HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-10-31, Page 2S xteee Years
" Detective" Work
As you read these words one of
the most amazing 01 all natural
phenomena is under way—the sea-
ward trek of the freshwater eel to
its breeding ground in the region of
the Sargasso Sea, 3.00 -odd miles
from Euraptun shores,
Reasoning on the assumption that
the muscular energy of a cross-
channel swimmer is as little as ten
times greater than that of the eel,
then the trek of the eel would be
comparable to a human being un-
dertaking to swim round the world
plus an additional five thousand
miles or so into the bargain.
For centuries men pondered over
the riddle of the eel's birth -place
and it was not until 1920 that the
baffling mystery was solved. How
it was done snakes a story as thrill-
ing as any detective tale.
First, let's consider the evidence
that existed'down to almost the end
of the last century. The naturalists
of those days knew almost every-
thing about the eel—except its des-
tination. They were well aware
that every autumn about one sixth
of the adult eels in our streams and
ponds felt the irresistible urge to
head downstream and out to sea.
Practically nothing would stop
them. Those i.. ponds travelled con-
siderable distance overland until
they reached a stream which in-
stinct told them would lead to the
The naturalists knew also that
each spring millions of young eels
(or elvers as they are called) came
swarming into our estuaries from
the sea and headed upstream to in-
land waters. There they would re-
main for five or seven years, grow-
ing to a length of about 4 ft. and
attaining a weight up to 10 Ib., un-
til in their turn they, too, received
the call of the sea.
It was also common knowledge
that if an eel was prevented by some
means from migrating it remained
in a state -of single blessedness and
reached the ripe old age of twenty
years or more.
But this didn't answer the vital
question: where did the adult eels
go? Whence came their offspring?
(In Scotland they believed that eels
originated 'tram hair washed into
streams from the backs of Shetland
poniesi)' .
The first clue came to light in
1896 when two Italian naturalists
proved that a little fish found in
the Strait of Messina was a larva
that changed by stages into an eel.
Eight years passed with no fur-
ther clue until in 1904 Dr., Schmidt,
a Danish zoologist engaged on
deep-sea research west of the Far-
oes, netted a larva identical to that
taken from the Strait of Massina.
In view of the fact that the eel
fisher was {v s an important Danish
industry,Schmidt S mldt was authorized to
try to solve the riddle of where the
spawning grounds lay. Solve it he
did, but the task took him sixteen
years to accomplish.
After a long period of netting ex-
tending from the Faroes to Brit-
tany, Dr. Schmidt found that all
'West European eels seemed to come
in from far out in the Atlantic and
from regions where the water was
of considerable depth,.
With only a small vessel at his
disposal the job was becoming too
big for Schmidt to grapple with
alone, Then he bitupon the idea of
seeking the co-operation of the mer-
chant skippers who were trading
with the West Indies.
He prevailed upon a number of
them to- take special small -meshed
nets on their voyages and to report
upon their catches. Year by year
the chase was getting more exciting,
for the ocean-going skippers were
reporting large hauls of elvers al-
ong their routes.
The evidence was sufficiently en-
couraging for the Dane to charter a
small schooner and begin his own
researches around the West Indies.
Very soon the large numbers of
young eels dredged up from the
deeps told hint he was hot on the
trail. Furthermore, and much to his
astonishment, he was netting not
only the larva of the European eel,
but of the American species also!
This was something new.
Not until 1920 was Dr. Schtnidt
able to return to the search,' when
before long he had conclusive proof
that the spawning grounds of both
the American and European eel lay
in the region of the Sargasso Sea
and that both breeding gro mels ac-
tually overlapped.
It was also established that the
American elvers headed westwards
and toot: a year to reach the Ameri-
can seaboard a thousand utiles dis-
tant, whilst the European species
headed east on a three-year trek to-
wards tate shores of Britain, Prance
and }Tolland,
The adult eels now heading down-
stream have a one-way ticket only,
At, the end of the journey of no re-
$uikp the female lays her eggs at a
depth of 251) fathoms or so, Their
duty clone the parents perish and a
new generation is bora to continue
a marvellous cycle of fife that has
been operating unceasingly for
countless thousands of years,
One secret yet the eel withholds—
by what unerring sense does it find
its way,
Maybe we shall never know.
NEW and
Unusual Paint
By preventing dirt and grime
from penetrating pores of paint
filet, new paint is said to hold
its clean appearance for a long
time, cutting main tmance, cost
by as nmcll as 40%. Can be
brushed, sprayed or roller coated;
covers most surfaces with only one
coat; can be repainted without spe-
cial preparation of the surface,
Made in non -yellowing white and
variety of colors in both flat and
gloss enamel.
* * 5
Foolproof Photography
• Photographic exposure meter
tells directly what lens opening to
use. It's match - box size, weighs
2=i oz. Knob set at the front of
the meter determines which of four
film -speed scales appears. Point
meter toward subject and the ex-
act lens opening, or F-number,
shows on scale below pointer. No
need to refer to a code to convert
the reading. It's designed for
home -movie makers as well as
snapshot amateurs.
* *
Neat Tiling
New lightweight plastic tile with
bevelled sides is said . to make in-
stallation easy and cheap. Light-
weight, the tile can be installed
aver plaster, plaster - board, wood,
concrete of old walls. Heavy duty
molded outside corner trim and base
available in seven trim colors for
contrasting color schemes. Comes
in range of 24 colors. Broad butted
end, smooth edges for rapid flush
* 'k *
Lattice Pie Cutter
Quadrant - shaped piece of Sty-
ron plastic consists of 8 four-leaf
clover cutters, a circular cutting
edge and three locating pins. Cut-
ter can be used to make lattice
or criss-cross pie tops. Saves the
homemaker or professional baker
both time and work needed to cut
one half inch strips and then weave
them to form criss-cross pie top.
Suitable for 8 -inch sizes, the cutter
is made for 9 -inch pies.
* * *
Auto Door Visor —
Plastic visor that clips to auto-
mobile door is said to offer driver
and passengers protection against
rain, snow, sleet and sun glare.
Features include: optically clear
Lass And Lad(der) — This pert
young beauty is French actress
Suzanne Delbert posing in front
of a ladder symbolizing, it is
imagined, the beginning of the
climb to Hollywood success. At
least it is hoped that's not the
rung interpretation.
Turning Top Soil "Down Under"—While farmers in the northern
parts of the country are engaged in carrying in cordwood for
that big living -room fireplace or pot-bellied stove, this tiller of
the soil of South Island, New Zealand, is starting his spring
plowing. In the background is snow -clad Mt. Alta in the Buchan-
ons Mountains range.
finish; fade -proof color; rustproof;
and easy installation,
* * *
Alarm Warning
Protect against burglary, fire or
flood by simple electric plug-in
method. For example: Screw
alarm mechanism to top of window
frame and tie a string tightly front
plunger on the alarm to bottom of
the sash to hold out the plunger.
If burglar raises the window, the
plunger snaps back, sets off a loud
buzzing in the alarm. Also; stretch
the string above Your furnace, put
a fusible link on the line. If the
furnace over -heats, the link melts,
loosens string tension and sets off
alarm. Protection against flood
works the same way: put a float
on the line, heavy enough .to keep
it taut; rising water will loosen the
string and set off the alarm,
5 * *
Offside Fishing
Two versatile lures an dan off-
side vane for trolling are designed
to help the anglers bring home a
full creel. The vane, molded of
transparent plastic, slides almost in-
visibly through the water. With its
adjustable rudder set, it will hold
line and bait as much as 27 feet off
side. The two lures are molded of
variegated plastic. The spinner
spoon combines the wobble of a
spoon with the flash of a spinner,
is recommended for stream or lake
fishing, The adjustable -wing lure
adapts for use as surface or deep
bait, or asaspinner.Action
ofater o colorful n its co fol rubber
skirt increases lifelike motion,
* * *
Tipless Baby Cup
Plastic baby cup designed to pre-
vent spilling or upsetting has
weighted bottom automatically
righting it if pushed over; detach-
able top controls the flow of milk,
guards against waste. Fulll-engtlt
handle proviUes a- firm grasp for a
small Hand. Cups conte in a chip -
proof pink, blue or red with ivory;
practically unbreakable and can be
easily washed,
* * *
More Tractor Pull
New lug attachment reportedly
gives farun tractors more than twice
as much traction in mud. The
traction -lug does the same thing
for a tractor that cleats do for
football shoes. The attachment is a
round metal disc with teeth that
hugs the inside of the tire and
wheel, From the driver's- seat you
set a lever that pushes the lugs out
over the tire tread or retracts them.
Each wheel attachment operates in-
dependently, so yott can run one
wheel on soft ground with the lugs
extended while the other wheel is
on pavement with the lugs retract-
ed. You don't don't have to oil or
grease the lugs and they have no
constantly moving parts. The at-
tachment fits any farm tractor, and
large earth -moving equipment.
Small -Package Pup — Seemingly making canine medical h story
is "Jiggerboo," right, a tiny chihuahua owned by Mrs. J. B. Her.
man. Shown with his brother Chico, the midget mutt • tea' one
of a litter of six, all of whom at nine weeks weighed About
two pounds — all, that is, except Jiccr '.00, who, ncrmal and
healthy in other respects, hardly affected ti,e scales at .41/2 ounces.
Dual - Purpose Cattle
At Winter Fair
Red Poll dual-purpose cattle will
be shown.for the first time this year
at the. Royal Agricultural Winter
Fair, which takes place Nov. 13-21.
The Red Poll breed, which orig-
inated in Endland, was given- recog-
nition at. the spring meeting of the
Royal's beef cattle committee when
it, was agreed -to set up a class for
them in which prise money will to-
tal $900.
At least 50 Red Polls will be
shown at this year's fair. Most of
the entries will come from the west-
ern provinces and Ontario,
The Red Poll, a breed similar
to the Dual-purpose Shorthorn, has
become more popular in this coun-
try, particularly in Western Canada,
since the end of the war,
Like the Dual-purpose Shorthorn,
the Red Poll is bred for both beef
and milk production. Dual-purpose
cattle "pay their way" through milk
production until they are marketed
as beef cattle, thus overcoming some
of the high overhead encountered by
fanners raising beef cattle.
The Red Poll, so named because
ofdits reddish -brown color, is about
the sante size and build as the bet-
ter known Dual-purpose Shorthorn,
Just how ulany d.i:erent sports
magazines there are published
south of the border the wouldn't
even wish to guess. Casually look-
ing over downtown magazine stands
it sometimes seems to us that there
must be a new one bons every min-
ute. Left to ourself there are only
one or two of theist we would
bother much about, but a junior
member of our family totes them
home by the long cord; and sonte-
times, when we get weary of read-
ing the Good Book, Shorter Cate-
chism and the speeches of our
political leaders, we skint them over.
* * *
Which is why, on Sunday, Octo-
ber 21st,, our eye was arrested by
t'.e cotter of "SPORT — THE
TATORS," published in New York,
and a very interesting and readable
periodical, at that. Featured at that
front cover as the leading article
was one entitled, "I'd Rather Play
in Canada" by George Ratterntan
George, in case you've forgotten, is
the All-American college and pro-
fessional football star who carte to
oar side of the border this season
—at a huge salary —t o lead the
Montreal Alouettes to a Grey Cup.
Just for the fun of it, we're going
to quote a few paragraphs from Mr.
I:atterinan's opus. Here they are,
N * *
"1 haven't found it too difficult
to adjust to the Canadian game.
;When I first cause to Canada they
showed ole several movies of the
(trey Cup game. If someone had
shown them to me when 1 was
unfamiliar with Canadian football,
it would have been a long time be-
fore I could tell the difference in
"111 She first ptacr, dere yon have
only three clowns to make a first
down. That means you have to gam-
ble more often, 1 t's 11'lhcard of to
march down the field racking up
first Gown after first down unlit
yout score, We try to score all the
time, from any place on the field.
Because it's more difficult to make
a first down, there's mach more em-
phasis on pass'ng, Which doesn't
'Make no' feel unhappy."
5 * *
' \Vr have nine .American playeis
on the. Atottettes, I feel right at
- home. , ,', I think we've pot a pretty
good tram."
* * *
"10 addition to Inv playing dut-
ies, I'ut also backfield coach. Natur-
ally, it would be difficult for ole to
play and coach and my coaching
ditties consist mostly of figuring
out plays, t)nee praelie'e starts I'm
just another player. Because of 1113'
experieeee with pro hall in the
States, it's more of a consulting
position. The reason 1 wanted the•
jolt Was so I could give my own
views without enth:trrasnleeet,
* ,k *
"'That's ao important factor, be-
lieve me,t1 Think there's a growing.
tendency ih 'shorts to emphasize the
importance of coaches. Many of
theta say they did this or that w'heu
really it's the team, the players,
that make, the conch, That's why
it's 'a relief to talk to someone like
Steve Owen of the New York
Giants n:lto readily admits that you
have to leave -the material to slake
the team go.
.* * *
"In the majority of circumstances
the coaches are merely impressed
with their importance. They try to
play football like a checkers game.
Instead of dealing with human be-
ings, it's like dealing with robots.
The only successful exception I can
think of is Paul Brown of the
Cleveland Browns.
* * 0
"Some coaches call most of the
plays, which I don't think in such a
good practice, Sitting on a bench
and not being in close contact with
players on the field, the coach is
somewhat remote. What if one of
the hacks is tired or has something
wrong with him and the coach
should call his play? 'They just
don't have the opportunity the
quarterl'ack bas to participate in
the game.
* *
"Here in Montreal illy wife and
I are very happy. We've rented a
duplex and we just had our second
child. I like Montreal and the people
and everyone is treating me well.
There's nothing like the Iviontreal
football fans. They really go all-
out to support the team. It's the
same way all over this football -
crazy country, The fans really go
for the game. And I like to play
it for them and will give it every-
thing it's worth. But the important
thing to me is, I'1n finally on the
way in business, starting from the
ground up to learn everything pos-
sible about the brokerage field, Now
when my football days are .over,
maybe I don't have to worry so
much about *supporting my family."
So much for Mr. Ratterntan, His
article, as we said before, appeared
in a magazine,' around October
21st. Now we quote as follows front
a dispatch to the Toronto Globe
and Mail dated from Montreal on
October 2Ist—same date;
* * ,k
"The Montreal Gazette, in a
sports page story
tonight revealed
that tterm George g Ra an $22,000=a -
year passing star, will quit Canadian
football at the end of this season
and return to the New York Yank-
ees of the National Professional
League. Ratterman has candily ad-
mitted that he does not feel he can
adapt himself to Canadian football.
Although recognized as one of the
greatest passers in American foot-
ball, he has had very little success
with Montreal Alouettes, "In Cana-
dian football a quarterback has to
improvse and I found it a little
bit too tough," the handsome, like-
able blond quarterback said,
u .k 'k
Well, jt all scents sort of mixed-up
to us and the only comment we
personally feel called on to make
right now is this—SPORTS—THE
SPECTATORS should at least take
the 1951 Oscar for mis-timing,
How Can 1?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I treat scratched
mahogany furiture?
A. Before polishing mahogany
furniture that has been scratched
rather deeply, fill in the scratches
with tincture of iodine, Then :1p-
ply tl5' - ivax or polish and the
scratches will he practically invis-
Q. How can I be sure, that a
stain remover will not affect the
color of a garment?
A, It is risky to take chances
with any sitliti remover on colored
fabrics until. it is •tested on the
underneath , part of tile• heni of the
garment t0 see if it affects the col -
Q. How can I treat the Water
for a child to blow soap bubbles to
gives the bubbles more color?
A. A drop or two of glycerine
added to the soupy water will' do
this, andthe bubbles will also last
longer before breaking:
Q. flow can I matte a dry
A, Grind a little cornmeal as
Atte as possible and add a small
quantity of pulverized orris -root,
Sprinkle this well over the scalp.
Let it remain for a few minutes,
and 111e11 brush out thoroughly,
Q. How can I economize on
soap flakes?
A. Try beating the soap flakes
into a foam with an egg beater. It
will requite fewer flakes for the'
sante purpose,
..Classified Advertising..
RAID 0111('h$
11AY 111, 11 '1110155:-- w•e 11111.11 1111e01
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non-aesed anti Fallot eleelle. nlxu ,urhrrelb
W11011 nrallnhlr. N5,5115.51 Chide, 555.55-'" 5.01
11::111 W..5.1:55 uhf older eull,-t,. 151151'
n•1•rk1.1 u, 1py Ing, 0.11.1', and n,', n'od
15150(45111: 555..d55.5.1.155, Ili 1.,555.. T111.1,0
'I'N'h: Ull1.5 1.1111'5 1i,5'I','il t•nl l i':: 0,511.
11,•',,, t 1111n1n9.
'51 its Notch Inc old 51455•150. 11 pnp,lblr
bred.,. Agit about 0111' 1,111 p1111.'t 1,55550
rue nnn,wtlfte 4,111rry. St art ed 5'1115•1554
w•,ltlr 1)155,1 111,1. i4'l,',, ue,k uta. 5.1151-nnf
51111510, 11,, ,',•,l Rork, 151111,. 155,1555r21 x
132 rival 250,11 $17.71, lk,rred 11,5, 5, 1155155.
.0,04 $:L9,60, A.soeled ig'nrdN 51.90 per
hundred lex:.. 111,1er nnllelo, 12 we, hs 10
toying. Hreediug mole rris. Catalogue.
TOl' 5OT011 C141015 Y.51.100
50'1116, (:110 e1i,1,
.'rA13'1'gD 011105 B.11BGAINS: while they
hod, 7 111 5 w'rel,s old pullets. Barred
Ileek, Amore X '01,11e, 55'hl,e Ise hori, x
tarred 11„-1,, 547.96. Barred Reek non -
005550 930.97, Assorted breeds. 51,011 per
hundred les*, 1'al„Tonne,
'1'w' l0DD7.15 ''11115 11 A•ro1r111INS LTD.
Lire w . Ontario.
In•4I7ec1'n Nn PLEA NINO
HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean•
mgt tvrne t0 110 fel Inlm'mailnn W.
are glad 1' anew,” rout 'questions 0e.
pertinent H Pa1Mrr'e 51w mn,k, Limited.
791 Yonne St r,o•nntn
76 .1011105 mew Pogue; rhulee farm. ex-
cellent building, hydro 051111155.1, goad
water aupnt,v, nice lawn and trees, well
located. First 1101» offered for sale. Con.
tact Alex woods, Ileal 1:x1,11,, 0,11100,
Ont. Phone 279.
200 -
ACRE farm. 12.room brick house,
Hydro. good barna, ninced bush, lots of
Intel', nem' ocher'', lake, town 34 miles
from 015u1150 on 101/155003' 29, Price 08,000,
44500 down, bnlanee Pony terms 01' bent
rash offer, IC Interested 0,111 and see It.
William Pent, 0.11,2, Carleton Pince, Ont,
— ---- 801)1 SALE
CHESS ('OILS SALVE — F0,' sure relief,
Your Druggist sells CRESS,
11 STOREY metal clad bullling 30r x 60',
central loentton in Emh'a. Ont, Present
owner can otter good nropoalton to anyone
interested In a welding bnsinens. Ronson
for selling. larger plant being constructed.
Possession in December 1901 Apply to
Me5ect Bros., Elmira. Ont. Phone 478
LIK10 new, Oliver "91" Tractor, R, C.
Wright 11.1, Holloway, Ontario,
BEAUTIFUL cotton prints. about hand
slice, 2 lbs. $1.98 postpaid, including 3
excellent Heirloom patterns free. Satisfac-
tion or money returned. Over 20 years
serving Canadian homes. Textile Stoma,
625 Queen Street West, Tol'nnto.
SABLE and while Collies, three months.
Good farm ,loch. Reg, mother, Also while
Collies all ogee. Mrs. ('Mester ,1nekx021,
Chotew•orth, 001
1 PURE Bred 'rnnlwm'lb Boar, ready for
»»rule». Priced 160.00 5,0,0. Pedigree
extra. 6 Registered Hampshire Ram Lambe
choice stook 800 each 1,0,10, Registered
Guernsey Bull Calf one month old, Dam
First prise dry cow at Regional Show, Sire
—McDonald Farm LePhelon, let prise and
Jr. Champ at same chow. Prices 8150,00
5,0.0. N W. McConkey, LI1100 Dalry
Fartns, Peterboro, Ont.
WANTED; Flocks to supply Hatchery with
hatching eggs, On ROM breeds, the eggs
taken the year round. Guaranteed premi-
um plus hatchability premium paid. Send
for full details. Box 12, 123 -18th SI, Nov
11/2 13.11, MoCORMiCK - DEERING gas
engine. 7 h.p. Falrbnnit Morse gas en-
gine. nellsaw• new mill. Refrigerator.
Write for priers to Wm 11. Ager, Brook -
11n, Ont
BECOME direct factory representative for
large dress and lingerie firm established
over 26 years. Newest range of fabrics
and eoloure, also children's and men's
wear. Evory .garment factory guaranteed.
Highest eommleelons, bonuses. - Write Brl-
Ugh Knitwear Limited, Slmcoe, Ont,
EYPE0IEIVCED, married man (Canadian)
to assist on Guernsey dairy farm, mo-
dern barn, higlleet wages. free house, fuel
hydro, milk and phone WILLOW ammo
k'A1605. Lloydtown, 0.01, 2, Ontario: Phone
—Bolton 656, ,
I'TCHING bleeding piles, Immediate relief.
Proven' Formula for fifty years. 24
eupposite'les or one ounce tubo 52,00.
N - ER - GEE ren,e11'Iti'5D for Men or
Women. Repince lost energy. New Peel
Forty Pills 51,00.,Ppstpnid. Roman, 1202
Dundee W., Toronto, •
Selenium, a metal that converts -
light into electricity, brings pro-
longed relief to dandruff sufferers,
A compound of the metal is the
essential ingredient of a new anti -
dandruff preparation. Of 400
patients with seborrhgic dermatitis
of the scalp, 81 to 87 per cent were
successfully treated, Common dan-
druff was controlled in 92 to 95 per
cent of Cases.
rr'0ta'r.At556,P1:. .;yt.:
3004'T WAIT—Evory sufferer of Rheumatic
Pain or Neuritis should try Dixon'sRemedy
335 Elgin Ottawa
£1,25 Enpress Prepaid
HAN18,l q„ m14,10111 ,1 dry erzemn 51,011,0
end ...nine etc In troubles Pew'. Eczema
an 10, will 5501 '11171110171 you
Itrlling sealing. burning 8(1201055, tient,
ringworm plmelre and athlete'. tont, w111
respond "*0dlly (r nm ela101een, ndorleep
ointment 0050 -Ole,, nt hew nlubbnrn Or
hnn,lrnn they seem
PRICE 91.1111 11011 JAR
sent Post Prep nn Receipt 115 Price
6511 Outten St R. Cerner ar Leann. Toronto
31106 AND WO81EN
(15.01 Onn,rtuntty Learn
Pieueant 41101fied profneelnn good wages
rbauennde or 0uceeeaful Marvel graduates
emerlee'e 0,8050el OYelem
ilhletrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call
888 Omen St W . Toronto
80 151110 at Hamilton
r9 RIde0,, 141 Intim,
11106 AND w'OBfEN
*I75 not swap them? In return you'll
get an equal number of smart freshly-
dry-elenned ties, In assorted 001o0r, from
fellow "rompers." dust send seven of
your ties plus a dollar to TIE SWAP,
Picket'ing, Ont. Stole preferences,
NURSERY 8511014
PEONIES—strong roots, 3.5 eyes, each
-Oc, 3 for 82,00 TEMPS — Rnlnbow
collection et outstanding varletleo, 2
dozen for $1 26 Pnntpeld — Kuyper'»
Bulbs. Hatzlc, R.C.
AN 00508414 to every inventor—Clef 51 1,•
ventIon, and full Information sent trim,
Phe Rnmeny 05, Registered Patent Afton
neva, 279 Bens Street, Ottnwe
FETHTlRSTUNHAmoH b Company. Pa'
tent Sollrttore Established 1890, 160
Bay Street, Turonco n"nlrler 0t Intnrme:
thin nn request
Club introduce to lonely people deelrms
early marriage, Many with means. Widows
with farms or city, property. City aril
country girls, Ilembera from coapt to
coast, Proven ' results Mao, 1924, Free
Particulars to plain oealed envelope. C.C.
Club. Box 113, Calgary. Alta.
QUIT S3SOETNG—the ea00 WRY. Use To.
bncco Eliminator, a scientific treatment
Quickly ellnllnaeea the craving for tobacco,
rid, the system of nicotine, King Drug
Pharmaceutical Chemists (Alberta), 5,0,
Box 573, London, Ontario,
noir suffer when nature contrlbuteo • and
WI distribute. reliable herbal remedies
from The Pure herb Store, Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario,
POSITION as herdemnn by experienced
beet stocklmm. Good at fitting and show-
ing. Married, Best references, Staten terms
first lotter. Box 86, 123 Eighteenth Street,
New Toronto, Ontario.
PAItT. or full thine, to 0011 household necee.
eity needed In every home..Can bo sold
es sideline. For big profits write Immedi-
ately to Box 84, 128 Eighteenth St , Nov
Toronto, Ont.
55 Canadian appro'ed Hatchery for 1563
season. Good price paid and long hatch-
ing season, A0015 Box 12, 1.23 - 181.2 St.,
New Toronto, Ont.
0850IOE healthy New Zealand., any age,
Golden Fawn's, Junlore. Maple Ridge
Rabbitry, Route 1, Acton, Ontario.
Ns kiaci tot
the VO idf
There's clean, healthy,friend-
ly warmth in your home when
you have a WARM MORNING
Healer, Amazing, patented in-
terior constructioh , , , a great
heat -maker and fuel saver! Burns
any kind of coal; cokg, briquets.
Heats all day and night' with"
out refueling, Stoll o fire but
once a year. More than a mil-
lion in usel 500 your dealer,
Oeminlex aware Olde., Mawr.] 1, nue,
(0 weno, 2l,, 1,,005, 00.
010410 uwr Una,» Orale a:0wm1,11d.
Yannlyng, Man, 10.0,,
I`',yUL 451' -..10.51