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The Brussels Post, 1951-12-19, Page 8
THE BRUSSELS POST w-°.4,j�.'�;� sm,,mo �� .i". ,�mJ,dcy mm! v-• o � � xta' ` Brussels, Ont. ' 1 i .%l 3t ii. i r lh Pleqse Tiffany B atltihil C.�oreittsc Packages ath Cologne Perfume, Lip Sticks, I'uAing Powder, C,•e:atn and etc. '.I (..lifts With a kragrar;t Future by Yardley in Lasencier, April Violets, Fragrance, and Lotus Lotion. Other Toiletries - Everting in Paris, f -.4en ds,"aid:; Gore: -:n, Adrienne and Revlon cur! i` -7T r 'c.n -- Bachelor Sets, Langlois it'llnnef's, Yardley's and �',`Tclliarre's. 1aa+viceye Car-cra $6,75 'l;. a.:get Brownie Nc. Sir 90 rl--:to Vlach B„11,8 1:I BOOKS for Boys and Girls Coloring. Books New Fiction S =lose°:rations. Th,:, Store to Get Attractive Christmas Decr,rsati,',;r..s and Gift Wrappings. ;M TH � .r DRUGGIST Rexall Drug Stare a"-:.1. �-OW Nat. - BRUSSELS, S, dla4iL Art - NO MILK DELIVERY • CHRISTMAS DAY DEC 25 BOXING DAY, DEC. 26 OR NEW YEAR'S DAY, JAN. 1st CREAMERY OFFICE - Will Be Open On The Above Days From 10 a.m. to 12 a.m. for Anyone Wishing MUk. BRUSSELS CREAMERYM.MONVOWAVAKO( ( (,; M (' Phone 2A Biltmore Hat Certificates Sports Jackets Gloves Shirts TiesSox Sweaters Suits Top Coats We extend to all best wishes for a. Joyous Christmas with all its blessings, Lingerie Dresses House„ Coats Blouses Scarves Purses Gloves Handker- chiefs Umbrellas Most CorcifiaI Wishes! VILLAGE �jOFBRUSSELS PARKING HOUS By Order of Police T© facilitate snow removal, No Parking, on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 a. rn. and 8 a. rn. This order will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, Sac. 40, Sub -Section 7. FOR SALE - 10n acre farm, real good buildings. hydro. price $7,500.00. 2-150 acre forme, good buildings, good location. 1-250 acre farm, good location, hydro. pressure system and hath. 2-100 acre grass farms. 1-V) acre grass farm. 1-00 acre farm priced $5,800, buildings. 1-50 acre farm, good buildings. J. C. Long, Real Ratite Rrcker, • Phone 04 Brussels. ARS ASTO E Men's And Ladies Wear Christmas Suggestions WITH A LAY - AWAY PLAN NO DEPOSIT PLUS 30 DAYS CREDIT MEN'S SNOW600TS AND OVERSHOES Snowboots Heavy Wool Lined $8.95, 310.00„ $12.50 and 314.00 Overshoes Heavy Fleeced Lined Zipper or 4 Buckle Rubber or Cloth $5.95 2 Buckle Cloth $4.96 Heavy Rubber Boots Long 35.50 $6.60 Heavy Rubber Bouts Short $4.50 High Leather Top Rubber Men's $7.95 Boys 36.50 MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND SLIPPERS Ritchie & Valentine $4.96, $8,95 and 312.00 Ritchie & Valentine $4.00, $8.96 and 312.60 Men's Romeo's and Zipper Slippers $3.96, $4.50, $5.60 and $6.95 Bo9a 32.00 and $3.95 Boys Dress Shoes 34.00, 34.55 and 36.95 Men's and Boys SKATES all prices trade in allowance for old skates. MEN'S MONARCH KNIT SWEATERS and TONY DAY All Colours Short sleeve Pullovers, All Wool $6.95 Long Sleeve Pullovera38 95 3 W37 60 and $8.50 Long Sleeve Pullovers. All•NylonSmart 760 and $10.00 Fano' Knit $ Long Sleeve, All Wool Button Sweater Coate $8.50 MEN'S HATS AND CAPS Brock Felt Hats $5,00 $7,50 Mao Felt Hata 37.60 and 310.00 stettsonn Felt Hats$2,00 Winter Cape and Scott Tames $8.95 Doe Skin Work Shirts FORSYTH AND ARROW DRESS SHIRTS White with or without French Cuffs or Windsor Collar 34.50, 35.60 and 37.50 Plain shades or Stripes with or with- out French Cuffs 33.00, $4.96 and Sport Shirts In Wool; Corduroy and Gabardine $3.96, 46.50 and 47.50 Boys Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts. On Sale $2.00 $5.60 MEN'S TIES, SCARVES AND SOCKS Arrow and Forsyth Ties $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Forsyth Scarves, Wool or Rayon $2.50 and $$.60 Socks, Wool or Nylon Long or Short $1.00, $1.50, 32.00 and $2.50 Men's Belts at 31.25, 31.60. $2.00 LADIES SNOWBOOTS AND OVERSHOES Heavy Rubber Wool -Lined Pull -Ons $8.50, 310.50 and 312.60 Heavy Rubber -Wool -Lined Overshoes $5.00, 37.60 and 310.60 Heavy Nylon Wool -Lined Overshoes $12.60 Velvet Overshoes $3.50 and 35.95 Fur Trimmed Ladles and Girls SKATES all prices Trade In Allowance for old skates LADIES NYLONS AND HOUSE SLIPPERS 200 pair of Ladles Slippers, all sizes Latest Styles and Colours • $1.26, 31.55, $2.60, $3.0, 33.95 95d $0,96 Latest Styles in Nylons wlth or without Fancy Heels,' 51 gauge. 15 Deniers 31.45 and $1.95 Everything guaranteed under reasonable Wear and care or money cheerfully refunded. PHO. NE 11 BRUSSELS, ONT. rs' USED CARS FOR SALE - 1932 Ohev. coach in good condition 1936 Nord Coupe 1934 Terraplaue coach. real good J. C. Neil Phone 77r6. W dnerday, 1)reetnhrr 19th, 1961. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING May We Suggest You Buy Something You Aro Going To Enjoy Not Only Christmas Day But For All Year and Many Yegri To Coma, h° or i;ne Home - 1 MURRAY MOWN Manager, 9b0 CFPL 9 9 9 R`-�(B• appy )/raw ear! 1 980 CFPL's JACK BENNETT GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES- GEf,EF:AL ELECTRIC AND BEACH. CLAIRE JEWEL COMBINATION COAL & ELECTRIC. THE ONLY COMBINATION TO HEAT THE OVEN WITH EITHER THE COAL OR ELECTRIC. FESS 'OIL BURNIERS. - WARM MORNING COAL HEATER, Holds 100 Ib. Coal and With Autmoatic Draft Control. - ELECTRIC WALL CLOCKS. For Mother and Dad _- GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO COOKING UTENSILS, STAINLESS STEEL, ENAMELLED, ALUMINUM, PYREX, PRESSURE COOKERS. - TOOLS OF ALL KiNDS, For the Children - TOBOGGANS, SLEIGHS, BICYCLES, TRIKES, WAGONS, POCKET WATCHES, ETC Drop In And Louk Them Over You Are Always Welcome Whether You Buy Or Not. And We Also Have For Your Heating Requirements THE FAMOUS D. L. & W. SLUE COAL ALSO ALBERTA. TEL. 68 M. C. OLDFIELD I Seascn's Greetings I take this opportunity to thank all my customers for their patronage during the past year. and to Wish You All A Marry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. The Style Shoppe (Donna M. Cudmore, Prop.) SEASON'S GREETINGS Best Wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy and Successful NEW YEAR C. ZILLIAX & SON HARDWARE & CHINAWARE PHONE 40 LISTOWEL THE STORE WITH THE STOCK o Your riot as A T White Shirts, with French outts, White Broadcloth, stripes and plain shades. Men's and Boys Flannelette Pyjamas and Flannelette Night- gowns. Men's Silk Dressing Gowns, small medium and large. Large selection of Nylons and Pure Wool Sox and Diamond Sox, by Holeproof and Circle Bar. Good Selection of Men's and Women's Handkerchiefs. Large selection of Men's Hickok Genuine Leather Belts. o ping Store Men's Braces, Arm Bands, Garters Nylons, Full Fashioned, First all by Currie. Quality Weldrest, Phantom and Circle Bar $1.29 up. Large selection of Men's and Boys Neckwear by Forsyth, Blue- stone, Watson Bros., and Majestic $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, Men's and Boys Cardigans and Pullovers, Give Him an Adam Hat Certificate and let him redeem it and choose hls own color style and size $5.00 and $5.95. Men's Dress Gloves, Lined and unlined at $2.98 up. Men's and Boys Station Wagon Coats, Bombardier Jacket 211d Gabardine Strollers, all Made With Quilted lining by Nationally Al' vertised firms. Men's and Boys Heavy Doeskin Plaid Shirts, famous Elmira !Bake, Men's Scarfs In wool and rayons In white and plain shades also patterns. Men's and Boys Parkas with wool pac quilted Ilning. Men's and Boys Ski Gaps In plain Gabardine, fur trim and satin, Ladies Satin Dressing Gowns, flowered in wine and blue 39,95 up Ladies Snuggledown and Luxite, Pyjamas and Nightgowns In yellow, lilac, pink and blue $3.95 up. Ladles Crepe Slips, Sulette, Form- ula, sites 32 to 44, $3.00 up. Angora Berets, by Grandmere, In white, mauve, surf blue and yellow. Ladies and Children's Flannelette Pyjamas and Nightgowns. Ladies and Children's Wool and Angora Gloves. Ladies Pure Sllk Flowered Scarfs 31.25. Ladled Fiandkerchlefs, boxed and loose numbers. Misses Station Wagon Coats In beige, wine, grey and rust. Ladies and Ohildren's Slacks and Lined Gabardine Ski Pants. Ladies ajne Children's Sweaters In Cardigans 'and Pullovers in wool and Nxion. Tablecloths In lace and flowered cottons in sizes 36 x 36 - 50 x 50 and 54 x 68. Flannelette Blankets 70 x 90, at $6.19. per pair. 80 x 90 at $6.79. Indian Motor Rugs In lovely patterns at $2.50 up. Towels and Towel Sets, also Hem- stitched Pillow Cases and Sheets. Ladies and Misses Blouses in long and short sleeves, 32.79 up. Good selection of Women's Hand• bags in Plastic, Suedes, Velvet and Morr000 Leather 33.29 up. kubJ kv' o k� tea"- k -v e N'8 THE ku' AIDE grTORES Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Myth, Ont. - Brussels, Ont, v MI.s e aWMO .4 W s M•j.�MMkunrs'tiAWA^ •.oO SPORTS WEAR Here's a "sure 10 phase" Christmas gift (hat will remove n lot or worry anti win a warm "thank you" from any man. Forsyth Sports Rear has every- thing to delight a man's taste ... soft, distinctive fuhries, , . tailor- ing Iliel means good looks with luxurious nomfert...colors and designs that are the hast word in smartness. Choose from Wools, Gabardines, Nylons, 'Rayons or Cohens. "No one ever regretted buying Quality"-Roe'd Good selection of Women's Wintry Coats and Better Dresses at Reasonable Prices. All Gift Boxes free as long as they last.