HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-12-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST TU KE BRUSSELS TOWN HALL - ;.. • X15 At 9 p. t1ismom!® eeeeiMe.'e.-ee.x• _•x,reee- gene --ten AMES eco VelefaMerelN Ads akkn- a es ss OO - Extra a I� I I Ik.„-i,.„.1',7 zsm #?5tifd«.'.'r18t4i.leT..'"9` ieEci'teg"."&teeisuwRaa.m - ".try -r Sponsored by Branch 218 Canadian Legion HSI. Everyone Invited T o Attend eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeieeli z r d Special Cards 25t.: UKEY The United Church Christ otter Hope was the sermon. subject 'in The United Church ort* Sunday, Dec. 2, the first Sunday in Advent. During ttllis period of the church year Advent hymns and mes- sages will be heard at morning wor- ship. The series "Marks of a Dis- ciple as illeestrated by the Parables" was continued at evening worship• The grace of generosity was the theme. The parable stiuidied was, "The Rich Fool", Duke 12; 31-21, • Morning anthem was "The King of Glory'' byJ. Lincoln Hall, FOR SALE — lou acre farm, real good buildings. hydro, price 57,500,00. 2-160 aore farme, good buildings, good location, 1-230 acre Perm, good looaition, hydro, pressure system and bath, 2-100 acre grass farms, 1-50 acre grass farm. 1-88 acre farm priced 55,800, buildings, 1-50 acre farm, good buildings, A number of good houses, in the Village of Brussels. ,T. C. Long. Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussels. To the Electors of Huron -Bruce — I deeply appeecleted your support during the Election palgn and on Election day, Yours Sincerely, Elmer J. Farrish cam- * * • WEDDING * * * Raynard - Stevenson A quiet wedding' was solemnized at the United Church parsonage in Bnus,sels on Monday, Nov. 12, when the Rev, Andrew Lane . united in marriage Cecil Nelson Baynard of Grey township and Louella Irene Stevenson of Charlottetown P. E. I. Their attendants were Mr, and Mrs, Walter McFarlane of Grey Town- -hip. The !irk( e was aibtired in a wino sun with navy blue accessories. The matron of honor was in navy tire, After a honeymoon to Niagara Fens., the young couple will reside on the groom's farm concession 4 Orgy township, Campbell - MacFarlane u lee United (Iclt1rh parsonage Brussets, the Rev, A. Lane, muted in nlareiage Janet Ilene MacFarlane only daureluter of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Mec6'urlaue and Roy Irwin Campbell only son of Mr. and Mrs, Clair Campbell of Molesworth en Nov, 24tH. Tl1• bride given in marriage by her rather wore an ankle length gown :f white lace over satin and carried pale' blue sweet.pees, Mr. and Ml's. Robert Campbell were the attend- ants. A reception was held at the lame of the bride's parents. Tile wedding dinner was served by ?.'loses Jean Fraser and Vivian aeke. After a honeymoon to Lon- don and Stieet:fot•d the young couple will reside near lfolestvoeth, I CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- 1 1 20 little pigs, apply to Claire VanQatnp Plaone 1.5e18, FOR SALE — 19 pigs, 7 weeks old, Ronald M1414150..11 Phone 8012 WANTED - 1. Used baby Crib, in goad condition. 1 Mrs, Orwell $lltott Phone 69x6 FOR SALE — About 300 Hybrid Pullets, laelug good, apply to Joe Holmes Phone 15r5 FOR SALE — 1940 Ford p[ok-up truck, also 150 ,Klock Red Pullets, laying. Hugh Pearson Phone 11 FOR SALE — Soft Maple and Elm taps, Most wood for the money, James Stevenson Phone 60r4, HOUSE FOR SALE — lted brick house, with bath -room, for further informaition apply to Hugh Pearson Phone 11 NOTICE — Order your Christmas turkeys now. There is quite a demand, Ex- eellont, well finished birds. Phone 12J13 John Wheeler WANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt pick-up, Call Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Phone Brussels 85n12, Collect. USED CARS FOR SALE — 1932 Ohev. coach in good condition 1936 Ford Coutpe 1934 Terraplane coach, real good J. C. Neil Phone 77r6. NOTICE — 51.00 trial offer. Twentyetive Deluxe Personal Requirements. Latest Catalogue Included. The Med- ich :\¢enev, Box 124 Terminal A 'r,', •,tn. Ontario. LIVESTOCK WANTEte — FREE "eFTERMOMETER—Plus cash for dead or disabled horses or cows Phone collect Brussels 71 William Stone Sons. Limited. FOR SALE — All Ivory enamel cook stove with Polished top, warming cabinet, re- servoir, large oven, good condition. McNeil's Garage Phone 77r6 Brussels. NOTICE. — severa.l turkeys for Christmas, dressed, drawn. ready to put in the oven. Order early as there is a big demand far thole Extra Quality Purina — flavour fed birds, Martin Bean, R. R. 3 Walton. Phone Brussels 37x16, LOST - - on d.is,pl,eeed the day of the Brae - eels Fair, some one put an apron and a sweater in another oar by nsts- take. Owner can have sante by contaoHag Geo. Wesenburg, and glue ine, proper deaerlptlotl by letter and saying advt. Grn, Wesenburg, Sec. HELP WANTED — MALE MR, AND MRS. ASKIN PASS AWAY The call to tihe (t'ea't Beyond came soddenly 00 a Muelkoka home, when 61ii' father ante„ mother, ele- end Mrs, John. Aside. of Green Bay Cabins, Watt Townidlldp, passed away Monday night, Nov. 26. Mr. Askin had been Lll^aitrne last.Marcll and was much worse an Monday. His wire, who had been in good health, was et irie bedside, She remarked that he seemed to be going and turned from elle room. She was saddenty stricken wieth s heart petite); and passed away in a few m.omente, shortly before ten o'clock, Mr. Asian was not consolers and died about four 11.ours later, Mr. Askin was born at Hornby. near Milton, April 74%, 1871, and came to Muskoka at the age of sixteen years, 10neting ab Hhhntsvil1e, where be engaged in lumbering. 11'e was married 54 years ago Inst July 1211, to Miss Catharine Mitchell, er tTxbfidge, They moved to Watt Township in 1915, where Mr. Askin r•nttlnued 1n lumbering and thirteen wars ago , IahldaI(e11 the tonrlst beeenees. Green Bay Cabins, which he had since successfully operated. \Ir. and Mrs. Askin leave two r"net Alba rt at home. and Milton. of Brncnln'idge. They - also helve three grandohilriren. Iloso. Lorne and Margaret Askin. Mr. Askin leaves a brother, Nelson Askin, of eremilton, and a sister, Mrs. Sohn neon, of Brussels. Mrs. Askin ol- +o leaves two sis'te11s, Mrs. Miles Van Luven and Miss 2ella Mabel (.tidy-) Mitohel'. of 'Uxbridge. The funeral took place last Thurs- day afternoon at 2 P. m., with ser- vice at leracehridge United Church, Rev. Arohie Manson. of Windermere T'nited Church, conducted the ser - vies assisted by Rev. W. FL Burgess. interment at Rt. Thomas cemetery. ---The Meisicolca Herald, leracebr;cice RT. JOHN'S W. A, The W. A. of St, John's Anglican t'hareh held thedr November meeting at the Home o«Mrs. A. Morrow on Thursday Nov. 25th. with Pres,. Mrs. J. 15. Herr in the rhair. After we sang the hymn "Shand TTp for J: sus," Mrs. Kerr led in prayer The members prayer amu tee general thanksgiving were repeated in uni- on. The Epistle and Gospel far Rt. Andrew's Day were read by Mrs. Kerr and Mrs, Morrow. Minutes of the previous meeting were read :ntcd approved, Treasurer's report sewed an ine,'ease for take year ant a good balance w•hinh was allotted le different missionary schools. Cor- respotmienc'e was read by the stereo - hey. Mrs. Kerr took the chair for the elention of officers for 1952 '"he following aro in niece env roe other year. 1'Delete ent Mrs. J, H, Kerr Treasurer Mrs, el, Morrow Se:rretery ................. Mrs. G. Davis " Mrs, Herr closed t'he meeting with Prayer. Tea w•as served by the hest- essisteet by Mrs, B. Mitchell and Mre. Ben Whetterd, FTere's the opportunity you've been looking roe! An esitablisilled Watkins Rural Route is available in your area. A permanent fu11-tame busd- nese of your own wilhaut investment , ur previous selldug experience, 11 yen are ambitious, between 25 and 55, and have a suitable travel outfit, an Restive fuhnre can be yours. For detils n')'tte Dept, 0-73-4, the .7. R. Wnlltinrs Coe nu) 01 Rork Street, Montreal. . R . .GRAV E The Woman's Association of Bee grave United Church held a sttc- rrseSul tea and bazaar. The 01)400011 basement, newly detonated by the a..me: rim i this pactsummer, made an altreetive setting for the event. The pres., Mrs. Herb Wheeler, of- firi.ally opened the bazaar. Tables and booths were in charge of the following : home baking, Mrs, John Anderson, Mrs. Cal•1 Procter, Mrs. fir. ,e, Moores; farm produce, Mrs. Lyle Hopper; aprons, Mrs. W. Kelly, Mrs. S. M. Cnmites, Mrs, 101,1'1 (1.!4'. 1).•t+elttber etll, 195J To the Electors of the Village of Brussels I sincerely thank all those who supported me In the recent municipal election. To the Reeve and New Council, 1 extend oon- gratulations and wish them a succeseful term of office In 1952. R. W. Kennedy To the Electors of the Village of Brussels My sincere thanks to all those who voted for me on Dec. 3rd, i will continue to do everything In my power to the help the , citizens of Brussels. R. A. Bennett To the Electors of the Village of Brussels 1 wish to thank the voters of Brussels fur their support in electing me as member of council for 1962. J. H. Stretton To the Electors of the Village of Brussels 1 appreciate your support given me at the polls in the election on Monday, Dec. 3rd. Yours sincerely Ado' ' t;<a McTaggart ""' a p,. Village :,f Brussels 1 wish te thank the Electors of Brussels for their wonder- ful support on Dec. 3rd. It was a job well done. And it Is My turn to give you my very best, which I will assure you 1 will try to do. C. L. (Sam) Workman Willings; fancy- work furs. Stewart Procter, Mrs. 11. Campbell, Mrs. R. Chamney; candy booth, Mrs, Har- old Procter, Mrs. Calvin Robinson; C. G. I. T. table. [la Pengelly, Lois' Goll, Marilyn Moores; fish pond, Mre. Earl Anderson, Mrs, George Mirhie and Mrs. W. Scott. The Evening Auxiliary of the W. M. S, had charge of the tea. The profits amounted to more than $150. FRANK CARDIFF HAS FINE BUSH S. R. Hamilton, the local zone 6'orester at Stratford, Ont., reports that he has inspeoted the woodlot or Mr. Frank Cardiff, R. R. 2 Brus- sels, Mr, Cardiff, owner of a V. L. A. farm is manageing his woodlot in a very efficient manner, Mr. Cardiff states that he believes lett keeping (11e cattle out of a bush ie the most important thing involved, !=litre being f''neetl a few years ago, , the bush has produiced thousands of new seedlings which will insure a continuous crop Sox this farm. 1 Flanll year a few mature loges are out for sale of lumber. The tops pro - feel wood. Mr. Cardiff stales "7 out the ntotuee trees for lumber, cud out the dead and dying trees for fuel and make sure the cattle are kept nut." The Sone Forester agrees with Mr. Cardiff that in a Sew years his wnodlat will be an important source of revenue on his farm. WILL THE WINDSORS EVER SEPARATE 1 ellen :Maxwell, lnd.inta.te friend of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, is in position to know the truth about rumor's that the fantods couple twill part, Read her behind-the- enes surrey elmet where this great r:n1enct' is headed, in this Sunday's (Dec. 91 laser- of The American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times, • le :-e.i•afetiKL euud ty School and the regular morning senviee of worsihip were held at the 1(0ual time on Slusuday, Dec. _1. Rev. W. 1i, Hyndman con- duoted the service. Mrs. John Schnuck spent a few days last week in Muskoka where alis attended, the double funeral of her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. John Askin. Mr, Wm, Smanldon is home again following three weeks spent with Mr, and Mrs, Sas. Keys. Tile Cranbrook Women's Insititute meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Dec. llth at 8 o'clock. Special speaker Miss Clare McGowan of the Children's Aid Society of Goderich. Roll call "Christmas gift for the Cheldq'en's Shelter." ETHEL 'Phe December sleeting of the W. 11. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Trauter. There was an attend- ance of twelve, and the service t'ollowed was that in the Dec, issue of the "Glad Tidings", led by the President. Mrs. Richards, and in- cluding Christmas Carols and ap- propriate Bible readings about the l:attrity. The roll call was answer- ed nswered by ide word "born" A very en- joyable 10noh was provided by Mrs- :cold, rs.:oll• and Mrs. Molnnes, There wase a business meeting for the election of officers for abet inelnurling: President. Mrs. George Kreuter: Secretary, Mrs, Cunning-. haat; Treasurer. Mrs. Alexander. The roll rail for next meeting ... to be answered by a verse from the Bible emit—tithing the word "people." The thrid meeting of The Hiappy Stitchers was held on Nov. 21st at P. in. at the home of Mrs, George Pearson. The secretary read the minutes of the second meeting and the roll ea11 was answered by, "The enl0m' T am using in my bed- room.'' Notes were taken on the sr1. eti0n of rotten materials. Each member was shown how to pull out threads for hr•resteehht;g. `lei Q egu ri @' rfed Nab& By Roe Farms Service Dept tib THIS LITTER IS NEVER SATISFIED DOC • THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO , ?.4,4).;.•a BE HUNGRY. irk /!G /� ca T y ✓ ., BUT I ,i''- f GOOD v BEFORE /. Viiwr . 1i R :I tt `�... / . i / ' ( i ! %, r ' `-�', e,,,, 4 q' If u ..`. [ �I : ,t. , , i.;.,; . • FED THE SOW A RATION MONTHS FARROWING i THAT WAS GOOD, f JIM • YOU FED 'THE4; PIGS INSIDETNESOW. NOW YOU'VE. GOT 1T? HELP FEED THEM OUTSIDE THE SOW. SHE HAS HERDON J MBOST ,:,. e I tit + rr A+ Ii dd� Ir t. :' I, , : ' ,,;, :: A SOWS MILK FLOW FALLS OFF JUST WHEN HER LITTER NEEDS INCREASED FOOD, SOYOt1 VE }�OY.aSiYUCK Cjl (7W$R� ry p�, &id �g 521�'We8111n t - (WHAT DO YOU MEAN- MOST OF HER J06: DOC? y ef I WONDER DOM) REALIZE JUST WHAT A STRAIN A LITTER OF THIS SIZE PUTS ON A SOW. GOT TO SUPPLY THE EXTRA FOOD. / ., v P ��� 8�'J�eE-�6E♦♦�7,'Nu� � 7 Vis( PJf 'ot dYf� 6 6 . �� ,,: R�� ♦a. %` ✓ til` p0.I: �I/- 4 FEE♦♦� 'Z' '" � `►�►��♦eggil '' y ,.. to 2 ♦ �►, ♦1����♦1 ♦�t�♦tom♦I� i ,�.♦,�♦,astai�♦ t i1�'�'♦i► ; ,sr,, l�f �� %%-;�% , w.N6„M�e�t i 16sngtcy X111►` ♦��ra. v� ♦ Cc lelilr IMI' ♦♦ � ��A ''7 ' ITS NATURAL�� JIM.THE S0 MILK FALLS AFTER THREE .... WEEKS, YOU S OFF KNOW ' j �, �� ii, : G STARTER /. /,:/' / , ✓� It., l j/, r %�� ` tl.04.'''fr; I e/ I/� a ,,�r�ti / li/.I '' �'`, ' / ; ,%/ _ „..4.....f.._ ..--2.-------,--- ..'.._ ..•--- = 3% �y1 _the P'� +,�. b1/'`"y 1 ;Am iii ,' r dl I .,..1^Al2; I••,PI /O' Oft PNS Mt �+f C i, r H r `. T .. PiG STARTE11 �5 neRNSH G�° a "�\ ��_ 1.r - '�_ � J i %.1 � � � . ��012 r i ;. FYI t t ..i f � i,, G+"/ �a /� �jJ -= '` ilei �= — �.. - t --• — eee6 ��^�� „ N'r7 ! ^ z 1 1^j l,i ' ( ("`.` -ti o (r' _ '''� � � �:d?R HORREY.L,tr'T,FORA9 Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON t 1 /", OH, OH, OH -NOW t SEE, °. . THE IMPORTANCE OF � FEEDING ROE . ✓ FROM THE S WEEK ON. �. ! /- a ' '. ONCRIE efteSSereeltelitEdellet