
. Curren
3, M. Soutlneatt ..,,.... ,..... Exeter
R. N. Creech ,.,.. • .............. Exeter
Rev. Page ...................... _... Exeter
T. A. Roberts, Ford'wio3w
A, Y. McLean .................... Seefor k
Ostwald Snowden Seatorakl
W. T. •Ci•uioltshanlcs Wi1nPJma
W. W. Armstrong ........... , Wiug&aoar
E. Gas'cho . • Z1tride
Chester Smith •..... Znrbah
W. A. Seibert ................. Zu lac
R. H. Middleton .. ........... Hen'ea'gs
13- S, Mickle . .......... .. Helezul
Alults-30c^• Children -10c
at the Brussels Arena on
Listowel Vs. Brussels
Game starts a 8
ELGRAVE: -� _.
The annual meeting of 3.“1-1)United. Sunday school as held wife
Rev. G. 101. Dunlop 1)14skling, Sunday.school was held an 50 Sundays 1a
1941 with an. average attendance. x111 •
76.46, and the average collection 18800
$2.45. Fitly ,dollars' as donate*
to missions.'
The following office's were odes"
ed: superintendent, NormanKeat-
ing; assistant supn'intendenuts, Ear.2
Aluseaston, ,S'teiwarlt Procter; secre-
tary, Martin Grasby; assistant sec-
retaries,. George Michie, Ross Ander-
son; treasurer, Witham McOlennaR-
11nn ; pian1sus4 'lire George Johnts4om,
Miss Elaine Waieh, Mre Nonlnasu
Keating; ltbnarians, Almond Ja•m'Sr-
s:on, Roosts Anderson; cradle 2)039
superintendent, .. Mrs.. M. Graffi
auditor % Miss E. Procter,. M'Ins,. 43.
Logan'; teachers, Bible class, Hes.
G. 04. Dunlop, Earl Anderson; Trims
"V", 'Stewart Procter;
; Excel
Mrs, N,, Keating, Ms, Ante
sant; intermediate girls, Miss EsIN
P1'octea'; junior girls, Aire,. (»I
Scott, Mae Dimes ll4 dhie; lett
mediate boys, James Michie, . Geoatge.
Johneltanf; j'tultdb boys, to be dee*
ed ; 'artillery, Mrs. George Mart3ta5
Mrs'. G..10111100811; beginners, 14( ,.113,
Channel., Mize EdithMcOlenaghan,
Miss Mae Frisby.
Vestry Mee'tig'Held..
Trinity Atogidcani church held its
annual vestry meeting in the ohukLb.
Rev.. P,. H. Streeter presided. Alex
McIumne'g was appointed, vetntiW
ellen* for the meeting. The yearly 're-
ports of the different organizations
were given and all showed pro3reas.
The missionary glvlmgsw exceeded
thoSfe of 1940.
Offices elected were. -Uneasier'',
Robert Procter; people's 'warden
David Aann01i'on!g; rector's warden,.
Robert Pinder.
Personals: Mr. and M. Herman
Nethes'y, Mr. and Mari, C. I3 Wade
attenmed, the funeral In. Fold'wlc'Is '.
Snndbuy of Mals,. William. 1iantiltdn,'
mother of Mrs, Nether') and awn*. et
Mr. Wade; Robert Graslby, ILonale00,
at 1'14 home here; Kenneth Mttct I,
Rotheey', Mr, olid Mao'. J, 18,•Cont1aac
t '130 1 Harry 3Tethering•ton with Mr: ono
Mae. i4. Keating; Mrs. James Aud'or-
sen, with Mr. and M'S, Jahr'
Admission --,Adults 25c
A, GREWAR ' Children 15c dersen.