HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-12-19, Page 1i'(.5 i PUBLISHING HOUSE ,VieSSMM1✓•Qg•�y'�riiig(r n,a.i .1 ver' -- WHY FAX MORE — 2-48 oz. Tins Blended Juice • 2-48 oz. Tins Aliens Apple Juice 48c 1-6 oz. Jar Marschino Cherries • • • 25c Box Chocolates all sizes, every hind and We will gime you Free a Xmas Card for each box omen wrap it with Xmas Paper Free reo.ordletas of size, Box •cat Chocolates. —„,,—. —.,.- -a,,. 1.eCRE'3Th'S , i,� jl1 1 inti] b',A >'asan's Greetings Bruussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band Presents Sacred Christmas Concert Th Brussels Town Hall on Sunday, J;ecembzr 23rd at 8.30 p. m. Sharp Solos cod 1';,•nstruaaaenf.al Numbers Th adin? omd Carol Singing CF >-,rpi PaF Numbers by the Band Wive): Collection Fortran Christmas Dance In Brussels Town Hall on Thursday, December 27th Lunch Counter Sponsored by Rebekah Lodge. �ss���oo/ Admission $��1��00,, a coup le' W.,M NOTICE — The tTnated Chnfch Christmas I entertainment will be held on Friday evening at • 8 o'clock. Glad a9 diags! 980 CFPL's ROY JEWELL rWOWAgOWMIICAVOI Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.N.F. Fulton 10 a. m. Sudsy Sshoal a7i Bible Clew 11 a. m. Divine Worship Candle -Light Carol Service i Sunday ]0vg• .at 7.30 p. m. United Church OF CANADA Mlnlater Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worshit — 11 o'clock. Christmas Message and Music Church School -' 12 o'clock. No livening Worvehdp. A Christmas Welcome to all. Church of England Pariah of BPueeels Rev. J. H. Karr — Router. Fourbh Sunday in Advent Dec. 23rd, 1951 St. John's Church, Brussels -- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's Church. Henfryn 2.30 p, m, .Evening Prayer Smmday Bohool tit. George's Churoh, Walton 7.30 P. m, Evening Prayer . OM„..1.'MgMOW 980 CFPL's KEN ELLIS Wednesday, December 19th, 1951 SCHOOL CARETAKERS — Apiplictutions will be received until January let, 1962 for the position of caretaker in each of the schools of Morris Township. Duties may be learned from any member of the Board or the Secretary. Duties commence February 1st, 1951 Ap pllcants will state annual salary. Any anplicis:tion not necessarily a.ecepted. Ralph Shaw, Bluevale, Ont, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. .,g01,10t1.0 noel! 980 CFPL's PAT HURRAY SANTA CLAUS PAYS VISIT TO BRUSSELS In spite of Inclement weather Nanta Claus kept his appointment with the children of this community on Saturday afternoon of last week. His pre -Christmas visit to this village was arranged by the Brussels Lions Club and the business men. The parade along the main street was led by the Lions Boys and Girls .7lancl and St. Nick was aecomtanded by fabled story hook characters. To be seen in the pmcessaon were, a black cat. little. boy blue, jimmy skunk, the three bears two sleeting girls, clowns and comic characters. Enthroned on one float was Ali Baba with three fair ladies and on another rode some fierce looking pirates. Mother Hubbarl and her dog were also there. Six smart "Mountie Girls', escorted Santa's sleigh. Santa distributed treats to the large number of yoengstters gather• ed to greet him. Those in the parade were — Girl Mounties, Dianne McNair, Esther Snaith, Sane Rann. Edens Wnlmeley. ,loan and Helen Wilson. Three Bears. Katherine Leach. Mary Beth Jewel and Linda Todd. Skating Girls, Elaine Wood and Agnes Inane, Entitle Boy Blue, Elizabeth Myers. • Alla •Bator. Hen. Forbes. 01>1 Mother Hubbards M. Sullivan. Ttnrni' Skunlc, Robin Fulton. Fi.oa. Mary Lou McFarlane. Maclaine Ryan. and Esther Raymond, Black Cat, Marian Michel, Three Pirates. Charlie Turnbull Glen Oliver and Jen. VanVliet. Ciown. Jas. S. Amstrong. f'mnire Rnht, Sohneon and Wm, Turnbull. e,aptl RIF WANKS Mr, and Mrs. A. 13. Lounabury, and Namely wish to extend sincere thanks to ne1.ghbors and friends, who assisted in .any 'way during their recent sad bereavement, to those who assisted at the home, sent baking, sympathy cards, letters and floral tributes, and those who acted as pallbearers, and flower bearers Special thanks to Rev. H.yndman, for his many nate of kindness, and Mrs. Elsie Cunningham. and Bob for music and solo rendered. BORN MMR — 10 Wingham General Hos- pita.i on Monday, Deo, 16th. 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Mair, R.R. 5 Brussels, a daughter, Norma Jean. WO SISTERS LOSE LIVES IN GREY TWP, FIRE .1,,11'0 .L1&N;llr and her sister .1 the :VioNair of the Cranbrook district, met a tragic death In the fire rvltiolI ronsnntwr their home int the 14th concession of Grey Twp. The lioutile tragedy oorurred 011 Thursday, Dee. lath. it is believed that the younger sister, Jane 78, lost 111.1. life in an endeavour to rescue her Octet' Janet, 00. who was con' fined to her heel through illness. Although no details are known. it i•' surmised that thefire originated from the kitchen stove and that .Trine was at the barn doing chores et the time nal saw the hence afire 1111(1 when she relented to the house, attempted 10 reach her sister to 011 upper bedroom. 11.'.nseeta firemen were tnnllnrnled when a neighbor. Rey Selline•. first r need f1•'mes in the portion of the house where the kitchen was located. When the firemen arrived they found the index n1. of the frame hone a 1'a gine inf>rnn and that it was inenoeeible to resent, the nreupnnts nr save the hnnse. Their efforts We re enabled ta saving the horn with its On rhirkens and some live' etneli. Tho entire rnlnlnnn'ar wee deenly sharked by the traeir death of the widely known sisters. Deep ern' rattly is extended to the surviving relatives. a Oster Mrs. Margar ITreeeton and her son Rae. both n the 16th eon. of Grey. Dec. 20-21-22 "TASK FORCE" Gary Cooper Jane Wyatt This Is the picture you've been wetting for. The story of how our boys lived and fought. Dec. 24.26.26 Technicolor "CALL ME MISTER" Betty Grable Dan Dalley Betty Grable and Dan Dailey to- gether again In musical with a 0.1. Theme. The tropical background is more colorful khan In their recent plotures. MATINEE DEC. 26. DEC, 27.28.29 "WATCH THE BIRDIE" A comedy oaper that brings on long roar of Laughter, when on the verge of bankruptcy Skelton is befriended by an heiress. Season s (�°reetings: 9$0 CFPL's JACK ILLMAN a,:1 L ;:;1)C a Next Ven o All business places being closed on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, there will be no issue ,f the Post next Wednesday. Ptj fl CAROL SINGING Al TOWN HALL THIS SUNDAY NIGHT 'there wind be Christmas music at the Brussels Town Hall, this Sunday ! evening at 8.30 P. M. Everyone is cordially invited to gather there after the evening.' C•innrch services, and join 3n -.the l singing of old and well loved Christ -.I moa carols. The Brussels Lions Club 1346 and',I Girls Band is bringing ystu this special feature. The entire pffogram will consists of music suitable for a Sunday evening of the Christmas season. Tn addition to carol singing by the audience there will he music by the band, solo numbers by mem hers, and to vary the program, band- master Robinson htmelf will give•the reading "Road To Heaven." Loving Hearts; ' Alto solo, When Bone. muss this evening planned You and 1 Were Young Maggie. for you. If you like Christmas ,Herb Kirkby: Cornet duet, Pals music and everyone does, you will Polka, Audrey and June Hackwell: enjoy it. After Sunday evening Vocal solos, Graeme McDon:aid: chalrch services coma to Brussels Band selections, Novelty. Ten Lit - Town Hall. Everyone will he there. tie Indians and Hymn, Breathe on Me There is no admission charge, only Breath of God; Clarinet solo, Waltz a silver collection. in A Flat, Robert Kennedy; Band _ elections. Overture, Beau Sahrenr; . . March. Our Dirertnr: Hymn. Sun of Engagement Announcement My Soul: and God Save The King. .lir. and Mrs. Wilfred Willis an Tion president. 'Wm. Turnbull apolce at the rnmmencem0ne end the chairman of Lions band committee, R J. Bowman before the close, Mr, Roh+0son introduced the nemhers, The weather and road conditions Prevented the attendance from being es large es it otherwise would have been. THE SANTA CLAUS PARADE The cemunirtee In there* wish 10 epi/;:; their appreciation to every, one -who. '.n any way, contributed d•M 10 the sueeees of the Santa Clan.. Will Parade last Saturday.• ( cod yi/if•G to All/ • :1 speeiel note of appreelation is j v toedell to the people of Rrnssels 11ud ,'l-1rict and the Legion whew, finan ial snpnnrt made such a sue - 1.„5: nncsihle. fh„ c'nirl went.her did not dampen the cr.lrits of those v'hn tools pert and the band performed under dif- fienitiee bet 1t -peaks well for their 'nr.litt• noel en-nprrntinn that thry ".nay t1 with the ch'P” The Lion', larlirt. v -ho helped with the enstnmes. shield net he for. ,t:«en end the e'nnlnlittee annr-"l"1. the ,•n-nwrratlnn of 111 14, Lions ns .ani erervnnp whn en rheerfnlly red'de'r aANrl rn'ICERT Ig 00FCFA17Fh HF.PF TI 1,1 110 Club Boys and Girls Band presented a splendid concert, in the Town Hall nn Wednesday evening of last week, under the able dir •c -tion of bandmaster A. year - $2.50 L.' mak ONE HOUR (� , _i � E- L.L1G�l l"u." t .1 ... SERVICE F' 1"11,-47:;i;1,72tp'rr. ': .+�irtvTssel,rs on 2 • ,t:•r't_f - Cis::,§° , at 7.30 p. m. PP:EACHER — REV. W. M HYt!DMAN of Cranbrook NEW CHRISTMAS ANTHEMS and CAROLS WILL BE SUNG BY THE CHOIR. 8vertj good Wis{t! 980 CFPL's 980 CFPL's TOM BIRD ALEX KELMAN Robinson. The Programme presented by the ermlp of young mnsirians at this con- cert should have made and we be. i 1''ve did mance every member of this rommuntly, who was in the audience proud of the performance. They I showed advan.cemenit in the elude. of more difficult nieces and th" Mal with which they played. The music was varied and featured solo numbers by members of the band and vocal solos by Graeme McDonald. Miss Trm,a Watt and Mr. L. L. Thompson were the neere panists Inc the evening. The prgeanune consisted of the , following numbers : March; With the Band and Ban- ners: Overture, Sunnytand: Cornet solo. T Dream of Jeannie. Keith Ta., 1,,11, W,t,nnfnm solo, Bless CAROL SERVICE at Ethel Utaitv'cd Church on Sunday, Dec. 23rd at 8 p. m. Everybody Welcome Pr••ae,,rl4F1.l'7•,1ri1°`r^S '/ P 5 PROCLAMATION In accordance with the British Tradition and to fall in with towns surrounding Brussels I hereby proclaim WEDNESDAY, DEC. 26th Boxing Day — A Civic Holiday Asking the citizens to observe It as such. R. B. COUSINS, REEVE. +,OW 0 A Joyful Yuletide This House, Marie Elliott; Band • from the store of Beautiful Gifts With the keenest appreciation of your good will and patronage, ow', and Hymn, Jesn Thou Joy of with a sincerely repeated pledge to serve you well during the year to come. We send you our merriest holiday greetings. line Se100ltOns, Bells Across the Mead• noun0e the engagement of their daughter, Donelda Margaret to Hugh Robert Pearson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Pearson, Ethel, marriage to take place on Jan. 16th, 1962. L!STOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Wedfbus. Dec. 19.20 Hedy Lamarr John Hodlak In "A LADY WITHOUT PASSPORT" Fri. Sat. Dec. 21-22 Gene Autry and "Champion" in "MULE TRAIN" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.rai. 3 BIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS Mon. Tues. Wed. Dec. 24-25-26 Ray Mllland, Jan Stering and "Rhubarb" (the cat) in "RHUBARB" A ,.real ..holiday ,.treat. Beteg .,the WHOLE FAMILY. NOTE —, There will be NO Matinee on Christmas Day. lst Perform- ance Chrlsttnas Night at 6.80 p.m, TUESDAY FOTO-NITE ., 1st Offer $200 Monday Attendance Card Night. COMING FOR 8 BIOS DAYS Thur. Fri. Sat. Deo. 27.28-29 Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis In "AT WAR WITH THE ARMY" Another Grand Holiday show for the WHOLE FAMILY. A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR PATRONS 1Stok Main Peggy Franels Capitol Theatre Staff CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appreciat- 100 to our friends and neighbours for their kindness and sympathy during our resent sad bereavement, for the beautiful flowers, and to those who assisted in any way. Special thanks to Brussels Sire De- partmmend and to neighbours on 14 and 16 con, of Grey, The Houston Family. p-i.appy. EJ olldays W. G. LEACH Member of the Canadian Jewellers institute and Certified Watchmaker. - sews to v e .1 980 CFPL's JOHN DICK1NS W. J. PERRIE Fbnne 58 ,1 Brussels, Ott.