HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-12-19, Page 51'HE BRUSSELS POST
Hospitals'must be careful about their
kitchens. Cooking utensils Must meet
the highest hygienic standards in food
preparation. That's why hospitals use
so many aluminum utensils. Alum-
inum is ideal in contact with food.
And this food -friendly metal helps
prepare meals more easily because
it heats so quickly and evenly, Mil-
lions of Canadian housewives enjoy
these ''aluminum advantages", too.
They cook better, cook more easily
and protect the flavour and quality of
their food with aluminum utensils,
the metal of many uses
• Aluminum caps are used on blood
plasma bottles.
• Aluminum capsules are used to
protect serums.
• Aluminum jells are used In treating
continues its good lob of protecting
ecbutter, nmargaurity and
quality. Chocolate bars, t
ea,and merry other foodstuffs are wrapped in
aluminum foil.
partTs of modern ranking machDAIRY INDUSTRY milk ines ails and are madmane
kluminum• gleaming alumd when inum bottleu see a
milk with a 4 inum fo 1op
well protected.
can be sure of purity we
Guaranteed repairs to all makes of cars and trucks.
Parts and Accessories.
Austin Sales and Service
r(��� �P�-HONE��'77r6 D BB��R�USS'SS��EsLSS,,! ONT. �
:?iRsM N'Di✓'Mrl•� 1 •+15,5•9 ku�1� •)J' kl'!Ok'O'�rS
Clinton, Ont.
For watch cleaning of distinction, and;
fully guaranteed repairing or no charge,
send or bring your watch or dock to
Vodden .jewellers in Clinton. Clinton's
youngest jeweller.
.Also a grand line of Certina Watches,
Westlox products, J. B. bracelets and
bands, Elgin Nylon watch straps, Seth
Thomas Mantel 8 day striking clocks and
electric clocks.
Make your family the ideal Christmas
gift of watch cleaning job of satisfaction.
Ladies Watches Cleaned $2.00
Gents Watches Cleaned $1..50
Satisfaction Guaranteed or money refunded
Friendship Cade
The January meeting of the
Friendship Circle will be held in the
school room of the United Church
on Wednesday, January 9th, 1952,
We extend a cordial invitation to all
the Iadies to attend and a special
invitation is extended to those who
wish to become members in our
Friendship Circle,
Test Wishes! e,
a' 980 CFPL's r
Cuthbert Hutchinson
Thu death 000urred at his resid•
pace in INtltei, on Tuesday, Dec. lith,
itf31, of ntuthbcnt Hutchinson, a lite
long rrsiden,t of (trey Twp., in his
213th year. IIP leas a member of C.
O. F. 281 anti elder of blie Pres•
bytert m Church.
He is survived by two daughters,
(Trace) Mrs. A. 13. Lounsbury. of
13thel, (Sara) Mrs. Wesley Gans.
olrmworuh, one non, George of
']diel, file :zranrcicbl1du'en, John and
('rase Lamont. of Ethel. George,
Tllarelithige. Manitoba, Arthur,
Portage Tia Prattle, Man.. and
Lennard, of Ravers, Man.
A private service wo.s held at his
1'0114pl4ce on Friday. Dec, 141th at
1.30 p. m„ followed by a public ser.
ulcer of the Presbyterian church at 2
0. m., conducted by Rev. T3yndlnan.
Robert Cunningham 'cans;. Beyond
the Siunrsef, accolnpan'ed by Mrs. I
Elsie Cunningham.
Palibeartrs p,,er.e Stanley Dunbar,
MOSS Rtephenmon, Ted R,irharcla, Roes
runnIoat ttlll• George Elliott. and
Prink Purvis.
Plower be -tiers warn Wm. Close,
Jack Conte:•, Wm. Hollinger• and
-1v t'erlunlst.
Tnfermenf 1n Mount Pleasant
t''rmr,tcry Fethet.
In ail the 1 vrred rush of (:hris:t-
' pr partitions. in tha exriarneol
f wiring and receiving gifts, in our
plums for mincing ,icy to children,
Int us not l0sr s'gllt of filo real
ign.itir:aar„ of Christmas.
T,r,t admits pause, 10 the frantic
i`ace of these days, and remember
whn,t that tyro- [Tliristmes meant, trucks cdaared• from sides of road
h13r R•':
Millstones" let els take titer to read
them, too, the story of that first
Christmas to Bethlehem. 'Tell tlrenl
that the first Christmas gift of all
1108 the gdit of the baby Jmeun from
our Father in Heaven and without
Him there would' be no Christmas.
Let Nits Glrt•latulas not be only a
'anis of fun and feasting but a
Cllrlstntas of worship and adoration,
Janet McNair
Jane McNair
Passed away in Grey township on
'f'Innrsdey. Doc. 1&til, Janet McNair
in her 7Rth year. Deceased sisters
10 her 75111 nears. Deettasad sisters
Were daughters of the fate Duncan c�
McNair and Jane Burns. �}
in life Mise Janet had
Wednesday, December 19th, hb51,
Free Turkey for Christmas With Every
International Harvester Refrigerator
What better Christmas Gift for Mother and the home than an
keyed for her own kitchen. (i, e. — Door handles are colour -keyed to
the kitchen) with added features as the Pantry -door Egg -o -mat,
Butter Conditioner, Built-in Bottle Opener with either large or
small freezers.
They come in 7 different models and 7 different prices as low as
$290.00. And you also get your Christmas Turkey FREE with
every unit purchased before Christmas,
You Can Be Assured Delivery For
vomit several years 10 Dr-rtro{t as a Your I. H. C. Dealer
dress n Phone 78x4
e Motors
raker returning to keep house .�.�,.�..yy�
fora brother on the HMI ren. of CGr Je=t�Xc c
Grey. Miss ,Tane had spent about NOTICE ro CREnt
Se yeas as a stenographer. All persons having claims
p ams a-gainsi
Funeral service was 000dmeterl 1110 Nt')i , of FRANCLs JOSEPH
tenni the D. A. Bann fnnerai parlor .11.1( r1ti tate of ,he Township of
by Rev. TTyp,iman of Cranhrook Morris 1u the County 01 Huron,
Prenhvter{an rbrlrc'b of which the Farnicr, deceased who died on or
ttvo 1:,,,rr, ver„. falithhll mnmhAmp ' :thou/ tha 241,1, day of November,
'1,'T"av 111' p to mnnrn their inss nee: •t. I) 1051, aro hereby notified to
1'Trs. Margaret Houston and -r=ed to the tnlderaign"•d ,T nr : 1;n,tt
"hew R.1•" TTnnston. i th, 12.11 clay of January. 1'723 full
Patlbrarere n•• rr all rnnaina ,Tele ' plmtlmnlars or 'he{;• ,q„{±1„ 111 writ,
1 rR l,n, Ar7rirn '1frP� ,»1l•t. SM+',rt in•g fnlutr•dis 111' af•�r alar 12th day
.,r,�V ";r ,Tim '1Tr ,040,.1, aeon '4f r. of T;rnivary { , the assets of the
'Piga-art and Rn Patterson. , Pouts will h rifest'hnterl amongst
Flowers were many and bell,rifnt i the n•rrtfes entitled theretr, hating
'hnwine- the high esteem in which i 1'"sacci only to thn:n cl,,i, :. ,.r „barb
the Sisters were held, i 'ata Eb;oentnrs -!r,q .r
Tl',7:2 prnt was fn t'"r•,n1,rnnk Dated at Pr ,.r< 11 xri", th's j
rnm,'tpry, ISIb' d.ay of Deremher, 1951.
xrr1R"fr"W" Tiarrisf•ers and r.
T':ea.' 1 Brussels Ont ar{
tic trc•p ml?ic 01111, cars and
I till means. to this woary world. for snow plowing. Owners will be
Whale bile little ones eagerly, await responsible if damaged,
coming of Santn and nn read them Arobur .Rock. Road Supt„
to sleep with "The Night Before T
�,�-1 .� ,,��-��+�,��. �-9�,,�.�,�,•�.�,�•.�•����w.�p�of�G�rey�Dthe�l,�Owt�.
C°g:114gWc cy�y'�JA:51— �,3:%C�ty JCtglitgC Jcam.':JCEJc �
Christmas Suggestions at
s a Repair
Brussels, Ont.
Men's Wool Lined Flight Boots, zipper and
Pull -on
Boys $7.95, $8,95, $9.50
Men's 4 Suckle Overshoes, Cloth or Rubber $7.95
Men's Felt Shires, all felt $5.95
Men's Felt Shoes, leather foxing $4.95
Mitts and Gloves for Men and Boys
Quality Shoe and Rubber Repairing — Skates Sharpened
Agent for Armltages Dry Cleaners and Dyers.
1949 Oldsmobile Sedan, Radio & Heater
1948 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Sedan
Radio and Heater
1946 Chez;. Cvup'-, .Radio and Heater
1946 Ford Coach
1937 Chevrolet Coupe
.1938 Dodge Sedan
1940 Ford 112 fon truck, with racks
1946 .Ford 3 ton truck with racks
New Oldsmobile Tnlnixe Sedan
New r'h'�v•'z;let Power Glide Sedan
Announcement — We now have the New
Stewart Wcrrnpr- Electronic Wheel Bal-
ancer. A must for safe driving and cuts tire
-"'^"''' fr'^ a minimum.
r' �
Chevrolet and Oldsmobile -
Texaco gas and oils
Phone 56
Brussels, Ont.
Snliefforc for Executers.
fi. 11c•Dowelt and Miss Flor-
ence McNaughton attended the
Buneral of David Fountain, who
passed away lest week at Victoria
Hospttal, London.
Miss Florence McNaughton is
Waiting her relatives in Strathroy
during Christmas and New Year.
Thos. W. Bone of Tisdale. Sask.,
is visiting at the home of his slater
Mrs, C. Sellers, He is spending the
winter wtfh relatives in this com-
Mrs. R. Hoover, Miss Hoover and
Mr, and Mrs, Norrpan Hoover atter
led the Clegg - McCallum wedding
at Blyth United Church on Saturday.
.Tim Edgar and Jack Higgins of
Brussels won the Free Press trip to
Detroit last week -end to see the
Detrdt-Clh,loago hockey game by
obtaining new subscrfptons,
'•i,,C:�' �� (r Brussels, Ont. gAii;
Mrs, James Bolger
Following an illness of two mono's,
Mrs, James Bolger, died at her home,
North Main St„ Seaforth on
Sunday, Dec, 9, Mrs, Bolger was in
her Aird year. She was formely
Mary I7leanor Tomnth and was born
at Williceinirob and wa, married in
1'•'9 of P,r•tndon tet Mr. Bolger who
her. She horl lived in
lllnnrn-rr anti Belmont'. Man., be -
r11 ,,,ling 1,c Seafortdt 11 years
The funeral was held from the
t{ hitnoy Panoral Home on Tuesday
s1 .1'11,1111. nor. y)'. A. Jones of
m,tncliran Cintrcrh n"('elated.
Interna,',+t took place in Brhssels
rrmetel•y, The pallbearers were
Tl i» s Rnlmr•r, Harold Tin! Try. (leo.
Pollard, Jim McDonald, Bjl) Petrie,
Frank ,Tohnston,
The Vnice of Temperance —
They revoked the Canada Temper.
ansa Act in Manitoulin two years
ago on the ground that itt opened.tbe-
way for drinloiing by minors and
bootlegging. The word that comes
dawn from the island now la that
"minors" are getting liquor evident-
ly without any ,trouble, •three such
were on a week's drank," "The
Canada Temperance Act no longer
exists but drinking among Min-
ors does,"
"Dance have had to hp shopped even
in the (:R.{1,) Panitah Hall.” Boot-
legging seems• impoctent ever7wlb41)a
more drinking in Manitoulin. than
ever before, drinking has become a
menace," This "tile report of a re•
presentative of the Ontario Temper-
ante Federation on a visit to Mani-
toulin, — Advt.
To the E1",-.t.-,rs o'f Grey Township
My sincere thanks to all those who voted for Inc on Deo, 10th
as your Deputy -Reeve. I will da eveything In my power to help the
rate -payers of the Township of Grey.
Wishing you alt the Compliments of the Season.
Hugh 13. Smith
Day and Night Service
(any time any where)
All Passeng;.rs Fully Insured.
Prompt Courteous Service
Phone 99x2 or 90 Brussels
M- '9 J
All The World Stops
For Christmas Time
And as we stop in the midst of the season of good cheer
our hearts grow tender as we are carried back in thought to
the reality of Christmas Da-•, and what it means. In sincerity,
we greet you and wish you a delightful holiday season.
Wallace Street
" � ^S✓, :�'•:d:rri.,, LVIC
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,., y� -
Listowel, Ont"