HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-21, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST • Tho Styleline Do Luxe 2 -Door Sedan ((Conti region of /andord equipment and trim IlI,,uroted is dependent on ovoilabflDy of anterial.) in its field! Longest of all low-priced cars — 1981/4 inches from bumper to bumper! With its long, sleek lines, combined with extra -spacious interiors and balanced weight distribution, Chevrolet is the Leader for comfort and elegance, inside and out. Yes, Chevrolet looks and rides better ... it's built to be stronger and last longer ... than others in its field. .. and finest no -shift driving at lowest cost with n1' 1:: AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION* Chevrolet's time -proved PowerGlide Automatic Transmission, coupled with the 105 h.p. Chevrolet Valve -in -Head Engine with hydraulic valve lifters and Econoiliiser Rear Axle, forms a peerless Power Team that is =thrive to Chevrolet in its field and that gives finest no -shift driving wt lowest cost ... plus the most powerful performance in its field. No clutch pedal! No gearshifting! No power steps or surges! Only hitherto undreamed of driving -ease and velvet velocity ... a smooth, unbroken flow of power at all engine speeds! Come, try PowetGlide—only billion -mile -proved automatic transmission in its field! 'Combrlon Dee abie rxo ndeli,atcostcextra mairrion and 1054.p.p. Engine optronalL in its field! finest riding ease thanks to its Knee - Action Gliding Ride . exclusive to Chevrolet and costlier cars! finest vision . with Curved Windshield and Panoramic Visibility. finest styling with extra.beautiful Bodies by Fisher ... found elsewhere only on higher - priced cars. finest thrills with thrift . .. only low- priced car with Valve -in - Head Engine . . . trend - leader for the industry! finest safety protection ...with Safety -Sight In- strument Panel, Fisher Unisteel Body -Construc- tion, and Jumbo -Drum Brakes with 25% less Pedal Pressure. MO E PEOPLE line in its field! Chevrolet looks better and rides better because it's the largest and finest car in its field. In every detail, it's built to be stronger and last longer. What's more, Chevrolet gives you big - car roadability, and has that sleek big -car appearance. Yes, here are the world's lowest - priced frill -size cars ... extremely economical to buy, operate and maintain ... so why pay more, why accept less! Come in, place your order for Canada's largest and finest low- priced car — now. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE UY CHEVROLETS THAN AMY T ER CAR sic: �.1ra'.o ci�sh;:ps. b '�..i .�'1•�.rv�tm� &sic, ..vis •� A • USED CARS 1-1960 Dodge Custom Sedan, Radio and Heater. Low mileage — 1950 Ford, Two Tone Sedan n 1-1949 Oldsmobile Sedan with built in Radio — air conditioning 1 — 1949 Chevrolet Coach I ' • • 1949 Chevrolet Coach USED TRUCKS 1946 Ford ' tr*>_n with racks NEW CARS New Chevrolet Standard Coach New C'evr et Deluxe Sedan New Oldsmobile, Deluxe Sedan Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Texaco gas arc! oil,; l�?n r+rp ^• K ago-, utz e^ Ont. ETH E 4 The organization meeting of the Bourse "Cotton Aoeessories for the Club Girls Bedroom" was held on Nov, Tih, et 8 P. m, at the home of Mrs. Geo. Pearson. Mrs. Geo, Pear- son as the Leader and Crake Lamont assistant leakier. The officers were elected as follows; President Marilyn Bowes Vice -Pres. Joanne Swift Seer eta ry Doris Bateman - Asst, Sec. Donna Alexander Treasures' Aileen Smith Press Retorter Jean Fraser it was decided to same the drib "Tlapisy Stitelters," Business was ; sisenage(' and plans were discussed rre't,rc1in desirable mreessorios for a girls bedroom ete. Ona' home a- `jarn leltt was In inolte a Rurvsy Of nm• l erin'nom,- We were glen shown samples of rnktinn material. The seenml tweeting of the "Happy Stilr•ikk'rc" was held on Weal.. Nov, 1,101 at S n. m., at the hone of Mrs. Geo. Pearson. The roll call was : atiewernrl by "One areeesory m^v heA"' pi reeds," . The following tenirs were d15e1105(11, hew to 11lAnge the Rize of a room Colors nand in a b,.rlrr.r m. 1 f,'11c5t11r'41 destaaui. ,rlen- m aiivr designs. Mrs, Pearson show - ns hew to mite,' n enruer. nttr hrmr nssiern mite: wen' to make a Ramal' of a mitered enrnpr. eon - thine the Rnrrvev of our hwdrnnm rlr<rw s ,liaaratn at air dresser with the at'1i11r, . nrr:,nrrerl nn it. Thu next mrrHnn• in h.. 11e14 on Nor 51,1 •ti the 1,.,rnr. of 1lrs Prv,rcna, •„ny :1 14 5111. Trnifref rli,..rrh horn 10,1, ,-.,1, :1 Ir 11, being elected to the various offices. President Shanley McDonald Vice Pres. Doreen Menzies Convenor Missionary Committee Dangles Dunbar Citizenship Calm.— Margaret Conley Stewardship Conn, .... Agnes Bishop Social Mirs, C. Barri Donald Bateman Jewitt Tull Margaret conliey Secretary Treasurer Pianist Asst, Pianists .,.. Donna Mills, Grace Lamont, Stuart Nichol 'tate society meets every second Monday evening at S p. m. JAMESTOWN (Intended for last week) Mrs. Darby of Toronto, spentlast week with h'er sister, Mrs. David Mc- Lennan end visited with ether rela- tives in the district, Mr. Cecil Payne of Toronto, is hol- isioying sit bhe: home of his mother, Mrs, Mary Payne. Mr, and Mrs. Robert McDonald and Clifton, spent Sunday with their daughter in Streetslville, Mrs. Niekel and son. George of Carrick. wpre Sunday guests with :int•. and Mrs. Lawrence Willis. Messrs. Carl and Tra.rnid Grimmer of BI it were week -end guests as the same home. '"'PF.nI;P1r.K m 1.10144 11 Phrn. B.. R. 0. Reri*t. rod tf' trommtrte41 fir^ 5-1. Viola Hon,rAb R. 0. Carol F. Flom„ th i9, n. 'ai,one 118 liner+nt:.o: Wednesday, November 21, 1951 ProfitableDairyCows iMor+r Essontiai. Now Than Ev r Dm a •.••a a Ja ___ .d tiMs� -n• `' .w ori.. DAIRY HENT Mir1=ibeeliell Wks Ise *We= Te. -V'M!t MIS V JaM. be -.A.11_�.. 2I.ar+T'r omww ■ir. w w la eetellAtel L&I. Mer Ethel Produe• Phone 22-r-10 Ma It ,i's Shell Service Eheildbricat,on S`'.ell Hvusenol.l and She() Petroleum Produces Genera! RapaleLlveatock Spray Parts ane Accrost:m*1c rhone l%—r--6 Brw sets. Ont, AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE was* Ift•Frainm16. roaccras 9r NOTICE TO CREDITORS, A11 persons having claims against bhe Estate of JOSEPH SHAW lute of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron. deceased who died on or about bhe rah day of August. A. D. 1951, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the Thirtieth day of November, A. D. 19-51 full particulars of their claims in waiting. Immediately atter the Thirtieth day of November the assets of the Testator will be die- tributed amongst the panties en- titled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then 'have notice. Dated this 3rd clay of November, 1 A. D. 1951, CRAWFORT, & TITSTHERINCITON Barristers and a, Brussels, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. WHOM WOULD YOU SAVE? If the world were doomed and you couid choose only 44 persons for a naw fife on another planet, whom would you save? Author Philip Wylie, writing in this Sunday's (Nnvetnher 25) issue of the American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times, tells whom he would relent under such elrntnnatan- res. Be worn fn get Sunday's De- troit Times. ATTENTION I-ARMEE/ We will be pleased to nick up dead or oil:mind farm animals and DRS hIihnsf nrevaiHng prions. Far im• mediate aprvien felnnhone collect — riill llruesols 95.1-12 Isstowol 650 -r -i, or Elmira 564 Gordon "nun: (Flimira l 1.td. SEWAGE DISPOSAL am now equipped to pump our your Septic Tarek{, also do all other kinds of pumping, such as L lorded cellars etc. IRVIN COXAN Phone 75r4 Milverton; Ont. BUSINFSS CARDS • C. A. Myers, M. D. L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SJRGEOFi iiniliansa St. Pie 4. Brussels, Out DR. R. W. S I'EFH-IiivS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ill sae 45 '-- Brussels. Ont. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Exansined. Glasses fitted, Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Harvey W. Stephenson Representative for Sun Life Assurance Co. Canada Health and Accident Co. Casualty General Insurance Co. Phone 43x • Brnzssels G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by ,Appointment: J. A. Monagahari, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a.rn. to 6:00 p.m. da,1y; Closed Wednesday viva. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9130. Other evenings by appointment Phone 834, Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 85 No extra charge For Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Ucenaed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Innwance McKillop Mutual Fire• asurance Co. Our Rates Are iZeasonable For further particulars — Phone Brussels 434.-1o. 7). A. Rann & Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer _e f iNE 343 or 85 .. — 'l19USSEL.t ONT. Colas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Slckriess Agent for Great Went Life lnau>t'ance Co_ olne Office 94 --- Sressele, Ont. t 4etherington, K. C. W IN4;HAM easd BRUSSELS AT l RU&SE4.5 Ir e.iav prod Saturday all day -- Offset open 'e'ery loin, ripzliza ?Or -- 9rurrrxiaer to E. n, nett LewisR't+,oiwl n (Ueerice'r) Wm' !Neuron County) eiAn'fT $FAC77ON CUARdi,l°3'I Elms) ._. FpTtprIPPA re&R.' 6AIl3LS For 1 usagernrnte Plume 31 "The BruntieSe Post” and to ay Far i*,taarttart&alo eta;.. write or phOlt0 !."see. 1!!to'arltrtntP vat Irp twaiceal sifter lrearn diatelgr kIh 'serlite to R, 9i. ,'d Wsdtoinn,