HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-21, Page 2Robbie Burns Had An Ear For Music Burns's corre-pondence with (George) Thomson provides a fas- cinating record (d his interest in and knowledge of Scots song and Scots music. If any proof were required that Murdoch's description of the young Burns as lacking an ear for mush: was wholly wrong, these letter- give that proof. Burns's sensitivity to the qualities of a melody were remarkable; he -Could fltstingnish the subtlest vari- ations between different versions of the same tune and note what effect the slightest change had on its character. It is clear that Burns did not have a good singing voice, but it is squally clear that he had Ian excellent ear. There is fairly convincing evidence that he learned to play the fiddle, and it is prob- able that he used his instrument to assist hint in transcribing melo- dies he had heard. How much musical education Burns received cannot be deter- mined. The "sang schools" esta- blished in Scotland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries did not survive into Burns's day, but some rudiments of musical teaching in connection with congregational singing in Church were maintained. Burns's interest in dancing—which he shared with the Scotland of his day, for eighteenth century Scot- land danced as it has never danced since — must have further culti- vated his sense of rhythm and melody. Dancing in Burns's time was equally popular in rustic barns and in city assembly rooms. Throughout Burns's life Scotland was humming with dance music, much of which Burns turned into song.—From "Robert Burns," by David Daiches, (Korea Hot Spot—Symbolic of the change in KoreUa's weather is Uhe little stove that Military Policeman Cpl. Cecil Amaker roses to help ward off Winter shills while directing traffic somewhere in the war zone. "Woolly Bears" Ona sunny afternoon, even in November, you sometimes find "woolly bears" out and active. Woolly bear caterpillars, that is, those fat, furry little fellows who seen to be wearing mink coats. In September and all through the warmth of October they were hur. rying whenever, one saw them, driven by some vague compulsion to find shelter for the Clark, cold days ahead, Shelter they found in a dark corner of a quirt shed or in a woodpile or in a leaf heap some- where. But a warns sun, even after heavy frost, can still rouse them; and man, who thinks of warmth and shelter in his (twit terms, sees them seeking a better winter home. More likely it is a restlessness beyond our et-snprehenstnn. The woolly bear. which is the larva of a small yellow and pink Wroth call- ed Isla Isabella, hibernates in the caterpillar stage. Pat the hiberna- tion probably i3 never as complete SS the costa of, say the wood- chuck, Move a woolly hear out into the warmth, even in Midwinter, and it comes to almost as active life as it showed in early autumn. Dis- turb it however, and it curls into a black -and - reddish - brown ball again. I?nt it bark where you found it and there it probably will remain hlbcrnactt Some predict winter by the wool- ly heir's "fur," but those who study such matters more or less scienti- fically insist that the color and texture of that "fur" is a conse- quence of past weather, not of weather to route, The ore cer- tainty is that when the woolly bear hibernates winter is corning. And that is something less than eso- teric knowledge. Not even a warn) November afternoon and the sight pi a woolly bear sunning himself can alter the fact that there will be frost in the ground before long and snow before spring returns,-- Froln The New York Thnes. NEW ar:d USEFUL loo Glare Protection Sun and highway glare protec- tion for the driver and front seat passengers is offered with a new Plexiglas exterior visor. It's trans- lucent green with wings and centre - strip of chrome -plated steel; said to fit any make of automobile. * * * Anti -Clog Designed to take the peskiness out of salt shakers, a special mois- tureproof top of aluminum is said to prevent clogging; and for the cookie jar, to get rid of sogginess. * * Fluorescent Lamp For close, exacting work, tiny portable fluorescent lamp is said to produce intense but cool illu- mination up to 500 foot candles. It has a jackknife support bracket and swivel joints for ready adjust- ment. * * * Simplified Car Wash A new car -washing device that operates on one track instead of the conventional two is said to cut down installation and operating costs and put automatic car wash- ing within reach of the average service station. The customer can get a gas refill and oil change while spraying, soaping and rinsing is under way. * * * Car Seat Paint Leather and leatherette in cars can get a beauty treatment with the paint brush, according to mak- ers of a paint that produces a washable film, said as flexible as the leather itself, supposed to pre- serve the original grain. * * * Cedarizer All you need is a paint brush to change an ordinary closet Into a cedar chest, claims manufacturer of powder preparation; it's mixed with water and applied, can also be used as a wall coating that's said three times as hard as plaster. Ingredients include pulverized aro- matic cedar wood and concentrated cedar oil. * * * Brake Synchronizer Highway accidents caused by faulty brakes on trailer trucks may be cut down with a new brake con- trol system designed to provide automatic synchronization of brakes. An air -brake on the tractor - trailer and an electric brake on the trailer will operate simultaneously from the brake pedal. Hand con- troller isn't in normal operation for the trailer brakes, but remains in- stalled for emergency. System can be installed on any make of truck - tractor equipped with hydraulic brakes. * * * Steel -Strap Chains Steel trap tire chains for auto- mobiles and trucks are among new - strength items. The straps are rubber covered to protect paint on the wheels, can be attached without stretching behind t h e wheel. * * * Driving Dimmers You wear. them like eye -glasses to effectively cut down night driv- ing glare, say makers of a new driving aid. They have sliding opaque shields placed at a height sufficient for the driver to see un- derneath — when headlights ap- proach he lowers his head to cut out the glare, without affecting his view of the road ahead, * '* * Car Trim Safeguard Worries about the finish on your new automobile are at an end, claim manufacturers of auto spray -on sealer, said to protect chrotne work and interior trim from rust, corro- sion, etc. UN Cards Help Worlds Children—Pictured above are two of the five charming designs in this year's greeting cards being sold by UNICEF—the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund—for the benefit of needy youngsters throughout the world, They are "fabric appliques", designed by Dagmar Starcke, noted Danish artist. She cut out bits of cloth checks, polka dots and gay prints and pastes them together to make the appealing designs. Printed in softly harmonious colors, they show (top) the magic word UNICEF opening the door of the world for the sake of children of all races and (below) the world brought together by the UNICEF banner of love. The cards carry season's greetings in the five official UN languages. „ORT Y A S1X61TC As this is written, the Ontario election is still ten days or so in the future. When it appears, it will be over—or just about, What the result will be 'we do not know— and tare less than a good citizen probably should, Still, one of the claims we never have made is that of being a G.C. * * * So this column will largely be taken up, this week, with the con- cluding paragraphs from an open letter written, a few days ago, by J. W. Brown of New Liskeard who happens to be president of the Canadian Standard Bred horse So- ciety. The letter is too long to quote in its entirety, but we think that the portion we are passing along will be of considerable interest to a number of our readers, especially those—and they are many—who admire a good trotting or pacing horse. * * :r "The 1951.meeting at Thorncliffe sustained a loss of $60,000 much of which was due to the fact that we were forced to suspend operations during the Hamilton meeting. When Gets His Deer The Hard Way --Edward Knipling, 12 year-old schoolboy, holds the bow and arrow with which he killed the deer above, shown after 0 was hung on display. in his back yard, Young Knipling, who delivers papers when he's not out stalking game, bagged the deer at the Holly River Park. we resumed (at the conclusion of Hamilton) our business had drop- ped 50 per cent from the previous week. Nonetheless, the Provincial Government collected $205,000 in pari-mutuel taxes front Thorncliffe this year and the horsemen re - sieved only $129,000 in purses. * * * "Our final suggestion was made to the Premier. We suggested that some of the tax moneys collected from wagering at Thorncliffe should be devoted to the Ontario Fund for Cancer Research, It was pointed out that the $400,000 or more, collected in two seasons, was an entirely new tax contribu- tion as harness -racing, previously had paid token -tax, only a *** "It was suggested, furthermore, that some of these tax funds should be used by the government to bol- ster the purse program for harness racing at Ontario's Fall Fairs. In- cidentally, in some American states, moneys for ALL AGRICULTUR- AL PRIZES at state fairs are paid out of the pari-mutuel taxes on racing, "I submit, sincerely, that these suggestions were governed by good sense. The horsemen had been struggling to make. both ends meet during the Thorncliffe season and we reasoned that increased purses at the Fall Fairs would enable theta to''break even on their year's oper- 5110115. * * * "It has been brought to my at- tention that representatives of the present provincial government, who are contesting seats in the election of Noventher 22, are making mis- leading statements concerning tin harness -racing sitraton, * * * "T'tcey satgge't that night liar ess-racing can be operated nii any Ontario track, exclusive of the sev- en ntaj,•r ret rt g-i:,•rse t -arks men- tioned earlier in this re`iew. The truth of the matter is that Pad. mutual wagering is administered by the federal 1 ve n -ant. under the provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. In other words, 00 NIGHT harness -racing meeting could be operated in Ontario un- less the sponsors Inctthey in Clin- ton, Stratford, or Markham. etc.) are in Possession of a charter issu. ed prior to March 29, 1912. "It is essential that this point should not be forgotten when the subject of harness -racing is under discussion. * * * "I ata quite satisfied that the in- troduction of night harness -racing to Ontario would triple the value of Standard Breds in this province, "As an example; at one United States sale last year 431 yearlings were auctioned at an average price of $1210. I must emphasize that these yearlings came frotn all types of farms—large and small. * * "In this machine - age, when work -horses are being slaughtered for dog -(neat, all the horse -power that is required on a small farm still would be a pair of Standard Bred mares. If the farmer raised only one colt each year and could sell it for the above-mentioned price of $1210 it would prove very profitable. * * "In reviewing this evidence, I believe that you will have to agree that never, since Confederation, has there been such an example of rank discrimination, Never before have we had the example of a prov- incial Premier pampering the mil- lionaire breeders of thoroughbreds and the wealthy operators of run- ning -horse tracks at the expense of the hundreds and thousands of farmers who breed and own Stan- dard Breds," Eagle Carries Off Farmer's Baby The terrific power in eagle's talons was grimly demonstrated re- cently when a highland shepherd, bending to look at an eagle which had been shot and wounded, was attacked by the bird. It fixed one set of its talons in the shepherd's neck and would not release its grip until its foot was short off. Hares, wild cats and rabbits die quickly front the constriction of the eagle's talons alone. The grip is a.locking one. When the bird bends its legs to take a hold, a ribbon- like muscle at its knee locks its grip, which can only be relaxed by the extension of the bird's limbs. It is unusual for eagles to at- tack humans unless they are pro - voiced, but in 1937 a farmer in Sassari, Sardinia, was horrified to see an eagle swoop down on his fourteen -months -old son and carry the child away in its talons. Fortunately the farmer had his rifle and managed to bit the eagle. It fluttered to earth, still holding the child, and a second shot killed the bird. The talons were embedded in the thick woollen coat the child was wearing, and he was unharmed. In 1924 a boy of fourteen, play- ing golf at Chatham, Ontario, was lifted six feet in the air when an eagle pounced on him. The boy's clothing gave way and he dropped to the grass. '1'lhe bird attacked him again but became en- meshed in a barbed wire fence and was killed, ,'40AStl-Cr.t0ASt 11N ON MAIL Oi DE Plumbing dm Heating Supplies Streetsville,' Ont. PLEASE SEND FREE CATALOGUE AND PRICES Nome Address ..Classified Advertising.. BAB, Clavus NGT Tr to tti x TO 1'LAc'N your 1592 chick and tirkcy ord,•ra. The early bird makes the rt'rt s, ncy. r'hedta *very week f„r br'!:-rs ..r les•er•. Started ,:Maks. t,•..t..r t .u,te. a:gogna, TVP Nt,''0 ctttt'If SALES LLripl:, on•arto *IE _. 1(t[ Lott` I tit a L n 51111, t hleka Tr..., r i. t vial het Ole ,rde,• 10- t 1l •i' I . i,.e. i I riri• 1 *. Tun. .r t 1 .1ti t DOtlKs JUST sst • !mr. of the ga'uo-'st C,"•'1204.2;,l! 21,• 'S; ly Ad - 0.e T, tt,Y 'ten a .e,postage. lY .cs A . _,., ad3 :.e Sc Tor. FREE L.1!00Sw,•I. penit Pest, Trecsephy, Reincarnation.. L5ae afr,,r Death. Tyler, Coe335. Termisat "A.” tar, -ate, Ont. 11YEtNli .1Nt) ('1.P.(NlNtt HAVE y„u anything reelsor clean- tngT Write to us 1, laformutton. Wo are *111 to answer roar quesilona, De- partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 751 Y•mge St.. Toron'u. FOB SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD PCPs for sate, registered, males and females, chant - pion bred satisfaction guaranteed, T. A. Cameron, Windham, Ont. ORDER NOtw for r'prins planting, new tofa u�strawberries.`See JohnRussel:column Oct.Orrite for partirut:ns, Primo Park Perennial Gardens, Weston, Ont. SNOWSt10ES: All 61zea and styles, Bate.' "HCAI.NE” Snowshoe Irarnete fret.) No more blistered toes! Folder, "Snow - shoeing In Comfort" on request. Bates' Snowshoes, Dept. w'., Metegemn, ant. KNITTING YARN S'NSHRINKABLE 3 and 4 ply nylon re - enforced wool for sweaters, socks, baywear. Only 39e nn ounce. Sent any- where In Canada. For Information and samples write: The Alpine Knitting Com- pany. Kitchener Ontario. CRESS Coitx SALVE--t•'or sure relief. Your Druggist sella CRESS. GARAGE, fully equipped and modern, in village of Odessa, known us the Odessa Auto Service, Living quarters. Largo gaso- line gallonage. This Is an old eatabliohod business. Good reason for selling. write Sox 59, Odessa, Ont. 3IED(CAL ITCHING bleeding plies. Immediate relief. Proven Formula for fifty roars. 24 euppnsitortea or one ounce tube 62.00. • N • ER GEE FORTIFIED for Alen or Women. Forty Pills noises2.00, Poelualdr Unman. 1263 Dundee W.. Toronto. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itchinringwormburning , pimples ndatlete's foot. awill respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRIG; $2.011 PER JAR Sent POST'S REMEDIES st Free an Receipt of Frice 889 Queett St. F,.. Corner of Logan, Toronto Try Itl Every Sufferer of. Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis Should Try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawa. $1.25 Express Prepaid. FREEDOM WITH DIGNITY Dignity — what's its meaning? True dignity flows from worth or value—the majesty of the king; the dignity of a diamond: But the ratan or woman in gaol has greater dig- nity. But he languishes in gaol either because he ignored his own dignity or the dignity of his neigh- bor. Millions rot in political prisons or concentration camps simply be- cause they are unknown. Unknown, that is, in their real nature by those who put them there. Ignore malt's real worth and freedom dies, The Catholic Church Has a long history—.close onto 2,000 years, It's bad logic to say that the Catholic Church has ever .been trying to conquer the world for itself. In every generation the Catholic Church has been savagely attacked, That alone would convince the Church that it was impossible. So that can't be her driving force. What is Iter hidden power? It lies in the crystal clear awareness of man's worth and dignity. The Church doesn't welcome persecu- tion. But she will oppose any man or group of Wren who ignore or im- pose - on man's dignity, ,To talk of freedom and ignore man's real worth is useless. Watch these mes- sages in the future for an explana. tion of what the Catholic Church is and teaches about the majesty of man. This is one of a series of mes- sages by Father V. McGivney, Par- ish Priest, St. Francis Parish, Pick- ering, Ont. Vacation: A trip to put you in the plate—and leave you in the red1 Was Nearly Crazy With eery tach irhUl1 nacovcrcd Dr. D,D. Dennis' mma0ingly fast 521101--D. 0. n. PreaorlOOrm. World popular, eiln a01ttg'riItceper pure,cooling, hing eaUsed by eczema, pimples, rashes, atictetna foot and ether Itch troubl'ne, Trial bottle, Ole First application cheeks oven Elle. most Intense Prescriptioney(olnlineryak or 'Olmttafoe strength) eon OPPORTUNITIES 5011 MEN AND woassN , JOINCANADA'SAi3HAIIRDRESSERooL turn,. opunr4:nits Lepra Ilnlydleenhlu Pleaum,t dignified profession, good wages. Thousands of successful Alarrel graduates America's Greutem 4)•atem Illustrated Catalogue P'ree Write or toll MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 111onr 141. W„ 'T'or'onto 13rtmchen: 44 film: St., Hamilton 72 Rideau 4t., Oltnw,. 0E005IE a Herballut. CoMpleto Home Study Conreo. Fine Catalogue. DOmin- fan Borba!" College Ltd., 1705 Grave- ey Street, Yancouvr 6, British Columbia, PATENTS AN (P'teltR 10 every Inventor --List of 1n - The Ram sans y rot,i1Registn edtlon Patensent Attor- neys. 273 Mania Street, Ottawa,. FETHEIISTOrt1HAl1OPi & Company, Pa- BaaynStret,, Toronto. euRuokletrtof1inform6a0- tion on 1000001, PERSONAS. RILEPIN BLACKBURN. D.A.graduate lalne p rsonalityOrtTesting, Char ctereoial- An- Pro- blems, VAccurate Analysis from Familyl Guidance. Hand- writing. Reasonable fee, Box 212, Mon- treal 5, LONELY? LET CANADA'S GIIEATEST early marriageb s adenye to l People with means, Widows With forma or city property. City and girls.country eoftet to oon02. Proven resultsrs s since 'n1924. Free particulars In plain oealed envelope, C.C. Club. Box 125, Calgary, Alta. QUIT SMOKING—the easy nay. Use To- bacco Eliminator, a scientific treatment Quickly craving ridsthe I system sof tsnicotine. King bDrag Pharmaceutical Chemists (Alberta). P.O, Box 675, London, Ontario. WHY suffer when nature contribute. and we distribute reliable herbal romedloe from Tits Pure Herb Store, Sault ate. Marie, Ontario, PEP UP TRY C. 0, and 0. 'coxso tablets for low vitality and general debility. At druggist, One Dollar POSITIONS WANTED POSITION as herdsman by experienced beef stockman. Good at fitting and ehow- Ing. Harried. Beet references. States terms first letter. Box 55. 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. STAMPS CIILLF,omRIN AND FIRST DAY Covers for Sale, Bargain at 0150, Cataloguee over Dentists Street Enst, Toronto. WANTED STBAV9 wanted wheat or Rye wire Baled Also y the thouoand. Weplek up In Write Loydtmae trees bSherwood. Alder. shot. Ontario. HAND SEWN TIES Large variety of patterns Stripes and colors Individually Gift Boxed Of desired) ONLY $1.70 each or 3 for $3.00 Plain Shades Initial monogrammed In contrasting enters .26e earl, extra Ideal for Christmas gifts. Colors Blue, Green, Maroon, Red, Gres., SCOWL Please minify enter and Whether plain Shades. stripes, or patterns of tie desired FRINGED SCARVES In White and Colors— $1.50 & $2.00 each. Pure Silk—$4.00 each Send money order or postal note, 0e we will ship Parcel Poet Collect. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR HONEY REFUNDED R > D Neckwear Co. 168 BORDEN Avis. S. NITCIIENER, ONT. Here's the 0aiy, proved way to combat asthma's distressing symptoms. The aromatic fumes of R. Schiffmeen's ASTHMADOR help clear up congestion—bring antazink relief. So easy to use, so economical you can't afford to be without it. Powder or cigarette form—at all drug stores in Canada and U. S, RUIE ( COUGHS and C °LDS THIS SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE WAY • Warm Eclectrk 09 • Rub well Into chest and throat • Cover with worm flannel • Effective for children USED FOR 65 YEARS ISSUE 47 — 1951