HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-11-7, Page 1'OST PUBLISHING HOUSE agmolmm e„mvc,w ,arioo.sr.:-r-,,,,amnsemema. anewocan y — GREWAR S GROCTEPIAE 114 lb. Gilchrist's Jelly Fruit Cake " 40c �h , 2 lb. Dainty Ric' Reg. .... , • ..• 34c 4 Tins Kippered Snacks 25c 6 Nabob Jelly Powders Assorted Choice 45c 1 Tin Clam Chowder Soup • •• • 21c — W H Y PAY MORE — GREWAR'S OCETER A We Deliver Phone 5 WE HAVE GOOD POTATOES PROCLAMATIN In accordance with other municipalities, Monday, November. 12th, is declared public holiday in Brussels and ask the people cl th.;s community to observe it as sczch. B, Cousins, Reeve. BAZAAR In Walton Community Hall on .Sat. Nov.. 10th, sponsored by the Guild ,and W. A. of St. •George's Anglican Church, Walton. Dis!DIaY of ^audY Worit, Aprons, Home Baking, and Fish Pod, Supper served. Adults 35c—Children 10 and under 500 TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING Tenders will be received ek yN e mndertsi,grted, pmtil 17th, 1951, for the snow low1iag 06 iiihe Towmdbin of Gney ds lior the season of 1951.52.'renders to specify type of egh,dpneeut, price per hour, and service avadtlable. Lowest or any .tender not necessarily Arthur Rock, Road Supt., Grey Twp. Ethel, Ont. OPENING AND DEDICATION The pipe organ recently installed in St. John's Church in memory of the late John Fischer Who had been ea ighteen years, will be del eParden of St. dicated on 1 Wednesday evening, Nov. 14111 at 8 , o'clock. The guest preacher well he L. D. T10 organist of Melville OhUr..., organ. The dedication service will be followed by ,a Varied Program of sacred mmpic both vocal and in- strumental. The free-will offering will be devoted to the orghln fund. All are cordiaily invited. 16111. Tel Harding of the R. AF Mr• 119 h'vrgan a aaOFTINr, OF O.R.M.T.A. •ill have charge o1 the A luncheon meeting of tete Huron County branch of the Ontario Reg- istered Music Teachers Association was held last Thnmsdey at bhe Com- mercial Grill at Clinton. The min - ides of last meeting were read by secretary L. D. Thompson, and the speaker was Mrs. Thhursa. William- son of Peterboro, who spoke on: the amts .and objects of the Association. She also touched on the. subject of ethics far music teaohersL Details 01 the coming lecture lin Clinton were disenssed. Art the close at the meeting Mfrs. le D, Thompson moved a vote of Thanks Iso Mrs. Williamson for her interesting and insltrnettve Nonce_ Christmas Concert 5, S. No. 7 Grev in Cranbrook Community Hali on Monday evening, Der.. 17th. 1 RUSSELS Wednesday, November 7th, 1951 MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notloe that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors, Three School Trustees and One Hydro Commissioner to serve the Village of Bruasets during the year 1952. will be held at Brussels Public Library Basement From 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1961 If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY. DECEMBER 3. 1951 Palling Sub -Division No, 1 in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall, Joseph Wilton, D. R. 0.; Jacob Fisch- er, P, C. 1?tilling Subelivision No. 2 in the basement of h t the Public ie Tril rar y Robert Bowman, D, R. 0.1 Ben. Whitford, P. 0. -Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. C, 15. Cemppbell, Returning Officer. MUNICIPAL NOTICE BRUSSELS LIONS CLUB HALLOWE'EN PARTY $2,00 per year - 2. 'i? o MELVILLE CHOIR TREATED TO A TURKEY SUPPER '1'16' ,hole• of Molv111r freely terian 'fhe Brussels Lions Club eponeored (linr,•h we're treated fol n delicious a lliallowe'eu party for the children terk,.y'nipper on Friday night ie. the of the community. in the Town Ball, con,innnity hall, Brlgrave, by the last Wednesday night, Witches, tn. mb e of Knox Church, 1 r lgeave. itn.'tw. clowns, lndiatts. cowboys Title was n tangible expression at and many other strange characters their gratitude for the services of were in attendance, Atter brief bet choir for special services in their opening remarks by Lion Wm, :Mart -he r,.l1. At the close ..f the: stiPPnr jn, Lion Jas. 5, Armstrong acted an NPv. {{'m. Tt. T. Fuper sided in ae,ter of eeretnonies for the even- .a ehnnt period of spee0ltonh0s, duringfor Mg. which Win. Spelr, prrrs.idrnt nY t7te A Short enjoyable pr'ogr'am included choir :xprPtic"d tfirtir asapreetation numbers by Bruesele Public School re,r their kind gx'tnrr. Sir. T,. D. pupils. Tltnnll,onn. organist a nU nhofr lead - Song, grades, 8 and 4, Skit, grad- (•r. ,('c' nndNd :fir. Speirts commcmHa. es, 7 and 3. Song, grades 5 and 6. Menelonine treat it was a pinasure to Recitation, grades 3 and 4. "Ghost molt member to visit the ebnrcen service. � sial Wait" 3 little !,haste, grades 1 and?, toll +w ! in the mu Story. groolee 5 and 6. Song. gradee The prneram was handed ever to '1 and 2. \rt 1G•nx.ty \76Dnvvrll sort {Tisa TT. Additional numbers on the pro- r,P,1b11rn w110 rnndnrt.ed enol+nr!ty gramme were vocal solo, by Graeme .ochry, and ineei(•0l teem et. rmn•ted- Mel'lntrald. Margaret Perri. and jru with an tatereetine lesson in Brian Prescott, nceompetnied at tht e. te it,- the Virginia Reel. piquet by Mr. L. D. Thnmpeon hereby give notice that Nomination Cnstalnle prizes Were ow'l.rrlP(l 01( follows - Armstrong -Brawn of a Reeve; Deputy Reeve; Three I ,wi Ltizsne1.r 19rowe. and John Councillors and Twu School Trust- Comic — T/rlene Wamsley. Doug. liege i' I oth to exchanged mar- ees to 'serve the Township of Grey Davidson. National — 171aine l 0 vows before ,rte Rev, M during the year 1952. Wood, Archie Thompson. Hallow 9hnness in a ceremony at Walton en — Sbarmt F7emingway, Irene will be held at manse. The bride is the daughter Myers. Peat couple — Jatan and TOWNSHIP HALL, ETHEL F,ank Wison, Barbara Srtdlec and '5 sMr.to; and ]Mrs. George T.Brown From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. Tock Stiles. Bent clown — Eiiza.b lit "T�ntt,txm and ,-.e grnnnt is the eon MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1951 Stevenson. Paul "Kirby. Representaf- 1. leer• 1 rte Mr. and m William If demanded a Poll will be opened lite — Terry Mr•1'S�'ltirter, Nancy le th 1.1 Sth r. and inn e. v Tian. at the following places on , The bride Woro.Sth white satin fashioned { Mrs. R. BronsonMea. V m. Pnrtea• and MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1951 Mrs. R Bracted a.e jud'00. with a filial e'1. '4 wi hanrert by Polling se S.tvisian No. 1 at Contests provided a great deal of 1 with a re Pd bodice with applique Srhanl House S. No. 4, t n s flowers and Si- d of 06 and Palling Stub -division No. 2 at merriment and winner were; Annie t'I'tin rl ''''""P'rs\ rnrnnpt of nraend School Holm, S. S No 1 eating sone, Billy Stevenson, Billy leneeemc a no Sub -division No, 3 at Lowry. Peanut 7w,ehine rare. Gerry she Tarried a banquet of red rnse,s, , Scheel TTmeee S. S. No. 2, Wil eon. Devi_ht Tel often, Marsh- iTattinri0 wee her ele- 11 rating race Teen tir)raritne held the bride. veil end LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY A general meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary was held Nov. ls,t at the home of Com. Hastings dtte to 1 alterations in the Auxiliary rooms. The ladies are requested to meet t at the Tinted Church for service Nov. 11.th at 11 a. m.. Nov, 12th tete ladies are catering to a banquet for L7te Canadian Legion. in the Auxiliary Rooms at 7.30 p.m. Cont. Tunney won the mystery prize and at the. close of the meeting a delightful lunch was served by Com. Hastings. A social evening west tela Oot. 25 Pn,tet;taiaing the Blyth Auxiliary i A slinrt program was held first I followed by euchre. The high prize I Was Won. by Com, Beii of Blyth. and the low prize by Cont. McDowell of Brussels. A draw was made on the cnilt and tote lucky ticket was held by Com. Wineherg of Brussels. I Lunch was served by the committee , in Charge. The next meetin't Dec. loth will in- ettall the new otficere for the erm- ine veer. C'nm. Dorothy Devle. Zone Commander of Stratford will he In rsb ,',ro. A C00d attendance is retie rated. Polling Sub -division No. 3A at mallow rasa :tt n . , tors only atkrndan,f w0arins plate Cntnnnmd,ty T55531, Walton. Sharon Tlentinav°ay' te°e o. She carried pi's ehryea.n• Polling -Sob-Division No. 4 at theme, Elmer Arm.l One wa: hie Community Hall Mnn•criefl, br-'1l',•'. t+TOnmeman. At n rreeptinn Roll,ine Sub-rlivieion No, 5 at Enea 'ement Announcement the home of +1,.e bride. nnrents Town titin Office, Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith wish to =- Polling 1v„s. Brnw•n wore a n Pv aft0m,nan Polling Snh-,division No. 6 at n,ounce the engagement of their le,.pcs wlt:h a rm•.,n6( of means. Fnr a romml»ntty Tall, C'ranbrook, daugthter, Alma to Leverne Joseph, h.nnavmnnn in the States the 11,1610 P'llens• Sub-rliyieion No. 7 et son o1 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Htigill, Anne,:ed n nr, r;• melt with reel'teeese. Srhnni Thane. S. S. No. 5. R. R. 2, Seafortib. at • Wedding to take m•ie:s and a rue„ a of veti.nw mess NOTICE — i'i,eac wilt hay a church parade by 1lrnesels 13ran"h of tit., Comedian 1 !;.n, i'. 0 hnndvtv.::ov. 11111 . tr v,•n o (•fork lo 131'1.5155 united chattel where (.rv'ice will be VOW ducted by Rev. A. Lane. luru,rllately 6ollowine 111, ,1,u,ch service there will he a parade to the r•, notaph, where wrentls will be placed and Remembrance Service All (x -service personal areinvited to join the parade. The Parade forms at 10 reelock. Please give eeneruusiy en Peppy day, Nov. loth. IN FLANDERS FIELDS ten . blow r t ,t. ,. Heide i r r•t•t ul f t r l m r , re tw•ee11 the. Pr'o row nn row. That mark our place and in the sky 1+,,. ,.ons. ;1111 bravely Angina, fly 5carceheard amid 'he gene 'Mien.. {' •r•r• }h' r1'•^.rl. Short d,v= a°''o {Ce1!vet1, fel: d'twn. ear •ue.- • - ,,. . 7.nved. eml vt,:re 1ov: d, al •,:,:, To Flanders fieekle. T.,k„ „n v -"r quarrel with the foe: .r.-. you ft rut milia:• 11•,nel, w,• Htrnw Th, t seal,; he Nunn,. to hold it 111x1 If v• b,4,'k faith With ne who die We ..11,}7 n•,t 1(. 0, 'hnne11 poppies 5'rnw in Elendero 61.1ds. John 3irC'rae 1. 1.1-1 BLAZE LOSS HEAVY Is,}tb, Nnv. 5 -- Only blackened n,d. 1 lOt y SinOk"• stark stand ,, ri ry at the Blyth Farmlere Co. eve, ',lee where fire gutted the 60 7 an toot etruoture, in a four hour eau+i„g between 850,000 and ,�,.nn Tiremton were still Pouring I ,n .a• runflagration On Mon- •1 ,•• ;.+ ,•i noon. The Voice of Temperance -- 'firer l,te. is the story of the Bottle Club. {{ - reed in the Temperance -livor lt.. of battle clubs in the U.S. Th, v a,•,• Met the old speakeasies •aaler a ,1•-w name. They handle Tem 1,10071 , n At 5110 Huron iier- derich •t'n ,(1 n Go n n hold e 0.137'' 2411. we learned that 'h•- Fee club idea had been ina- ;,,,r+rd info i5itron. Some 0110 is 1•,ni.ini for tremble. .A. bottle elub 1 •�1 , 11...,1 huotle,ggerc joint. Sell- inv. nee eo In ITurnn is against the law. '"11P1•4 Is no exceptions. There ;Ire nn "portals permits from Ottawa. if R,,111,. ('arise person is trying to run n twirl hlnff and get away with 1.„v I,tfr,etinn -...the police know their duty and will do it. — Advt. DIED - '111rdinrr, TOter Batlison — On Monday, Oct. 29, 1951. Peter B. Gard- iner. beloved husband of Mary E. H:trkwell. loving' father of Vera M., brother of Mrs. J. W. Mowbray, Detroit. Mich., Mrs. 'Ernest Scott. Elk Point. Alta.. John A. Gardiner, T a Orange. ill. Funeral service was hvld last Wednesday evening, at York Buriai funeral home. 1209 Ynun,ge Rt.. Toronto. Interment in Brussels Cemetery on Thursday, Pol1c to he anened from tpllace latter part of November• mite rnnnle will live near Ethel, at 2,30 p. m. 9A.M.te5P M .5. H. Fear. RPtm•ndate Ctffir"r, i -- MUNICIPAL NOTICE Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. tn. Sunday Sorted and sib% pass 11 a. m. Divine Worelhip 7 p. m. Evening Wor'abdp United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Divine Worship -- 11 o'clock. Remembrance Day Service LooaJ Legion present in a 310(13'• Chltrch School -- 12 o'clock. Stoning Worship — 7 o'clock "The Grace of Forgtvewess” Second sermon in a series On Tile Parables of Jestust A Welcome To All, Church•of England Parish of !Brussels Nov. J. H. Kerr — Rester. 25th Sunday After Trinity Nov. 111th, 1951. St. John's Church, trussshs- 11 a. m. Remembrance Day ,Service. i3ymday School St. David's Church. HsnU7n 2.30 ,p.m. Remembrance Day Service. Sandal Bobool St. George,* Chetah, Waiten 5.80 p. m. Remen tbnnce Day Service. 1 hereby give notice that Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Three School Trustees toserve the Township of Morris during the year 1952. will be held at MORRIS TOWNSHIP HALL From 1 P. M. to 2 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1951 If demanded a Poli will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DECEMBEIR 10, 1951 Pallimng ,9,utb-Division No. 1 at School House S. S. No. 1; D. R. 0., Miller , Rliol noiltd; P. C. , Jack Nesbitt. Polling Sub-Liviston No. 2 alt School House S. S. No. 9; D. R. 0., Clarence Martin; P. C., Frank Bern. Polling Snub -Division Nd. 3 at School , Tilosrse 5. S. No. 5; D. R. 0., George Mollie; P. C., Barry Goll, .Palling Sub -Division, No. 4 at Morris Twp. Han; 7). R. 0. Ernest Smith; 1 i P. C., Clarence Tulle. Pelting Snit Dlvisilom No. 5 at School j House S. S. No. 7; D. R. 0., Wm. Elston; P. C., Rose Smith. Palling Spit -Divisum No. 6 at Sell001. Hon0e S. S. No: 10; D. R. 0., Jim Smith; P. C. Ross 'Purvey. Polls to be opened from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. George Martin, Returning Officer, addiresg. MilVelOWORef.1100(.sitess roe -gm LISTOWEL CAPITOL THEATRE I Wed Thur. Nov. 7-8 • Adult Entertainment Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker in "STRANGERS ON A TRAIN” Fri. Sat. Nov. 9-10 Steger,. McNally, Alexis Smith In "WYOMING MAIL" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.>ms. Mon. Tues. Nov. 12.13 Double Feature 1st Performance at 7.00 p.m. George Raft,' Coleen Gray in "LUCKY NICK CAIN" - plus Monty Wooley, Thelma Ritter, Jean Peters in "AS YOLNG AS YOU FEEL" TUESDAY FOTO-NT'FE let Offer $200 2nd Offer $60 Monday Attendance Card iVlgh. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. Now Playing — Nov. 8.9.10 Technicolor "BROKEN ARROW" James Stewart Jeff Chandler The fleece exciting story of the last lgreat paChlana front. ersm nwho helped tomake Arizona's History a very great picture, Nov. 12-13-14 Technicolor "MY BLUE HEAVEN" Betty Grable Dan Dailey Television is the new theme of this musical comedy with the song and dance team of Grable and Dalley. Nov. 11.18-17 Technicolor ON MOONLIGHT BAY Doris Day Gordon MacRae A str>rw about a wonderful family, If voo co for home cooking and klsslno In the parlor. Thls is a ro- mantic musical comedy, rOnnUNct "FATHFRre L1TT! 0 DIVIDEND" -_ Jeanne Crain, Dale Robertson, ante e'er Mitizi Gaynor, 'Jean Peters in "TAKE CARE OF MY TechniJ LITcolorTLE (31111."(31111."Wed.d. Thur Nov. 14-15 velitowatowavememmwmtawawm le one of the Beet Quality Available. *Regular Shipments •Now Being Re. oedved. Order .yours direct elf the ear. M. C. OLDFIELD PI*ONE 6s HURON COUNTY COUNCIL SESSION 'elle urst meeting of the Huron 4%mu13 C,,uuell will be held in the Countll t'hambers, Court House, God -rich, commencing Tuesdaly, November 13th, at 2.00 P. M. All accounts. notices at Depwtat- ione and other business- regriring the ;Attention of Council shohld be 1. the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 10th, 1951. A. H. Erskine. County Olerk. Goderioh, Ontario, NOTICE — The Melville Presbyterian Church is holding a baking sale and tea in the Library on Saturday, Nov. 2411. "3 See The Famous INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER REFRIGERATORS` RWEo REFRIGERATOR On The Market Mora than a century of International Harvester manu- facturing skill has gone Into the making of the amazing 1-14 Refrigerators .. available now In Canada for the first time. 'kW ass c s'y 311 See the outstanding new KITCHEN -SIZE, TABLE TOP INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER *'a FREEZER arNevr , e � ¢�r,Qei1.� , ♦ e From top to bottom the famous International Harvester refrigerators IN tailored to women's needs. Everything you've hoped for . . now all in oat refrigeratorl A choice of ten beautiful Door Handle Colors (to match your kitchen) ... Full Width Freezers, Chill Trays, Crispers .. space. adding Pantry•Dor , Built•in Bottle Opener , . , Chrome Finished or Stainless Steel Shelves , Acid Resisting Porcelain Enamel interior . . and many other '£emineeted' features arc to be found only in the new I 11 Refrigerators f Anodisplay. citng models to choose fromALL NEW.and YEARSAHEAD! NOW..'. See the new 1951 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER GEw"J.BRIDGE Now, you can take your choice of three great now 1 11 Freez- ers featuring over -on sub -zero freezing on all S Inner surfaces . Moisture free Drl-Wall Cabi- nets..and many other outstand- ing advantages. Refrigerators and Freezers today at ;BRUSSELS, ONT. (Your International Harvester Refrigeration Dealer) PHONE 16z -r4 recti am afflolltmet sAomon 'V:. I: ,aluww ._. ung r .• a^ d iw °•. t�S 3p