HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-7, Page 51111 On Nov. 22 Choose This Man to represent you wisely YOUR VOTE IS NEEDED TO Ensure A Continuance Of Good Government 1111 THE BRUSSPJ.S POST "6" REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE John W. Hanna IN HURON -BRUCE Because As your representative he has gained valuable experience. There is no substitute for experience. He has been instrumental in securing many miles of paved highways, help for community halls, new schools, etc. He has faithfully served the people of Huron -Bruce regardless of party affiliations.Itss He is a man of determination who will see that things are made to serve Huron -Bruce. He believes in a broad advance in human betterment, and to relieve the pressure as much as possible for the aged, handicapped and needy persons. He believes in hydro expansion in rural Ontario until electricity is in every farm home. For The Future of Huron® race -r to .h' t',.,-i:.r, PS' ,.-a.*w..'d .ekssMaly ,1wen With DAY F "Down Dairy Lane" Lsslcn to this Program on Thursdays 1;45.2:00 p.m. E,S,T. over the Trans- Canada network of CBC. Yum, yumyuml It's another of Mom's wonderful dairy dishes! Maybe macaroni rich with cheese or cream sauce made smooth as satin with evaporated milk. There are a million ways to make 'em happy with dalry foods. Make Winter Menus More Delicious! Now's the time to help your family to better health by serving then Nature's fine foods . dairy foods. So much of the nourishment they need for growth and vitality is found in milk. It's a delicious, nutritious habit to serve dairy foods at every meal. ICEI' CEEAME, CNEESr BUTLER, M `ee..\.........v°t POWDER, EVAPORATED MILK SERVICE BUREAU 409 Huron St., Toronto, Ont. DAIRY FOODS 0 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE — Cedar anly 9airUfUY. Phone 36516 Mervyn McCauley FOR SALE -- 10 feet of moderncupboard and sink, ktodenate price, apply 'te The Brussels Posit Phone 31 FOR SALE — Soft Maple and Elm tops. Most wood for the money. ,Tames Stevenson Phone 60r4, WOOD FOR SALE — Quantity of Beech. and Hard Maple, Phone 34x7 Keifer Bros, FOR SALE 2 year okl :male hound broken fox and rabbit. apply to Clnolalr Phlppen, Wingham, FOR SALE - 27 Pigs, 7 yeeka old, Tamwork x York. apply to Geo. BTaktez"-:— Phone 42r19, FOR SALE — — One Beatty Force -pump, with five inch cylinder and two Inch pipe. Priced reasonable. Jack Conley, Phone 41r10, Lot. 31, Con. 6 Grey. HOUSE FOR SALE House and lot on Mechanic Street, T3russela. Apply to F. J. Martin R. R. 2 Elyth Phone 17r23. on WANTED— Dead and disabled farm animals wanted for prompt pick-up, Call Percy Stephenson, Ethel, Phone ll'uSSILlc 6502, Collect, LIVESTOCK WANTED — FREE THERMOMETER—Plus e -ash for dead or disabied horses or cows, I Phone collect Brussels 72. William Stone Sons, Limited, HELP WANTED — MALE_ Housewives welcome the Familex man for guaranteed necessities, reasonable primes, Premiums, quality and service. We .ane in need of a few agents — splendid income for the Interested worker. Let us tell yon how, by writing to FAMTLFIX, i 1600 d Dr1m'imier, Montreal FOR SALE — _.. 1-100 acre farm, with buildings priced to sell at $4000.00. 1-100 acre farm. good buildings hydro. possession this fall. 1-200 acre farm, good buildings, hydro. s410. Prided to sell. T. C. Long ATTENTION FARMERS •• We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and Par highest prevailing prices. For im mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 86-r-12, Listowel 650-r-2, or Elmira 664 Gordon "lung (Elmira) Ltd. HELP WANTED -- MALE Here -is your chance to obtain steady employment with good earnings. If you're agressive and have a car or rail obtain one, you ran make big money as a Watkins n ,slrr. Established lural route L,atlahle t11 your IIs'ea. No invest - lupe required. Experience not nec- essary — we train you. Ask Ula for particulars. Write today to Dept, O -P, -•I, The J, R, Watkins Oompe.nly, Min St. Roth St., Montreal, Que. SPECIAL ' LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO NOV. 13-21 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Geed going—November 12th to November 21st inclusive. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 22nd. Full io/ormadoty from any usenl, CANADIAN NATIONAL auniromosonerommonourosuom NOTICE — Seit of Shoop sleighs, shoeing in good cindition. Set of 2000 lb. track sctakis, Apply to Thomas Pierce Phone 36r6. CRA N,RROUK Owing to unfavorable weather eon-, dlitions the Sacrament of the Lord's supper was not observed on Slwndtay, Nov 4th, but witil he ohservered on Sunday. Nov. I1dh as eleven o'clock, with Sunday School meeting at ten o'clock. Wm. ev ninngservieed Itt St d ndrew ducted the Presbyterian Church, Wingham. on 1 Sunday. Mr. Herbert Jeschke. Fraser, Milh.. I is here visiting his father, Mr. Paul Jeschke, who is under the -doctor's na re, with a heart condition, Miss Oentie Pride rettntmed home bast week, having spent some time in 5t. Marys, kfrs. Trove Miller. Linda n me sn ending awhlilewith M. David I and Mrs. Glenn FLnether before leaving for their home in Labrador. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smith and l fenlihv, 14th can., moved on Monday 00 their home in Ethel Melville Ladies' Aid Mrs. Jahn Yui11's home Wes the meeting place for the October meet - ng of Melville Ladies,' Aid Society. Thirty-two ladles answered the yon call and assisted in plans for the society's fall bazaar which is to be held in the Library on Saturday, Nov. 24. Mrs. ,las. S. Armstrong presided during the meeting, A nominating committee was named to hying in a suggested slate of officers filr 1952. At the close of the meet- ing several pairs of pillow slips. luncheon cloths and aprons were ; handed in for the bazaar, Mrs. Wm. , Speh' who has recently returned from a month's motor trip to the west coast gave a most interesting account of her trip. Mrs, John Turn who was also one of the party added number of high lights of the 51rdey. Their descriptions were ccnnpanded by a group of snap- ots, photos and folders, Mrs, H. r\lien proposed a vote of thanks Mrs. Yui11 for the use of her me and bunch was served. in AC Rh R. io 110 aiflflr 3t t i% tro 4 Also available In rib tread rooter Safer Sorter Ride e4, cemAion Car -makers use and the public buys, more Goodyear Super - Cushions than any other low- pressure tire. G+51 LOOK FOR THIS HIGH SIGN" Ob QUALIiY 44 £LLIOTT M�TOR SALES PHONE: 82 L DODGE—DESOTO—SALES & SERVICE Wedn slay, November Tth, 1961. Vote for and Elect Liberal Candidate for Huron-?: A FRAC T jC_AL FARMER Scientifically Trained With Six Years Municipal Experience Sat) .' Money Everyday A,/fuer ruse kk_ •h�.R- ear 2 ".' ,s ., J E On itedggced bas Tax L3 -wee t 5pitaliaation Casts Low✓; P:t.' on If'lir Property Published by Huron -Bruce Liberal Association. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS HOLDING SALESMANSHIP CAMPAIGN NEXT WEEK The students of Wingham Dist- rict High School ander the direction of Mr, H, Knight. the Faculty ad- viser, and the Student Council Pres• idend, John Lancaster. assisted by the Executive Vomit are launching their anneal "Salesmanship Week", throughout the school district during the next few days. , This plan, which ie sponsored by the MacLean -Bunter Publishing Co - nip. 1 y• and which has proven im- men.aeiy nee ful in schools through - u111 ('anada. enables the students to uhtailt money for many extra- currieula' aet.ivitics. at, the school 5s well as providing funds for athletic Pm PM, educations/ tours aml many other worthwhile aotivit - les. t"itizen of this community are being given the opportunity through this Plan to assist the high school students, and at the same time subscribe to Canada's leading mag. aztne, as well as a fine selection of other publications. HERE'S SOMETHING YOU LOOK AT THOSE PIGS, SHOULD REMEMBER, BILL. DOC.THEY'RE SO WEAK A SOW, UNLIKE A DAIRY COW, AND SCRAWNY. THEY'LL DOES NOT DEPLETE HER OWN NEVER MAKE PORK BODY TO PROVIDE NUTRIENTS PROFITS. FORTHE UN80RN--ITIS A DIRECT LOSS To THE EMBRYO UNLESS PROVIDED FOR --a IN TiIESO;4'''S FEED,YOU MUST HAVE $TAr{JFDe,� y� THF Sow. " w.\ STARVED HER! I GAVE HER PLENTY OF GRAIN AND WATER AND EYERCISE,ToO. YoU'RE ONLY CHEATING YOURSELF OF PROFITS, BILL. YOU'VE GOT TO BUILD YOUR PIGS INTHESOW I KNOW ONE FELLOW WHO FEEDS HIS SPRING P165 FOUR MONTHS BEFORE THEY'RE FARROWED BUT W BUT THE SOW NEED MORE THAN GRAIN AND WATER DOC? LOOK, BILL. WITH A BRED SOW FED ON GRAIN ALONE, IT WAS FOUND THAT THE AVERAGE BIRTH WEIGHT OF THE PIGS FELLTO 1.85 LBS. AND 59% OF THEPIGS WERE BORN WEAK. WHEN A SOW WAS FED A GOOD MASH THE BIRTH WEIGHTJUMPEDTO 2.42 LB5 AND (>11.'116% OF THE PIGS WERE WEAK. Roe Farms Service dept, STARVE THE SOWAND YOU ROB THE LITTER, BILL. JUST REMEMBERTHAT THOSE FIGURES IT TAKES MORE THAN GRAIN AND ARE MIGHTY WATER T0: CONVINCING, DOC. 0 BUILD PIGS WITHIN THE 50W. �`• a) PUT MI KRESERVE. SOW FOR 3OIMPROVE QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF MILK AFTER �50W FARROWS. FEED THE UNBORN RPIGS IGHT WITH SOW MASH IDE »j A + li't t,„a;€)•' `t1 t,Dt b4vlM,f� WD- Easi Huron Products BRUSSELS JOHN LAMONT ETHEL F. HARRISON MCINCRIEFF