HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-28, Page 5'PHE BRUSSELS POST V1'edn.r::iuy. .' vernli'r :Nth. 1561 To the Electors of Grey Township For Deputy -Reeve, Vote for Hugh B. Smith, Having been Road Superintendent ter 6 years in Grey, I am quite familiar with your needs, and will serve the municipality, if elected, to the best of my ability, Hugh B. Smith To the Electors of Grey Township I have been nominated for Councillor for the year 1952 and will let my name remain in the contest for this position. I have served on your council for four years and never in this time have I mixed personal feelings or advancement with my motions or decisions and if elected for 1952 I will continue to do the same. 1 wilt endeavour to work out some system if a ro ul program which will eliminate the difficulties we have had In the past year. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season. Yours truly Kenneth McFarlane X *cieeao a �� gateit �� ��i,aK Sig - - the money you put into a Government Annuity! Ask your local Government Annuities Repre- sentative, or clip and mail the postage -free coupon below, for full details on the plans available. There's a practical plan to suit even the most modest budget. No medical examination is required. There is no better savings investment open to Canadians than a Government Annuity. Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR MILTON F. GREGG A. MacNAMARA Minister Deputy Minister Mall this coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annulnar Branch, 14W "I Department of Labour, 011awa. Please send me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Ann etOes.l NAME (PRINT CLEARLY) ADDRESS -- ... .1 Tha For the magnificent vote accorded me last Thursday. I am indeed grateful. Your continued faith in one gives en- couragement to work even harder in the best Pnterests of the riding of Huron - Bruce. JOHN W. HANNA „i iew'JILL5 YOUNG WOMEN'S i..ong. Wo- ' men's Guild ,sr .liritille P1•ee1)yter' tan Church here t cested the Invita- tion to hal open meeting In 'fhe basement of the library on Tura- • ss.',, ts hear Mrs. S. Sweeney, wihs gave en interesting description of a motor trip to !the west coast. Ms, Sweeney also had a collect/on of articles brought from 'various pthoes she bad visited, as well as Pictures, The remainder o8 the pro- gram included a reading by Mrs, G. McDowell, .anal a solo by Miss 9'ca em 11111 0 'I io'latne. MYR, Gerald (disco.presided diming the Pro- gram and was n..siated in the de- wotionat ,period by Mrs, Harvey Gibson. Ait the close of the meeting Mrs, Doug, Hemingway acted as auctioneer for a sate of e large variety of antierea, donated by the members of the social,' who Litv;!e on th.e 1.0.th line of Grey. A fine sum 01 money was made for the work of the guild, - 1 F . yrs. Stanley -Speiran was hostess in honor of Miss Doris Cochrane, bride to be. The party opened with a sing -song, after which Mrs. Bert Coddrn conducted sea'onals cenitestra. A mock wed'd'ing was ilhuch enjoy- ed. with Mrs. Chester Earl, Mrs. Melvin Hamilton, Mrs. 1O'ardlaw Mrs. Sterling Hood, Mrs, deDoelder, and Mrs. Fledt Cockier' acting the Palos. 'rile "hiidal" party entered the living room to 1nu.sic played on a horn by Ma's. S'peiren. Mrs. Earl llon^es snug a solo, The guest of honor was' presented with a basket Iiblyd with gifts. Miss ,Team (Saab - rare and Mrs. Sterling Hood helped to open the parcels. .Lunch was served by 'the luestess. • On the same evenidg, friends. and neighbors of Cecil Maynard met • 11 the township hall here to honor him i std Mrs. Riaylnerd, the former Mises Luella Stevens, who were married on Monday of last week. Dancing was enjoyed to V7jtbee's orchestra. At lunch •bane, Amos Smith read an add'res's, and the young couple were presented with a weld -filled purse. Lunch was served. \,i LTON The organisation meeting of the course "Cotton access'ori'es for the ('1mb Girls Bedroom" was held at the home of Mrs.. Hhuuph'rjes oto Tuesday evening, Nov. 20. The lela.ders are Mars,. Humphries and Mrs. Holman. Officers were elect ed as follows : President,Marilyn Bolger SeiesTrea,s, enise SMontreed Pianist Doris Johnston Press Report for Brussels, Flora Tnrobluill; for Seafonth Doris Stev- ens, This was followed by a dis- cussion regarding accessories for the bedroom ate. A name for the otitis was not derided upon, The home assdgman.ent was to start a survey of your own mom. There (Dorsch away in Wiunipog General Hospital, Alexander R. (Sandy) (Doubts, on Friday, Nov. 16, in his 70th year. after a lengthy illness, liar. Goats was born In Grey Twp„ son of of the late Robt. a.nclMrs, Coutts. He was a. member of (;race United Mulch, Winnipeg, Surviving :are five brothers, Andrew n11)1 Janes, Walton, John of Sea - fm -t11. Russell of Marengo. Sask.. Tien, Olds Alta.. and two sisters, vr,•s. sTIirhnIII Lin seas Harms ton, 11tH., nir.'1 ITn's. Manic Cardiff, Tiros - Ons sister and brother pre- ..... sol re•" '-'1 him. Thr hndy rested at the Tlhrdnl Parasol home, Winninr.g. ,rhe ferment mess tort Monda•v tater- seer. hn ,..11 in Winninee• Cemetery. 1T,• anrlrew Coutts. Welton attend- ed his- hrr'thers funeral, CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE- 211 ALE-211 lithe pip, 6 weeks old. Pl 1.s. Dennis Phone 67x FOR SALE — 9 good pigs, 7 weeks old, Wetuned. Gaff. McDonald Phone 34r6 FOR SALE — 65 Ieek Pullets, ready to lay. }feurey Bryan', Phone 511'6, FOR SALE — lillec+lc Spaniel Dog, good hunter, real pal 21 years old, pure bred. Mal'oohn Maser, Phone 171,29 FOR SALE — Quebec heater and a )maple din- ing room -Gable, Apply et the Brussels Post. FOR SALE — Ohesteefield with Marschall springs blies naw Phone 15 Brussels. FOR SALE — Soat Maple and ID3m tops. Most wand for the money. James Stevenson Phone 60r4. WANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt pick-up. Call Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Phone Brussels 35r12, Collect. NOTICE -- $1.00 trial offer, Twenty -rive DeLuxe Personal Requirements. Latest Catalogue Included. The Med- ico Agency, Box 124 Terminal A 'seroeto, Ontario. LIVESTOCK WANTED — FREE THERMOMETER—Pius cash for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect Brussels 72. William Stone Sons, Limited. NOTICE — — Several turkeys for Gh'ristmas, dressed, drawn, ready 'to put in the oven. Order early as there is a big demand for these Extra Quality Purina — flavor fed birds. NLarti'n' Eaten, R, R. 3 Walton, Phone Briussels 37r15. FARM WANTED — Anyone interested in selling a farm with approx. 150 acres, goodbuildings Incl well situated w'itbi possession in the spring, please contact the Lowe brothers of Sask., at Douglas TTeiningtvay's, PI110110 631`4 Brussels.. HELP WANTED — MALE Here is your chance to obtain steady employment with good earning If you're agresalve and have a car or can obtain one, You can make big money as a Watkins Dealer, Established rural route ovailahie in sour gree. No invest- meet required. Experience not nec- essary — w1, train you. Ask ms for n.articarlal•s, Waite today to Dept, 0.8.4. The J, R. Wattkins Onmp'an9, 150 St. Roth St., Montre5L (ane. BLUEVALE Itrv. ;Matthew Baillie preached his' first sermon following his in'dnotion, 111 Knox Presbyterian Church, on Sunday mooning, He used Genesis 23.16 for his lest. "Surely the Lord is in this place: and I lrnew it not," Rev, R. A. Brook oempied 1111e pulpit in the TTnttcicl Church and announced t hat a pageant, "Good Tidings of Great Joy." would be presented in the church. Sondes evening Dec, 23, The cnllertiml will he for Korean relief. Personals . Misses Ethel and Florenve. Beattie, Seaforth, with talr'ir cousins, Mrs, R. F. (larntss nod Miss Olive Scott. Floyd Mof- fatt. assisted at the C.N.R. station, Galt, on Saes:relay and spent Sunday w°iIh his p:a,'rn'ts Mr. and Mrs, Burns Moffett. Mrs, Elsie Lamont with friend Ch's, Eva Oamei'nn at Cran- brn"ti: Jack Adair, Kinonrdin.e. with Ills parents, Mr, and Msg. W, 1i, Adair. lactiteseu.sesn....e.1.161161itt The Can a' I.>1T®* F12 dv PEOPLE WE KNOW 11'e are sorry to report the critical illness illness of Mrs. G. Matheson, • • • r- 1 u'n:w. who hug been in ('lliaton hospital with a broken limb has returned home. We hope she has a speedy recovery, * • Mr. and Mrs. W, 0. McDowell, ,loan Wild Auee of 'Toronto ureal the week.i nd wlbh Mrs, Mrs. G. Me. Dowell, • • • Mr, and MIS, Nor/nam Haig (nee Clara Russell.) wlish to announce the antral of a son' Frederick Loujs, at Rt. Marys Hospital, Ki'tctilenet', a little brother for Danny. • • * Master Danny Haig of Kitchener is visiting with his Grandma, Mrs. Rns5ell. • * • 11r. anti Mrs. Man Lane and Hugh of Lucknlow wore visttors with Rev. and Mrs. A. Lane. * * * Mrs. M. Wineherg, left Sunday for New York to be with her mother wro is 111, * * • Miss Reher.ea Sharrrie who spends the stunner here. has returned to Stratford to lire with her nephew 'Mr. Sherrie for the winter months. • * • Jfiiss Telleabeitgr Cousins was visiting In Toronto and Woodbridge fining Ito oast week. Tibbo - Armstrong Tall standards of bronze and yellow ahy1fvean'thenrums decorat ed the home of the bride's parents for lbP marriage of Dorothy Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James S. Armstrong. Brussels to Mr. Wilson Healy TIbhn, son of Mr. George F. Tibbo and the late Mrs. Tibbo, Shand Benis Newfoundland. Rev. Wm. H. T. Fulton. officiated, Miss Doris Jolmsinn *eyed the wedding n1110tr and Mise Mary Toll Mc'ibiv- lanp was snit)15t. (liven in marriage by her father the bride was gowned In Riviera white French lace over taffeta. The hodiice was fashioned with long Dol- man sleeves and a jewel] neckline appliqued with cut-outs of the lace pattern. The long torso waistline draped to one side and from it a full lace skirt fell in grareful folds to the floor. Her finger-tip veil was caught by a beaded Baronet. She carried 1 shower bouquet ,of Better Tinges Rerl roses and Boitvardia. Mrs. Robert Joyce, matron of hon - row f or her stater, chose a floor length gown of pale blue eyelet or - vainly with meltnhing cap and mitt- ens. She carried a nosegay of pink 1'0005. Little. Miss Patty Layoock of Wet. erclown. was flower gill, frocked in oink taffeta with m.a'tching cap and m .ens. She carried a side handle basket of pink and white carnations WI h streamers. Mr. R'o'bert Waugh. of London use grnnr11sm1an and Mrs. Robert .Taos of Toronto oncl Mr- W, .Tsm'ee .1rmstermes brother of the bride, w'era 115110rS- Tile bride's mother recelved wear- in'e' n s'ltlrer 11111'0 crests gown with I envy aeeces'slee and a corsage of A'1'istoorat Roses. For travelling. the bride donned a grey suit wilt blush rose and navy aocessrl'ies, a muskrat coat and a eonsage of yellow and white cllry- anithemn.ms. The cohupde will reside in Ti1bns'y- FOR SALE — 100 moos farm, real good buildings. hydro, price $7,500.00. 2-150 acre farms, good buildings, good location. 1-2230 acre tlaarnl. gond location, h,vdie. pressure system and hath. 2—,1:00 arse grass fel'nls. 1-55 acre grass farm. 1-01 acre farm /mired 9.,000, buildings. 1--55 sere farm, gond hnildings. A number of good houses in the Village of Brussels. .1, C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 04 Brussels. To the Electors of the Village of Brussels Notice to the rate -payers of the Village of Brussels, I would appreciate your support for Council at the polls on Monday, Dec. 3rd. Thank You C. L. (Sam) Workman To the Electors of the Village of Brussels At this time may 1 solicit your support as a member of your Council for 1952, Voting Monday, Dec, 3rd, 1951. For transportation phone 39 or 5x. Polls open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. H. Stretton To the Electors of the Village of Brussels Having served in the Council for the past three years. I am asking for support at the election on Monday, Dec. 3rd. I will continue to serve in your interests, to the best of my ability, Adrian McTaggart To the Electors of the Village of Brussels Having served you I:n the Cot,,,cil for.the past two years to the best of my ability. I hereby solicit ..your Vote on Monday, Dec. 3rd, and if elected I will endeavour to serve you In the future as in the past. R. A. Bennett To the Electors of the Village of Brussels In the past six years that 1 have been one of the councillors, of this village I have tried to serve you, without fear or favour, to the best advantage of the majority of the citizens. During those years I have gained knowledge of, and experience in municipal affairs that have fitted me to serve you even better In the future. With this fact in 'mind I ask you to express your confidence and trust by giving me your support and votes in the coming municipal election. R. W. Kennedy BRUSSELS TAXI Day and Night Service (any time any where) All Passengers Fully Insured. Prompt Courteous Service Brussels Phone 99x2 (1,r 90 Opportunty Sale SCOTCK SllORTORNS LIONS ARE at 1.30 p. m. sharp 10 BULLS 4 27 FEMALES Sponsored by the following breeders Robert M. Peck & Sons "••' • Kippen McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Zurich Clifford H. Keys & Sons John Ostrom Roy F. Pepper & Son • Varna Varna Seaforth For catologues, write any of the above By Roe Farms Service Dept POULTRY, HOGS AND DAIRY CATTLE: ALL WILL THRIVE ON ROE; WITH THIS WHOLESOME FEED (FARM -PROVEN) WATCH YOUR PROFITS GROW d IP YOU WANT YOUR H065 TO GROW AND GROW -AND GROW -AND GROW I FEED THEM WITH A PROVEN FEED-- THE FEED THAT'S KNOWN AS ROE IF YOU WANT YOUR MILK PRODUCERS TO MAINTAIN A STEADY FLOW GIVE THEM WHAT ALL CATTLE THRIVE ON THAT'S THE FEED YOU KNOW AS ROE YOU CAN'T GET EGGS UNLESS YOU BUILD THEM IN THE BIRDS MOST FIT TO LAY ROE WILL KEEP YOUR BiRD$ PRODUCING IN A MONEY-MAKIN6 WAY. ZOOr0 ROE TO " O PLS Af7077.5 70l ,lt1 w5 ":�": /,%%%` BMs M,t('' �� isI i ryy itOrr FEEDS „hop e1, it rL�' ce t, .. ,r•• ���t) �' 4� f 1 •A. i N t RQEPo L7kYFEEDS HOG FEEDS/Jll.l't sorra �31jf;�yfApe-/'6(d'd"� � OE COW FEEDS r{iae /f1, ` j --- _ D,•'1, ' `✓, 1 r!..– r�� , . 4, , d" , r` ...,,. n i t / � '�\ �� i }s4 G may'` ', I i 4 1'I)' ti , If / __ � r ._ '', "' �. _-... �, 'e,• ti iv G • s \ tYr 1 I d 1#f.l�r1 I o *kW ,, �ImE ” -. / ,�.�t yy.. St /��s 1,`C' ,14,-.- u i"' Y' , ) . 1 of«„. h► J tai l fed" t I ,1 ' � o ,Tr �,, / t ✓ ;. ' 1 f ' i,.y4 ,j J �� ,( ..�yw ` t =` I % /'.' _---'_•-.-P" "" ( /i� �/ �� ✓1,r :' �� -•� i 1 �� ) f l f ,l ;p ft t •(, ,� S :1 it ,,. �. b• I sl c i ' rocDJ , s ( .k 0. n, y � = =- � MINERALS — r — =� i ,y mo' ' .torn• Huron Produce BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL , F. . HARRISON M(SNCRIEFP • ' 11 ; ,�, l.�" _ Lr« , aSM --m. �rr� _. • .^, ` _