HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-12-5, Page 8Worth Lookirig _collie ty and See Our chr dwaS Decorations 'e are sure, they give New ideas for decol'aing t'ir'e Home and Christmas Tree. Gay Sparkling Ornaments, Tinsel, Plastic Snow, Reindeers, Wreaths, Icilcles, Silver & Red Foil, Demanison's Crepe Paper. Christ- mas Pclrcel Wrappings, New Designs in the Wrapping Paper, Tags and Seals. Decora- tive Scotch Tape, Cord and Ribbons. ............................. .......... Wednesday, December 5th, 1951 THE BRUSSELS POST J. V. FISCHER ELECTED REEVE M''�`�AC•MSNS.- 9 Phone 24 Brussels, Ont. Christmas Ideas for the Family Lay away a Coat, Station Wagon or other garment for the big surprise. Our racks are full of fine merchandise for your choice. Our usual fine array of ties, sox and gloves. (Special valuesgloves n leather mitts) Luxite Lingerie and Hosiery by Holeproof Specially Gift Packed Nylons Shirts to please in fine Fabric, including Nylon. Thousands of Gifts for Santa. Christmas Gift Stationery - Not for some years, have the boxes, that have coma in been so attractive, and the picas au e sill quite reasonable, starting at as 1`.w "-9c. Very useful to go with gift, T $J y �'F� o"�. H.erman':9 Fountain Pen, or R r en's Ball Pointed Pen, priced $1.50 course we still have those '.ver "OKf9 Ran Pointed Pen e ; ?Pc and 35T- that have keen such P.." . 1C -*T Ipoigrt^'1r up wiritang. *90_1,... cRURevaawsnatorma r,".„ s zhiziTZitL Rexall Drug Store BRUSSELS. Wilt ar2PPANCE 62 9 „ r C n+z-��cr�u�'•�x�s:a`.-......=..n^mw�mzm.mmr�r snm.-r. k,,,� � � Q.� 9 J�('� .l•.��`'�J�"' ;it U • M9MOW a- t'" VO J S4j5WM`1`�t'F';i;t•"A� a `' ,uea Toys at moderate prices. Come in and browse around v, i isoli r, with 31U votes, cm- ,,rged the liutar in a alrve•waY el- eotiou battle fur the reeveship of l Turnbe,ty township Huron. eon.- ty, !Monday. 1J ,'Mail tat -1 tier- 1 bent Fu)LUn, Oith 223 markers, and 'Thomas 1.1. Abraham acting; "ieewe singe the recent death of G. Nelson Underwood, A total of 145 voters cast ballots for Mr, Abra- ham, Elected to our councillors' positions were; Harvey Timm. 398; Robert A. Powell, 391; W. Jack Willits, 329 and Alvin D. Smith, 273, Defeated for councillors' seats i were; James J. Elliott, 227; Percy Biggs 207; and Sheldon Baker, 94, ANNUAL BANQUET HELD BY WROXETER LODGE. IOne hundred members and their I ladies abtknded Forest Lodge, g F. vel and A. M., annual banquet, ser by the women of Salem 'United Chlurch. Gues!l speaker was Me Rev. I A. Lane. of Brussels, chaplain 1 for the North Huron district. He was introduced by Rt. Wor. Bro. Gordon Gibson, Norman Hoover, of Rl'11L t PIS, D. D. G. M. for the dis- trict spoke briefly. Oldest mem- bet present was Thomas BrOwn, Dr. R, R. Palmer, Mrs, D. S. •[, �lanr;hton, Cloyne Higgins and Mac - CHRISTMAS SHOPPING May We Suggest You Buy Something You Are Going To En)oy Not Only Christmas Day But For All Year and Many Years To ColBI. For the Home GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC RANGES - GENERAL ELECTRIC AND BEACH. CLAIRE JEWEL COMBINATION COAL & ELECTRIC. THE ONLY COMBINATION TO HEAT THE OVEN WITH EITHER THE COAL OR ELECTRIC. FESS OIL BURNERS, - WARM MORNING COAL HEATER, Holds 100 Ib. Coal and With Autmoatic Draft Control. - ELECTRIC WALL CLOCKS. For Mother and Dad -- GENERAL ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER GENERAL ELECTRIC RADIO COOKING UTENSILS. STAINLESS STEEL. ENAMELLED, ALUMINUM, PYREX, PRESSURE COOKERS, - TOOLS QF ALL KINDS. For the Children -- TOBOGGANS, SLEIGHS, BICYCLES, T'RIKEB, WAGONS, POCKET WATCHES, ETC Drop In And Look Them Over You Are Always Welcome Whether You Buy Or Not. And We Also Have For Your Heating Requirements THE FAMOUS D. L. & W. BLUE COAL ALSO ALBERTA. Biltmore Hatert R1 3tci ire an ideal g xt• Ilarvey 'McMichael all assisted with j TEL. 68 M. C. L'PtFIELD ,o w -s cPre dme � ib�� nlonies. I+ •,�'r _sem `�v,m.. }"_to a•r The Voice of Temperance --- that PEOPLE 'O l� This time it's the Globe and Mail Mr. d Mrs. Geo. Evans -attended W That has Act with the pan bootlega ` the double funeral last week of their gngT s i with a old w tpopa- unole and aunt Mr, and Mrs. John ging. This is just the old eat o lly Askin of Bracebridge, Muskoka, Ont. Banda smear age'aJ We also livy Mrs M.Brigham of Blyth spent in w better. r. We re he Aap territory the week -end with Miss Bessie know bettea• We are ha a position to know that bootlegging is not emcee- Moses. cammtupaiities. We sive in our Huron also know that the law is catching up with the bootlegger in one place after another. If bootlegging• is the problem it 'w 1 certainly not be soli, ed scrappi2ing the Canada Temper- ance Act in favour of the Ontario Liquor Control Act. That would mean more outlets and therefore more drinking and consequentiy more bootlegging. Woad the Globe and Mail care 40 comment on boa - legging in Toronto or any other Liquor Control Aot area. ? - Advt. NOTICE r0 CREDITORS 411 persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES BURGESS late I of the Village of Bruesels in the the County of Huron, Gentleman, ' are notified to send to the under- signed ndersigned on or before the 15th day of December. moll partioulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the fifteenth day of December, 1951, the assets of the estate will be dis- , tribute amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to elsAma of which the Executors shall then have notice. CRAWFORD & HETHDRINGTON Barristers and c. Brussels Ontario Solicitors for Executors. For f MILKING HE D Mtiwyour vainwith e Pwisa Cow Ctetvr Serr�Itsss 1 tt mak* a r.eI Si nuik-mald,R ration. PURINA COW CHOW FOR DRY COWS To help build dry cows up for reduced calving 'troubles and extra milk ahead, Feed Purina Bulky -Las and oats -half and half! BULKY -LAS a i� dlu7� i; TS Brussels Creamery GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeker & Son BUTCHER SHOP. Phone 6 arsenals PHONE 22 glow mto.minewmott ALVIN VODDEN - JEWELLER Clinton, Ont. For watch cleaning of distinction, and fully guaranteed repairing or no charge, send or bring your watch or clock to Vodden Jewellers in Clinton. Clinton's youngest jeweller. Also a grand line of Certina Watches, Westlox products, J. B. bracelets and bands, Elgin Nylon watch straps, Seth Thomas Mantel 8 day striking clocks and electric clocks. Make your family the ideal Christmas gift of a watch cleaning job of satisfaction. Laclies Watches Cleaned. $2.00 d Knee Wa.tcb.es Cleaned $1,50 Satisfaction ,{Guaranteed or moneyonrefunded IEMS 1• `9(•n'V;t.� ' ham *, 1�""A r, i"Q.O LWRI SON1 Meres And Ldi� rn `'t WITH A LAY - AWAY PLAN NO DEPOSIT PLUS 30 DAYS CREDIT MEN'S SNOWBOOTS AND OVERSHOES Snowboets Heavy Wool Lined $8.95, $10.00„ $12.50 and $14.00 Overshoes Heavy Fleeced Lined Zipper or 4 Buckle Rubber or Cloth $$55.95 $6,50 2 Buckle Cloth Heavy Rubber Boots Long $5.50 $4.60Heavy Rubber Bouts Short High Leather Top Rubber Men's $7 55 Boys MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND SLIPPERS Ritchie & Valentine 5495, 58.95 and 512.00 Ritchie & Valentine 54.50, $8.96 and $12.50 Men's Romeo's and Zipper Slippers $8.95, 54.60, 55.60 and $6.95 Boys 52.00 and 58.95 Boys Dress Shoes 54.00, 54.95 and 55.95 Men's and Boys SKATES all prices trade in allowance for odd skates. MEN'S MONARCH KNIT SWEATERS and TONY DAY All Colours Short sleeve Pullovers, All Wool 55.95 Long Sleeve Pullovers, All Wool $6.95. 57.50 and 58.50 Long Sleeve Pullovers, All -Nylon 7 Smart 50 and $10.00 Fancy Knit $ Long Sleeve; All Wool Button Sweater Coate $8.50 MEN'S HATS AND CAPS 55.00 Brock Felt Hats Mallory Felt Hats 57.50$7,50 and $10.0 Stetson Felt Hats Winter Caps and Scott Tames 53.95 Doe Skin Work Shirts FORSYTH AND ARROW DRESS SHIRTS White with or without French Cuffs or Windsor Collar 54.50, $5.50 and 57.50 Plain shades or Stripes with or rith- 55.50out French Cuffs $3.00, 54.95 Sport Shirts in Wool; Corduroy and $7.50 Gabardine $3,95, Boys Dress Shirts and Sport Shirts 52.00On Sale MEN'S TIES, SCARVES Ate' SOi5KS$2.W Arrow and Forsyth Ties $ Forsyth Scarves, Wool or Rayon $2.50 and $3.50 Socks, Wool or Nylon Long or Short $1.00, 51.50, 52.00 and $2.50 Men's Belts at 51.25, 51.50. $2.00 LADIES SNOWBOOTS AND OVERSHOES Heavy Rubber Wool -Lined Pull -Ona 58.50, 510.50 and $12.50 Heavy Rubber Wool -Lined• 5500, 57.50 Overshoes $10.50 Heavy Nylon Wool -Lined Overshoes /IMP Velvet Overshoes $3.50 and 55.95 Fur Trimmed Lades and Girls TraSKATES In Allowance lancl e defor old Skates LADIES NYLONS AND HOUSE SLIPPERS 200 pair of Ladles Slippers, all sizes Latest Styles and Colours $1.25, 51.95, 5240, 53.50, 53.95 $4,95 and $6.95 Latest Styles in Nylons wlth or without Fancy Heels, 51 gauge. 15 Deniers 51.45 and $1.95 d der reasonable wear and care or money cheerfully refunded.. , Everything guaranteeunBRUSSELS, LS9 ®N a': AtOiteMAVAVAZOitgA:PHONE 11 R VMMOitif-MATeMA . Renfrew Ci earn Separators and Milkers. Disc, Flows Manors Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sorters, Spring -tooth Harrows both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Siw Mowers, Hay Loadrars, Smalley Forage Blowers wad Hammer MIL. We also ave repairs far Oliver Cockshtatt Trades*. immolation isomers for • Wiser Itnplomonts Telephone 4 end 95. Blyth. Ont. MoRRrrr & WRIGHT WINC.I-f,AM MVIEMVMORIAL SHOD famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a targe stock In Choicest Granites to Chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery. R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256 - Wingham, Ont. USED OAR PARES Axles and wheels !suitable for trailers and farm waggons. Transmissions, Drtveshafts, Heads Sealed beam units, Glass, Generators,. and starters etc. Dosen of good used tires set tubes in all popular sizes. Norman McLean, Seatorti , '4 mile south of tracks, Phone 3J. \mowsivAvAtowizowAvm-mmemto The Friendly ChChristmas Store ^J4'/ The Style Shoppe Brussels, Ont. Just arrived a shipment of Grandmere Angora Sets. Boxed for Gifts, Bonnet and Gloves $3.95 Boxed for Gifts, Beret and Gloves • • 3.95 Beret 1.95 Blossom Wool Pelt Berets ' • ' , • • 1 o40 Wool Gloves • • • • 1.25 and 1.39 Fabric Gloves . , , • , , , , , 3.00 Kid Gloves ... f •ii Our Store will be Open All Day Wed- nesday Until Christmas. Misses Gabarine Station Wagons, with all wool pacamac quilted lining in wine, grey, rust, beige and navy at $27.50 up. Men's Dress Shirts, Forsyth, Bluestone and McGregor $2.79 to $5.50 Men's All Wool Socks, reinforced with Nylon - Special $1.00 pr. Large selection of Men's and Boys' Dress and Sport Shirts. Men's Flannelette Pyjamas $3.95 pr. Men's All Wool Pullovers (Cable stitch) $7.95 Large selection of Men's & Boys Station Wagon Coats, Stadium Coats, Gabardine Jackets with quilted linings, Satin Bomba- dier Jackets, in large variety of colors, also Parkas at $11.95 up. Large selectios of Men's and oys Heavy Plaid and Doeskin Shirts. Men's Ties at $100, $1.50 and $2.00. 70 x 90 Flannelette Blankets in Ibex and Kingcot, first quality in pink asd blue bord- ers, Special $6.19 per pair. Ladies Angora Wool Gloves, assorted colors at $1.98 pr. Nylons, Phantom, Circle Bar and Weldrest $1.29 to $1.95 Free Christmas Boxes with every article H CADS T wewa,esrr� Blyth, Ont, -'-' Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargain* for the Whole Family