HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-14, Page 1E BRUS ELS OUST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, November 14th, 1951 THE UNITED CHURCH Fol morning worship on Sunday, Nov. 11th, the Lural Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary paraded to The TTnitr-d ('bnreh accompanied by the Lions Boys and Girl') Band. In keeping' with the day the theme of the s"1•ric s was, "P.rnnembranoe.e '11he minister based his sermon an Isiah 22;17, "Thr work of righteoua- nees .hn11 be 'peace.. and the effect of ri:b'treuertes's rhtietness and as- surance forever." The anthem "0 Lift \'Ona• Donde" wns rendered by the ehnir. Tn the avenins the series of Pti' (lb's nn The Marks of Disciple - shin as 111ii trnfed in the parables of Juane wee enntinned. The grace of feeettirrpepa w1s +stn subipct enn..t,1 „•e,l and the nnrabte studied weer Tba Twn Debtors. 'Dike 7: 10-49 p„A 'ra,n remeeeifei Servient.. Met - 'Phew 1C• 01.25 'Meet Snnlav evening re ,-• 'nee to h„ atadied ere found to T.,b. 17,• 1A 1nd Tafird 17, 7.10 tea, ...«1.111,,. „r -m,., aneeen. Fig Tren C'nT"11'!. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Brussels during the year 1952. will be held at Brussels Public Library Basement From 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1961 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1951 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 in the Council Chamber in the Town Joseph Wilton. D. R. 0.: Jacob Fisch- , er, P. C. Palling Sub -division No. 2 in the i basement of file Public Library , Robert Bowman, D. R. 0.; Ben. Whittard, P. C. Polis to be opened from 9A.M.to5P. M. G. R. Campbell, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve; Deputy Reeve; Three Councillors and Twe School Trust- ees to serve the Township of Grey, during the year 1952. will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1951 1f demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1951 Pcilldne Sauled6vision No, 1 at Scholl"! House S. S, No. 4. Polling Sub -division N6. 2 at School House 5, S. No. 1. Palling Snb-division Na 8 at School 171na1x,e S. 5, No. 2. • Polling Puh-division No. 3A at Community TUE Walton. Polling Sol -Division No, 4 at Clommnnity Hell Moncrieff• Pmlline Rub-divieinn Aro, 5 at T.mvmahin Office. Ethel, Polling 5"h-dlvtsinn No, 6 at C4'nmminm,ity Hh1:11. Cr:nbrook. Fnlhtn"• Amb -division Nn, 7 et Sc11on1 House S. 5, No. 5. Polls to be opened from (1A. M. fn5P M. 7. H. Fear. Reternlno ()Meer. 77a11. Melalille Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. m. Sunday 8ehool and Bible Class 11 a. m. Divine Worship 7 p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Leno Divine Worahiy - 11 o'clock. Rev, A. R. Stone, Missionary on furlough from japan. Ohns'oh School -- 12 o'clock. Evening Worship - 7 o'clock "Privilege and Duty," A Welcome To All. Church of England Perish of Druesele Bev. J. H. Kerr - Rester. 26th Sunday After Trinity Nov. 111th, 1951 $t John's Church. tlrumas-- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School St. David's Church. Hentryn 2.30 p. m, Evening Prayer Slunday Sohool tat. George1e Church, Welton 7,30 p, m, Evening Prayer votegovolotowpwow REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE HELD AT CENOTAPH At,uthers of the lrrttssels 13ranch of the Canadian Legion and the 1.a11100' Auxiliary attended Re- memhance Day service in the Unit - ad Church when Rev. A. Lane was in ch.ierec of the service. At the 0.0.a. of the serving, congregations gathered in warm eunahine at the cenotaph where a special service or r3)11001hr2nr'r- wag held. Rev. Wma, 17. T. Fulton read. 'realm 124 as the Seripth:re lesson. Rev. John H. Kerr and in prayer and 114'v. Andrew Tann gave talo rinsing benediction, Mitring Ibr aerviro, the Brussels Tions ChM Boys and Girls Band onset several hymns and 0 (11105i2 rni,nwini the twn-inintitre silnnre, A. 1". llnhin:.nn. leader of the band. Waved the Vast Post and Reveille, a•sltlr 111•• rebus were lowered in ankrie Ind rnieed. Wreaths were laid at the ceno- taph by L. F. Cardiff, for the Pro- vince of Ontario; R. B. Cousins, for the village of Brueeels; Mrs. Bert Toting, for the Legion; Mrs. John SPelr for ("rant -monk W. 7.; Frank catalirr, for th" L. 0. L.; Hartley i"ieoiier for the 7.0 0.1'.: R..7, Bow - """1. for 5!..Tobn's Lerbne A.F. and 1 11 Narvev • John etnu. for 'o' -eta tnwnshin• !Mrs. A, Winton, P•'• the WMIltsu'S Auxii:iary; Wm. -reeeb tit. for T'russcic Lines; Mrs. .To:•enli Biker, - to remembranee of 'rear con. 1,1rt•r"d 1b'whell and her can of T'erth. Ontario, were '10n..0nt 11•"1 11''1 file lTairatis 0.1- T. 40"01111. CART! OF T 4ATIKS My sincere thanks is given all those who remembe.reci me with treats and cards while I was con- fined to my home after my accident. Your kindness was much appreciated and helped to make the time Pass more sluickly and pleasantly. Master Alan Stiles. MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Cuunclllors and Three School Trustees to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1952. will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1951 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1951 Polling .Sob -Division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 1; D. R. 0., Miller Richmond; P. C. , Sack Nesbitt. Polling Sub-Livisiom No. 2 at School House S. S. No, 9; D. R. 0., Clarence Martin; P. C., Prank Bell. Polling Sub -Division Ni. 3 alt School House S. S. No. 5; D. R. 0., George Miohie; P. C., Harry Goll. Polling Sub-Divielton No. 4 at Morris Twp. Hall; D. R. 0. Ernest Smith; P. 0., Ciarence Yni1'1. Polling Sub -Division No. 5 at Sahool House S. S. No. 7; D. R. 0., Wm. Elston; P. C.. Rose Smith. Polling S,141-Divisiim No. 6 at School Hnu0e S. S. No. 10; D. R. 0., Tim Johnston; P. C. Ross. Tlrvey. Polis to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. George Martin. Returning Officer, N'OTICE- Mellville Presbyterian Church rearlahnn.s onteirtainment will' he held nn Wed.. Dec. 191111. ~(Mile-tr~aeeseae.0.g.. �3 4 LiS iL 'N@' OES. CAPITOL. THEATRE Wed, Thurs. Nov. 14.18 Jeanne Crain, Dale Robertson, Mitzi Gaynor, Jean Peters In ''TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL,' Technlrolor Fri. Sat. ' Nov. 16.17 Richard Wlimark, Dena Andrews, Gary Merrill in "THE'FROGMEN" Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. -Eve. 7.30 p.m. Man. Tues. Nov. 19.30 Loetta Young, Joseph Cotton, In "HALF ANGEL" TUESDAY FOTO-NITS 1st Offer $200 2nd Offer $60 Monday Attendance Card MAL Wed. Thurs. Nov, 21-22 Double Feature lst Performance Starts 7.00 p. m. Paul Douglas; Jan Bennett, Linda Darnell In "THE GUY WHO CAME BACK" plus "FAREWELL 110 YESTERDAY" Documentary Flim recommended for EVERYONE to see. 'blue mit le one of the Beet Quality Avalleble. Regular Shipments Now Being Re- ceived. Order yours direct off the car. M. C. OLDFIELiD PHONE 68 MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL mares 'rowneship Connell .\ieotinti Nov. 5, 1951. The Council met in 100 'i'owns'litp 11x11 on the abuse date with all membere present. The nldnules of the 1.i+,tmoa ting 4001') read and adopted on motion of Chas. Coultas and Sam, Aloeck. Moved by Chas. Comites, seconded by Sam Alcock that we further pro- tesit to the Dept. of Laude 011)1 Eon, rests against the open season for deer stunting in Morris Township and that a delegation go to see John Hanna in regard to this matter. -- Carried, The following delegation was appointed by the Reeve -- Chas. Coultas and Wm. Peacock. Moved by Win. Peaeocic, .ecnnd0rl by Bailie Parrott that a grant of x25.00 be given to the North Henan Plowmenip Aisdnciltio:n.-CAirrted. Moved by Bailie Parrot*, seconded by Charles Cnultes that a grant of $15.00 be given to each Polsnvo. Walton and B1tlevale librnrlee. - Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, eecond131 by Wm. Pe'acoc'k that the road hills 0.e presented by the Road Sn110r- intendont be paid. - Carried. Moved by Cbias. Candies, seconded by Sant Alcock that we apply to the Department of IHighlways for fifty per eerie slubsidy on the sidewalks in the 'Hamlet of Walton. - Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Chas. Cnultes that the meeting adjnnrn to meet again on Dee. -other 15 at 10 a. m. - Carried. Tin. following ac,cou its were paid; Ahmichal World, supplies 64.25 Stewart ProMer, fox bounty 2.00 Brewer. fox bounty 4,00 Geo. Mcintoe, fox bounty 4,00 L. E. Cardiff, grant to Plowmen's A q.r eist1lm 25.00 Bel 1 asp rabrary, grant 15.00 Walton Library, grant 13.00 Blintvale Library, grant 15.00 Haney ,Tahmealton, eeleeting Jurors 4.00 Addison Fraser, selecting Jurors 4.00 Geo, Martin, solvating jurors 4.00 TT'arvey Johnston, attending Middle Maitland Conservation Authority Meeting 9.75 Addison Preset., Egnalizine 'Union Schools 25.00 Til"ll 94and011. advertising 1.410 a,11 "n Fri -or, halenee of galore Ina On C •A lin, t nr,nt Ary. 11.10 in7 t;ii, 17,17 (1111^1101 White, hnlnlnrc to ham] tiie 4 7.0 - •"' 1°rewnr, helping t0 hand tile 4.50 deur •nt 'Brewer, spraying barna 9,75 Bob .Temiesnn, spraying barns 3.00 O'•lrrnro \\shite, cutting wood Duncan Brewer, mating wood *,r•1 T.nwo, cut111g wood nab 31ntieenn, clotting wood rr•.:•inn Walsh. Grasby Drain labor and tile .Tim Walsh, Grasby Drain .1101( .7obnston, Crosby Drain canton Welsh, (trashy Drain 1" n 11c\riher. ctnitine wood with tractor and saw Ca<:si``_.:iar ' a�? «.'.':?rJ' 5Y:eSH"r+tr•?R,agi , :,�, 1,50 1.50 1.50 1.50 14.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 UNITED CHURCH W. M. S. 'Ilu :+ftotneon Auxiliary of the 1:1ated church W. 11. S. was head in the nhureh I7n9or on Nov. 6th, Presided ov'a• by Alr2. A, Tran, '1 3u,,Alp..r1 reading MS, else n 117 Mrs, W. Rope, followed by prayer by Aire. A. Armstrong. after hest - 1:' i•epat•tie were hard, :, =f4cndid report of file sectional 1,leotiIlO at T'nion Cantrell was given by airs. Lane :nil Miss Roldnsnn. 'Tho in• torosiing tnpie, "P11r' dhn'.long, end call of Lho city," talren from the "holy honk, was given by Mrs. TT. Tan 313is. Hymn 51'1 was sun-. •mel +b0 nesting clnep(1 with t11'• •st•,,,nh henerlietion. The Dovoiniur rorrtIns will by hold in t11r, wlr11111•s of 6111. 14!11011 file Fr1e,1dahin C'rclp "111 110 chests of the Artrrllnr,n• ^.Tri Rnht. Craig. rplirf 20.00 t0 wry Wideman. gravel for Walton sidewalks 24.50 D. N. MoDonadd. Walton idewalks 115.25 R. 1040111 anal Sons, ems and vont of 0nrsinp 4.15 .1^h11 Shannon. \\'nl'on :idntvalkp :.4 77 1.71 nnnMnit W:,llnn si mralk, nn r, 1x:1 ^Dnnlyd ?S'"lam t1 w."11rs 4070 ^-" n•,nrla•• Walfnn :irinwnllrs 45.60 r•.., TT O-,Inerr. W:ttnn idrwr111u 47.71 •n ])'TrivO't^t, 117'1110)1 sirlPwalles .7.27 Til•,,,•r,• l' Tehr,vinn Rnm•r_ r' \Tuts,,, Clerk. $2.00 per year - $2050 PLAY --. In Ether, Twp. Hall on F l p 2C'eLn 8.15 p. 110. Entitled "Truth Taks A Holiday" Play i,r�, r I (,-•.ri•.."f [suited Chem, h Choir Under auspices of Ethel W. I. Admission 50, and 25c LAY -AWAY jp FOR CHRISTMAS Select Your ("Li ijInas Gift:: from our large Stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewellery, Silver Flatware, and Holloware, China Sets, Cups and Saucers, and Fancy Pieces, Cut Crystal in Royal Brierley Patterns, and CIapperton's Patterns, Genuine Cornflower. Many Beautiful Gifts, from many parts of tlmt world, Sterling by International, Wallace, Roden. $27.50 CENTS STRAP C40r'erve4 and Waterproof You cannot beat this value and price. '.AL CIES 15J. lovely YELLOW WRISTWATCH Boxed to PIease. We also have a targe Assortment of Mido, Bulova, Elco, Belmont, Rolex, Cardinal, Savoy, Gladstone WATCHES.. Our Guarantee Is Your Protection. Over 1000 pieces of Costume Jewellery, latest creations Carr .d 2 Pearl, Rhinestones, and Gems. A Small Deposit will hold any article till Christmas. :W}'du"'k '...L.;i a:r:s' r zsae�rBM , i POWERED FOR THE JOB Four great engines! The 92.h.p. Thriftmaster, the big 105-h.p. Load - master, the massive 114-h.p. Torque- masterP and the might), 1g0- .p. angio) all deliver outstanding per- formance nusin eros remarkably low fuel sod mWnler3anca expense. VALVE -IN -HEAD DESIGN For 39 years, Chevrolet has built valve -in -head engines. No other manufacturer has built so many, lust as no other truck•engine design can match the over-all economy and p%edn efficiency of Chevrolet's v O BLUE -FLAME COMBUSTION Wrings all the usable energy from every drop of gasoline. Blue•Flame combustions possible only with valve -In -head engine design - pro- vides greater power and livelier per- formance, through more efficient utilizotion of fuel. POWER -JET CARBURETOR At low speed, on grades or at regu- lar highway speeds, Chevrolet's Power -Jet carburetor maintains the proper fuel mixture for the engine. This, plus fast warm-up, smooth, quick response, means surprisingly low operating costs. LONG LASTING BRAKES The greater self-ener ization of Chevrolet hydraulic brakes provides smoother, safer braking complete- ly equalized pressure to each broke. This in turn assures full lining contact and longer wear -for the brakes on your truck. BONDED BRAKE LININGS No rivets' On light- and medium - duty models, the lining is bonded directly to brake shoes to increase life and to eliminate danger of scor- ing brake drums as lining wears. You get extra wear -- safer brakes. %. 144,4 ... to do more work for your „:1 oney.. • ��„. ... 3J bre...?;. , 0.;;;y;: r ^R'..... a 5 INSINOS s.,:`}E;i::'t;:.','n`,,,�`�u.?g:<::Siv::.,..;..:.ra''s �,ra�wEx 0s•,m�zi•:•a:. Just take a look at the engineered -in economy features of Chevrolet trucks. Features like valve -in -head engine design, Blue -Flame com- bustion, Power -'Jet carburetor, long lasting brakes and a host of others. All the vast engineering and manufacturing experience of Canada's largest truck builder is used to give you greater economy on the job. And Chevrolet economy goes far beyond low operating costs. It means engines, chassis and cabs will stand up under rough, tough use month after month, year after year. It means building extra ruggedness and extra efficiency into Chevrolet trucks at lowest cost. Every day, more and more truck users are switching to new Chevrolet trucks. Take a tip from these truck -wise buyers and get engi- neered -in economy and more work for your money. CHEVROLET TRUCKS ARE FIRST IN SALES -FIRST IN VALUEI iverside Motas r U (Continuation seendents on availabilitytofnmaterial.jusiratad ADVANCE .DESIGN TRUCKS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ssels, CT -e6111 ntano