HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-21, Page 1T IE .BRUSSELS 1 ;,USI, PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, November 21st, 1951 ,,eee�..� eeeeea •tee � ® '"... HONORED BY MORRIS FARM ST. JOHN'S CHURCH WHY PAY MORE - 1-6 oz. Bottle Marschino Cherries 25c 1-14 oz. Cello Fancy Coconut . ' ' 49c 1 lb. Choc. Drops ' ' • . ' ' ' • ' • ' • . • • 45c lb. Weston's Christmas Fruit Cake 49c lb. 1 lb. Lyons Coffee • ' ' ' $1.05 1/2 lb. Tob. Fine Cut or Course ' ' ' • $1.25 9S �' CiCETER1A Open All Day Every Wednesday We Deliver Phone 5 CARD OF THANKS My gratitude, and sincere thanks, is given to all those who remember- ed me during my illneas. Your kind- ness, expressed in so many ways, has been deeply aPpa'eeiated. G. R. Campbell. CARD OF THANKS I wisb to express my deepest ap- preciation to the teacher and pupils of S. S. No. 8 Grey for the beautiful bo';, cards and letters and to all the other people thet'thoto8lhlt of me while ,I was in Clinton IIoepital, I will always rennember one and all. Master Donnie Jaeklin. MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give, notice that Nomination of a Reeve; Deputy Reeve; Three Councillors and Two School Trust- ees to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1952. will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1951 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1951 Polling Snub -division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 4. Polling Sob -division No. 2 at MUNICIPAL NUTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1952. will be held at Brussels Public Library Basement From 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1961 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 8. 1951 Polling SubDivielon No, 1 in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall. Joseph 'Wilton, D. R. 0.; Jacob Fisch- er, P. C, Palling Sub -division No, 2 in the basement of the Public Library Robert Bowman, D. R. 0.; • Ben. Wbitterd, P. C. Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. G. R. Cemphell, Returning Officer. ' School House S. S. No. 1. Polling Sub -division Na 3 at School Horse S. S. No. 2. Polling Stub-diviston No. IA at Commonalty Hall, 'Walton. PolSng Sub Division N0, 4 at Community Hall Momcirteff, Aoldin8 Sub -division No, 5 at Townsbtp Office, Ethel. Polling Subd6lvision No. 6 at Cfommiwnity Hall, Cralebrook, Polling Sub -division No. 7 at School House S. S. No. 5. Polis to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. J. H. Fear, Returning Offteer, 1r en tkori•iJ'eCs• 1rnWSte' Melville Church I Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday 17ehool end Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Worship 7 p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worehie -- 11 o'clock, "The.Beatdtttedes" " Church School -- 12 o'clock. Bvening Worship - 7 o'clock Merle of a Disciple. A Welcome To All. ,. Church of England Parish of Brussels.. Rev. J. H. Karr - Raster. 217021 Sunday After Trinity Nov. 25th, 1961. Rt. John's Churoh, •rusasle- 11 a. m. Mbrndng Prayer Sunday School. St. David's Church. Henfrye 2,80 p. m. Evening Pier Senday School et. George's Churoh, Walters 7.30 p. nt, Evening Prayer MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby gave notice that Nomination of a Reeve,. Four Councillors and Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1952. will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1951 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1961 Polling .Suhb4Division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 1; D. R. 0., Miller Riohmond; P. C. , Jack Nesbitt. Polling Sub-Livision No. 2 at School House S. S. No. 9; D. R. 0., Clarence Martin; P, C., Frank Bell. Polling Web -Division Nd. 8 at School Home S. S. No. 5; D. R. 0., George Michie; P. C., Harry Goll. Folling Sub-Divietiom No. 4 at Monde Twp. Hell; D, R. 0. Ernest. Smith; - P. C., Clarence Tuin. Polling SmbDivision No. 5 at School House S. S. No. 7; D, R. 0., Watt. Elston; P. C.. Ross Smith. Fooling Sob-Divisidn No. 6 at Salioot House S. S. No. 10; D. R. 0., Sim Johnston; P. C. Rose Turvey. Polls to be opened from 9A.M.to 5P. M. George Martin, Returning Ofttcer. FORUM GROUP ORGAN IS DEDICATED The Farm Forum tlrowp trout the 3rd line. of Morris inet et the home or Mrs. Carrie Sellers, Bruesele, on Monday night or this weelr. Over thirty people were present, They surprised! their Hostess by presenting her with a number of useful eleot- ric•.al gitlte including an iron, clock toaster and tea kettle. The accom- panying adciroea was read by Maly Harman and the gifts presented by Elva and Edith Wrarwick, and Mrs. 'Frank Sellers, Mrs Sellers express• ed her Menke to the group for their kindness. An enjoyable evening was spent in playing progressive metre, Lunch was served. Monday, Noeeniber 19, 1951 Dear Carrie t 'Rte your old neighbours of the Farm Foram were very emery to hear of your recent denanture from our comnnunity. ` Bet also happy that you were not, ening ter away and we want yen to feel free to return to our midst any time either' as a visit or to .Stay. We have taken this onnartenity in hying ;nutted to ynnr new home to - nimbi to present you with these rifle. lire hone that in von use them nen wimi ,'sink of ne and moose remember ;lila van have n e.tnnrline Aa•'e on the titin One eve:, Monday ,,tent, Rinonreiv The Farm Forum Groan, Friendship Circle An nudliue.astdc mending of the Friendship Circle was held in the ITnided Church parlour on Nov. 7th with twenty-six members and manly guests present. President. Mrs, H. 'rycrnirn brought the meeting to order and the group joined in •de- votionel services followed by the presentation of reports by Miss P. Boken•, Mrs. G. Bridge, Mrs. 11. Bray. .Toyr'e 1�rjiier recited Scripture and Mrs. A. MCTaggrar,t gave a report of the Seel -tonal meeting held in Union last mondlh, Mrs, Roy Cousins sang a lovely solo which was en - :twee' by ell and the tlrnVie was than given by Mee. Wm, Mi -'ler. The reeeiine we closed with a hymn and the Mienah henedtnHon. An emotion sole wee nnnlllueted by admen one nf the Circle with Mrs. Win. Evans o„nm„••+'rhw' the bleteln,a• and 'lila pro;ient was veru su,wnntn4,1,1 land va„•• ,v" il, mttnit enloved. by all. A dflieTnns ti.,00li wee .serval by the ladie'a in charge. LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE Waled, Thurs. Nov. 21-22 Double Feature 1st Performance Starts 7.00 p. m. Paul Donglas, Jan Bennett, Linda Darnell In "THE GUY WHO CAME BACK" plus "FAREWELL TO YESTERDAY" NOV. 23.24 Helen Wescott in "THE GUNFIGHTER" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. --Eve. 7.30 p.m. FRI. SAT, Gregory Peck, Majestic Women's Institute A large congregation of all de- n,cnuInatioas of the diatr'iot filled St dolu1's Anglican Cdnimeh tot the del - !melon of a pipe organ iaat Wed- nesday night. 'I`fle organ, a fine addition to the recendty rebuilt church was dedicated to the memory ,of Jahn Fischer, Who died aro the resell of injuries received during the rebuilding of the church. Flt Lieut, Harding of B. 0, A. F., Clinton, spoke of the way in which music can entrance the services of the church, but warned that the firslt purpose of the church is the worship of God and that music its a. means • by which a choir end organ can contribute to that pur- pose. ier pose. Rev. J. IT. Herr, rector, pre- ei:led during the sera -lee and was assisted by the Rev, D. H. Farr of St, Geroge's Aneiieon Chnreh. Godericb. and the Rev. T,' D. Jones, Tk'. L• D, 'ilhnnlnann. meanie( of MPI Will Clu reli, presided at the rnrean, doting the service and gave n recieni of organ mesh. at its rr.ns TTe woo nas,tuted in his pro. crani lt,- William Ring end Graeme lieu -meld. who nano s rioet, and Preen Preerntt and Gerald Gibson Who ssr,. solos. A retention wog bold in the Rnn- dnv sr'hool renin after the eerviee. '011e Majestic Women's Institute Of Brussels held their "Family Night" in eine town hall Iasi; Friday evening having aa their guests the Junior Girls Ball Team. A. delicious supper was served by the comandttee Mrs, Arthur Sinclair, Mrs•. Chas, Deals. Mos. Wilbur Turnbull. Mrs. Geo. Evens and Miss Beth Hoover. A shout business meeting followed. Mrs. Stephen's .announced that Mrs. Chas. Davis had invited the Institute to her .Home for the Christmas meeting. 'Phe date for the bazaar is. to be held on Sat.. Dec. 8th. It has. been .decided that each member bring an anticle made from a flour or sugar sarck. This wOs followed by a most en• joyable program. The conveners of t which were Mrs. R, B. Cohisins ano Mrs..Tas. Bryams. A special feature of the program was .the History of Brusseis als given by Miss Jean Smlhh who won the let prize at the Brussels Fall Fair, This prize was donated by the M.ajentie W. T. Other mothers were; duet by Peter and Sharon Hemingway; deet by Helen anal Franlr Wilson; piano solo by Manion Hoover; double duet 1y T-Teni,ingways and Millers; solo by Miss Mary Lori Me2ariene; solo Mei'- j iivn Johaisra:n; duet, Mrs. Dougias Heniingwavv and Mrs. Noreen Hoover, The Leat member was a few V0,11, hran•n'nils musical members by the ",Tally Bovs." THAs wets hollowed by e donee. MON. TUES, Noy. 26-27 Clark Gable, Barbara Stanwyck In "TO PLEASE A LADY" TUESDAY FOTO-TOME 1st Offer $200 2nd Offer $60 Monday Attendance Card Night. 3 BRIG DAYS 3 BIG DAYS WED. TRU. FRI. NOV. 28.29.90 Louts Jourdan, Debra Paget, Jeff Chandler In "BIRD OF PARADISE" TechnldOlor 'blue cote 1 1a ono of the Beet Quality Available. j Regular Shipments Now Being Re. delved. Order yours direct eft the eof•. 1 M C. OLDFIELD P8ONE 6 St. John's Guild The Women's Guild of St. John's ('Murch, held their regular monthly meeting in the P'ar'ish hell on Tues- day, Nov. 13th. The devotional period was led by the president, ltl'a. G. Davis, assisted by Mrs. Rev. Kerr. The minutes of the previous meeting were given• by the secretary Mrs, Wm. Fischer and adopted. A committee was named to cater to the Lions. Club an Nov, 26th. The meeting closed wlibb prayer, alter which a social bang was enjoyed and the ladies of Sit. George's Church, Walton, entertsined. Con- tests provided by Mrs. .T. H. Bryan and Mrs. J. R. Hamilton were very mach enjoyed .The bighlight of the afternoon was the awarding of the prizes to the ladies sewing the neatest patoh on the apron's whieli had been seiot around during the year. These *ere judged by Mrs. M. Humphries, Mrs. S. Humphries and Mrs. Tel Dugan of Walton. The winners were: Mrs. H. Strelbton for 13rnlesels and Mrs. F. Carter for Morrie. The apron for Grey township will be judged later on. The donations front true two aprons were gratifying. Grace was suns' and a dainty Lunch• was ser- ved by a cominitItee of Brussels members. Mne, M. Humphries, pres. of Se. George's Guild tendered a vote of thanks to Stt. John's and an enovable afternoon woe brought to a close. NOTICE - '1'he Majestic Women's Institute are holding a bazaar on Dec. 8th at the Brussels Public Library. REGENT THEATRE Seafortb, Ont. Now Playing - NOV. 22.23.24 MR. BELVEDERE RiNG THE BELL Clfton Webb Joanna Dru Mr. Belvedere returns to entertain evryone. The wonder -man to whom nothing seems difficult or impossible. NOV. 26-27-28 TECHNICOLOR "THE GREAT CA•RUSO', Mario Lanza Ann Blyth The story of a man who sang his way Into glorious Immortality. For lovers of elessIcal muslo and grand opera this is superb entertainment. NOV. 29.30 DEC. 1 TECHNICOLOR "VENGEANCE VALLEY" A those western filled with thrills and exoltement. The foremen of the cattle ranch is pursued by tw norms of outlaws, MORRIS TWP. FEDERATION OF AGRI. ELECTS OFFICERS Morris Federation of Agriculture held the annual meeting in. the Forresters Hall Belgrave last Wed. evening. The Ladies' Guild of Trin- ity Anglican Church served the 200 Present with a hot turkey supper. Rev. Mr. Bramwell said grace. Mallard Prodger, (vice-president, tools charge of the meeting in the absence of George Hetherington, who was i11. Robert McKeraher, vice- president oaf Herron County Federate item, gave an interesting account of the year's work' in the county. Rev. Mr, Moores of Belgrave United Church introduced the guest speak- er, Rev. A. H, Daynard of Staffa. G. E. Montgomery, agricultural representative, took charge of the election of officers, \vhioh resulted .as flol cm's; President, Richard Proc- ter; vice president, Nelson Higgins; directors, 11i'. end Mrs, Clarence Ymdll, Mr. anal. Mrs, Tiloward Wilkin- son, Mae and Mrs. Herman Nethery. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bacon. Mr, and Mrs. J. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. L, Phelan, Mr. ansa Mrs. 13. Cleig, Me. end Mrs. M. Riclvoond, Mm. and Mrs. H, ,Tofinaton. Mr. and Mrs, W. Sholdice, Mr, and Mrs. R, 'I'ihoenas, Mr. and Mrs, F, Johnston, R. Han• dersnn: county director.,. Mr, and <ios, R.irliard Poster; long prodarr- er, ' representatives. George Michie, Rollout Coilltes; cream producers' representatives Dennie Langrtdere, Rose elmltth; eudi�tors, George Mar- N;n. T-Towerd Willrinson. Dennis Lemmatize thanked the women and these taking Pert for melting the evening mol oiliness. Eneapenvent Announcement $2.00 per year - $2.50 Ip 4ytr.'; TROUSSEAU TEA HELD MAILING DATES FOR CHRISTMAS Mr, James H. Armstrung enter- tained at a delightful trousseau tea on. Saturday afternoon in honor of her danahter, Dorothy, who is a bride-to-be of Nov. 24. Vases of tali bronze and gold chrysanthamaims brightened Ube rooms where Mrs. Al'nontrong and her daughter re- ceived their guests. The bride's sie• tem, Mrs. Robert Joyce, caste from Toronto to assist in receiving. Mrs, Roy Cousins opened the door for the guests. Miss Marie Storey displayed the bride's lovely trouseeao. Miss Leona Johnston, presided over the room where the gifts were arrang- ed, Miss Joan Ste. Marie sboweo the linens, and Miss Madelon Ryan Ilea charge of the guest book. All wore at�traotive corsages of vertj4nniored baby chrysantthemums Miss Jessie Little invited the guests to thie tea room. At the Iorn_oorered tee table where the rnflt sheen of silver and ranrlelight mingled with the deli- cate color of epiry white are oink eat -natio -se. Mrs. William Sneir and lits. Herbert Clarke. crept of the beide pnnm"d tee. \Mrs Cameron `dan',a and Wee Mar:- Len Meyer- 'ne. served the callers. Gat ere who a,asietei Mee. Arm. eearee ,vr.mo Mrs. .Tame. Ttr,-an.. \Mr.. Waltrr• W111ismaon ^nal Mrs. r••^don Mr•Dnwell. United Slates before 8 Dec, T:ri;isdi Columbia before 12 Dee. 11ta. & Saak. before 18 Dec. Newfoundland before 18 lea. M aritoba and Maritime, Provinces before .... 14 Dec. Ont. and Que. before 15 Dec, Loral delivery before ,,17 Dec. All Christmas cards not containing more than five words unsealed 2e. Make sure you have sufficient iuostage, all mail mutter without sna hien; postage will oawse delay. Newspapers lc for two ozs, lc for next 2 oze, and lc for following 4 07.5, The Post Office will be open every Wednesday all day. NOT CE - Melville Presbyterian Church (thriatmec entertainment wile be held on Wed., Dee. 19th. ROADS BUILT AT STEVENSON TRACT 'Pile Department of Lauds and Fele- eels have been buiding roads at the county Poppet Tract 8 miles West OS Bruasels. These roads are to serve as a fire protection eaeaslure as weld us making the area accosslble for tr. a planting and woodlot irk• prevenient. The entire area is 10 he planted neat spring wltfh pine, birch. spruce and ash trees. A mee- hanieal tree planting machine will be used along with hand planning on the rougher places. Tilde Propeti'1$ Is owned by the County and looked. after by the Department of Lauda and Forests from the Zone offOO et Stratford, Fa f . x' IsAI �' irCivO W Mr. ('lnrenee E. Milburn. of Wind-. sor was a week -end visitor Witt his .elet,.r MIs,. Florence McNsngh- t'.n. Cameron • Evans :1t St. George's c'resbylterian (9luroh, Georgina Thu•rza Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans. London, beeline the bride of 'Earl Morgan Cameron, son of Mr, and Mrs. Allen Cameron of , Brussels. The ceremony was sol- emnized by the Rev. J. R. Weldie. The bride given in marriage by leer father. wore an afternoon dress of navy sheer with navy velvet 00- cessories and a corsage of pink carnation and whtte eltrysanithe- She was attended try her sister, 'Miss June ]yvans. who wore a green crepe dress with black vel- vet accessories and a corsage of Yellow chn'vsanitlhenoums. Rest man was 7Teneed Littleton. London. A reeention wasp held at Hook's Res,trinant for immediate members If the family, Guests were rer.siv sn by th.e hridea's mother, wearing s ht„e a -ane dress with naive, ac- ressnries and a corsage of red roses,• Mr. and Mr's. Cameron left for a ,•-')•line trin hn the United States. T,ev wi11 1•esicle in Landon. LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY A turkey dinner was prepared by the lathes o4 Nov, lath at 7.80 p. m. I in rhe Auxiliary rooms for tbe Can- adtan Legion. Fifty-six men were present. Com. C. L. Workman, president of the Brussels Branch called on Rev. Andrew Lane for Grace. Other ' guests Coni. Tom Ritchie, Com.l Bent Harris, 'Com, Frank Mitchell and Com, Geonge Englis, Zone Com- mander of Howdek Brandi. Com. Mac Doll who recently returned from Korea was also present. These com- rades along with Com. Ralph Shaw and Gom, Orwell Elliott were called on by the Preeident. to say a few words. Com. Frank Mitchell in his I speech, thanked the ladles for the lovely s•uPper and Ocnl. Elliott, President of the Auxiliary gave a . fitting reply. After the supper tke men vacated to the Legion Rooms for further entertainment. The next business meeting will be field on Dec. 6th. Com. Dorothy Hoyle, Zone Commander of Strat- ford will install the new officers for the conning year, Com, Alice Brothers of Wroxeter. will be the Monist for the evening. Plans will he for tbe Christmas party, All nlenib0TR Please he present for ibis event. Mr. and Mrs, Jolin Kraiuter, Ethei, Ont„ wish to ermo111icP. the engage- ment of their dnughder, Muriel Lois, f to Donald 11. Wilson, sari of Mr, and • Mrs, Eugenie Wileon. Ottawa, Ont„ the nuatmiaee to take place in St, Giles Preehyterian Churoh, Olttawa, Nov. 22nd. CARO OF THANKS Woe& cannot express my appreei- 1 a•timt for n11 the kind thouphtre, words Red deeds, divine my stay in the , lioanrtni 'Tiley Will always he remembered. 0 24 • atnrerCest thanks go to all nt you. SineerelY, Ellznhetli Cerdtff. Lots of fun, and the payoff is in cash! We're talking about rho MONARCH MONEYMAN pro- gram heard daily, Monday to Friday, at 11,15 in the morning on 980 CFPL. My name's TOM 13I110 and thanks to the millers of Monarch Flour I'm able to offer you listeners task prizes for our Question of the Week. Bo sure to listen, won't youl And tend those letters and enclosures In toad Euchre and Dance In Walton Community Hall on Friday, November. 23rd MUSIC. BY SIEMON'S ORCHESTRA Euchre to commence at 9 o'clock ,..a.�..,s„ J A Play "Truth Takes A Holiday" will be presented In Brussels Town Hall on Wednesday, November 28th at 8.15 p. This comedy which the whale family can enjoy will be given by Moncrleff United Church Choir, under the auspices of Melville Young Women's Guild. BAZAAR and SALE Needlework, hand -knitted articles, aprons., home baking, candy and novelties Saturday, November 24th at 2.30 p. m. in the Brussels Public Library Tea served from 3.30 to 5 Melville Ladies' Aid BRUSSELS TAXI Day and Night Service (any time any where) All Passengers Fully Insured. Prompt Courteous Service Phone 99x2 or 90 Brussels ONE IN TE A million Canadians now have jobs in manufacturing. Ten per cent of these are in the primary textile indus- try. (The latest Dominion Bureau fig- ures gures are 1,080,000 in manufacturing and 104,000 of these in primary tex- tiles.) Besides leading all other Canadian industries in numbers employed in manufacturing, primary textiles also is away ahead in the size of its payroll. It is up among the leaders in provid- ing jobs for women and in being well spread out through the smaller com- munities. Dominion Textile is a considerable part of this basic textile industry. Dominion Textile Company Limited MANUFACTURERS Or ,n PRODUCTS