HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-10-31, Page 1POST PUBLISHI1 HOUSE •WiNGHAM DISTRICT HIGH vemrimareaksosolumosatarnamalyamsembemowoomurzamxnamw Wedsesday, October 31st, 1951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. Ati, GREW GRl LiLLi 1 Gal. Tomato Alice • • • • . ••••• • • 70c 2-20 oz. Tins Apple Juice 1 lb. Shortening 3 Tins Sardines 1 lb. Weston's Fruit Cake '" • • • • — WHY PAY MORE — OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WED. We Deliver Phone 5 32c 28c 49c Come to A Royal Tea at the home of Mrs. ( Rev.) A. Lane Saturday, Nov. 3rd from 3 to 5 o'clock. underlhe auspices of The Friendship Circle, United Church. — - - Supp Union United Church Turkey Supper and OrPon Rectal by Mrs. Jobb. Friday, November 9th er served from 6 - 8 p. m. — Followed by a Concert featuring THE CUPIDORES and D. P. SAVAGE. Admission $1.50 and 75c All tickets will be sold in advance so order yours early. SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 7th The Winghain District High School is holding the Annual Commence - mot Exercises on Tuesday, Novem- ber 7th at 8.15 in the Wingbaan ToWn Hall. Ali parents, former students. and, adults interested in our Dist- rict School an in teen age educat- ion are invited to attend. 'There will he a short programme of musical selections by individual students and the presentation of certifinatah diplomas and ,athletic and proficiency awards. There will be a Valedictory Address by the student r lurking highest hi Pro- ficiency at the Grade XTTT examinat- ions last Jue. In addition, the School has been fortunate in securing Dr. George E. Hall. President and 171.(q, Chancel- lor the Fniversify of Western Ontar- io as gnest snienker. Every- one is urged to erne to hear his interesting and instructive address. Thane is no reserve seating. and po achnissinn ellorge. Miring tbe whiter tenn. the School w11 nresent an entertainment similar .to the Iwo. troovon Pnroyarly rOM-1i.1 AV/411 the Exercises. MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD The Yining Wymens Guild of the Presbyiterian Cihurch inlet at the home of Mrs. Mac Cardiff for their Olotober meeting, Mrs, Douglas Hemingway presided and after the call to worship, hymn 254 was sun, followed by prayer by Mrs. Richard Elliott. The Scripture lesson was Psalms 95 and 100, I-Tynin 586 was sung. Mrs. Geo. Elliott gave an interesting and odtucational Hymn Study hosed on the hymns sung. Hymn 691 was shng, followed by .the Idlispah Bienediction. bringing the Devotional period to a close. After the treasurer's and secretary's reports were read and approved a short discression folloWee on means ' HONORED BY FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. James uryans enter- tained a large group of friends on Saturday evening to honour Mr, anti .Mrs. A. B. Oousins who Will leave TITOSSOIS shortly for their new home in Woodbridge A pleasant even- ing was spent in playing five Min- dred. ,Tust before lunch Mrs. J. C. Baker called the company to at- tention. and read a short aiddreas to Mr. and Mrs. Cousins emphasizingtheirfriendliness, their friendliness, their hospitable home life and ,their co-operative Writ in all commainity affairs. A fine table lamp was presented to them by Min. Stanley Wheeler, Mn'. Cousins thanked the friends for this happy remanbrance of theh life in Mussels, Mr, and, Mrs. Cousins moved here from Woodbridge in 1945 and have built a very neat cern- fortable home here. Tbve. ey habeen faithful meinhers of the United Chluirch ancl Mr. Cousins ha.s been a most enthusiastic worker on the Board of the Brussels Fair. This week they will return to their farm - Pr home where a newly built home waits them. Batsmen; regrets the Inc' of these tine citizens. The United Church Alt morning worship on SundayOnt. Oct. 28111, the rite of Baptism was administered to Leavy Kenneth in- fant son of Man T. d Mrs. Kenneth Bray; Donald Cherries infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer; Laur- el Joan infant daughter of MT. and Mrs. Carl Hemingway; Donald Murray infant son of Mr. and Moa Donald MeArter; Sandy Tan Rae, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Tan Mc- Donald; Marshe. Lizabeth infant daugbter of Mr. and Mrs, E. Newton: Margaret Anne infant daughter of Ili', and Mrs. 91, C. (Meld; Donald 1Villiam infant son of Mr. and Mrs, T. Pleteh; Calvin Brian infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Workman: end James George, infant son of 119r. and Mrs'. M. ROW Of Loes ndhoo. NOTICE — The Brussels United Church will hold their Christmas Concent 05 Dec. 21st. BOY ON BICYCLE STRUCK BY CAR Allan Stiles, 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Stiles narrowly es,tip-d death when he was knocked from his bicycle by a car driven by Mr. Ferdinand Smith. The child was removed to Willem= hospital when 13 stitches were required to close S110 gash in his head, The ac- cident occurred, when the boy was riding his biycle in front of Gregg's house on Saturday evening. The child WAR alledgedly obscured from the driver's sight by smoke, from burning leaves. The boy was al- lowed to return to his home where. be will be confined to bed for week or two. Louis Hollinger The funeral of Louts Hollinger, in his 81191th year, who died in Stratford General Hospital, Tuesday, Oct. 23rd was held on 'Pburs,dely, Oot. 25th from D. A. Rann's Funeral Hoine, Brus- sels, The service was conducted by Rev. W. Fulton of the Presbyter- ian Church, BrusSells. He was born near Heidelberg and came to Grey township with his parents. the late John and Christina Hollinger when quite a young boy. He farmed in Grey and Morris Township and re- tired to live in Mussels. in 1944, later moved t o Sitnattord. Besides his wife he is Survived bv to sons Wm. of Grey Twp.. Clarenee of Morris Tn.. and three daughters Mrs. Clifford Sburrie, Stratfordl Mrs. Elizabeth Salter, St. Pa: MTS. Frank Sellers, Morris Tap., one sister. Mrs. Hartwell Speiran. Woodbridge. There are six grand- children and three ga,eat grand- children A son Harrold predeceased him when a child. Friend's from a distance. were from `Waterino, Kit- chener. Heidelberg, .St. Catliarine,s, Stratford and Londesboro. The pall- bearers. were David Ewan. Leslie Betimes, Joseph Bewley, Herbert Kirkby. Sam Aippleby and Earl WOW Burial in the Bruissels my. NOTICE Tiin't forget Morris Federation BergaB et, in elgrage on Nov. 14th. .....THE MOST ADVANCED THINKING in LIFE INSURANCE Our new Junior Partnership Policy represents the most advanced think - A ing in Life Insurance, because it protects both father and son in the one policy by pro viding — $10,000 if you die before your son reaches age 21, or $10,000 if your son dies after he reaches age 21, or $10,000 when your son reaches age 60. You owe it to your son to investigate this policy . . . write us for full particulars. Befi,re you InsureConsult Confederation e iiEAD OFFICE TORMITO Association NOTICE — 1 Imola_ LODGE INSTALLS OFFICERS gave a gratifying repent from the The MaltviUa Presbyterian Church is holding a baking sale and tea in District Deputy President. Mrs. sale of cook books. A contest was conducted by Mils Krauter Ada Artustr5mg ot Brussels and her the Library on Saturday, Nov. 24101. 59000 of officers with Sister Aletha and a social time enioyed. Lunch was ' Rann as deputy marshal, conducted installation ceremonies tor menitug seaved by the hostess. Mrs. Douglas ' HOCKEY PRACTICE Star Rebekah Lodge, Bruseelai last Hemingway, Mos. Geo. Elliott and SEAFORTH MEMORIAL ARENA Tuesday evening. °Moans illettaled Mrs. Richard JSlliott, MONDAY. NOV. 5th at 6.30 P. M. m,,,e; Noble Grand, Jessie 'Little; ' r Junior Hockey will be made Wel.; secretary, Jean Male; financial NOTICE — come. secretary, Elsie Brans; treasurer, Hear Margaret Hays. singer, im- Kindly bring your own equipment., L. Williamson; warden, D. 119c. personator, actor, dancer, at the Creath; condactor. T. Pease; chaplain. High School Auditorium, Clinton. Interested in Playing vice grand, Lillian King; recording.' Ella Kerr; musician, Verna Thomas, CARD OF NICS R.S.N.G., Winnifred Edgar' L.S.N.G. • Annie Thyme; R.V.S.G. Retae We wish to express our sincere ST: LIS.V.G., Ethel Long; T.G. Mar thanks to 0919' friends, .and neighbours guerite Craavford; 0. G., Mary David - tor the Many kindnesses extended , 0015. Noble GrandJessie Little was us in, our recent bereavement, Special Presented with hi jewel ot her thanks to Rev, W. Fulton and Mr. office as noble grand for past term D. A. Bann, the pallbearers and by Sister Armstrong, Sister Allan flowers . presented a gift. lo Sister Armstrong on behalf of the lodge, The District Deputy President then made. a pres- entation to each member of her bearers. Mrs. L. Hollinger and Family. MOW giV SW MAC? Melville Church Minister, Rev. W.H.F. Fulton 10 a. Sunday School sad Bible Class 11 a. in. Divine Worship 7 p. m. Evening Worship United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane =vine Woroblp — 11 o'clock. "Confession of SM." Church School -.A 12 o'clock. Evening Worship — 7 o'clock "Education of .tne Heart." A he,arty welicothe to all. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr -- Reetor. 24011 Sunday Atter 'MidlerNov. Nov. dth, 1951, Si. John's Church, Brussels - 11 a. m, Morning Prager Sunda Soltool et. David's Church. Hoer, r 180 P. m. Evening Pilaw SligadaY School M. Georges's Church, Walton 7.80 p. Welling Prayer Nov. 7th at 8 o'clock. Admissisn 500. CARD OF THANKS 1 would like to :take this ,oPportamity of thanking my many friends for treats sent me while 1 was in bed atter my accident, Jim Edgar. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all those who staff. and ,thanked them for the kindly sent me cards and letters. wonderful co-operation given thro, during my recent stay at Victoria ughout the term. Greetings and Xosplital, London, They were deenlY best wishes to the district deputy appreciated. president, her staff, the incoming Mrs. Peter Ste. Marie, noble grand and her new slate of ; 1visitors officers were extended by from Ripley, Teeswater, Monkton, Port Miran, Wingliam and Atwood lodges. A humorous reading by Sister McDowell and a Piano I etrumental, hy Sister King were ; loved by all. A very delicious lunch NNW. PPI.VOI1 by the soeial committee ,,dpi r the leadership of Sister eintnel • Engagement Announcement Mr, and Mac. Jas, S. Armstrong wish to annountoe the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Marie to Wilson Henry 'Mho, 000 of MT. George E. Tibbo and the late Mins, Tibbo, Grand Bank, NeWtoundland, Marriage to take plate at the biome of the bride, November 24th, ism. '1,1VMMENMOICONalk ; LISTOWEL I CAPITOL THEATRE Wed Thur. Oct. 1st, Nov. 1st Stewart Granger, Walter Pidgeon, David Niven in "SOLDIERS THREE" Fri. Sat. Nov. 2-3 Paul Kelly and "Lassie" the Wonder Dog in "THE PAINTED HILLS" Technicolor Sat. Mat. 2 p.m.—Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. Nov. 5-6 Betty Hutton, Fred Astaire in "LET'S DANCE" Technicolor TUESDAY FOTO-NIT 1st Offer $200 2nd Offer $60 Monday Attendance Cord MAL Wed, Thur. Nov. 7a8 Adult Entertainment Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker in "STRANGERS ON A TRAIN" permoornwawmmmmt REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOV. 1-2-8 "KIM: Errol Flynn Dean Stockwell An orphan orphan becomes involed with the underground spies in mystic India. This is one of Rud - pard Kipling's famous stories. NOV. 5-6-7 Technicolor "TWO WEEKS WITH LOVE" Jane Powell Richard Montalban Two girls become rivals for -the , most eligible bachelor at the mount. aln resort. This gay comedy Is full of romance. Nov. 8-9-10 Technicolor "BROKEN ARROW" James Stewart Jeff Chandler The fierce exciting story of the last great Apache Chieftain and a front iersman who helped to make Arizona's History a very great picture. sossimmg-asasseasw.ggissasusssinsaissms 'ate emir Is one Of the Best Quality Available. Regular, Shipments Now Being Re- ceived. Order yours direct elf the ear,0 M. C. OLDFIELD PHONE es J. C. LONG, Representative BRUSSELS ___Amoom•mm'ol MORNING STAR REBEKAH of raising funds. Mrs, Geo. Ellott aFtwomin • 1SE,:, vt4' • Dodge Coronet 4 -Door Sedan THESE eddeot Vataeafr HELP PROVIDE THOUSANDS OF EXTRA TROUBLE-FREE MILES Independent Parking Brake Safety Rim Wheels Automatic Electric Choke Bolted•On Fenders Floating Oil Intake Oil Bath Air Cleaner Floating Power Engine Mountings Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts Electric Windshield Wipers Oilite Fuel Filter in Gas Tank Splash -Proof Ignition System • • • DODGE FOR DEPENDABILITY ONE OF THE BEST WAYS for yon to find out the real worth of any car is to get the opinion of a number of owners. • For more than 35 years Dodge owners have been the Dodge car's most enthusiastic salesmen, This is because they know Dodge hat pioneered in developing important automobile advancements; because they know Dodge combines research, manufacturing skill and careful inspection to produce a car of outstanding dependability. So take a tip fromDodge owners and your new car inveat- tnent will pay dividends—in finer performance, longer life and low upkeep, SEE YOUR DODGE -DE SOTO DEALER TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE Elliott Motor Ltd. Brussels, Ont.